Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 216 - No place like home

Chapter 216 - No place like home

Zakynthos Island, Greece 1888

Camilla resisted the pull of her mother's hand on her arm as she was dragged through the elaborately arched doors of the ocean-side palace. It was finally time to meet the prince she'd been betrothed to since the day she was born... and to move to his palace! Her eyes took in the beautiful, well-kept garden directly inside the gates; but all the beauty in the world was not enough to ease her frustration and fears of what was to come. "But momma what if they don't like me? What if I don't like him?!" She dug in her heels more, but her ten-year-old frame was no match for the queen of the Nordic wolf tribe. "Momma, please! I don't want to do this! Just take me home, please!" She begged, but it was no use.

"This is your duty, my child. The same duty that every girl born of royal blood has gone through before you from the beginning of our history." Morinne's eyes trailed from her husband's back to the girl tugging against her grip. "Is this how you want to make your first impression? Instead of holding your head high and accepting your responsibilities and duties like the well-bred princess you are, you'd rather struggle against your mother like a common peasant? I think not, young lady." Her eyes darted up to the man leading their small group as she lowered her voice. "Now either you straighten up and start behaving yourself accordingly, or so help me, I'll tell your father. You don't want him to come back here and drag you through the palace, now do you?"

Camilla swallowed hard as her eyes moved from her mother's face to her father's back. She shook her head rapidly as she stumbled forward. " mother..." Her father was loving but demanding and was not afraid to discipline. Her hand grew sweatier as they were let into the front doors of the palace. Her eyes widened at the magnificent room. Yes, she had grown up in a palace as well... but it was not nearly as grand as this one. Her eyes moved around the room in amazement until finally falling on the small group of people who now greeted her father and mother. Her eyes trailed over their stunning clothing that made her own look like near rags in comparison. {No wonder father is so eager to see this agreement through...} Her eyes moved from the adults, in search of the boy in question. {What will he look like? Will he be as regal as his parents?} Her mind raced as she leaned over slightly trying to get a better look. A slight tug to her hand brought her attention back up to her mother who was glaring down at her.

"Behave!" Morinne lipped to her disobedient daughter.

"I am pleased to present my beautiful daughter, Princess Camilla De'Barbarak Adolpha." King Aegen stepped aside to reveal his wife and daughter who was still glaring at one another. He cleared his throat in irritation and embarrassment. "Morinne, dear, would you not like to introduce our daughter now?" He said through a clench-toothed smile.

Morinne sent her daughter one last glare before she sent the most charming smile toward the waiting king and queen of the Mediterranean wolf clan. "Your Majesty's, please forgive us. This is my daughter, Camilla. It is a pleasure to be here and she is overjoyed to have the pleasure to meet her future husband and your son." Forgetting the boy's name, Morinne shoved her daughter forward instead.

Camilla froze, her eyes open wide as two boys stepped out from either side of their parents. Her eyes automatically fell on the younger of the boys. He was absolutely breathtaking with long sun kissed curls pulled up into a messy knot and dazzling blue eyes that could rival the sky. She had to struggle with the urge to let her jaw drop. She had been so taken by the younger boy, she hadn't even realized the other was present until he was approaching her with his hand extended and an irritated arch to his brows. She took in the older boy as he shook her hand, blocking her view of the other. He had muddy greenish eyes and mousy brown hair. One may consider him tolerable if never getting the opportunity to see his younger brother... unfortunately once seeing the younger brother the word tolerable was completely obliterated. Cam couldn't help the urge to glance around the boy now shaking her hand and faking pleasantries.

"Fernando, dear, why don't you and Alessandro take Camilla to see the rest of the palace and her new living quarters while we finish the rest of the transaction." His mother called out with a wave toward them.

Fern nodded obediently as he took Cam's hand and led the way toward the doors leading into the rest of the palace. Once away from the adults, Fern turned toward her and studied her. He snarled his nose at her clean but worn, outdated dress. "I suppose you'll have to do." He said dismissively. He turned to his younger brother. "I have more important work to do. Show her around if you must, I'll be upstairs in the study. See that you don't bother me." He shooed them away as he began to mount the stairs gracefully.

Ales huffed out an aggravated breath of air. "Jerk..." He whispered once Fern was out of earshot. He turned his attention to Cam, studying her but unable to find what his brother found so distasteful. She had bright eyes that were only slightly lighter than his own and pale blonde hair styled into long ringlets. He reached out and gave one a gentle tug and smiled as it bounced back into place. "He's not always a jerk... only most of the time..." Ales said as his attention moved away from her bouncy curls back to her wide eyes. He held out his hand in a gentlemanly fashion. "If you would like, I can go ahead and give you the tour along with showing you your room. It is on the same floor as my own. Only two doors down actually! Would you like to go there first?"

Cam's eyes widened more as his warm hand took hers, sending chills down her spine. She couldn't decide whether she should struggle against his hold or give in to her curiosity and allow him to lead her through the magnificent castle. "Wait..." She stammered when he took her silence as agreement.

Ales turned bright, excited eyes toward her. "What's wrong? Would you like to see somewhere else instead? No problem, what do you like doing the most? If you like reading, we could go to the library first! OHOHOH! Do you like music? We could go to the music room! I've gotten quite well at the piano!" His words came out in excited rapid-fire order as he began to tug on her hand again.

"No, wait!" She called out as he pulled her in a near run down a long corridor.

Ales came to an abrupt halt and giggled as she slammed into him. "I'm sorry, but when you yelled 'no' I instantly stopped! I suppose too many lashes for not doing so has trained me well! What is it, princess?" He asked, quizzically tilting his head.

She tugged her hand free and brushed out the invisible wrinkles of her dress, secretly wiping away the sweat of her palms as well. She cleared her throat indignantly as she brushed away a bouncy curl that had fallen free during their hasty jog down the corridor. "Uh hum... You didn't give me time to answer... um..." She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "I don't believe you even bothered giving me your name." She tried to force sternness into her voice as she studied the boy. He was slightly shorter than her but not by much. Her eyes traveled over his attire landing on the soft slippers that matched the fabric of his beautiful outfit. He looked every bit the prince he was born to be.

Ales giggled again. "I'm sorry, I just assumed you had already been informed of such." He straightened his stance as if he were about to introduce himself to visiting adult diplomats for the first time. Extending his hand out for a shake, he said. "I am Prince Alessandro, younger brother of Prince Fernando... which you met earlier." He shook her hand when she finally placed it reluctantly into his. "You may call me Ales if you'd like, everyone does, and you can call Fern... well Fern. He'll be irritated but he's always that way, so just as well." He shrugged and tightened his grip on her hand. "Now, where would you like to see first?"

Cam thought about it for a second. "I am not proficient at any instruments, but I do love music." Her eyes widened as another thought came to mind. "Oh, and you may call me Cam, most do." She giggled as she threw his own words back at him.

Ales smiled widely revealing perfectly straight, white teeth. "A pleasure to meet you finally, Cam! We shall be great friends! Now, are you ready?" He waited until Cam nodded before his smile widened. "Great! This way!" He turned and set off at an even faster jog this time with her hand tightly in his.

Cam gazed out the large window overlooking the gardens she'd entered the palace through earlier as she listened to the beautiful music filling the room. He hadn't been lying. His long nimble fingers moved skillfully across the keys. When the song ended, she turned her focus away from the stunning garden below and back to him. She gave a genuine clap. "That was amazing. You really do know how to play!"

Ales smiled proudly back at her. "The palace tutors are splendid! Perhaps you shall learn, and we may play a duet together sometime."

Cam couldn't help but return his overeager smile as she agreed. "I would love to learn..." Movement caught her attention, and she quickly spun back toward the window. Her eyes widened and her smile faded away as she crawled up into the window seat and pounded against the window. "NO, WAIT!" She called out slamming her fists against the window. Tears began flooding her eyes. "I didn't get to say goodbye!" She cried as she watched her parents pass through the tall fancy gates of the palace grounds. "NO!" She spread her hands out against the window longingly as she watched her mother pause and glance back to the high windows of the castle. A single tear ran down her mother's cheek as she raised a hand and waved toward the window. "Momma!" The word came out broken against her sobs. She hadn't realized Ales had joined her in the window seat until his small hand moved between her face and the window to brush away a tear.

"Please don't cry, Cam. I know it must be hard, but maybe they thought it would be harder if you had known when they left." Ales's soft words brought her attention away from the window.

"What do you mean?!" She all but yelled.

Ales crawled closer to her and pulled her into a hug. "I know when my parents have to leave, I don't want to release them. I only want to hold on tighter." He tightened his arms around her. "Mother said I was so bad as a baby, they had to wait for me to fall asleep before they could leave. Maybe your parents felt the same way. That it would be easier..."

Cam sniffled against his shoulder. "But I didn't get to say goodbye... How long will it be until I see them again?" She pushed away from him and turned her focus back to the window, but her parents were no longer visible, and the tall gates were already shut back into place.

Ales frowned as he watched her stare longingly out the window. "I promise you shall see them again, probably even soon. Until then, I shall keep you company. You shall be my sister and I, your brother from here on out." He said trying to cheer her up.

Cam frowned but nodded, knowing there was nothing else to be done. She was officially alone, her parents gone. Her tear-filled eyes moved back to the window as she leaned her forehead against the cool glass. {Momma...}

Sadness filled Ales as his eyes moved from her teary eyes and began searching the room for a way to cheer her up. His eyes lit up as they fell onto the piano. He turned toward her. "How about I give you some piano lessons? It shall take your mind off your pain." He took her hand as he hopped down from the window.

Cam let out a long breath. "I suppose it is better than staring out a window for the rest of the day..." She leaped down from the window and followed him over, taking a seat beside him. She sniffled back tears as she watched him place his fingers on the keys in what must have been a designated area.

"This is where you start when playing." He ran his fingers across the keys as he named off each note to her and played a simple toon. "Now you try." He slid down the bench giving her access to the keys. "Place them here." He said moving her fingers to the right keys. He placed his fingers over hers as he called out the names of the notes again pressing down on each of her fingers as he did so. "Now your turn." He lifted his hands and waited for her to repeat the notes. When she did correctly, he clapped. "Great Job! Now try this." He ran his fingers across the same keys again but this time in a different order producing a different melody. They continued the lesson until a servant came to get them for dinner.

"Your brother doesn't seem to like me..." Cam commented as he showed her to her new room.

He shrugged. "Fern doesn't like anyone." His bright blue eyes moved to hers. "That is why I was so excited when they announced you would be arriving today. Fern never does anything fun. He is always too busy learning about this and that and never has time to play..." He took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "I am happy to finally have someone near my age living here!" He pointed to a door two away from the one they stood in front of. "That is my room. If you need anything or just get bored, feel free to knock." He twisted the knob to the door they stood in front of. "And this is your new room." He waited until she stepped inside before following her in. "It is much like mine and the servants has most likely already put away your things." He pulled open the armoire to reveal her neatly hung dresses before shutting it back. "The chamber room is right this way." He said showing her through another door.

Cam could barely believe the beauty of the large room. "This is mine?" She asked in a stunned daze as she took in the beautiful thick floor-to-ceiling pink and gold curtains that hung over the windows and surrounded the massive four-poster bed.

He nodded. "Yes, I hope you like it. If not I'm sure mother and father would allow you to switch, or have it changed to whatever you'd like better."

Cam's eyes widened in shock as she turned her attention to him. "Oh no, I love it! It's amazing! My room at home was nowhere near as beautiful!"

He smiled. "Then I'm glad you like it." He turned toward the door. "I shall leave and let you get settled. If you would like, feel free to visit my room later. I have games we could play."

Cam had not made it to Ales's room for games, instead, she'd fallen asleep almost instantly when she'd laid down on the plush mattress of her new bed; but an unfamiliar noise roused her from sleep. Scared from waking in the darkness of the unfamiliar room, Cam quickly remembered Ales's words. She shot up from the bed and began fumbling around in the dark for a wall to lead her toward the doors. She tripped and stumbled several times before finally finding the door and rushing into the hallway searching for the second door.