Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 149 - Recovery before lunch

Chapter 149 - Recovery before lunch

CHAPTER 56: Recovery before lunch

Raven heard the slam of the back door and followed its slammer out. She crossed her arms and leaned against the glass doors. "Was that necessary?" She asked her eyes staring daggers into the rippling, tattooed muscles of Arei's back as he gripped the railing of the deck tightly.

Arei let out an irritated sigh, "I suppose not..." He turned running his hand through his loose hair. "That kid really knows how to push a man's buttons though."

She arched her brows. "And?"

He let out an irritated laugh, "And it bothers me to no end, knowing that brat has his claws so deeply embedded into Jos's heart." He shook his head. "It seems like no matter what the boy does, she automatically forgives him and he's always doing something..." He let out another irritated sigh and turned back toward the cliffs and the turbulent ocean below. "I wish she'd been that forgiving when we were together."

Raven pushed away from the door and walked over to him leaning against the rails and following his gaze to the harsh waves. "She was, you just never came back to see it for yourself."

"She demanded that I leave, told me she never wanted to see mine or Ry's face again... Not too forgiving if you ask me." Arei huffed out.

Raven shrugged. "She needed time to process things. She can be equally as stubborn as Russ at times, but even as stubborn as she is... she's equally as forgiving..." Raven's eyes trailed over Arei for a minute. "I wasn't there until about halfway through those first trials, so I don't know the full story. She wouldn't talk about it then or now... But what I can tell you is she cried every single night she was locked up in the cells of the court begging for someone to return and it didn't end there. I've been with her for the better part of the five hundred years you've been away. Do you know she used to sit up on the top of the waterfall of her prisonous home and watch the horizon as if she expected someone to return at any second? She moped and was always melancholy until she met Russ's parents. Cam's complete acceptance of who and what Jos was helped pull her out of the dark place you and Ry left her. The day Cam set that blue bundle in her arms, you could see years of hurt and anguish lift suddenly almost like magic. The more time she spent with Russ and Shelly the happier she became. She protects them still to this day as a silent 'thank you' to Cam for mending her shattered heart." Raven turned, resting her back against the railing as she held Arei's troubled gaze. "I don't know how much time passed between you leaving and Jos losing control, but I imagine had you stayed or at the very least came back things would have been different. Hell, had you come back for the trial, I'm convinced her punishments would have been less severe." Raven straightened not breaking eye contact with the giant of a man. "It wasn't just the lies she can't move past now but the abandonment... the FIVE HUNDRED YEARS it has taken you to bother coming back into her life at all." Raven emphasized the words, causing their impact to be more painful.

"I know... She's all but said so already." He turned away as shame and regret colored his words. "And seeing them together is a constant reminder of what I gave up all those years ago..."

"She'll not leave him no matter what he does, deep down you know that already. It's more than love for her. She feels obligated in a way. She would never want him to feel the abandonment that she did all those years ago." Raven said, trailing the movements of the others through the glass doors. Ry was gathering some towels by the pool as Shelly stood by nervously glancing back and forth between the pool and the hallway leading to Jos's room. "It's the biggest reason she didn't want to be in a relationship with him in the first place..." She mumble more to herself than to Arei.

His head snapped around to her. "What do you mean 'didn't want to be with him'? If she didn't want to be with him, why the hell is she now?"

Raven sighed. "You're not the only one who's fucked up... I encouraged it from both sides."

"Why the fuck would you do that?!" Arei roared.

Raven shrugged, "It seemed like a good idea until it wasn't... I had noticed his feelings for her and the way hers were beginning to change for him... I thought it would be an organic relationship, something beautiful for the both of them." She frowned. "I guess I thought with some work they could have something special like Isha and I had... like Shelly and Rin had..."

Arei let out an understanding grunt, "Key word... had... Relationships like theirs are doomed to failure and if not failure then years and years of pain, heartache, and struggle."

Raven shrugged, "Some of us believe it's all worth it in the end if it means being with the person we love."

He arched a brow. "Is that so? I guess it's easy for you to say, but you really shouldn't compare your situation with theirs. It's not fair."

Her brows furrowed defensively, "How so?"

"You and Isha are both fae which means as long as nothing unexpected happens you will share the same lifespan. The fact you're a gay couple is now celebrated." He nodded toward the house. "Shelly's child will not be celebrated any time soon out side her family, and neither will a child of Russ and Jos's. Even though the curse could never be passed that way people will still worry, it wont matter to most that she's a demi-god."

Raven let out a long breath. "You're probably right... but what can ya do... As I said those two are as stubborn as they come."


Russ brushed Jos's hair out of the way as he fought against the pull of the weight of her breasts against the fragile strings of the bikini top. Her hands pressed lightly against the hard ridges of his abdomen as she balanced. He took his time relishing in the feel of her touch. "That's not too tight is it?" He asked as he worked the strings into a snug bow.

"No, it's fine." Jos brushed her fingers lightly over the taunt muscles before letting her hand drop. Her emotions were every where today, and her body ached. The last thing she wanted to do was encourage Russ's passions.

He hooked his finger under her chin bringing her eyes up to his. He studied her face for a moment before asking, "What's wrong, baby? I can tell something's bothering you."

She forced a smile. "It's just the pain, I promise." She lifted her hand out for him to take. "I'm sure I'll feel fine after a good swim."

He nodded, concern heavy in his expression. "Here, let me carry you." He didn't wait for her to answer, instead, he scooped her up off the bed and carried her toward the door. Bending down, he instructed. "Get the knob."

He carried her the short distance to the pool, carrying her down the stairs and through the waters until they were both submerged. He watched in nervous anticipation as the tight pained expression of Jos's face began to slowly melt away. "Feeling better, babe?" He asked.

Jos's eyes were closed as the healing comfort of the waters enveloped her, easing the deep ache that had been clawing at her body since waking up yesterday. She smiled not bothering to open her eyes. "Um, yes. Thank you." She leaned her head back letting her hair become saturated as well. "Much better..." She sighed.

Russ smiled down at her giving her a bit of a spin in the water, the worry melting from his expression. "Good," He said as he lifted her head from the water and brought his lips to hers. "I was worried I wouldn't see that smile of yours before I was forced to leave." He deepened the kiss. "Or get to do this..." His smiled widened as surprised eyes met his. He tangled his fingers into her hair this time capturing her lips more passionately.

Jos gave in to her emotions, momentarily letting herself enjoy his embrace before finally pushing lightly against his chest. "Not here." She whispered.

It was his turn to look surprised. "Well I hadn't meant for it to be more than a kiss, but if you're..." His words wore cut off by her fingers brushing across his lips to silence him.

Jos nodded, "I thought maybe we could spend some time... together... before you had to leave..." Her cheeks blushed as the words left her lips.

Russ chuckled. "And you wonder why it's so hard for me to remember your real age." He brushed the pad of his thumb across her reddened cheek. "It's hard to think of you as anything other than an innocent girl." He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips.

Jos met his lips with hers but broke away from him before it could deepen. She let out a long sigh. "But I am more... And that more is the thing that stands in our way the most. If I were just a girl, it would be simple. If I were just a normal demi-god it would be less simple but still alright..." She forced a tentacle out and ran it along the arm still bracing her head. "But I'm not and because of that, I fear the worst from this trial." She pressed her head against his chest. "It's not been that long since my last punishment ended. They are not going to be happy to see me back in their courts so soon... and now I've killed some powerful group of vampires..." She shook her head as tears began to build in her eyes.

Russ held her tightly against his chest. "This wasn't your fault. They asked for it when they kidnapped my sister." He ran his hands across her hair, pushing the wet strands behind her ears. "And when that bastard tried to use my sister to manipulate you." He lifted his forehead from hers and looked around the room. Ry was nowhere to be found, Shelly was curled up asleep by the fireplace, and Raven and Arei were still out on the porch arguing, it would appear. "Come on." He scooped her up into his arms once again. "Let's get back to your room before either of the wonder twins come up with more crazy ways to keep us from enjoying our last few hours together."

She nodded as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Alright." She smiled weakly up at him after glancing around herself.

He grinned, "Grab a towel." He said leaning over for her to grab one of the towels Ry had laid out earlier. As soon as she'd pulled it around them as best as she could without him setting her down, he headed straight back to their room.

Jos let out a giggle as Russ tossed her into the center of the bed and followed her down. "A little over eager, aren't you?" She joked.

Russ bent and kissed the tip of her nose. "There's no such thing as being too eager with you in my bed." He took her lips in a passionate kiss as he pulled the ties to her bikini loose. "I love you, and I want you to know it without a doubt before I have to go."

Jos stroked his stubbled jaw. "I already know, but I'll not say no to this." She gave him a playfully mischievous smile as she ground her hips against the erection pressing into her. She pulled his lips back down to hers. "I love you, too."