Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 288 - No Time for Spilled Milk

Chapter 288 - No Time for Spilled Milk

"So... um... I guess I'll wait out here?" Drake said as they neared Shelly's room.

Russ nodded as he stepped forward toward the door. "Alright... We shouldn't be too long." He stepped into the room and was surprised at the number of people and business inside. "What's going on?"

Shelly turned her attention to Russ and the others as they walked into the room as she tugged a blanket from Rin in irritation. "The hospital is in need of beds, so we've been released early, and this overprotective jackass is trying to stop me from packing."

"I'm just saying it may not be the safest place outside this hospital tonight!" Rin growled in growing frustration.

"It's not like I'm planning on packing our child up and living under the stars like a wild animal. We'll be going to Jos and Arei's! The room is already prepared and everything." She nodded her head to Jos, who was knitting her hands in the corner.

Her troubled gaze moved from Shelly to Rin. "I didn't mean for the offer to cause you problems... I just thought..."

Rin stopped her. "I know, I know. And I appreciate it, but this island isn't safe right now."

"I don't care, these are my people and they are in need! I want to help!" Shelly argued.

"And you can, the second that rat bastard uncle of yours if behind bars or dead!" Rin countered.

Poseidon stepped forward raising his hands. "Alright enough! I have the perfect solution. Use my palace as you see fit. You and your family will be well protected there, and you can come back to help here the second it's safe... though I have to agree with Shelly. Jos and Arei's house is a safe place as well."

Rin's eyes moved to Jos, regret obvious in their depth before the words even left his mouth. "I... I'm not entirely convinced of that... not just yet..."

Jos frowned. "Because... because of me and the curse..."

A heavy frown settled over Rin's features. "I'm sorry... but yes..."

"Rin!" Shelly growled as she threw the baby blanket in his face.

"It's alright... I understand..." Jos turned toward the door and made her way to it quickly, wishing Arei was there with her at this very moment. "I'll be in the waiting area if you need me."

Russ and Shelly both watched as Jos fled the room before turning irritated gazes to Rin. "Harsh man... You know she can't control it."

Rin nodded. "Exactly... again... sorry... but I have to do what's best for these two... more so after seeing that shit tonight..."

Russ let out another heavy sigh as he backed toward the door. "Heard... Well, whatever you decided then... I would offer you a room at the palace, but I guess that's out as well."

"Sorry man..." Rin said with a nod.

Russ threw up a hand. "It's fine, I get it. I'll be back." He turned back toward the door to follow Jos, almost slamming into her as he stepped out. "Jos?" He followed her eyes to Drake, the almost mirror image of his father. "Shit... Um... Jos this is Drake... I guess you could figure that out though..."

Drake ran his hand over his dirty hair as he studied Jos. "Joslyn, right?" He glanced away awkwardly. "I've heard quite a bit about you..." Drake held her troubled gaze, noting the way Russ held her arms protectively. "I want to apologize to you for everything... I wanted... I'd hoped to speak to you and Shelly before I headed back home... but obviously, you guys still don't trust me enough for that... I understand."

Jos shot Russ a worried look. Letting out a long sigh, she brushed his protective hand away from her arm and stepped forward. "No, I'll talk to you, it's fine. Um... Outside maybe?"

Drake sent her a warm smile. "Thank you, I promise you'll not regret it."

Jos's frown deepened. "I don't think any conversation started with those words ever led anywhere good."

Drake laughed awkwardly. "Sorry, I was hoping it would put you at better ease."

Russ caught her hand as she stepped forward. "Are you sure?"

Jos nodded. "I'm a big girl... I can handle myself... when I want to..." She looked away as her brows knitted. "Um... If you'd let Poseidon know where I'm going... and with whom... I'd appreciate it."

With an understanding nod of his head, Russ released her hand. He watched as she followed Drake from the room, waving at her when she turned nervous eyes back to him from over her shoulder.

Jos sat on a bench overlooking the grand rooftop garden of the hospital. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"I just really wanted to apologize for everything that's happened on behalf of my family... they're not all assholes... I swear... and... my dad wasn't either..." He glanced down at the bench as he ran his hand over his hair. "Mind if I sit?"

Jos searched his handsome face. "You... you know the relationship your father and I had, right?"

Drake nodded. "Yeah, I probably know more about your involvement with my family than you realize yourself..."

Jos scrunched her brows as she held his bright green gaze. "What do you mean?"

"Do you know why Marcus hates you so bad?" he asked still holding her gaze.

Jos shrugged. "I... I sank a ship with some of his loved ones on it... but the ship was in cursed waters. I had no direct involvement in it... just like I didn't have direct involvement in tonight's attack."

Drake nodded. "I understand that, I do... but he either didn't understand or didn't want to understand... he only ever saw you as a threat."

Jos frowned down at her hands that fumbled one another, a question she'd wanted the answers to burning in her throat. "And your dad... Xavier? Did he see me as a threat?" To her surprise, a large hand covered hers. Her eyes moved back up to his enchanting green ones.

Drake shook his head. "No, he didn't... and you have to know some of what my mother said during your trials was true. He had begun to suspect you were more than the innocent girl he'd fallen in love with." A smile curved his lips when she gasped at the word love. "Yeah, he loved you, you know... I think it was a first for him too... He and my mom were forced into an arranged marriage by his father." He shook his head. "They never loved each other and never shared in political views."

Jos searched his eyes. "Why are you telling me this now? You have to realize... I... I..."

"Killed him? Yeah, I do..." He shrugged. "My dad was miserable until he met you. Even if it were short-lived, that time with you meant everything to him. I thought you should know..."

Tears burned Jos's eyes as she shook her head as she pulled her hands away from him. "Why would you tell me this? To torture me? To make me regret what I did?" She pushed up from the bench still shaking her head as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I can't regret what I did to him, because in doing it I save someone who means the world to me!"

Drake nodded as he stood. He took her hand and pulled her into his arms for a tight hug. "I understand that, and believe me, dad would have understood too... hell, he would have done the exact thing had the situation been reversed. I told you because I wanted you to know... I share his beliefs about you... about the world... Not my mother's, not my uncle's, not Marcus's..." He shifted still not releasing her as he stared down at her. "Dad was trapped in his role by his brother and by my mother." He shook his head. "I am not. I want to see my father's once-great vision of the world come to life and live it."

Jos's brows furrowed, "He once told me his father, your grandfather, only wanted to breed to make strong creatures... If what you're saying is true, then it only backs my original opinions of him... He was no different than Draco. He was interested in me because he thought he'd gotten his hands on a powerful creature... Is that what you're thinking now as well?" She pushed against his chest, but he didn't release her.

"It's not what I'm thinking at all. I'm thinking that you could be a great ally... and possibly the only person to ever see the side of my dad as I did..." He cupped her cheek. "I just want to have a conversation with you and-" His words were cut off as a tentacle wrapped around the wrist of the hand cupping her face. "Um..."

"I don't want to talk about Xavier... not now... not with you..." She gently tugged his hand away from her face and held it out. "You feel a strange attraction to me? A pull that you can't resist? That's because I'm a monster and you're too young to resist it." She pulled away from him and took several steps back. "Be smart, avoid me at all costs... I really liked your father, nearly loved him... don't make me regret my decisions leading up to his death... or those after..."

Drake nodded as he rubbed the marks the tentacle had left on his wrist. His eyes met hers, "You're right, I do feel an attraction to you... I'd thought it was because you were someone special to my dad... but you might be right..." He caught up with her, once again pulling her into his arms. "It must be an attraction because now having you here alone all I can think about is-" His eyes nearly bulged out of his head as another tentacle wrapped painfully tight around his waist, lifting him and setting him back on the park bench.

"Stay..." Jos ordered. "For your own good. I'm tired of you men thinking your own attractions are enough to validate any violation you inflict on me... on other women... Just fuck off, alright..."

Chuckling brought her attention to the main doors of the rooftop access. A massive familiar frame filled the door. Jos took off in a sprint toward the door. She hurled herself into waiting arms as Arei pushed up from the frame of the door. He smiled down at her. "Ready to go home, kitten?"

Jos nodded as she wrapped her arms tightly around him. "Yes, please!"

Arei winked at the young vampire that sat gawking from the bench as he let his massive wings sprout out. In no time they were in the air and the hospital was left far behind. Arei laughed hardily as he set her down on their private beach seconds later. "You know, I don't think I've ever been quite as turned on than when you told that kid to fuck off..."

Jos let out a heavy sigh... "I just want to shower and go to sleep!"

"Hahaha, me too, kitten, me too!" Arei laughed as he guided her up the steps.