Ignoring all the sense of vomit that he had going deeper, he soon found himself near a blood stained lake: the lake of tears. Its river was full of medical erbs along with some michef ones that would give you bad taste jokes as to grow esponentially a part of your body, drying your hairs of a weird color, making you as small as an apple... so all sort of bad taste jokes, the funny part was that they weren' t life treatening. At the other side of the phone a shorness of breath hurried Toya to make a decision. He quickly selected a few herbs and started making the elixir, as Oliver agilly stole the rough mixture and gave him a shove saying : ' sorry bro, i have to save my Clarissa, i can't live without her!' Toya felt sorry for the desperate measures the boy adopted, but he wasn't a person to feel empathy... ' I understood, bro take this with you and mix it with the misture, and it will be done.' The boy all happy took thr fresh flower Toya presented him and run off before the generous bro would change his mind and attack him, little did he know that that flower was a tricky tulip.. his stange effect made the person stupid enought to take it to chande gender only in essence, not in the general aspect of their figure as to hide their mischef. They were usually used to make a rilussian roulette with chocolstes for hen parties.
' I will save you!!!' wispered Toya, gazing around and calmly taking the medicinals once more, this time without surprises.