Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 164 - Fragile love

Chapter 164 - Fragile love

It was late in the afternoon when Arei stumbled in. "Has she awaken yet?" He asked Andromeda, who still waited with the sleeping Jos.

Andromeda shook her head. "No not yet." She frowned looking past Arei. "Where is your brother?"

Arei chuckled, "At the Inn sleeping off his ale. Don't worry Ry is there with him." He chuckled drunkenly himself. "Or worry more... I'm not sure which!" He said as he stumbled toward the bed.

She furrowed her brows. "You are drunk as well? What have the three of you been doing all this time?!" She asked heatedly.

He chuckled, "Well I thought that would be obvious." He shooed her away as he neared the bed. "Go to him. I'm sure he'd like your company." He sent her a crooked smile, "I'd hurry if I were you before Ry wakes him with company of his own for them to play with." He waggled his brows. "I'm sure you are aware of Ry's reputation, and trust me, he's in one of those destructive phases right now."

Andromeda's eyes widened; and she shot up from the bed, moving as fast as she could toward the door.

Arei chuckled and called after her. "Give him a kiss for me!" He laughed harder when her irritated gaze shot over her shoulder before she slammed the door shut.

Arei's focus moved to Jos's sleeping form and his smile faded. "Please, come back to me... at the very least remember me, Kitten..." He pulled his shirt over his head and kicked off his boots. Lifting her into his arm, he slid into bed with her guiding her head to rest in the bend of his shoulder. He placed a kiss to the top of her head. "You have to come back to me..." He nestled against her wrapping his other arm tightly around her waist as he closed his eyes and drifted into an alcohol induced sleep .


Andromeda followed the worn path to the small town, finding the Inn easily enough. Her eyes trailed around the room landing on a rowdy table. Sure enough Ry's head popped up above everyone else's as he recognized her and motioned for her to come join them. She blew out a huff of irritation as she walked toward the table. "Where is Peg?" She asked getting straight to the point of her visit.

Ry laughed loudly, "That lightweight? He passed out in my room hours ago!" He stopped her as she turned toward the stairs. Standing and staring down at her he murmured, "Third door on the right, I could show you, if you'd like." He stroked a thumb over the flesh of her arm where his fingers gripped as he licked his lips.

She pulled away. "That's quite alright." She took a step toward the stairs before stopping and turning back to Ry. "I'd actually prefer if you didn't return to your room for a while."

Ry chuckled, "Sounds like fun, only makes me want to go up more." He teased.

She arched her brows, "I'm serious, Ry! He already feels bad enough without you making fun of him."

Ry rolled his eyes and crossed an 'x' over his chest. "Happy?" He asked before turning back to the occupants of the table.

She made her way up the stairs as quickly as she could without drawing unwanted attention to herself. Turning to the left and lightly tapping on the third door she called, "Peg? Are you in there?" When no one answered, she tested the knob. To her surprise it was unlocked. She peered into the dark room but could only make out the silhouette of a bed. "Peg?" She called out in a low voice. She pulled the door closed behind her and slowly made her way toward the bed. Movement there made her jump, but she breathed out a sigh of relief as she clutched her hammering heart. In the slither of moonlight filtering through the small crack of the curtains, she could see the outline of a familiar body. Stepping closer and settling down on the edge of the bed, she studied his sleeping face.

She couldn't help the smile that curved her lips as she took in his beauty. His ruffled shirt was unbuttoned to the navel and the tight riding trousers he wore, hugged his hips and clung to his muscular thighs. She bit her bottom lip and forced her gaze back to safer territory. His pale hair that contrasted so much against his dark skin was only amplified by the moonlight. She carefully brushed a wavy strand from his forehead, reveling in its smooth silky feel. His thick lashes brushed his high cheek bones giving him an innocent, boyish appearance, while his full lips begged to be touched... kissed. She trailed a trembling finger across the swell of his moist bottom lip as she subconsciously leaned forward.

The flutter of thick, white lashes caused her to freeze. Her already wide eyes widened more when a dark hand clasped over hers, pressing the finger at his lips against them more for a light kiss. "Andie?" His voice came out hoarsely. "Is that you?" He asked after clearing his throat. He released her hand and moved his own up to her face, trailing his fingers and thumb gently over her face. "What are you doing here?"

She swallowed hard. "I... um... Arei came back drunk and said you were still here with Ry... and that you'd passed out... So I came to make sure you were alright." She stuttered as she fought for a good excuse to be there in his bed touching his body as he slept.

His pale grey eyes glistened up at her, "I'm fine. Sorry for worrying you, though you need not worry so much for me." He pushed himself up on his elbow, still stroking her face soothingly with his other hand. He sent her a warm smile.

She leaned into his touch as she let her gaze move from his to his brilliant smile, showcasing prefect straight white teeth. Without thinking she quickly slammed her lips to his, then just as quickly pulled back.

His hand froze in midair as his eyes widened and the comforting smile faded. "Andie?" He asked surprise heavy in his voice.

She averted her gaze, staring at the thick post of the footboard. "I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry."

Peg sat up, his hand shooting out to her face reclaiming it's placement from earlier. He turned her face toward his. "Andie..." Her name rolled off his tongue as a husky whisper causing her eyes to finally meet his. His thumb stroked her chin as his fingers teased her jawline lightly. "There's nothing to be sorry for." He licked his lips as his eyes trailed hungerly over hers. "I liked it." He whispered as he leaned toward her. With teasingly slow gentleness, he pressed his lips to hers in a peck at first, but when she didn't pull away, he pressed them more firmly to hers. When she let out a soft moan, he let his hand slide past her sharp jaw into her thick, wind-tussled hair. He nipped her full bottom lip before pulling back enough to trace its defined outline. "I've wanted to do this for quite some time now." He whispered against her mouth. He smiled when she moaned against his mouth, parting her lips slightly for him as she ran her hand across his bare chest.

"Me too..." She admitted when he only brushed his lips lightly against hers. "but... but... I'd thought you are..."

His lips turned into a wicked smile as he finished her panted sentence. "A sodomite? Hardly, though I might as well be as my interests in women have been limited to only one for so many years now." He teased the dip below her bottom lip with the tip of his tongue. "I have another confession." He grinned as the tip of her tiny pink tongue darted out to meet his. Following her lead as she stroked the length of his tongue with hers, he brought one leg around to the other side of hers trapping her between his. He slid his free arm around her waist. "I've never bedded anyone... man nor woman."

She pushed against his firm chest in shock. "You can't be honest right now?"

He smiled. "I am." He said as he stroked the back of her neck.

"But why? How?" She asked in utter confusion and disbelief.

His smile widened, "Because no one else could even compare to you." He stroked his and over her hair as he studied her admiringly. "You're beauty, your bravery and strength, your caring nature..."

She through her arms around his neck. "I have felt the same for some time as well, but then why wait until now to tell me?" She asked as happy tears streamed down her cheeks. She scattered joyful kisses across his neck.

Peg leaned his head to one side, giving her better access to his throat as he ran one hand over her back and hips and the other through her hair. "After seeing what Zeus did last night... After seeing how fast happiness and love can be taken away..." He cupped her face, gently moving her away enough to lock gazes with her. "After the way you were looking at me when you thought I was still sleeping and the way you touched my lips... I couldn't hide my feelings any longer." He chuckled in ironic amusement. "I doubt anyone else would be as surprised to hear my admittance as you."

She laughed as more happy tears streamed down her face. "I was so convinced you only saw me as a sister or close friend." She shook her head unable to stop the goofy smile from spreading wider across her face. "I seriously thought you were only attracted to men, it's been such an ongoing thing for so long."

He shrugged as he brought his mouth to hers. "It was easier if people thought I was." He whispered against her lips. "It was easier to spend endless days alone with you, to be able to kiss you and hold you whenever I pleased, for us to share beds and baths." His grin widened devilishly. "It was better than when you thought me to be only just a horse." He winked.

She swatted his chest playfully before kissing his closed lips. "You are horrible."

His faux wicked smile widened, "I am a son of Poseidon, you know." He tightened his grip around her waist and rapidly flipped her onto her back on the mattress as he came over her. "So what will you do with me now?"

Her smile faded as she bit down on her lower lip and tangled her legs around each of his. "I can think of one thing." She whispered as she worked the remaining three buttons of his shirt loose.

He bent and captured her lips in a passionate kiss as he maneuvered enough for her to push his shirt from his shoulders.

She trailed her fingers along the tattooed symbol over his chest as he pulled the shirt free of his arms. Two stallion heads faced each other with a trident between them, coming out from behind each stallion was a full plume of feathered wings. "Pegasus..." She whispered.

His eyes gleamed in the moonlight as they held hers, "Yes Andromeda?"

She moved both her hands slowly up to either side of his face and pulled it down to hers. Pressing her lips to his, she whispered. "I love you."

He smiled widely down at her. "I love you, too." He puffed out a long breath, giving her one of his usual goofy smiles. "We should probably do this the right way... don't you agree?"

Andromeda nodded. "Yes... I... I know things between Perseus haven't been great for years now... but I still believe it would be best to give him a heads up before we rush forward with this..." She leaned forward and kissed his lips. "But in all truth, I don't think it will come as much of a surprise."

Peg laughed, "Honestly, I doubt it will anyone. It's why I've put on such a strong act all these years. My brothers have teased me as long as I can remember about you." He shrugged one shoulder. "I guess I figured as open as most of the gods and demi-gods has always been and Ry as he is... no one would think otherwise." He laid down beside her and pulled her against him. A light chuckle rumbled through his chest. "Besides, I've been a virgin all this time, what will a little while longer hurt?" He pulled her into a tight huge with one arm and tickled her stomach with the other hand.

"Peg stop!!!" She giggled, slapping playfully at his arm. Their laugher broke off as their gazes met. "Peg..." Her cheeks reddened as she bit her bottom lip, searching his gaze. "Are you really a virgin?"

Peg nodded. "Probably the oldest living one... male anyways..." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Do you think Artemis is still one?"

Andromeda trailed her hand along the opening of Peg's shirt as she pondered the question. "You know, I've often wondered the same thing... I really don't think Ry would be as tore up as he is if they hadn't... would he?"

Peg shrugged, "If I lost you right now, I'd still be just as upset. Granted I probably would find something better to do with my grief than drown them in whores and ale."

Andromeda frowned. "Do you think it's been long enough for them to be together again?"

Peg shook his head. "I don't think it will ever be long enough as long as Apollo has anything to say about it. I doubt Artemis would ever risk Apollo finding out Ry's even still alive."

Andromeda let out a long sigh, "I hope this thing with us doesn't become some tragic story some day. It seems like everyone we know has had some kind of tragic experience with love."

Peg rolled onto his side facing her. He stroked his hand over her cheek. "Let's not go into this with the worst in mind. Let's hope that our love can be one that's written in the stars."

Andromeda smiled as she cupped her hand over his, holding it against her cheek. "You and I will always be together, even as stars... it doesn't matter how this goes with everyone else. You are mine and I am yours, always together, never apart." She wrapped her arms around his neck as he leaned down to kiss her, a deep passionate kiss that carried them both through the night on clouds of hope and desire.