Chapter 23 - Normal day... untill

It was already the end of May, students were now only focused into the summer holidays as they were returning home from school. Only Sora was left here, a car waiting for her to take her to the studios where she would appear in a famous tv show. It was a pain really, being all polite and smiley, satisfy every whim of the conductor and staiyng here late when all she wanted was going home and troeing herself at the soft bed. If all this wasn't enought, she was worried sick from Toya that didn't contact her even once afther the time where he salved her. Three months, three long endless months passed and still nothing! Who could have happened to him??

' Now is not the time, let's go up there and make everyone fall in love with our song!' exclamed Candy that now was cheering her up, feeling the disconfort in her master' expression. ' You are right, sweetie. Let's do this!' exclamed Sora exitedly, putting ger best natural smile over ger face. Here i come!!!

3, 2, 1... End of the trasmission, thank you do much!! Aah, finally over trought her, taking off hurriedly his costume, the only thing she wanted now was to dash home and sleep, sleep as tomorow would never come! It was 9 pm, the street was dark and she was alone, walking back to her little appartament that she stayed at for being more confortable to go to tge studios, as his home was too far away and her parents were out for nearly a year now. It was soo sad to turn back into the huge hone only to find yourself alone, better was being in a small appartament with the compagny of little Candy. The lights of the street lamps illumiated the desert street, she was following their path as it would be too danderous to walk in tge dark lone so she was taking an insolit detour. She was almost at home, only five minutes left when she saw a black figure on the floor, shacking. One step, two step closer.. now she was able to see what it was, or better said who it was....
