Chereads / Second Chance of Fate / Chapter 9 - New Year Festival Day 2

Chapter 9 - New Year Festival Day 2

** I would be refer to as Kenji for the first part here **

Still in disbelief of what happened last night at the party and how I witnessed Grace fucking another man. I knew it was time to confront her. So, I woke up and headed once again to the fest ground just to meet her and give her a piece of my mind.

"Are you ready to do this?" asked Scotty

"Yep, I'm over that girl" I said.

We made it to the new year festival and we went straight to her food booth.

"Is Grace here?" I asked one of the elderly woman. (Assuming this was her mom?)

"Grace isn't here right now. She slept at one of her girlfriend's house and said she will be here later this morning. Did you both want to order some food while you wait?" the woman asked.

"Sure" I replied, since we're here anyways.

That said, Scotty and I sat down near the front of the booth tent and ordered some beef noodle soup along with some sweet rolls. While eating we saw Oriana and Carina approaching the booth also. I was happy to see them, but probably not as happy as Scotty who already went to approach Carina.

Carina: Hey Ori. Did you want to eat here?

Ori: That's fine. I heard the beef noodle soup here is bomb. Let's try some!

Scotty: Well well well, Good morning ladies!

Carina: Great... it's YOU again!

Scotty: I knew you missed me, my heart got a message from your heart so BOOM, I'm here.

Carina: Eww Get the fuck away from me.

Ori: Hi Scotty.

Just then I saw Kenji in the back, he looked at us, smiled and waved.

Scotty: So Ladies, care to join us for breakfast?


Ori: Sure since we're here anyways.

Carina: ORI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY

Ori: Cause, we can't get the beef noodles to go, duh we might as well sit.

Carina:....ughh! you're driving me crazy!

We then walked over to Kenji and sat by him after ordering our food as well.

Kenji: Good morning.

Carina: yeah, hi.

Ori: Hey

* A moment of silence*

Ori: So I see you're eating the beef noodle soup. Is it good?

Kenji: It's pretty good, but I can't say it's the best cause everyone has different taste.

Ori: Well, in your opinion? Would you recommend?

Kenji: Oh, yeah definitely. Is this what you ordered too?

Ori: Yes! I'm huge on beef noodle soup!

Kenji: That's good to know, maybe one day I'll make you some. My family does these type of food booth also for festivals. You should come by one day and it'll be on me.

Ori: That sounds great! I'll remember!

Our food arrived and so does Grace.

Grace: Hey Kenji! Sorry we couldn't hangout yesterday. I cleared my schedule today just to hangout with you. So when you're done eating we can walk around and play some games.

Kenji looks up at me from eating his food and smiled. He then turned over towards Grace.

"Ok, ready when you are" Kenji said.

"Perfect! Just let me tell my mom!" Grace replied.

After she left Kenji looked up back at me and said he had to go settle some business so he'll catch up with us later.

I (Ori) smiled back and said ok.

Kenji then left the booth with Grace.