Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 198 - Guilty Energy

Chapter 198 - Guilty Energy

Joslyn's hand trembled as she tried to fasten the tiny button of the plain black blouse, she had tucked neatly into pressed the salmon pencil skirt. "Here let me." The deep, husky voice made her swallow hard with added nervousness. Nothing had happened after the kiss the night before, but the kiss itself had been enough alone to have her nerves on edge... not to mention the fact that he had simply tugged her back down onto the sofa with her back against his chest and talked the rest of the night until she'd fallen asleep. He had then carried her to her own bed, more than likely covering her and Shelly both up before going back to his own room. Now he'd quietly entered the bedroom and was simply offering to help her with buttons. He really was the perfect gentleman. She released the button and turned toward him, giving him better access.

Arei smiled at her reflection in the mirror as he worked the button between his huge, thick fingers. "You look beautiful." He whispered.

Jos let out a heavy sigh. "I suppose it was a good thing I had packed for a business trip before all this went down... and that I'd left so many clothes at X- I'd been able to bring so many clothes with us here..." She couldn't bring herself to say the man's name. A heavy frown settled over her expression.

"What is it kitten?" Arei asked as finished the button and held his hand out for the necklace that was laying on the dresser in front of her.

She handed it to him as she spoke. "I just can't get over the fact that even at my age I've acted so stupidly... Between trusting Xavier and allowing what I have with Russ..." She shook her head. "It was very dumb and reckless on my part."

Arei studied the necklace as he thought over her words. "Do you still have the necklace I gave you at the spring?"

She nodded. "It's in my bag, why?"

He handed her the other one back. "Wear it. The paperwork has been submitted but not approved yet. That necklace will be proof of our 'union' that's hard to ignore."

Jos nodded her head as she took the plain necklace she'd selected and turned toward her bags. She pulled out the large, heavy necklace Arei had given her. Studying the horses that resembled the tattoo on his chest and the opal seated between the two massive horse heads, she whispered. "You don't expect these trials to go well, do you?"

Arei walked over to her and took the necklace. Carefully placing it against her chest and moving the chain around her neck, he answered. "I don't think a verdict of innocent is anywhere in the cards. I feel like that was taken off the table the second Russ confessed to the two of you having a relationship. The council will feel slighted that the two of you openly and knowingly went against their longstanding orders. I believe the best move forward is taking their attention away from the kid's involvement and giving them something else to focus on." He tapped the necklace. "And if Father is right and one of the council members is working directly alongside Zeus, then this will be an even bigger slight... whether it's genuine or not."

She held his gaze, her eyes searching his stormy eyes. "Arei..." Her words were cut off as the doorbell to the room reverberated down the hallway and into the bedroom. It was probably for the best anyways; she had no idea what to say to the massive man. With her fourth glass of tea this morning and the reel of her past causing her sleep to be restless the entire night, and the added anxiety of the trials beginning today; her nerves were shot, and her emotions were all over the place.

He was the first to look away. Glancing toward the hallway as he ran his hand through his perfectly styled hair, he said. "That must be the guards that will escort us to the courtroom." He turned back toward her and held out his hand. "Ready?"

Jos nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be." She paused by the door of the room and slipped into a pair of sleek black stiletto heels. She nodded toward Shelly who was already waiting by the door by the time they made it into the living room. She watched as Arei released her hand long enough to pull on a fitted, somehow dressy leather jacket. Her eyes trailed over his attire, really taking him in fully for the first time since he'd gotten dressed. He wore tight black slacks that hugged the thick muscles of his caves, thigh, and... ass... The jacket rested right at the top of his perfectly rounded backside, emphasizing its perfect roundness. She'd noted his tight button-down, black dress shirt earlier that he'd tucked but not buttoned all the way at the throat. His above the ankle Doc Martin's only added to his edgy business casual look making it even sexier.

"Alright ladies, let's get this show on the road." He forced a smile as he pulled the door open and took Jos's hand again, leading her out of the room.

Jos's breathing became more erratic the closer they got to the floor-to-ceiling double doors of the courtroom. She could feel the moisture gather on her palms and knew Arei could feel it too. When he pulled her to a stop directly in front of the massive double doors and bent and kissed her, she thought her breathing would altogether stop. Her eyes widened as she looked questioningly up at him.

He pressed his forehead to hers. "Breathe, Kitten. I'll be beside you the whole time." He lowered closer to her and whispered into her ear so that only she could hear. "The council will all be waiting and would have most likely seen that just now."

She nodded in understanding as she forced her heart rate and breathing to ease. "I... I'm ready..."

He nodded and kissed her forehead before releasing all but her hand and guiding her into the room. He walked to the second box and pulled a seat out for Jos. Turning he pulled out a chair beside the box for Shelly and waited for her to work her way into it, before taking his own seat beside Jos. His eyes moved to her hands that were fidgeting nervously in her lap. Resting his hand over hers, he leaned in and whispered. "Remember, I'm right here. And you have Father's backing whether the papers are official or not."

There was a low murmur of voices throughout the courtroom as individuals filled the audience behind the half wall that separated them from the boxes. One of the council members stepped down and walked over to the plaintiff box and another walked toward them, while the other council members sat stiffly in their seats.

Prometheus nodded in greeting to Jos, Arei, and Shelly as he stepped into their box. He sat a folder of papers onto the small table along with a recording device. "Each table will have their own along with the main council box providing a full picture of everything to be said here today." He said the words as more of a warning.

The courtroom fell quiet as three chairs were moved forward away from the rest of the council and three beautiful women took their places there. Themis set center as her two daughters set opposite sides. Vicky held a gavel as she had the night Russ had stirred up so much trouble. The other, Mia had an extra thick book opened before her along with a pile of files. With a tap of the gavel, Themis declared. "Order. You may begin."

"I, Theseus, will be setting in as the representative of the humans the defendant has been accused of murdering." Theseus stated clearly for the entire room to hear.

Prometheus followed suit, identifying himself as the representative for demigods. "Ms. Joslyn Decker has admitted guilt in this case, asking that the rule not be based off the guilt of the matter but of the relevance of the situations which forced such actions."

Themis nodded. "Very well, as I am already aware of these matters, Theseus, please state your claim."

Theseus cleared his throat as he flipped through the papers inside the folder he held. "As a quick review for the rest of the court, I would like to list the victims and the offenses brought against them as well as the final findings involving the offenses against them. There have been eleven known victims in total, spread out over the course of ten years. The first victim was Mr. Greggory Stewart. A thirty-two-year-old human gym teacher at Merry-tale Middle School in Norfolk, Virginia. He stands accused of numerous acts including pedophilia and other harsh acts involving minors attending the school. Investigations have proven these accusations to be accurate." He clicked the tip of a pin in his hand causing the projector overhead to project the image of a desktop onto the whiteboard at the side of the room. "Here is some of the evidence found." He waited for the courtroom to process the information. "The second victim was twenty-three-year-old Bradly Davis of Morehead City, North Carolina. He attended community college in Wilmington and worked as a delivery driver along with driving Uber on the side. The allegations against him could not be validated, however, several of the female clients who had ridden with him had similar stories of as if they had been drugged and violated the next day." He clicked the pen again, and this time individual testimonies showed on the screen. He continued with each individual until finally reaching the guy from the party last. "Davy Johnson was a well-known surfer in the area and had a seemingly spotless reputation... until the investigation began digging into his personal life. As much as our team had hoped to have this one victim be found innocent, it was not the case. Evidence of him using his popularity to convince women from ages 16-30 to have explicit sexual relations either by text or in person was damnable... However!" He lifted his finger. "With this being said, had these cases been brought to my department's attention, they would have all been handled properly including the human law enforcement officers who had turned blind eyes or taken payouts. In fact, after investigations, they have been punished. With this being said, I propose that the act of vigilante should also be punished. Based on the lifespan and age of Ms. Decker we purpose 25 years per victim."

Prometheus leaned forward over the table he stood behind. "That would be 275 years of her life!" He held a hand out toward Shelly. "The courts must also consider the other individuals in Ms. Decker's life."

Selena arched a brow from where she sat slumped in her chair. "If this act is to be believed along with the documents submitted to our offices, then the only truly affected individual in this has the exact same life expectancy as Ms. Decker." She bit out Jos's name bitterly. She sent Jos a cold stare. "Unless of course, the documents submitted were fake... as I believe this relationship is." As whispers erupted throughout the courtroom, the loud fall of the gavel sounded.

"That is enough." Themis called out. "All rulings will wait until the end of the hearings. If I am to understand correctly, there are still 2 more to go." Lamia and Marcus both nodded. "Very well then." The gavel fell once more. "The courts are dismissed for today. We will deliberate and consider your suggested punishments, council member Theseus. The next case will be tomorrow and will be led by council member Lamia. The hearing will be to decide whether inappropriate liberties were taken with Prince Russell Boosilis. Though he will not be present in person for this hearing, as he has already returned to his kingdom, there will be a video conference. If it is determined that liberties were taken and that the issue has not been resolved as the courts have been led to believe, the courts will be forced to press forward with punishments against these offenses as well." The gavel fell again. "Dismissed."

Jos let out a heavy breath, she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Her pale face was completely drained of color as she shook her head. "I can't believe they are going to leave all the rulings until the end..." Her eyes met Arei's. "It's going to be pure torture not knowing."

Arei nodded as he pulled her against him and gently rocked her. "Sh... it will be alright. They were only suggesting 275 years as your max punishments. That's a good thing, Kitten. As for the whole Russ-"

Prometheus butted in as he pointed to the recorder. "I suggest discussing these things in private." He recommended.

Arei nodded in agreement. "Is she still allowed to leave the Embassy freely?"

Prometheus nodded. "Yes, as long as she is accompanied. That is more for her protection." He moved to pat Arei on the shoulder, but the large man shifted his weight.

"Nope... Sorry old man but not this time." Arei said narrowing his eyes.

Prometheus let out a displeased sigh. "You realize it would make this much easier if I were to get a full reading on you."

Arei shook his head. "Nope, don't care. You can just keep it all to yourself."

"But I could tell you-" Prometheus was cut off once again by Arei's hand going up in the air.

"Nope, still don't care!" Arei replied.

Prometheus nodded. "Suit yourself. Until tomorrow, then."

Arei waited until the old man had left the box and moved over to the stand where the rest of the council had gathered, before turning his attention to Jos and Shelly. "What do you say we do some sightseeing and have dinner? We still have a few hours before things start to close."

Jos and Shelly both nodded, following his lead as he led them from the courtroom holding Jos's hand the whole time. Once outside, Jos asked. "Do you truly believe this hearing tomorrow will be dropped?"

Arei stopped and turned toward her. Catching movement in his peripherals coming from the stairs of the Embassy, he pulled her against him and pressed his lips to hers. Whispering softly as to make it look like nothing more than his mouth moving against hers in a passionate embrace, he said. "As long as they believe we are together now without a doubt, then everything will be fine." He pulled her tighter against him and bent his head to place a kiss on the exposed skin of her shoulder that the boat cut top revealed. "If it comes down to explaining our relationship to Themis, remember, keep it in terms of moving forward and taking time to get reacquainted. She will only be able to detect lies so as long as we keep it honest and simple, it will pass."