Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 295 - Addressing the Pack

Chapter 295 - Addressing the Pack

Russ awkwardly nodded. "Ok... cool..." He tried to hide his surprise at the ease it had taken to get her to agree. He ran his hand through his hair. "So, you should know, the council is trying to push someone else on me... Gigi, you met her the night we found you... She worked for my uncle." He shook his head as his eyes met hers pleadingly. "I cannot marry her. I wish I were a bigger man, a more forgiving person... but I just can't..."

Jaden arched a brow as she searched his face. "You don't have to explain but thank you. I do believe we need to discuss what we will say once in front of everyone, don't you agree?"

He nodded again. "Yeah..."

Twenty minutes later a light knock sounded at the main doors of the library before Ry came walking through them. "You ready? Everyone's headed out." He nodded toward the windows as his gaze moved away from Russ and Jaden still seated in the window seat. "A crowd has already begun to gather. Dad is with your kitchen staff now organizing the distribution of the first round of supplies to be handed out."

Jaden's eyes snapped back to Russ. "Supplies?"

Russ nodded. "Yeah, the people who were too poor to leave the island have been left with little more than the rags on their backs for clothes and the ruins of what is left of the city as shelter. Did you think I was joking when I said I've been selling shit around here to feed and clothe my people?"

Jaden shrugged. "Honestly... yeah..."

Ry chuckled. "Nah, he's been busting his ass... and tables making money for supplies. If you'd like to see for yourself, we can swing by and grab one as we head out."

"Oh! Alright..." She said as her curious eyes moved over the prince with a new appreciation.

Russ stood up and held his hand out to her. "Ready?"

She nodded accepting his hand but didn't say anything else as the two large men continued on in easy conversation. Her eyes moved to the hand still holding hers as they stepped into the crowded kitchen. When she tried to tug it free, his hand tightened.

Russ bent and whispered where only she could hear. "If this will ever be believable, you'll have to get used to some public displays of affection." He gave a light chuckle. "Don't worry, it won't be as awkward as you think. This whole bunch is all very touchy-feely and highly inappropriate." He sent her a wink as Poseidon made his way over to them, cupping them each on the shoulder.

"You made it! I was afraid I wouldn't have the chance to show you what we've managed to procure before giving out the bundles." He tugged a metal wagon out from behind him. "Rin's parents were able to provide several items along with Isha's kingdom. Look Fae silk." He said lifting several yards of fabric.

Jaden's eyes widened as several expensive-looking items were lifted from the wagon. Her eyes moved to Russ in question. "Who all do you have helping you with this?"

Poseidon gave her shoulder another affectionate squeeze. "My dear, our prince here has made some very influential friends. Not only does he have my entire court at his ad but also the light fae court as his guarding of the past several years is their queen's one and only love." His attention moved down to their entwined hands. "So, you have agreed to ad our prince as well, dear?"

Jaden nodded. "Yes... for now at least..."

He shrugged. "We'll take what we can get." With a mischievous smile and a flick of his wrist, the basic clothes she'd been wearing were changed into something more suitable. He rubbed his chin. "There's one thing missing..." With a snap of his fingers, a beautiful ring appeared on her ring finger. His smile widened. "There, finished! What do you think dear?"

Her cheeks reddened as she lifted her hand to study the large rock now resting there. "I believe this could feed the entire kingdom for a week if sold..."

Russ and Ry both chuckled at Poseidon's flabbergasted huff.

Poseidon crossed his arms over his chest. "You two will do well together, you're both equally stubborn and ridiculous." He waved them away. "I can't wait to see the state of this town with the two of you restoring it."

Ry laughed as he nudged Russ with his elbow. "Better watch it, he may pull his support if you don't leave him some luxuries.

Russ rolled his eyes as he followed Ry toward the main doors leading outside, still holding Jaden's hand. "Look who's talking. Has he ever been to that shake you own in the states or rode in that busted up heap you call a truck?"

Ry glared at him. "Don't shit talk Bertha, she's seen way more than your pampered ass ever will!"

Russ rolled his eyes as he led toward Jaden. "I'm positive there's more stucco on that thing than metal at this point." He sent her a wink as Ry sent them both a glare.

Two guards held the doors open as they walked through. Russ noted the men's attention moving to his and Jaden's connected hands. Soon others awaiting them began noticing as well. Russ met Lamia's hateful glare as he nodded toward Gigi. "You can ask her to step down now. As you can see the position is already taken." He tilted his head as a sarcastic growl followed his next words. "Unless you have a problem with Jaden as well?"

Lamia's face was stricken so much that it looked like the slightest tap against her skin would cause it to break into shards. "Of course not, all we asked was that it was a wolf and not a cursed monster..."

Jaden forced her expression to stay stoic as Russ's grip tightened almost painfully on her hand and the tension continued to build around her.

"Ha, Prince Boosilis! Are you ready, my Child?" Prometheus asked stepping onto the platform. "I believe everyone is gathered." He nodded to the crowd and the familiar faces at the front of it.

Russ smiled warmly as he waved back to Shelly and Rin as their gazes met. "That is my sister and her husband." He whispered as he leaned down toward Jaden. "And that-" His words cut off as his eyes widened in shock as the unfamiliar features of a very familiar silver head turned to face him. "What the..." He murmured as he took an involuntary step back, bumping into Ry.

"What is it, kid?" Ry asked following his gaze. Ry's brows shot up in surprise as his lips curved into a grin. "Well, that's I site I never thought I'd see." He raised his hand to wave at Arei and the rest of the group surrounding him. He leaned toward Jaden. "I'm sure you remember my brothers, the other two with them are Raven and Isha. The queen of the light fae and her wife. Raven was the one who raised Russ and Shelly after their parents' deaths." He pointed toward the silver head hidden within his brother's arms. "With that one's help." He sent Russ a mischievous grin. "I'll leave it to Russ to explain that one to you."

"Are you ready, children?" Prometheus asked.

Russ ran his free hand over the back of his neck as he forced his attention away from Jos. "Yeah... as ready as I'll ever be..."

Prometheus stepped aside as he nodded toward a small screen to the edge of the platform hidden by the railing. "Just read from the prompter, and you'll be fine."

Russ scanned the screen before nodding. He sent Jaden a nervous glance. "You ready?"

She nodded as she stepped closer to him. "Don't worry, Your-Russ... together we can do this."

He sent her a smile. "Thank you." His eyes moved to the screen as he cleared his throat and leaned toward the microphone that was set up on the podium in front of them. "Hello and thank you for gathering here today. The old king, my uncle, Fernando Boosilis is dead. I, Russell Alessandro Boosilis, the rightful heir to the throne stand before you today as your future king and alpha." His eyes searched over the people who seemed more confused and doubtful than anything. "This is idiotic... they don't give a shit about any of this..." He muttered to Jaden as he continued reading the screen.

"Then don't read it... address them honestly..." She whispered in response.

His expression stiffened with resolve. "You're right..." His eyes searched the crowds once again. "You know what? Fuck this shit! Who here cares about the formalities that are being fed to you by the council?" He smiled as whispers echoed through the courtyard.

"Prince Boosilis! Stick to the prompts!" Lamia growled, her s's coming out with a hiss as her exasperation grew.

He sent her a glare before moving his focus back to the crowd. "Is that what you want? More of the council's bullshit lies? empty promises? Or do you want the truth for once?" He lifted the hand that was still entwined with Jaden's. "Meet your future queen AND the woman who tracked and brought down Fern and his corrupt guards!" He lowered their hands as he continued to speak. "We are not standing before you demanding that you see us as your new king and queen, that title means nothing to me. We don't ask you to trust us blindly, either. This kingdom has gone through hells that many would never see in even their worst nightmares." He paused as the crowd became more animated. "We stand before you today, not for your promises to us but to make a promise to you. We cannot promise to end all your suffering immediately, but we do promise to do everything in our power and the power of those who stand with us to ease your burdens as much as possible as quickly as we can." His eyes locked with the small group he called family at the front of the crowd as they began to clap causing the rest of the crowd to follow suit. Once the clapping died down, he turned his attention to Jaden. "Would you like to say anything... maybe introduce yourself?"

She shook her head. "Not yet. It is better to wait until your position is secured."

He nodded. "Alright." He turned his attention back to the crowd as the palace servants began moving through the crowds with the loaded wagons. "Everyone please make sure before you leave here today that you receive one of the wagons. I know it's not much, but they are loaded with useful goods provided by my guardian and the Fae nation of her wife's, my brother-in-law and his parents, and the sea god Poseidon and his children." He watched as many people began to tear up as they received the supplies, the others only stared at him in disbelief.

"I believe you should have held off on mentioning your affiliates..." Jaden whispered.

"I think you may be right..." He held up his hand bringing most of the crowd's attention back to him. "Stick around, there will be a banquet in the back."


Russ let out a heavy sigh once the last of the guests eagerly made their way toward the buffet. "Is it always going to be this exhausting?"

"Ha, probably..." Ry laughed as he clapped him on the shoulder. "You good here for a minute? Peg said to find him once the excitement dies down."

Russ shrugged moving his attention to Jaden and Giorgos who had been greeting guests with him. "I guess, how about you guys?"

Giorgos glanced toward the crowd. "Well, actually I was going to ask the same thing... the wife and kids are here somewhere. I was gonna go see if I could find them..."

"Alright, tell them I said hi and welcome to the palace... they have decided to take me up on my offer, haven't they?" Russ asked.

"I'd say after being here tonight they will for sure!" Giorgos said as he sent Russ a dismissive nod and headed toward the crowd.

Russ's attention moved to Jaden. "What about you? You bored with my company yet?"

"Actually, I had thought to go check on the girls... but if it's a bother to you..." She was interrupted before she could finish.

Russ held up his hand. "No bother at all, really! Please don't feel like you have to obey me or anything... even in front of people."

Jaden nodded as she searched his expression. "Very well, obedience has never been a strong suit of mine anyway." She gave a slight bow before turning toward the open doors of the palace.

Russ watched as she vanished inside. The hairs on the back of his neck raised as another presence neared him. His heart rate accelerated as he turned to meet familiar aqua eyes. "I hope this disguise of yours is not because of me..." He muttered softly. "Because I'm not going to lie... It does little good as long as I know it's you..." His eyes trailed over the tightly knotted bun before moving downward over the sharp masculine jawline and broad shoulders. "Though I'm sure it would be just as amusing for Ry to see me embrace you as it was for him to see you in Arei's arms..."

Jos let out a heavy sigh. "I did this as much for my own sanity as I did for the wellbeing of all the men here. I can't deal with any more declarations of desire..."

Russ arched a brow skeptically. "So, you shifted to a male form? I don't see that changing much, except maybe have them question their sexuality..." He studied her manly features, noting the subtle ones that were still her. He reached out and caught her hands as she knitted them together in the button-up she wore. He tugged her closer. "Regardless of what you look like, you'll always be you to me..."

Jos searched his eyes. The usual desire and raw hunger weren't there, only a tenderness that she hadn't seen in a long while. "And who would that be? What am I to you now? If I shifted back right this second, would you be able to restrain yourself as much?"

Russ nodded. "I believe I could... though I'm not saying you should. I heard about what happened with Drake at the hospital, so I understand where you're coming from." His hand lifted to cup her stubbled cheek. He let out a chuckle at the sensation. "I never thought I'd be pouring my heart out to another man, but here we are. Jos I will always love you... but I think I understand what you've been trying to tell me all this time... though I don't believe all my feelings for you were directly linked to the curse, I think the more irrational behaviors were... but I promise you're safe around me now... I haven't felt the same madness since the night we rescued Jaden... I... I think I might have..." His brows knitted together as he searched for the right words.

Jos chuckled lightly. "Imprinted?"

His eyes met hers worry and discomfort obvious in them. "Y... yes..."

Jos cupped her hand over his, temporarily surprised by how much smaller it seemed in the hands of her now manly body. With a chuckle, she turned her head slightly and placed a light kiss to the palm of his hand. "I'm happy for you. That is all I've ever wanted for you." She shook her head. "I'll never be mad to hear you've found someone who can be there in all the ways I could have never been." She released his hand and stepped in, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

It was Russ's turn to laugh awkwardly as he sniffled back a tear. "I never thought I'd enjoy hugging a man so much."

Jos let out a surprised laugh. "I never thought I'd be spending time in a man's body again since the time Cam talked me into it!"

He held her out at arm's length. "I'm glad I got to see you like this then..." He said as he pulled her back into a tight hug.