Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 259 - Assembly Required

Chapter 259 - Assembly Required

The bright rays of the morning sun streaming in through the many windows of the beachfront cottage, nor the cheerful call of seagulls outside could retract the dark gloom that was settling over Russ's very soul as he stared down at the open, tiny velvet box in his hand. The sound of a gruff voice echoed somewhere in the room, but he continued to ignore it as he stared down at the sparkling diamond placed with care inside the box.

Ry arched a brow as he called out Russ's name for the fourth time. He tapped the stack of documents together on the desk of the small office. He hadn't understood the need for the space ten years ago when Peg and Arei had worked out the new floorplans; but with all the work they had done in here over the past day and a half, he was more than thankful for it now. He placed the documents into the file he'd prepared for them and closed it as he stood. He peered over Russ's shoulder as he came up behind him, curious as to what had the kid so enthralled. A frown fell over his lips as the ring came into view. "I was there the day your mother gave that back to Arei... I didn't hear the words that were said, but it had him hauling ass to this side of the island as fast as his feet would carry him... and believe me, nothing can run faster than Arei on a mission even in human form." He stepped over to the wall of cabinets Russ was standing in front of and leaned against them. "You know, for him, there has never been anyone else. He was always so against the idea of having children whether it was intentional or accidental that he avoided any relationship that could run the risk of forming real feelings." Ry shrugged, "Don't get me wrong, he'd had his share of willing bodies in his bed, but none he ever cared about... none he wasn't willing to offend by taking measures to prevent pregnancy, if you catch my meaning... until her..." He nodded to the ring. "I ruined that for them, and I've spent every second sense working out a way to make it right." He shook his head as he met Russ's turbulent eyes. "Every day we spent in Maine, I couldn't help but think how different things could have been for everyone had I not been such a selfish little fuck that night."

Ry's words pulled Russ from his own dark thoughts. "What do you mean? Exactly what happened?"

Ry let out a long sigh as he nodded toward the ring. "Put it back in the drawer and I'll tell you." He waited as Russ took one last look at the ring before closing the box and placing it back where he'd found it. "I was a foolish, selfish man back then... much like you now." He shrugged. "I guess that's why I like you so much, kid. I see a lot of myself in you." He clasped his hand on Russ's shoulder and guided him back toward the chairs surrounding the door. "I was the first person he showed that ring to. He was such a mess that day, and that's saying a lot coming from me. I'd been on one hella bender the night before, drowning my woes in mug after mug of self-pity watching both my brothers find a happiness that I knew I'd never find again for myself. It hadn't even been a full hour since Peg and Andy had announced their plans to move forward with their newly proclaimed love affair when Arei had rushed in to do the same. He'd explained that he'd already told her everything and proposed while they were at dad's palace and that she'd openly accepted both. He was convinced that she would again. Me being the drunken bastard I was back then, insisted that we drink in celebration and boy did we drink. In my drunken stupor, I hadn't realized I was being used by the old man who'd befriended me... Zeus... He'd convinced me it would be a great idea to bring some whores from the bar here to celebrate Arei's last night of freedom. Little had I known when he said freedom, he wasn't talking about marriage..." He settled into the chair he'd spent most of the morning in, rubbing his temples as he reclined his head against the headrest. "The complete devastation I caused the both of them can never be undone, but I can try to make up for it. For all that I've taken from all of you."

Russ furrowed his brows. "What do you mean from all of us?"

"Arei and Jos would have still settled in this very spot, as great of chemistry as her and your mother had, I'm sure they would have still met and become friends. Hell, by the time those vampires who killed your parents would have come into the picture, your family could have easily already been under the protection of two demigods and maybe even dad, as it is now. Your parents would still be alive, you wouldn't have had to flee, your people wouldn't be suffering, and Jos and Arei could have had the happily ever after they deserved."

A sigh sounded from the door. "You can't actually believe all that can you?" Poseidon pushed away from the doorframe of the office and walked over to his son. "Have you told your brother about this?"

Ry nodded, rubbing his large hand over the back of his neck. "Yeah... But he insists on taking all the blame for the things that happened between him and Jos... honesty and all that jazz..."

Poseidon nodded. "And I agree with him. Had he been honest earlier on, those memories would have still remained after my brother tampered with her mind. Had he told her everything the days leading up to your little whore debacle, it would have just been a bad 'meet my brother' moment. Hell, according to him, it wouldn't have been the first time she'd seen you with the barmaids."

Ry shook his head. "That may have been so, but still-"

Poseidon held up his hand stopping whatever self-incriminating words Ry had. "Enough of the blame game, have you gotten everything printed and filed?"

Ry nodded as his attention moved back to the files he'd been working on. "This is the last of what we've found so far, each folder has notes written inside. I even have one prepared for whatever we find today."

Poseidon patted his shoulder. "Good job, then where to now?"

Ry moved his attention back to Russ. "I guess we start with work and tax records from around 1826 to see if we can find any employers of the crown that's first names are Vigo, Ran, and Hild... or at least possible shortened forms of them..."

Poseidon pursed his lips. "So... tax office?" His eyes moved over to Russ. "Have you searched the address? They should be public records so I'm guessing either in or near the town hall."

Russ forced the story Ry had been telling him to the side, deciding it best to try and process it later. He pulled out his phone and began typing. "Hum... Looks like it's near the town library. I'll go ahead and message that uber driver from before. He may be able to give us some information as we go."


The hour-long ride had been a waking nightmare. Giorgos, Ry, and Poseidon had spent the entire time in easy conversation about the 'good ol days', a conversation he couldn't be less interested in. No, instead his brain had decided it was the perfect time to torment him. Between what Ry had confessed earlier and all that he'd read and heard of his mother's diaries a full picture of Jos had been painted. Before, there had always been a veiled mystery surrounding her. It was like looking at a smudged sketch, you knew what you were looking at was beautiful and something special... but now it was like the sketch was being colored in and those little details he'd imagined being some other shade were now colored in unexpected, bright shades. He'd always imagined that one day his love would be enough to bring those hidden colors out, but no... her heart had always belonged to HIM... By the time the car pulled to a stop, Russ was in one foul mood. He didn't wait for the others as he closed the distance between the parking lot and the door in long strides.

The older man sitting behind the desk jumped slightly as the door was slammed open. He adjusted his glasses as he took in the outline of a massive frame washed out by the backlighting of the bright sun behind him. "May I help you?" He asked, watching another even taller man step in behind the first. He swallowed hard. "If you're planning to rob me, you should know there is no money kept in here. We don't accept cash, you see."

Ry arched a brow at the babbling man before shooting a glance over to Russ. He'd put the baseball cap on and had the hood of a sleeveless hoodie pulled up over it. His bulging biceps strained as he crossed them over his chest. Ry patted his back. "Relax kid, you're scaring the man." He stepped forward forcing a smile on his lips, but the man behind the counter still flinched. "Um... We're not here to rob you. We just need some information." The man had gone a few shades lighter and seemed to be ignoring everything he was saying as his eyes moved back to the door. Poseidon and Giorgos were still chatting as they stepped into the now tight space and pulled the door closed. It really did look like they were here to rob the place... "Don, um... maybe you can talk with the man. Tell him what it is exactly we are here for." He said, hoping the disguised form was less formidable.

Poseidon paused mid-sentence and turned to his son. "Oh... yes of course." He walked over to the counter. He adjusted the fake glasses as he studied the slighter man. He laid out a list of names. "We are looking for any records you would have of these clan warriors. They would have been in service of King Alessandro around 1826."

Suspicious replaced fear as the man's eyes scanned the men standing in the entry of his shop. "Who did you say you were again?"

Russ narrowed his eyes at the man as he pushed past the rest of his party. He bent over the desk, planting both palms against the desk as he stared down the lesser man. He couldn't help the irritated snarl of his lip as he growled. He could feel the beast clawing from release. "Do you have the records we need or not? If not, then give us all the records from that time and we'll go through them ourselves." He bit out.

The man swallowed hard as he hunkered farther down in his seat. The red that was quickly replacing the brilliant blue of the younger man's eyes and his own reaction to it was more explanation as to who was standing in front of him than any name any of them could give. He nodded nervously. "This way, please." He stood and stumbled over the chair as he made his way over to the locked door leading into the records room. He stepped aside as the men walked through one by one, the tallest having to bend to keep from hitting his head on the low door frame. "If you'd like to have a seat, I'll retrieve the files you're looking for from archives."

Ry nodded with the warmest smile he could muster. "Thank you." He waited until the meager man had vanished into the back before turning back to Russ. "What the fuck man?! We need people to like you, idiot, not fear you more than they do a lunatic like Fern!"

Giorgos chuckled as he nodded in agreement. "He's right, you want Sid to like you... he's the old omega. Your uncle really doesn't follow the pack order, but if you plan on taking over you may want to at least take the old pack into consideration as you choose new pack leaders."

The anger fled as Russ turned surprised eyes from the hall the older man had disappeared down up to Giorgos. "Choose new pack leaders?" His eyes moved from the cab driver and new friend to Ry.

Giorgos cleared his throat uncomfortably as he turned his attention back to Ry. "Man you guys weren't lying, there's a lot he's gonna have to learn... and fast."

"You have no idea!" Poseidon laughed as he slapped Russ hard on the back. "I'm amazed this kid even knows his own name half the time!" His joking was cut off as Sid cleared his throat from behind a large stack of files.

Sid set them in the center of the table as he glanced around nervously. "I... I wasn't sure exactly what you were looking for, so, I pulled all the files relevant to the palace during the time you mentioned." His eyes kept moving back to Russ who was now sitting up and reaching for the files eagerly. "If you could tell me exactly what it is you are looking for, I could narrow it down further."

Poseidon pushed up from his seat and walked around to clasp the slight man on the shoulders, noting the man's down-turned ears. This man was definitely an omega... He smiled, encouraging the man to hold his gaze. "Can we trust you?" He waited as the man nodded, hypnotically. "What are your opinions of Fernando Boosilis?"

A heavy frown overtook the man's dazed features. "He is driving this island to ruin. He cares nothing for the people, only his own greed."

Poseidon nodded. "And what of Prince Russell?"

The man furrowed his brows. "Some had rumored him to be dead... and I'd believed it until..." His hazy eyes moved over to Russ.

Poseidon chuckled as he brought the man's attention back to him. "And now that you know?"

"I hope that he is here to be the savior we people need..." Sid replied in a monotone voice.

Poseidon's wide smile swept the room as he released his grip on Sid. "There you have it, he can be trusted. So, let's move along, shall we."

Giorgos paled and his usual smile faded. "Wow man... you're not just an accountant, are you..."

Poseidon sent him a wink. "I've been known by many different names... Just stick with calling me Don, and we'll get along well enough." The man nodded as he moved a reassessing glance to the other massive man sitting beside the prince. "So, are you two the same thing?" He asked Ry.

Ry shrugged moving his gaze from the file he and Russ were scanning up to the younger man. "More or less..." His attention moved to the older man, noting the man looked as if he were going to either hurl or faint... maybe both. He kicked out a chair. "Here man, sit before you fall out." He nodded toward the files. "What can you tell us about the guards who remained faithful to Ales and Cam when Fern was run off pack lands the first time?"

Sid's eyes widened. "I knew you looked familiar! You were here when he tried challenging His Majesty... what has it been 50... 60 years ago?" He paled again at the realization of the time that had passed.

Ry smiled, "Yes, that was my brother and me. What can you tell us about the years leading up to that?"