Chereads / Second Chance of Fate / Chapter 6 - Night Party

Chapter 6 - Night Party

Carina & I finally came home after a well spent day at the festival grounds. Now we just had to relax and get ready for the night party.

"What are you going to wear Ori? I'm wearing a tube dress, the top is white and the lower half is yellow" Carina said.

"This Red tube dress with a white cardigan in case it gets cold" I said.

"Make sure you take off the cardigan though girl, remember we gotta find you another man! haha" Carina said.

"Please!" I said! " more like you better pray we dont run into Scotty! Haha. remember it's the new year party. Rules and tradition comes into practice. As long as someone asks you to dance on the floor you cannot reject!"

"EWW! Hell no! He better not!" Yelled Carina!

"We will see, Haha. If you're ready, we can go now?" I asked!

"Yes!" carina answered.

We got to the night party which ran from 6PM to 12AM, but we always went earlier to avoid traffic and get good seats. Songs were played and Carina and I danced the night away, while more people started showing up. Soon enough at the corner of Carina's eyes she spotted Scotty and Kenji.

"Ugh!! 3'o clock Ori!" she said. I looked and I saw them too.

"Looks like your worst nightmare came for you! hehe" I teased as Carina glared with me not laughing. [I've known Carina since we were 3 years old so I've known everything about her and what she likes or dont like etc. so if anything I'm her biggest teaser. ] We've continued dancing on the dance floor.

*** Scotty and Kenji (Writing as if I'm Kenji)***

"Wow, there's plenty of beauty here! Forget your Grace chick. She's probably be too busy to be here anyways! There's plenty of girls here to change your mind. Just aim for those with round faces, sexy legs, big ass and boobs!" said Scotty.

"Thanks for the advice, but I think I'm set on Grace. I'll definitely dance with other girls though as long as you can find me some" I said.

"I got chu man. Didn't I tell you our rules and tradition here in town?" Scotty said.

"No?" I said.

"Our rule/ Tradition is if we want to dance with someone, as long as we ask they cannot reject us because it's the new year. They gotta say yes. So, pick and choose my man, pick and choose!" said Scotty.

"Well, it's your town, I'll dance with whoever you pick" I said.

"Sounds good" said Scotty as he starts scanning the room....

"There's your lady you will dance with!" said Scotty, " the one in the red tube dress" as he pointed over to Oriana and Carina. "That's Oriana, the one you caught earlier! Now just remember the yellow-white one is mine"

"The red tube dress?" I thought. "Well, whatever you say. As long as its Ori. I'll dance with her."

"Let's wait til the next slow song to go and ask" said Scotty as he found himself and i some seats.

*** The next song came on and it was a slow dance song***

"Here's our chance, follow me!" said Scotty as he approached Carina and I across the room with Kenji following.

Scotty approaches Carina and said,

"Let's dance Carina!"

Carina refused but of course me being her best friend, I pushed her and told her to go with Scotty on to the dance floor.

"I'm only going if you are too Ori!" said Carina.

"No problem," said Scotty, "I need you too Oriana!"

So I followed them to the dance floor, only to find that I would be dancing with Kenji..

My mind is still stuck on his smile from earlier making me feel shy, but soon enough I snapped out of it when Kenji grabbed my hands and placed them on his shoulder as he pulled my body closer to him placing his hands on my hip.

"So, you're back in my arms again huh Oriana?" Kenji smiled.

"It must be fate," he joked.