Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 51 - Fates be sealed

Chapter 51 - Fates be sealed

"Are you ready to go pup?" Orion asked as he stepped out of the front doors of the bar.

Russ lifted his head enough to shoot the larger man an irritated look. "Don't call me that." He snarled.

Orion arched his brow before folding over into an elaborate bow, "My apologies, Your Majesty. Please tell me how I may properly lick your ass, my prince."

Russ pushed up to his feet, "You're an asshole, you know that…"

Orion lifted his head a deviant grin spread across his handsome face, "You have no idea, kid." He took large strides to catch up then pass Russ, "But don't take my word for it… ask your girlfriend. She can tell you…" He shot Russ a suggestive grin, "Well she can tell you pretty much EVERYTHING about me." He winked before turning back to the vehicles lining the parking lot. He walked over to an antique ford pickup.

Russ snarled up his nose, "You have to be kidding me?!" He motioned from Orion to the truck with his hand, "YOU drive THAT?��� His nose snarled more as his eyes landed on a large rusted area around the bottom of the truck bed.

Orion shrugged his shoulder as he ran his hand across the hood of the truck, "What? I bought her new the last time I was here in the states." His finger grazed a rough spot in the paint and his expression fell, "The years of storage hasn't been kind to you, has it ol' girl."

Russ arched his brow as he crossed his arms across his chest, "Do you need me to give you two some privacy?"

Orion sent Russ a sly smile, "No need… I didn't give you and Jos privacy over the past several months…" Orion's smile widened as rage overfilled Russ, forcing the boy's body to shudder with an impending shift. Russ sprang at Orion in a well-directed leap, but before he could make contact Orion grabbed him mid-air and slammed him hard against the ground. He smiled down at Russ while Russ struggled to regain the breath that was knocked out of him. He held a single finger up in front of Russ's face, "Lesson number one, boy… Don't come at a Demigod in some half-assed drunken temper-tantrum." He stood up, extending his hand to Russ. "You'll lose every time."

Russ took his hand, and once he was fully upright, he brushed off his shorts. "You said that just to provoke me, didn't you?"

Orion met Russ's glare with a snarky smile, "Yes… But it doesn't change the truth in the words." Orion turned back to the truck and popped the door open. "Get in Pup, you have much to learn."

Russ slumped past Orion like a scorned puppy and waited quietly in the cracked leather seat as Orion shut the door and walked over to the driver's side. He studied the large man. He was mammoth of a man, reaching every bit of 6'6" or taller. Three large scars ran parallel along the base of his hairline, his intelligent brown eyes emitted an intimidating blind of knowledge and power. The intricate tattoo sleeving out his arms told his story with his father's seal resting proudly upon his biceps." There was no doubt, this was Orion. 'The Hunter', slayer of monsters, trainer of beasts… son of Poseidon. Russ watched as the man climbed into the cab and struggled to start the cranky old engine. "Did you really know Jos?" He bit out in jealous irritation.

The corner of Orion's lips turned up into a nostalgic smile as he continued to struggle with the old truck, "I did…"

Russ let out a growl as he turned his attention away from the man beside him and out the passenger window.

When the motor finally fired up, Orion looked Russ over then chuckled, "She definitely has a type… wouldn't you say?"

Russ snarled his lip, unwilling to look at the man beside him. "I supposed we do share similar… physical attributes… but I really don't see anything past that…" he could see Orion's reflection in the glass of the window as the man sent him a questioning smile.

"Really? You think that's all?" Orion asked skeptically.

Russ finally turned toward the man sending him a menacing scowl, "You mean other than all three of us being assholes of supernatural proportions?"

Orion laughed out loud, "Good one kid, ya know this may not be so bad after all. I think I'm going to like you." His face turned serious though as he navigated his way off the island. "That's not what I meant though…" He sent Russ a questioning look, "Even now, meeting me… finding out we knew each other… You don't find it… ironic?"

Russ furrowed his brow, completely baffled, "No, what do you mean?"

Orion arched his brow, "You don't find it odd that the last three men she has dated have been powerful both as supernatural creatures but also politically?"

Russ continued to look confused, "No I don't… What do you mean 'politically and supernaturally'?"

Orion smiled, "You, boy though you may be, are set to be crown king of your people. A people who, at one time, was considered one of the most powerful clans in the world. Myself who is the son of one of the three original gods, and lets not forget pretty boy DeMarco leader of the vampire clan… and the son of the man who slaughtered your parents…" Orion paused to give Russ time to process what he had just said. "No matter how you look at it, her involvement with the two of you alone is enough to raise suspicion."

Understanding settled in Russ's turbulent eyes as his face contorted into one of volatile rage.


Shelly stood before a strange statue, her focus bouncing between the statue itself and Rin's rapid movements. The statue was that of two men, in one hand they both held the iconic genie's lamp and on the other side, they were merged from the elbow all the way up to the tips of the fingers with no obvious division between the two. Her attention shifted back to Rin as he snapped his fingers loudly. Right before her eyes, his clothing changed to that of a ceremonial robe. He then walked over to her and snapped his fingers again and her clothes changed as well. She let out a nervous laugh, "It seems like if you could do this, you wasted your time earlier searching for me something to wear."

Rin studied her for several minutes as she took in the strange clothing, before answering. "I thought it better to give you time to yourself." His face held the same stoic expression he had had since she had said yes on the blanket. He took one of her hands and turned it palm up. "Repeat after me…"

Her eyes met his, "Rin? Are… are… you sure you want to do this… now?"

Rin closed his eyes tightly trying to fight back the tears building there, "Yes I do. The sooner we do the faster you can reclaim what was taken from you and take vengeance on those who have hurt you most."

Shelly frowned still looking down at her palm, "Umm… I see…"

Rin snapped his fingers and a large medieval looking blade appeared in his grasp. He began reciting a chant in an unfamiliar language before sliding the blade deeply across her palm. She gasped and drew her hand back quickly, but before she could speak a word, he ran the same blade across his own palm. He quickly grabbed her palm and squeezed their bleeding palms tightly together. He maneuvered their grips until they stood in the exact same positioning as the statue. "Blood of my blood… with this, we are now bonded as master and Gin… body and soul." No sooner than the last words left his lips, a brilliant golden spark flickered where their bodies touched. The tiny flickers quickly built into an explosion of color and light. Shelly watched in awe as their bodies slowly began to merge into one another as the statues were. When they were fully linked from fingertip to elbow the brilliant light burst out into a stunning supernova before reabsorbing into their connected bodies. By the time the light was completely gone their arms were back to being separate entities.

"Oh wow!" Shelly's eyes were wide in amazed disbelief. When she glanced up to share her amazement with Rin she drew back in shock. The eyes she had once treasured above all else were now pitch black. He stood immobilized in a trans. She watched in utter fear as the lids of his eyes slowly fell shut. She clutched her chest with one hand and extended her fingers to gently touch his cheek with the other, but when his eyes suddenly popped open and exerted an electrifying charge of energy she stumbled and fell to the floor. The force of the wave caused his head to be jostled backward. Shelly shot to her feet and threw herself at Rin's quaking body. Their bodies crashed to the floor and the waves slowly subsided. Tears streamed down Shelly's cheeks. "You idiot! Why did you do this!" She pushed herself up into a sitting position and pulled his unconscious body into her lap. "This is not what I meant at all…" Tears streamed down her face, dripping steadily onto his as she clutched him tighter to her chest. "Stupid, stupid man! I love you too… I… want you by my side… not as a genie but… but… as my love… my… my…" her words trailed off as the emotions in her words became too strong. She whispered the last bit softly against his temple, "As my husband…" Her entire body shook as sob after sob rattled her. She clung to his body, unaware that he had woken back up until a light touch caressed her hair.

"Shelly?" Crystal clear eyes met hers, "You… You were… You want to… marry me?" Her arms released him in surprise. He pushed himself up into a sitting position in front of her. He cupped her cheek gazing down at her tear-streaked face in overjoyed disbelief, "You would give up unlimited power, the chance to… to have everything you could ever want… for me?"

Tears began pouring down her face anew as she flung her body into his lap, her arms engulfing his neck in an unbreakable grip, "YES YOU IDOT!" Rin's back crashed the short distance to the floor. Shelly pushed up off him, staring down into his disbelieving expression, "I want Rin the man, not Rin the Gin…" Before he could answer she smashed her lips painfully against his in a desperate kiss. She worked quickly with one hand to loosen the buttons running the length of her gown before setting her fingers to work on the buttons of his.

Before Rin had time to process what was happening, he found himself engulfed in a passionate kiss with the woman he loved most their bare chest pressing tightly together. He struggled to break their kiss. Shocked eyes met hers, "Shelly are you sure you want this? If we… If you are not a…" Rin's cheeks reddened.

Shelly smiled down at him. She sat up straddling his hips, working quickly to hike up the long lengths of her gown. As her palm landed directly below Rin's navel, she bent down toward him. "I have never been so sure of anything in my entire life." She recaptured his lips as her trembling hands dipped below the waistband of his linen pants. She dipped her tongue inside his gaping mouth. She curled her fingers around his thick manhood that continued to grow harder in her grip by the second.

Shock was quickly replaced by a passionate hunger for the woman astride him. Rin curled his torso upwards, gripping her face on either side. He drank of her mouth with the hunger of eighteen years of pent of love and devotion. He released a graveled moan as her fingers began to move less nervously against his growing erection. He slid one hand down the length of her neck and across the delicate bones of her collar and chest until he was able to cup a swollen breast in his grip. When she broke their kiss to throw her head back in pleasure, he replaced his hand with his mouth. This caused her grip on his cock to tighten and her strokes became longer and more confident.

Shelly gazed down into Rin's passion-filled eyes, her own heavy with a newfound desire. She gripped him tighter, no longer stroking his length, instead she shifted her body positioning herself directly over his manhood. To her surprise though, Rin stopped her. He captured her lips again giving her a quick kiss before whispering against her lips, his eyes blazing into hers. "Not here, love." With a snap of his fingers, they were back in his room atop the mounds of vividly colored fabrics of pillows, curtains, and sheets surrounding the massive bed.

She was still taking it all in when she felt his cock jerk against her grip. For the first time since Rin's eyes had opened, Shelly blushed as her eyes met his, "I… I… don't think I'll ever get used to… traveling with you…"

Rin laughed, passion still blazing in his eyes, "That is only one of the smaller things I can do now. The world could be at your feet, you know. Anything you wish for is yours…" He let his hand drop down between her legs. He stroked his thumb across her swollen, hot flesh. "As long as you keep this intact." His fingertip plunged gently into her wet opening, pressing gently against her maidenhead.

Shelly let out a lusty cry, digging her fingers into Rin's muscular shoulders, as he applied more pressure to her throbbing bud with his thumb and rhythmically stroking his finger insider her deeper with each plunge. She bit her lip hard as she pressed her body downward with each of his plunging strokes, frustrated at the resistance present inside her body.

"Easy, baby." Rin purred as he watched her with pure unadulterated masculine pleasure, "The more you try to force it the more it will hurt." Rin pulled his finger out gliding the wetness from it across her quivering folds.

Shelly's eyes locked onto the hand rested atop Rin's head. Against her best efforts to move things along faster, Rin was determined to drag out the delightful torment of her deflowering as long as possible. She let out a loud moan as she dug her nails into the tender flesh behind his ears. She tugged on them, but he wouldn't budge. Instead, Rin sent her a wicked grin from his newfound heaven, buried between her thighs. She bit hard into her lips as she cried out, "Rin please!" Rin nipped her pulsing bud before slowly withdrawing his fingers from within her. He smiled down at her as he sucked her juices from his fingers, causing a shudder to run from her core up her spine. "Rin…" His name trembled as it left her swollen lips. She tried again to tug him up toward her, but he only continued to smile down at her, his hungry eyes roving over her now bare body.

"You're perfection." Rin stated matter-of-factly. He slowly and seductively crawled up over her body, capturing her lips as he pressed himself against her saturated folds. He smiled as she broke their kiss to let out another loud moan. {I know I have to take it slow and easy, but gods she making it so hard to keep from ravishing her right now.} Rin pressed all his weight onto one arm and firmly gripped his cock with the other hand. He watched her reactions as he pressed the tip against her throbbing bud then slid it threw her slick folds agonizingly slow. She bucked upward against him, urging him to take her… to ease both their torture, but he didn't. His lips curved upward as he leaned down to press a soft kiss onto the lip she was biting so hard. He licked the dip directly below her full bottom lip as he glided his cock farther down to her opening. She wiggled and flexed her hips against him as he teased her opening with its head. "Be patient, love." He whispered as he dipped his tongue into her mouth in rhythm to the pressing of his tip in and out of her tight opening. He hadn't pushed far enough in to meet resistance yet, instead, he wanted to bring her close enough to climax that the pleasure would out way the pain. When she began moving against him with more determination and her breathing became heavy pants, he broke their kiss. He anchored both hands firmly into the mattress on either side of her head. When she mindlessly pressed her hips upwards to meet his teasing shallow thrusts he continued to hold back. Tiny spasms began to contract around him. He pressed farther into her this time, meeting the barrier of her maidenhead.

She arched her chest into him as the pleasure began to burn her from the inside. She could now feel the strange sensation of him bumping against something within her. It didn't hurt so she began pressing her hips into him as he continued his slow torment of her body. "Rin… Ple…ase…" she begged, her hands moving frantically over his arms and chest trying to claw her way to the release her body craved.

Rin smiled down at her, taking in the damp dishevelment of her hair as it clung to her brow, her kiss swollen lips with areas of broken skin where she had bit hard into them, her hard swollen nipples seated perfectly atop her heaving breasts, "I love you." He said huskily. He chose that moment to meet the upward press of her hips with his own deep plunge. She cried out and buried her nails into the flesh of his shoulder blades, pressing her breasts hard against his chest as he broke through her maidenhead. Now it was his turn to bit hard into his own lip. He fought the urge pound out his release deep inside her body. Instead, he held himself steal until her muscles began to relax and her nails retracted from his flesh. He began slow, controlled strokes within her. When she finally released her death grip on his body and relaxed back into the mattress, he captured her lips. He kissed her deeply coming down over her onto his elbows until her moans and pants came too close together. He trailed kisses along her neck as he began to increase the tempo. Her fingers began clawing at his flesh again as their pleasure built. "Come for me, baby." Rin whispered hoarsely her ear as he sucked and nipped her lobe, driving himself deeply into her body over and over.

The overwhelming sensations rattling her body sent sparks shooting through all her nerve endings. A strange building pressure deep in her core forced her to press harder against Rin's rhythmic thrusts. His heated breath against her neck and ear was driving her crazy. The soft words the whispered was her undoing. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, noting the resistance his faster, deeper strokes were meeting inside her body. The painful pleasure of Rin losing control of the gentle rhythm he had maintained so well until now pushed her over the threshold into a new world. Her inner thighs started trembling as she pressed them tightly into his hips. She let out a guttural cry as something inside finally snapped and the pressure finally released in a frenzy ecstasy flowing from her core through her entire body. She squeezed his body tighter against her as the waves of passion consumed her.

Rin bit hard into his own lip as he fought the urge to ravage her trembling body. Her entire body pulsed around him causing his cock to throb within her demanding release. He slid his arms under her head, lacing his finger into her sweat-soaked hair, pressed his lips firmly to hers drinking deeply of her sweet taste. When her pussy contracted tightly around him, his resolve shattered. He pressed harder into her connecting their bodies from lips to legs. He frantically pumped out his release, refusing to release her lips swallowing her moans and cries of pleasure instead. With three more powerful strokes, he found his release deep inside her, blasting his seed against her walls. Instead of pulling out, he stayed within her body and continued trailing gentle kisses cross her swollen lips, the pert tip of her nose, her hot flushed cheeks, and back again. "I love you, Rashelle… I love you so much."

She smiled weakly up at him, "I love you too." She ran her hands across his muscled shoulders, then up his thick neck, hooking her fingers carefully behind his chiseled jaw, and pulled him down to her for another deep kiss.

He held her tight against his body as happy laughter rumbled his chest. He carefully slid out of her body and rolled over onto his back pulling her onto his chest as he went. "I never thought I'd live to see this day." He held her head tight against his chest as he stroked her hair and back with his other hand.

She peered up into his eyes. They were twinkling with the brilliance of billions of burning stars, causing a happy smile to curve her lips as she asked, "And what day is that?"

His laughter died off as he stared down at her in a loving seriousness, "The day when I could hold you in my arms… the day when I could watch you unravel beneath me… the day when all MY wishes could be granted…" He leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, lingering there as he drew in a deep breath. "I want to memorize everything about tonight. Your smell, the way you look right now…" His eyes twinkled as his lips curved into a brilliant smile. "The way your lips are still swollen from my kisses, your cheeks are still flushed from our lovemaking… the faint smell of our love still lingering in the air…"

She blushed and looked away with embarrassment. Her eyes trailed down his sleek body, still slightly damp from their lovemaking. She brushed her fingers across the ridged muscles of his abdominal stopping at his navel then working her way back up, her eyes followed her fingers as they glided across his body. She gasped as his manhood jerked with anticipation as she made another brush back down to his navel. Her fingers hesitated there as she watched him grow before her eyes.

Rin forced his body to be still as she shyly explored his body. He carefully slid his hand down her arm until he reached her slightly trembling hand. He stroked the length of her hand a few times before he curled his pointer finger against her palm, gently guiding her hand farther down his body. His cock leaped eagerly as he neared it with her hand, meeting no resistance from her. Once he had it where he wanted it, he gently curled his finger around her hand cupping her hand over him. He guided her thumb around him. When she didn't try pulling away, he tightened his grip and began stroking their hands up and down his length. When she tightened her grip, he removed his hand gliding it back up her body. He laced the fingers of his hand that had been stroking the top of her head into her hair and gently pulled her eyes up to meet his. "Your hands on my body feels so good." He smiled at her shocked expression. Taking advantage of her gaping mouth, he leaned in to capture her lips. "I want you." He whispered against her lips as a husky moan escaped his lips from the pleasure of her continued stroking of his length. He shifted, pressing one leg between her legs before shifting his weight onto it and spreading her farther apart with his other. This time he didn't tease her with only the tip or shallow strokes. He used the slickness of the overflowing juices to slide fully inside her. She moaned as he met some restraint. Soon enough her body had relaxed enough for him to move freely, and they were once again lost in the pleasures of their lovemaking.

Joslyn followed the GPS in a state of autopilot. She fought back nausea and impeding panic attack that she felt building. {What the fuck is HE doing here?! And with Russ?!?!} The gripping pain in her chest was causing her breathing to come out in gasps. 'You have wretch your destination' the voice coming from the GPS only slightly broke into her frantic thoughts. She let the Jeep roll to a stop as the blurred figure of a man ran toward it. The driver's door was pulled open, but all she could do was grip the wheel tightly.

Xavier rushed toward the vehicle. He could sense her mood from across the runway. Something was wrong. {I swear on my mother's grave if that little prick has hurt her again, I'll scatter pieces of his useless ass across the whole fucking country while he begs for death!} His mouth dropped the second the door was opened. Joslyn's entire body was ghostly pale, she gripped the wheeling with white clenched knuckles. "Joslyn, what's wrong? What happened? I knew I shouldn't have let you go by yourself…" He gently pried her hands free of the wheel and carried her bridal style to the waiting private jet. He tossed his head in the direction of the Jeep as he passed by one of the flight attendants. "Get her bags." He carried her to the private room at the back of the plane and gently laid her down on the soft bed. He frowned as she curled into a small ball in the center of the bed. He grabbed a throw blanket off the tiny chair in the corner and covered her. "I have to go give orders to the others, but I'll be back before lift-off okay." He stroked his hand across her hair before begrudgingly turning back out of the room.