Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 137 - Holding on to you

Chapter 137 - Holding on to you

Current day

Arei tossed another log on the fire of Jos's room, before turning toward Raven who set on the chair directly behind him. He ran his hand through his damp hair. "I don't know what to tell you. She's safe with me. If the boy happens to make a spontaneous recovery tonight then just like the night in the hotel, I'll move out of the way. But as much blood as she's lost and the fact there could still be danger, I'm not leaving this room. Not until she wakes up. You and everyone else better as well get used to the notion, because after this evening you better believe Ry will be dragging our little wolf prince back to his pack."

Raven let out a long sigh, "He's already said as much, as soon as Russ is able to travel. We've also been trying to convince Shelly to go back with Isha and me, but she refuses." Raven shook her head. "It's not safe for her with the wolves until Russ as already taken power, and Jos may not be her safest bet either... but I doubt she'll leave her side, especially after tonight."

Arei walked over and clasped the fairy on the shoulder. "Trust me when I say, if the girl decides to stay by Jos's side then I'll protect her as well. No more harm will come to either of them." He released her and strolled over to the king-sized bed where Jos's unconscious form still rested. He emptied the pockets of the pajama bottoms he was wearing and set them on the nightstand along with his phone. His eyes moved back to the fairy. "Now if you don't mind, I'm completely drained."

Raven narrowed her eyes on him. "She's going to throw a fit when she wakes up to find your half naked ass in her bed."

Arei laughed, "It's not the first time she's been pissed off because she didn't want me in her bed." His eyes turned to her sleeping face. "But in all honesty, I just don't want her to wake up after that alone. She hates being alone." He brushed a stray silver strand of hair back from her face. "Send the girl in if you'd feel better about it, but I'm not going anywhere tonight." He said, not taking his eyes off Jos.

Raven shrugged, "Suit yourself..." Her eyes lingered on Arei, watching the tender way he looked at her, the gentleness of his touch... It was obvious Jos had left a large part of the story out when she'd told her about the wonder twins here. Maybe she, herself didn't realize just how in love with her the man was... how in love with her he still was... Raven shook her head. If she had realized it, it explains the tragic mess that happened after they'd left her. Raven turned and headed toward the door, pausing she asked. "Tell me... Why did you never tell her who you were, why didn't you come back for her?"

Arei didn't take his eyes off Jos when he answered. "It hurt too much. The pain of her rejection, her pain... and to know I was the cause. I know what happened after Ry and I left, but I was in much the same state she was in. I felt just as destructive. The difference was I was able to take that anger, hurt, and frustration out on the battlefield; she never had a chance." He let out a heavy sigh. "I know now I made a mistake, but then I thought I was doing the best thing for her. You can't possibly know how many times I wished I could take it all back. Would have just shifted and went into that cave with her and Ry that first night, would have just told her everything then..." He finally turned his gaze to Raven. "I was so mad at Ry for not telling her, for barging in on us that night... for being the one she wanted..." His shoulders dropped, "Half of me never wanted to see her again, the other half wanted to drag her back to that god forsaken cave and not let her leave until she'd heard everything I had to say and had seduced her into loving me." He shrugged, "Chalk it up to male ego."

Raven nodded, "We've all been there... second guessing our actions, wishing we could take a large part of our lives back... but the truth is, if it's meant to be it will find away... if not..." She shrugged and gave a halfhearted smile. "Sometimes you just have to know when to walk away and when to stay."

He frowned, "I'm not walking away this time, even if she demands it. I did before and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I know that now. Hell, I knew it then. It will not be repeated." He turned back to Jos as the bedroom door opened. He heard the lock turn and his head shot that way again.

"I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for her. It wouldn't be the best situation if Russ came in here and saw you in bed together. You see how protective the boy is of her." She didn't wait for his reply as she closed the door behind her.

Arei had barely gotten his body stretched out on the oversized king bed when a light rap sounded at the door. He pushed up and made his way to the door opening it. He wasn't surprised at all when the light wolf entered followed by Ry. "How is she?" Ry asked and the wolf looked up in anxious anticipation.

He let out a heavy sigh and motioned for them to take a seat by the fire. He shut the door and followed them over. "She's resting now. You know how full shifts affect her. She lost a lot of blood and took some serious hits out on the beach. I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't some bullets still lodged in her in places." He ran his hand through his hair again as he set on the arm of one chair. "I asked one of the doctors to come in whenever they got finished up with the boy, but they haven't been in yet."

Ry nodded, "She'll be alright, Arei. You did more than enough to save her." He clasped a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I'm more worried about you. The last time I saw you let your emotions get that out of hand..." He let his words trail off.

Arei gave a bitter laugh, "Was the day she told me she never wanted to see my face, our face again?" His eyes trailed to the flames of the fire. "I'd never in my life been so glad as I was that day to get battle orders."

Ry laughed gruffly, "And what a battle it was." He turned his attention to Shelly as he nodded over to Arei. "This crazy bastard would charge into battle in horse form rider in tow, and if the rider got dismounted, he'd shift to human form." Ry let out another laugh as he shook his head. "They say the sight of his bare arse, welding what ever weapon he found lying around, covered in blood was the sole cause of the other sides retreat." He welded an invisible sword overhead and gave a mock growl.

Shelly sent Arei a wolfish grin, shaking her head.

Arei shrugged, "There's two truths of this world, there will always be war and heartache." He nodded toward the bed following the wolfs glances. "Go on over. She's sound asleep, you'll not wake her." He watched as the wolf nodded and made her way over to the bed, struggling only slightly to leap onto it. He turned his attention back to his brother once the wolf was lying beside Jos with her head rested across Jos's waist. "How is the pup?" He asked.

Ry frowned, "Not quite as well as Jos, it seems. He only got hit twice. One only grazed his temple. May mess up his part for a while but no real damage there." His frown deepened. "The second bullet lodged in his thigh... nicked the femoral artery. A fraction of a millimeter to the left and the boy would have bled out on the beach." He nodded toward Jos. "The head shot would have been worse, but it looks like she'd jerked him out of the way... unfortunately his head was hit against a rock. He has a pretty nasty gash in the back of his head. The doctors suspect a concussion." He ran his hand over the back of his neck as he followed Arei's eyes to the flames. Saying what he knew his brother was thinking, "We Should have been there. We shouldn't have gotten so comfortable... shouldn't have left them alone..."

Arei nodded, silent tears streaming down his face. "I... thought I'd lost her today, Ry... I can't lose her a second time..." His eyes met his brother's. "I don't care what it means, becoming a fucking eunuch and serving the wolf pack... I don't care as long as I can be a part of her life."

Ry nodded. "I understand." He didn't take his eyes off the fire. "I feared as much when I called you in Florida."

Arei's eyes shot to Ry. "Then why call me?"

Ry shrugged not meeting his gaze. "You were closest... and I thought better you than the vampire prick... better you than Russ..." He finally met his brother's gaze. "I'm sorry for that. I didn't realize until seeing them together here just how in love with him she is."

Arei frowned. "But do you think the boy is equally in love with her or is it just the glamour of the curse. I know he says he loves her for her but in all honesty, it could still all just be the curse. You didn't see the vampire with her. He acted much the same way. Her charms lure them in and blind men with love. They go insane with it. The vampire was definitely under the lure. He showed the unwavering love, the bouts of anger and jealousy... And he was much older than the kid and from a strong fae background apparently."

Ry shrugged. "I don't know. There will be only one way to know for sure and that is to get Calypso involved. Have her vouch for Jos at the hearings and promise to lift the curse."

"Calypso is not doing any of that for free, and you know it. So, what's your plan for getting her to agree?" Arei asked.

Ry shrugged. "Offer myself if I must."

Arei's eyes widened. "You wouldn't. That would be insane, she's insane!"

Ry shrugged, "I've always favored Jos as a daughter, this way she would be. With the curse lifted, she would be free to live... to love..." His eyes moved from the bed to meet Arei's. "I owe her that much. I hold equal, if not more, blame in what happened to her as you. I could have told her the truth at any point. I should have told her the truth the day she'd professed her feelings for me... for you... Had I sat her down and explained it all to her even after that day, she would have likely come around almost immediately. According to the fairy, the biggest blow either of us gave her was not coming back... not fighting harder to stay in her life."

"Arei frowned, "I feared if I pushed her harder, she'd lose control and do something to lose her much deserved freedom... Had I known by leaving she'd not only loose her freedom, but be punished the rest of her life for it..." His words broke. "I should have never left..." His head drooped to his hands. He ran them over his face and through his hair. "I worry this relationship with the kid will end no better..."

Ry nodded as he stood. Resting a hand on his brother's shoulder, he said. "That won't happen. We will be here to guide her, to guide the kid."

Arei looked up from his hands, holding his brother's gaze. "Not if you sacrifice yourself to Calypso."

Ry patted his shoulder, "Let's hope it doesn't come to that." He nodded to Shelly whose ears had been perked upright listening to the whole conversation. "Are you coming or staying?" He called over to her.

The wolf glanced back and forth between Arei and Ry. She whimpered as her attention turned back to Jos.

Arei nodded, "It's fine she can stay in here." He smiled pushing up from the arm of the chair. "As much fun as it would be to have two beautiful women in my bed at once, I'm simply too tired..." He winked over to Shelly.

Ry laughed, shaking his head. "Sleep well then." He threw his hand up in a wave as he walked out the door.

Arei watched his brothers departing back and the close of the door before turning to the bed. "Sleep where ever you like, just know I'm sleeping here too." He watched as she stood and walked to the foot of the bed sitting patiently. He arched a brow. "Giving me first pick?" He gave a joking bow. "How kind princess." He lifted the covers and slid in beside Jos leaving plenty of room for the wolf. "Where ever you'd like." He said. He watched as she glanced around then made her way to the farthest end of the foot of the bed. "You have to be joking, right?" He leaned over Jos's other side and lifted the blankets. "You're not a damn common house pet. Get your furry ass up here and sleep like a normal person." He caught himself. "In wolf form of course." He corrected.

She rolled her eyes but did as he said. She laid her head on the free pillow to Jos's side and waited for Arei to lower the covers. He patted her head, then kissed Jos on the head. "Sleep well, both of you." He turned and laid flat on his back. Staring up at the ceiling for the longest time. "Do you think your brother and Jos are good together?" He asked. Movement to his side caught his attention. He turned his head to see her. The wolf was shaking her head 'no', a sadness radiating from her beautiful blue eyes. "Which are you more afraid will get hurt?" He asked. His heart dropped when the wolf nudged Jos with the tip of her nose. He nodded. "What a mess..." He sighed and didn't say anything else. He watched the flicker of the flames and let them lull him off to a restless sleep as visions of earlier kept flashing through his mind. A few times, the wolf's own whimpers would wake him. He would turn toward Jos and stretch his long arm over her to pet the wolf's head until the whimpering faded, and the wolf was able to drift back off to a more restful sleep. On one of the last times of soothing strokes to the wolf's head, he'd unconsciously left his arm wrapped around Jos.

What a shock the sight must have been for the figure standing in the doorway a little past day break that morning.