Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 151 - What's not plant food

Chapter 151 - What's not plant food

Russ shook his head trying to shake the dizzy, sick feeling away. "Well, that was different…" The sound of someone hurling up lunch nearby drew his attention away from the high, aged columns of the ancient Greek temple. It didn't take much searching to find Ry bent over the base of a beautiful potted plant. "Dude! You couldn't aim that shit somewhere else?" He arched a brow. "Where is Isha anyways?" Just as he asked, the fairy appeared.

Isha ran her hands down the front of her brightly colored pant suit. When she was sure her outfit was once again pristine, she glanced around. Her gaze fell on Ry. "Really?! You had to up-chuck in the plant of all places. What did it ever do to you?"

"The plant, nothing. Your reckless magic, EVERYTHING!" Ry barked out between gags.

She crossed her plump arms across her full chest. "There's nothing wrong with my magic, it's you who is too weak to handle it." She bit out indignantly. After letting out a irritated huff as the man once again threw up in the plant, she turned her attention to Russ. "Come puppy, there are some things you should know before we enter the courts. I'll explain it all on our way to your room. Your bags have already been sent ahead." She didn't wait to see if he was following, instead, she sauntered down the long corridor.

Russ's eyes moved around the magnificent surroundings. It resembled the halls leading to an upscale executive penthouse in some expensive city. "I didn't expect the place to be so…" He searched for a word to explain it but couldn't come up with any.

Isha laughed, "Expansive? Yes, the structure you see from the outside is glamoured. Some of the oldest magic in the world can be found here. That is why the gods demand that such powerful creatures make up the council." She let out a heavy sigh. "It's just a pain since we also must stay here the majority of the time."

"You have to protect it?" Russ asked.

Isha nodded. "Yes, there are many creatures who would love to find a way to utilize the powers here… humans included. We guard the area along with handling any creature brought before the courts." She arched a brow. "Every member is capable of taking down any beast that walks through these gates. Know that much before you enter the court today." She sent him a pointed look before moving on to the next topic. "Today the courts simply want to evaluate your growth and development into an alpha. It will be primarily a physical test. If I had to guess, I'd say they will have you going up against Ry. This should be easy enough for you since you've fought both twins at the same time."

Russ huffed out a worried laugh, "But I haven't won against either of them."

She arched a brow as a mischievous smile lit her features. "The magnificent part of being surrounded by all this magic is that outsiders have trouble activating their own, and there is no salt water within this building." When Russ only stared at her blankly, she elaborated. "He will only be able to fight with his own bare strength, Poseidon's water magic will be useless to him here."

Understanding dawned and the corner of Russ's lips twitched up in a half smile. "So, you're saying I may actually be able to kick his big ass today? Hell yea! About damn time!" He chuckled.

"Don't bet on it, pup." Ry's gravelly voice called out from behind them.

Isha laughed, "The way you are looking, I'd say the boy will have no problem whatsoever taking your sorry ass down."

"Sorry ass? What the hell have I done to you?" Ry growled still holding his stomach.

She arched a brow. "You just threw up in an old friend of mine, isn't that enough?"

Ry paled, "Your friend?"

Isha fought the smile curving her lips. "Yes, my friend. The council had her moved here about ten years ago. The humans were planning to level the area to put in a subdivision or shopping mall." She shrugged. "Who knows with the humans."

"They 'were' going to?" Russ asked as they made their way down a corridor lined with heavy wooden doors, each with beautifully detailed etching engraved into each.

Isha laughed, "Reminded of one of his many misplaced loves, Apollo decided to… rectify the situation… with the help of his sister of course." She sent Ry a meaningful look. Her triumph came as a deeper wave of green and something else… hurt… longing… settled over Orion.

"Seems the best way to survive the love of either of them." He grumbled. He cracked his neck and flexed his fingers as if remembering a time when he'd been forced to remain in a form that wasn't human.

Isha caught the questioning look on Russ's face as his gaze moved back and forth between Ry and herself. She sighed, "There's nothing quite like spending a surplus of time away from a loved one. No matter the emotions they feel during their separation, once together again… well those built up emotions have to go somewhere."

Russ narrowed his eyes, "Why do I get a feeling you're not referring to Ry or that damn bush?"

She shrugged, "It was an all-inclusive statement." Before he could press her farther, she pulled open one of the massive doors. "This will be your rooms." She didn't bother letting them enter first, instead, as soon as Russ was close enough to the massive wooden door, she released it and made her way inside. She began explaining the living quarters as soon as Ry was inside. "These are the shared living quarters. The bedrooms are just down that hallway past the kitchen." She followed Russ's eyes to the glass doors by the seating area. "Those lead out to the balcony. There are wards in place out there as well. No one can come or go by way of their ledges."

Russ arched a brow. "So, in other words, this is a fancy prison cell?"

She grinned, "The council would like to think of it more as a safe area for those who are yet to be determined innocent… or guilty." She shrugged. "Trust me, puppy, you don't want to see the cells of those determined guilty."

"Will Jos be given similar accommodations next week?" Russ asked.

Isha nodded. "She will. Her, Shelly, and Areion will be sharing a room much like this one. She will remain in it until the courts are either satisfied with her answers or she is deemed guilty of the crimes in question… at that point they will likely move her to the cells." She turned sad eyes to him. "Let's hope it doesn't lead to that again."

Ry clasped a hand over Russ's shoulder. "That is why it's important for you to push through all this. I know you don't want the responsibilities, but it's our best chance."

Russ nodded as a wave of sickness and dread sank to the pit of his stomach. He hadn't realized he'd been staring at the glass doors unfocused, until the massive hand on his shoulder squeezed tighter. He glanced over his shoulder to meet stormy hazel eyes.

"We won't let it go that far this time; I promise." Ry said, forcing conviction into his voice.

Isha nodded, "It is commendable, the length you all are willing to go for her. It leaves me to wonder how much of it is really the curse and how much of it is simply the girl." She sent Russ a sympathetic smile. "She really is a sweet soul. I wish I'd given her a chance sooner…" She shrugged again. "Retrospect, I suppose." She moved to Russ and placed a tiny plump hand over his chest. "Don't do the same. Don't let jealousy keep you from enjoying the company of others… don't let it keep you from the one's you love most." Her eyes dropped as they glossed over with tears. "I must leave now. You are expected in the main council room in two hours." With that she vanished from the room.

Russ blinked, "You'd think with a gin for a friend for so long I'd be used to people disappearing right in front of me... At least with him, he had to snap his fingers. You got some kind of warning." Russ ran his hand through his hair as he bent to grab his bag from the floor. "You want to pick out a room or does it matter?"

Ry shook his head as he flopped down on the sofa. "Nah, they will be duplicates of each other anyways with the exception one is closer to the kitchen." He looked up from the booklet he'd picked up from the coffee table. "On second thought, it may be best if I take the one closest to the kitchen and door. That way if anyone tries coming in I'll hear them first."

Russ arched a brow. "I thought she said this place is warded. Who could possibly get in and why would they come in here."

Ry sent him a skeptical glance from over the booklet. "Are you serious? You nearly died a few days ago from vampire attacks. One of them could easily get in here. There are wards but only to keep people in, not out. The place is open for business Monday through Friday as any other business. Say a vampire walks in saying he or she has a grievance or, hell, involvement in this case, then they may even be offered a room. That's why they paired us up in a room together. That is why when Jos arrives, she, your sister, and Arei will be sharing one as well. Arei will be expected to guard over her and Shelly as I am you."

Russ's eyes widened. "I hadn't even considered the possibility of being attacked here. I figured it would be one of the safest places for me to be."

Ry set the book back on the table and turned to better face Russ. "No, with your pack will be the safest place for you. A place where the majority of the people there will be fateful to you as their alpha, their leader. Here right now, you are a sitting duck for anyone with a deep enough hate for the wolves or your pack."

Russ sighed in frustration. "Great, then why did we come here first? This all seems stupid as shit."

"Like Isha said, they want to gage your growth as an alpha before sending you home to your uncle. Hell, they may have guessed Fernando will have less than honorable intentions."

Russ ran his hands through his hair again. "I wish I could just turn away from this whole thing. I wish Jos and I could go back to our shitty apartment, to our shitty half-assed jobs, and be left alone."

A deep frown curved Ry's lips. "I wish she could have that too, a chance at a normal life for a change... but it's never in the cards for people like us. Powerful Sup's will always be sought out for their usefulness. Eventually you would have been dragged in here and all but threatened to take your place among your people just like Jos was bound to be drug back in here eventually as well." He shook his head sadly, "Whether she does something or not, the gods and other Sup's in power will not let her be for long no matter what. She's too powerful, whether she has control over it or not." He nodded toward the hall. "Go get settled in, call let everyone know you made it alright, then change into something you can fight in. Don't expect to be able to fully shift here, that ability will be blocked. You should be able to partially shift though, so dress accordingly."

Russ nodded. "What are you going to be doing?"

"Me?" Ry asked pressing his fingers to his chest. He laughed and fluffed a pillow that was on the chair. "I'm going to take a two-hour nap. So, don't bother me, you hear!" He snuggled down into the thick cushion of the sofa and closed his eyes. When a few minutes had passed and Russ was still standing there, he peeked out from one vailed lid. "What are you standing there for? I know you want to go get all lovey on the phone, and I need my beauty sleep if I'm to face off against you here." He said only slightly joking. "Now go away... You're creeping me out." He closed his eyes again and grinned when he heard footsteps retreating from the room. "Good dog." He whispered with a large smile spread across his lips.