Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 78 - farewell kisses

Chapter 78 - farewell kisses

A warm breeze off the bay ruffled Arei's messy bun as he hurried along the crowded walkways. A week had nearly passed since Jos had walked back into his life and he be damned if he would let a second of that time go to waste. He'd gotten the majority of his business settled with the last bit of business scheduled for early in the morning, the signing of the sublease papers.

"Could you please slow down, now?" Jos panted from behind him. They had been out taking care of last minute errands and had lost track of time. It wasn't until Arei had noticed the time on a register that he'd realized it was almost night fall and immediately grabbed her hand and began quickly walking toward the waterfront walkways. "Where are we going anyways? If you're after a clear view," She indicated around them, "This seems to be the best, least crowded spot."

He chuckled as he brought his large frame to a stop and turned around to face her. "You're right it is a nice spot." He led her toward the railing and leaned against it staring out at the open water. "You haven't seen a sunset until you've seen one over the bay." Just then a group of teenagers on rollerblades and skateboards came barreling by. He pulled her tight against him shielding her small frame with his massive one pinning her between him and the railing.

Jos pressed her free hand against his chest. "Ummm… You can move now." She glanced at the kids as they moved their way down the trail chattering and laughing as they went. "Besides it's just kids having fun." She turned back toward him and patted his bulging pecks, poking it slightly with her index finger as it flexed under her last pat. {Geez, does supernatural males put steroids in their Wheaties or something?} She thought as she continued to stare perplexed at his massive chest. It wasn't until he released her other hand that she moved her gaze up to his eyes. She barely had time to register the emotions there before he cupped her cheeks and bent his face down toward hers. She let out a startled gasp as he drew closer.

Arei hesitated and decided to rest his head against her forehead instead of what he'd truly wanted to do. His eyes penetrated into hers as he whispered slowly guiding their bodies around so that Jos was facing the setting sun, "The sunsets here are amazing. The only thing I could think of that would be more beautiful is seeing it reflected in your eyes." He held her face out from his as he stared down into her eyes.

Jos busted out laughing, squinting her eyes tightly closed as tears began rolling from the sides. She bent in half holding her stomach as more hysterical laughter roared from her. She tried to straighten but couldn't as more laughs rolled out.

Arei rolled his eyes as he grabbed hold of her upper arms and pulled her up to face him. He gazed down into her tearstained face arching a brow in frustration. "Was my words that hilarious?" He asked a bit irritated as she tried to swallow down another bout of laughter, but failed.

Jos giggled as she nodded her head frantically up and down. "I'm sorry!!!" She continued to fight down the laughs, "But it's the perfect line..." She gazed around them, "the perfect setting- for one of those cheesy romcoms!" She squeezed her eyes shut against another bout of laughter as she imagine this hulking man starring in a romantic comedy as some tender sappy sod. Her laughter died instantly as his hot lips came crashing down on hers.

He held her tightly against his lips, not trying to press deeper into her mouth but not letting her pull away either, until he was sure his point had been made. He slowly released her and stood up right running one nervous hand across the back of his neck. The intensity of her eyes were daunting as she gazed up at him in a flood of emotions. {Well, I've officially ruined any chance of that friend zone she's been trying to place me in for nearly a week now.} His mind replayed in slow motion the many sleepless nights he'd spent staring at the closed door of his own bedroom. "Shit." He said looking out toward the colorful waters of the bay at sunset.

Jos could only stare at him, "What was that Arei?" She asked. "I told you how I felt. I thought you were ok with that... I thought you-"

He turned quickly around to face her still rubbing his tight neck. "You thought what? That I'd suddenly lose feelings for you?" He dropped his hands to his sides and pushed them into his pockets. "I'm not going to apologize for that kiss just now or any others, in the past or future." He frowned as he watched her eyes narrow. When she began to turn away from him, he caught her hand. "Jos, look at me. I want you to be happy and if that happiness is with someone else then so be it. I'll... well lets be honest, I'll be irritated at best... but if it's what you want I'll hand you over, I'll step aside. BUT if for some reason it doesn't work out, if by some miracle of the gods the dumb bastard lets you walk out of his life a second time, you better bet I will be there!" He tightened his grip on her hand as their eyes met. Just as he'd expected the lavenders and deep pinks and oranges of the sunset reflected beautifully off the aqua pools of her eyes. "Because I won't give up on you a second time, I won't turn my back a second time!" He pulled her tight against him this time in a hug. He bent slightly to nestle her head under his chin.

Jos let out a low sigh. Her palms pressed into his abdomen, her whole body pressed painfully against him. "O... Okay..." Was the only word her mind could muster.

Arei laughed light-heartedly as he loosened his hold. He smiled down at her, "What, did you already give up on laughing hysterically at me? I figured pouring my feelings out would have only added to your fuel."

Jos shook her head, her palms still pressing against him. "No, it's not like I'm enjoying causing you pain or anything... It's just..." She let her eyes trail up and down him as best as she could. "Look at you. Who could have imagined that such a large guy is such a..." She couldn't think of a word to describe him. He was the total opposite of the Orion she had once known and a vast difference to Russ. Though they were both caring in their own ways, Russ was always more demanding where as Arei was more gentle... more-

"Teddy bear? Is that the word you're looking for?" He asked pulling her back against him resting his chin lightly on the top of her head. When he heard her muffled laughs, he smiled. "You know you want to hug me right now, don't you?" He tightened his hold on her in satisfaction as her small arms struggled to circle his thick waist. He shifted to the side so they could both watch the last rays of the sun sink down into the waters of the Tampa Bay.

Jos let out a heavy sigh. "It really is beautiful here. I can see why you picked it."

"Yep." He glanced down at her a sideways smile covering his handsome face. "I told you, you'd like it. It reminds me of the island you grew up on."

Jos stared out into the calm waters, "It does, doesn't it." She couldn't stay mad at him, instead, she leaned her head against his strong chest until the last rays of light vanished below the surface of the waters."


Russ continued to stare down at his phone. They were waiting to board the plane back to the U.S. Rin and Shelly had promised to see them off but as of this morning they hadn't seen either of them. Russ let out an irritated huff as he turned around and walked toward the woman at the gate. "You know what, she can text later." Just as he was about to hand his ticket to the woman a tiny hand reached out and stopped him.

"No not yet!" Shelly yelled. She took advantage of his surprise and pulled him into a tight hug. "Thank you for coming all this way to check on me and for staying extra time just for me!" She pushed up on her tip toes and gave him a peck on the cheek. "We'll come visit soon, just let us know where you'll be staying."

Russ gave her a light hug and kissed her on the top of her head. "Alright, maybe by then the honeymoon phase will have wore off." He shook his head as he turned toward Rin and held his hands out for a hug from the smaller man as well. "You guys take care." He looked pointedly into Rin's eyes as he spoke. "I got to have a witness when I tell everyone how I almost beat this jerk's ass." He shot his thumb over his shoulder indicating Orion, who was already turning green just from the thoughts of flying again.

Shelly giggled and launched herself at the hulking man. She squeezed him tightly for a second then set a tiny bag of hard candies into his palm. "It was great meeting you. Take care of my brother." She glanced down at the candies. "And these are for you. They help with queasiness."

Orion huffed out a grunt and took a candy from the bag and popped it into his mouth. "Taste like ginger root." He said around the candy in his mouth as he sucked.

Rin nodded, "It is made with ginger and several other herbs used to help with nausea. It's an old family remedy of my mothers." He shot Shelly a sideways glance as his lips curled up into a satisfied smile. He held out his hand and waited for Shelly to walk into his embrace before he announced. "We'll be away for a few days, but as soon as we're back we'll give you guys a call and you can catch us up on the U.S situation."

Russ and Orion gave a final wave as they stepped through the gates of their flight. Shelly waved back in joy and Rin nodded as both his hands were preoccupied in holding Shelly tight. "I'll call or text as soon as we get back! I can't wait to hear how it goes with you and Jos! I hope it all works out!" She shouted at her brothers now departing back.

Russ glanced back and nodded. It did mean a lot to him that she was in fact happy about him and Jos being together, but the fact that he hadn't heard from her in the past week really bothered him. He'd asked Orion on several occasions to call Areion and see if he'd let him talk to her, but he'd straight out refused. He'd used various excuses but by now it was obvious he was allowing his brother to have uninterrupted time with her... to rekindle any spark that they'd once had or some horse shit like that. Russ gritted his teeth together and fisted his hands. {It's fine, I'll see her soon enough and when I do, I'll win her back. NO ex lover will stand in the way.} He glared at Orion's back as his mind continued to brood. "I hope you're sick the whole damn flight." He growled.

Orion arched a brow as he glanced over his shoulder at Russ. "And I hope at least one of them are in your lap." He pushed into the tight seats pointedly choosing the window seat. "Buckle up buttercup, it's gonna be a messy ride."