Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 75 - Always time for tea

Chapter 75 - Always time for tea

The sun had nearly set. The splendors of the deep scarlets, oranges, and purples of the sunset had nothing on the vast colors lining the streets of the New Delhi market, though. Open-faced shops lined the streets filled with rich fabrics in bright colors and textures, lanterns of various shapes and patterns hung overhead, walls were lined with intricate beadwork items and chunky metal jewelry, and tables where filled to the max with handcrafted pottery and fresh fruit and vegetables. The hardy smell of spices and cooked meats filled the air as several venders prepared foods right on the streets in large heated pans or flat hot plates. The streets were alive with sounds, smells, lights, and people; people as far as the eye could see.

"This is AMAZING!" Shelly squealed as she darted around the market.

Rin and Russ laughed light-heartedly as they followed close behind her joking and carrying on like there wasn't a worry in the world. Orion smiled and shook his head as he watched the three of them move from vender to vender, examining this or buying that. Russ had set some of his melancholy aside for the night determined to show his sister and friend a good time before they had to leave in the morning. He had gotten a message earlier from Raven informing him she had been attacked but was fine and on her way to stay with a friend, but he hadn't wanted to spoil the mood by telling the kids in front of him. Just like how even now, he was trying his hardest not to spoil their fun by letting them know someone had been following them most of the evening, most likely since before they had even left the palace.

He arched a brow as the group darted inside a small shop. "What are you guys doing now?" He asked.

"What does it look like?" Russ asked handing him a empty cup.

"We're trying some of herbal teas and-" She breathed in the sweet smell of the pastries, "And trying some of..." She rested her index finger on her chin as she looked over the choices, sniffing the air around the ones she found most interesting before saying, "These and some of those." She pointed to two different treats.

Orion set the cup on the counter and crossed his large arms over his chest. "We don't have time to snack guys. We need to get back before it gets too much darker."

Shelly turned toward him, her eyes dancing with excitement and eagerness of a child. "There's always time for tea, Mr. Sourpuss!"

Orion pretended to roll his eyes in aggravation, using the movement to check out their surroundings. Whoever was following them was making sure to stay in the shadows and well blended with the crowds making it hard for him to determine their exact location. "As a paid... most of the time... bodyguard, believe me when I say it's not safe and we need to head back soon."

Shelly rolled her eyes childishly, "Meh, party pooper!" She grumbled as she retrieved the tea cup from the counter and shoved it against his still crossed arms. "If it gets too dark or something comes up, Rin can simply snap us back to the palace so what's the-"

"Ah, actually I can only teleport one... maybe two people max." Rin interrupted.

She twitched her nose, "Well, he can teleport me and you can bodyguard Russ…" She looked Russ up and down before adding, "As if he needs it." She said gesturing toward his muscle growth from all training of late.

Russ only laughed as he took his cup and the kettle the vender handed him and made his way to a small table off the street. Rin sent Orion a 'what can ya do' shrug as he took his cup and the pastries and followed him to the table. Shelly continued to smile up at him until he finally growled in defeat and hooked a pinky through the thin handle of the tea cup. "Fine but after this we need to head back."

Her smile lit into a full-blown youthful smile, "Thank you!" she said as she skipped toward table. "This place is absolutely breathtaking!" She exclaimed as she stopped beside where Rin was sitting. Their eyes met and he took her hands, "I can't for the life of me understand why you ever wanted to live this place."

Rin smiled up at her as he tugged her down onto his lap, "Because I found something even more beautiful and amazing." He said matter-of-factly before he leaned upward to give her a tender kiss on the lips.

Russ cleared his throat loudly, "Alright you two. We're in public and I'm trying to eat."

Shelly gave Rin another longer kiss just to go against his request, before she turned, still on Rin's lap, and said. "Well that never stopped you now did it?!"

Russ lowered his head to the untouched pastry in front of him. "That I didn't and now look where it's got me." Russ pushed away from the table and began walking toward the crowd.

Rin nodded to Shelly to hop off his lap, then stood himself. "I need to talk to him, can you stay with Orion for a minute?"

Shelly nodded, "Sure no problem."

He bent and kissed her forehead, "I love you, be right back." Then he straightened and followed after Russ.

Orion flopped down beside Shelly, "Well looks like I'm going to be bodyguarding you instead, pup, what do you say about that?"

She tilted her head and studied him for a minute before speaking, "Could be fun... Russ said you've known Jos since she was young, is that true?" Her inquisitive cyan eyes sparkled up at him, pressuring him to answer.

"Yes, I have... maybe not quite as young as you but..." He shrugged.

Shelly's eyes grew more quizzical, "What was she like... then?"

He thought about the question, then shrugged. "I really don't know her now to give you a good comparison, but she was..." He thought about his answer, about the words that would describe the girl he knew then.

"Russ wait up. Where are you even going?" Rin said as he jogged lightly to catch up with Russ.

Russ slowed his pace and ran his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry man, it's just hard right now... I miss her... so much..." He hung his head as he came to a complete stop, glancing up through thick lashes he admitted, "It's hard to see you guys together like that. It reminds me of what I lost-" He quickly added jerking his head fully up to meet Rin's gaze. "I mean I'm happy for you guys, I really am! It just-"

Rin held his hand up, "Shhh, you don't have to explain it to me. I understand completely." He frowned as he lowered his arm his eyes studying the brand around his wrist marking him as a Gin. "I wish I could make things easier for you, I do..." His eyes came up to meet Russ's, "but I'm not going to slow down with her, I'm not going to miss one second with her... one kiss... one graze of the hand... one smile..." His eyes filled with sadness, "You saw the book, her and I may not have much time to spend together, and I'm going to make the most of every second..." He took a step closer to Russ and clasped a hand on his shoulder stopping Russ from saying what ever it was that he had planned on saying. "I only tell you this now because I want you to know, I plan on asking her to marry me soon and if she's willing take her as my bride shortly there after." When Russ went to interrupt, Rin shook his head. "I know what you're going to say, but I'm not changing my mind on this. I know the book isn't clear on how long we have or if it will actually happen or not, but I'm not taking the chance. I'm not risking dying without her ever knowing the true extent of my love for her or risk leaving her with my bastard to raise. I want our child to have my name and her as well."

Russ pulled Rin into a tight hug and whispered, his voice husky with emotion. "All I was going to say is I wish you guys the best with as long as you have." He held Rin out at arms length. "I get it, and I promise you if the chance arises I'll do the same with Jos." The boys gave each other a tight hug once again.

"I hate to break up this touching moment but we need to leave now." Orion shouted from down the street.

Russ and Rin turned questioning eyes in his direction. Shelly was barely visible behind Orion's massive frame as they both walked quickly through the crowds. When Orion and Shelly were about a foot away Orion said in a hushed voice, "Someone has been following us most of the night and I think the bastard's up to more than just sightseeing photos."

Russ and Rin quickly surveyed the crowds. Unable to detect any one person, Russ clasped Rin's arm. "Get her out of here, we'll meet you back there in a bit."

Rin nodded and Shelly ran into his arms. Within seconds of their bodies touching, they had both vanished. "Did you get a look at them? What do you think they want?" Russ asked in concern for his sister.

Orion shook his head angrily, "The bastard is keeping to the shadows, I can't pinpoint where he is but it's been going on for at least as long as we've been in the market."

Russ stepped closer, his eyes still searching the crowds, "What do you think their goal is?" He asked.

Orion shrugged, "If we're lucky, they are just trying to get pictures for a story or something, a local tabloid who found out about Rin's return or something... Or it could be that someone was sent to get pictures of you and or Shelly. It's not unusual for the council to send multiple people out on the same case if it's a high profile one like yours... or..." His voice trailed off.

"Or what?" Russ asked impatiently, bringing his eyes back to Orion.

Orion continued to search the crowds. "Or it could be something worse..." He met Russ's gaze. "You want to try out your new skill? We can make short work of this place together."

Russ nodded, "It would be faster if we split up."

Orion laughed, "No chance in hell, pup!" He smacked a large palm across Russ's chest and nodded his head in the direction they'd came from. "Together or not at all, what do you say."

Russ nodded, "Together then." Russ stepped off into the shadows of a building and began taking his clothes off.

Orion arched a brow and laughed, "What are you doing? You know I could make an ass load of gay jokes right now... including how much I'd like to load your ass... but I-"

Russ tossed his shirt into Orion's face, "Let me stop you there! I'm getting into wolf form so I can track this asshole better."

Orion snickered, "Can't tell ya how many nights I've spent doing the same boy... getting naked and tracking down better assholes..." Orion winked as he continued to watch Russ strip.

Russ rolled his eyes, "I think I liked it better when you were taunting me about Jos." Russ shifted quickly and nudged his shorts with his snout and waited for Orion to grab them. As soon as he did Russ took off across the street and began sniffing the ground with Orion close on his heels.