Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 244 - Family Ties

Chapter 244 - Family Ties

Arei rubbed his brow as he walked over to the seating area everyone has gathered around. He ran his hand over his face and through his short beard as he read over the list. "So, here's the list they sent: any information possible about the underground tunnel system that runs under the palace and to select businesses on the island." His gaze moved to Jos. "Did Camila ever say anything about these to you?"

Jos scrunched her brow as she shook her head. "No, but she did talk about some of the false walls and hidden passages inside the palace." A thought struck her as she pushed away from the table. "Honestly, I thought it paranoia from too much stress."

Arei lowered the list. "What all had she said?" He searched her troubled expression as she tried to recall the information.

Jos stroked her chin. "For the longest time, she was always complaining about feeling like someone was always watching her and that furniture and other things were often moved in her room." Jos shook her head, "It was a very stressful time for her, and she had also come up with some other wild assumptions around the same time. Looking back, it may not have been too crazy after all and should be pretty easy to locate within her diaries. It will be directly after the queen's death. What were the years on the diary they found in Fern's office?"

Arei shrugged, "They didn't say."

Andy pulled out a notebook from the pile of other books and items on the table. "I'll take notes of everything as we go through it, so you don't miss anything when you call them back later." Andy began writing down everything Jos had just said.

"Thanks." Arei moved his attention back to the list. "Finances." His gaze moved over the small group sitting around the table. "Literally anything you can find. They are most interested in things involving Fern before and after the previous king and queen died." He nodded to Peg who sat in front of a laptop. "They want all banking and business accounts pulled, both nationally and internationally; properties he could possibly own now; investors or business partners, apparently there were numerous high rollers at the palace the other night; and anything you can pull on missing persons in the area or any other mention of crime... even if it's from personal social media accounts or propaganda publications. These things could have standing and give us at least a clue into what's going on."

Peg nodded though a heavy frown curved his lips. "It's not going to be an easy task. Even if I do trace down banks and companies, he may have dealings with, I'll have to find a way through their individual firewalls and security software." He crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned back in the chair. "It's not impossible, just time-consuming. If I could be put on the case full time, I could probably have it done in about a week... but as things stand it will probably take a few just to locate the businesses."

Arei nodded. "I understand and I'm sure they will as well. Dad doesn't want to press too hard right now in fear of Fern getting more desperate and trying something"

Peg shook his head in agreement. "What else is on there?"

Arei moved his attention back down to the list. "A list of influential and wealthy families on the island, especially ones who have a child or children missing." He ran his hand through his hair. "This one may be harder, but there should be a record at the Embassy if it was in fact turned in."

"I'll go through records tomorrow as much as I can without drawing attention." Andy said as she continued scribbling things down.

Arei blew out a long breath as he tossed the paper to the table. "And as a summary to all the rest of this, basically find a way to make any of Camila's accusation stick. We just need an actual crime and enough evidence to convince the council to open an investigation preferably before our dear prince pisses him off enough to try yet another assassination."

Chary blew out a huffed 'pst'. "Have you been around that kid? He could tempt a saint to murder!"

Arei chuckled, "Without a doubt, but our goals are to keep him alive." He patted Shelly's head as she gave a wolfish grin.

"Aright, where do we start?" Chary asked, looking around the group.

Jos stood as she pressed wrinkles from the front of her skirt. "Divide and conquer. I know the most about Cam so I should be able to narrow down our search within the diaries somewhat. So, Shelly and I will take those. Peg seems to be the computer hacker of the group, so..." She shot Arei a glance to confirm her assumptions. When he and Peg simply exchanged knowing glances, she shook her head and went on. "Andy has access to Council records, so that leaves her as the only one to look up complaints, citizen records, and missing persons." She looked from Chary and Scylla to Arei. "That leaves the three of you the task of going through the financial records, blueprints, and maps of the area."

"Oh, goodie..." Chary said in sarcasm.

Arei nodded as he stepped closer to Jos. "I'll leave the financial records for Chary-"

"Figures..." She interrupted as she rolled her eyes.

He arched an irritated brow. "And I'll take the maps and blueprints of the businesses around town. It will be easier that way since we'll be on the island soon anyway."

Peg nodded. "That seems like a fair enough idea, but we need to come up with a safe way to exchange information. I can always fly over anything I need but Chary and Scylla won't be able to."

Arei frowned. "You're right... I'll call and see if Tri would be willing to help out... May be better if I just call dad first and pitch the idea to him instead..." He lifted his phone from his pocket. Giving Jos a quick kiss to the top of her head, he left the room. The call was answered just as the library doors were closing behind him. "Hey, Ry put this call on speaker"

Ry flipped it over to speaker, and the sounds of chairs scooting closer to the phone could be heard. [What's up, my boy? Have you guys already come up with some useful information?] Poseidon called out.

"Only a bit. For the most part, I was only calling to let you know we've divided up the load and to let you know who will be taking what portion. Peg said he would fly over anything he needed to give you guys, but was wondering what Scylla and Chary should do? I was thinking we should call Tri, but you know how he is about leaving that blasted lighthouse."

[As long as it's nothing too sensitive, for the moment, just have them screenshot or take pictures of anything they find and text it. I'll call Tri and have him on standby for more sensitive information.] Poseidon advised. [Have you come up with any leads at all yet?]

Arei frowned, his father was anything but patient. "Only Jos. She said that Cam was highly suspicious of Fern and would have most likely written about most of it. She said to search the diaries around the time of the queen's death leading up to Cam and Alesondro's marriage. There should be mention of possible secret passageways, especially in the room Cam stayed in. You may want to go as far as searching the room."

[The only problem with that is, we don't know which room was hers. They all look the same now and Fern sure isn't going to divulge the information.] Ry replied.

"Jos also mentioned that there were some servants and guards that were loyal to the crown that had helped them retrieve Cam's belongings after the attack. If you could find some of those people, it could lead you to the information you're after." Arei said as he poured himself a tumbler of his father's favorite scotch.

[We plan on talking to some of the townspeople, but we were hoping for leads before we started poking around too much in that area.] Ry said. [We don't want Fern finding out just yet.]

"Alright, well I'll go work with Peg and Jos and see if we can come up with a list of the people who were employed there during their reign." Arei said as he took a long drink, enjoying the sweet taste of the aged liquor. He let out a pleased sigh.

[Hey, you better not be in my office drinking all my good scotch! Do you know how old that is?! You can't get aged scotch like that now!] Poseidon yelled toward the phone.

Arei's lips curved up into a wide smile. "What was that, scruuurch... Oh, I think I'm losing phone reception, scruuurch..." He teased as he hung up the phone. He glanced down at the clock on the phone before looking out the office window and finding the small group below. He swirled the liquid in the glass as he thought over the tasks to come. Surely, it was going to be hard for Jos to go back over so many memories with one of her dearest friends. With a slight frown, he searched for her contact information and typed out a quick text.

Jos furrowed her brows as she glanced down at her phone. It was a message from Arei, reading simply 'meet me in the antiques room'. She sent a quick reply as she pushed up from the chair she had sat back down in. Her attention kept moving back to the phone as she began to move away from the table.

"What's up chicky?" Chary asked, reading the confusion on Jos's face.

She held out her phone. "Arei, he said to meet him in the antiques room but didn't say why. I hope it's not bad news..."

Chary arched a brow as her lips curved up into a smile. She sent Peg and Andy a knowing glance before turning her attention back to the files in front of her. She caught the movement of the wolf's head moving in confusion from her, Peg, and Andy to Jos's back. Chary chuckled as she lowered her voice. Jos was already halfway across the bottom floor of the library, but she still didn't want to tip her off. "You see, going to the antiques room has always been code for 'let's go mess around' in this palace." She sent Shelly a wink as the wolf blushed and sent another surprised glance around to Jos's departing back.

Andy smiled brightly, "You think they have finally gotten back together, together?" She watched as Jos disappeared into the room shortly before Arei was pulling it open and walking inside as well. Her smile widened. "They do seem a lot more at ease than the last time I saw them."

Chary rolled her eyes in amusement. "Who knows with Arei. You know him. What his heart wants and what his mouth is saying are rarely the same. He says he doesn't want to move forward with her too fast, but I swear I've not experienced so much sexual tension in one room since dad accidentally invited Aphrodite, Ares, and Hephaestus to the same party."

"Oh shit! Glad I missed that one!" Andy replied covering a giggle with her hand.

Chary arched a brow sending Peg a mischievous grin. "Yeah, it was almost as bad as watching the two of you tiptoe around for so many years!

"Oh, you!" Andy set forward and playfully slapped Chary's arm. "In my defense, I thought he was gay."

"You were the only one!" Chary laughed. Her expression became serious as her gaze moved back to the door Jos and Arei had disappeared behind. "He's still such a hard-headed fool..." Her eyes moved over to Peg. "You should have a talk with him."

Peg shrugged. "I've tried... The disadvantage of being good at fighting wars is that you get so used to only planning for the worst-case scenario of any given situation that you often forget to even consider the best or even the most likely situation."

"I hope he doesn't overthink himself into a corner again this time." Chary said.

Andy's gaze moved to the door. "Jos still seems a bit unsure of herself, but I don't think she's as blind and naive as last time. I don't think she'll let him go as easily this go around."

"Are you two done gossiping? Dad's going to be on our asses to at least find some leads. He's probably already badgered Arei for them. You know the man has no patience at all!" Peg said as he gave his wife's hand an affectionate squeeze before turning his focus to the computer in front of him.

"Mehhhh, You're probably right..." Chary lifted the file and fingered through it, her face falling into a heavier frown with each page. "Why do I always get stuck with finance..." She mumbled as she stared at the stack.

"Because it's what you're the best at." Andy giggled as she took one of the diaries on the table and flipped it open.

Peg cracked his knuckles and began to type. "Alright, you bastard, Let's see what you're hiding."