Chereads / Spirited Away / Chapter 1 - Spirited Away (Movie)

Spirited Away

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Chapter 1 - Spirited Away (Movie)

Chihiro, Good luck - Till we meet again! Chihiro... Chihiro, we're almost there. I knew it was out in the country... Looks like we'll have to go shopping in the next city. The Bay Area was the only place we could find. Look, that's the elementary school. Chihiro, that's your new school. It looks like a nice school. My old school was better... No! Nooooo! Mom, the flowers are drying out! It's because you've been holding them the whole time. When we get home, just put them in some water. They should be fine. The first bouquet of flowers I've ever gotten. It's too bad they were a going-away gift... Hmmm? You got a flower on your last birthday. Just one, and I wouldn't exactly call that a bouquet. Here, your card fell out. I'll open the window, so please just sit still. We'll be very busy today. SPIRITED AWAY -- THE MYSTERIOUS DISSAPEARANCE OF SEN AND CHIHIRO What? Did I take a wrong turn? That's weird... Look, I think it's over there... Huh? The blue house on the corner. Yeah, that's it. We're one road down... Can we get to our house this way? No way. We always get lost like this... Just a little while longer, ok? What were those piles of rocks that looked like houses? Rock temples. They're the Gods' houses. Dad, are you sure you know the way? Leave it to me! Chihiro, sit down. Honey, stop fooling around! A tunnel! What is this building? It looks like an entrance... Honey, Let's go back... honey! Chihiro... Jeez It's made out of wood, but it looks like a new building... It's sucking in air... What is it? Want to go inside? We can see what's on the other side. No! Let's go back. Why, aren't you the little scaredy-cat... Want to go inside? Just a little? The moving van is on its way to our house. It's fine. I gave them a key. They can handle everything. That's true, but... No! I don't want to go! Dad, let's go back... Come on, it's okay... I'm not going! Chihiro, please wait in the car. Mom! Wait! Watch your step... Chihiro, don't cling to me like that. It's hard to walk. Where are we? Ah, you can hear it... It's the sound of a train! We must be close to a station. Let's go, we'll find out soon enough. There're houses around here? There's no doubt. This is a theme park. In the 90's there were lots of plans for them, but many didn't succeed. This is probably one of them. What? We're still going? Dad, let's go back. Hey! Mom, that building's making noises... It's just the wind. This place feels nice. I should have brought a sandwich from the car. Looks like they tried to build a river here. Do you smell it? It's a wonderful aroma... Oh, really? Maybe someone is still in business... Chihiro, hurry up... Wait! This way... How disappointing. Only food shops... It doesn't look like anyone's here... Over there! Come on, come on... This way, this way! Wow, this looks great! Excuse me, is anyone here? Chihiro, come look at all this good food... Excuse me? It should be okay. When they come back, we'll pay for it. Yeah. I wonder which one I should try... I wonder what kind of bird this is... Delicious! Chihiro, it's really good! I don't want any... Let's go back, we're going to get in trouble... It's okay. I have my credit card and some cash. Chihiro, come and eat. It's nice and soft. Here... Thanks... Mom! Dad! How weird... A train! You can't stay here! Go back right now! What? Before it gets dark! Leave right now! Public Bathhouse The lights just came on! Hurry! I'll buy you some time... Go past the river! What's wrong with him? Dad! Let's go home, dad... Nooo! Dad! Mom! Mom! Water?! This isn't right... This must be a dream! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up... Stop it. This has to be a dream... Go away... Go away... I can see through them? A dream... This is definitely a dream... No! Don't be afraid. I'm on your side. No! No! No! Open your mouth and eat this. If you don't eat it, you'll disappear. No! Don't worry. It won't hurt. It's alright now. Touch me. I can touch you... I told you so. Now, come with me. What about my mom and dad? Where are they? They're not pigs, right? It's not possible right now, but eventually you'll see them again. Stay quiet. It's looking for you. We don't have any time. Let's run. I can't stand up. I'm too weak. Relax. Take a deep breath. Give this child power, please... Stand up! *Wooden Door* No Entrance *White flag* Public Bath While you cross, don't breathe. Even a little breath and the store owner will find out. I'm scared. Stay calm. Welcome! Welcome! I'm back from training. Welcome back! Deep breath... Hold it in... Welcome! We're waiting for you! Just a little more... Haku-sama, where have you been? What? A human? Stay! Haku-sama. Haku-sama! Someone's here! It smells like a human! We've been spotted. Sorry... No, you did your best. Tell you what... They'll find us if we stay here. I'll get their attention. When I do, run away. No! Stay with me! Please don't leave! I have to stay in this world. This is the only way to save your parents. So I guess this isn't a dream after all. Stay still. We still have some time. You can escape through the back door. Go all the way to the bottom of the stairs, and go into the boiler room. Grandpa Kama should be there. Talk to him. Grandpa Kama? Ask him to let you work here. Even if he says no, beg him. Yobaba will find you if you don't get a job. Who's Yobaba? You'll know her when you see her. She's a witch that rules this world. Don't say "No" or "I want to go back," just say you want to work. I know it's hard, but if you do this, Yobaba won't lay a hand on you. Okay... Haku-sama! Haku-sama! I have to get going. Don't forget, Chihiro... I'm on your side. How do you know my name? I've known you since you were little. My name's Hakura. I'm right here! frogs : Haku-sama! Yobaba-sama said... I know, that's why I was out... Ummm, excuse me... Ummm... Are you Grandpa Kama-san? Haku sent me. Please let me work here? Too much to do. Little ones, it's time for work! I'm Grandpa Kama, an old man used for kuroama [ILLUSION] Little ones, would you hurry up? Ummm...please let me work here? There's already more than enough help here. I'm sorry... Hold on a second... You're in the way. What do I do with this? Can I leave it here? If you're going to help, do it right! Hey!! Little ones! Do you want to turn back into a pile of ashes? And you! Don't interfere with their work and make it easier on them! If they don't work, their magic will disappear. There's no place for you here. Go look somewhere else. What!? You guys have something to say!? Work! Work! Food's here. Are you guys fighting again? Leave them alone. Your bowl. I told you to have it ready. Time to eat! It's a human! People are talking about you up there! It's my grandchild. Grandchild? She wants to work here, but we're full. Can you take her to Yobaba? She'll take care of it. No way! I'll get killed! How about some burnt lizard? Either way, in order to work, she needs to have a contract from Yobaba. Hey kid, follow me. Hey, can't you be more polite and say "Please help me" or something? Oh, yes... Come on, follow me. Yes ma'am... What are you doing holding your shoes? And don't forget to take off your socks, too! Yes ma'am... Hey! Don't you need to thank Grandpa Kama? He helped you out, right? Thank you very much. Good luck. Yobaba is on the top floor. Hurry up, Or you'll lose your nose. We'll have to switch cars again. Okay. Almost there. Welcome... This elevator isn't going up. Please find another one. He's following us. Stop being so nervous. Here we are. Please keep to your right. Hmmm, Rin? Yes? Don't you smell something? A human. You smell like a human. Oh, really? I smell it, I smell it. It smells kinda good. Are you hiding something? Tell the truth. Is it this? Burnt lizard! Give it to me! No way. My sisters order this for me. Please, just a little? At least a leg? Sir, that's going up. Please pull the lever? You don't even knock! Well now, what a rude child! Now, come here. Come here now. Be quiet, would you? Umm, May I please work here? Stop with your stupid talk. What can I do with a weakling? This isn't a place for humans. It's a place for the Gods to get some rest and relax. Look at your parents, eating our guests' food like pigs. They deserved that. You won't be able to go back to your world. I should turn you into a piglet. Hahahahahahaha! You're shivering right? But you came this far... Who helped you? I'll give them my compliments. Who is it? Tell me... Check the above line, esp. 296, sounds like there's something else at the beginning. Oh, please let me work here? You're still saying that? I want to work here! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Why should I hire you? You look like a weak, spoiled crybaby. And stupid, to boot! Why should I give you a job? Or should I give you the hardest and most difficult job, and work you until you die? Definately not getting the above lines to work right. Stop it! Oh, what happened? Come on, be good now. You're still here? Hurry up and go! I want to work here! Don't make so much noise! Ouch! Oh, hold on, you're a good child. Calm down. Please let me work! Okay, be quiet. Awwww, good boy, good boy. That's a contract. Put your name there and I'll let you work. But if you say, "I want to go home," or "No," I'll turn you into a pig. Umm, do I sign here? Yeah. Stop stalling and sign it. Oh, gosh. What a stupid job. Giving work to people... Did you sign it? Yes. Hmmm. Your name is Chihiro. Yes. From now on, your name is Sen. Okay, Sen? check line 330, sounds like another line is there. Yes ma'am. Did you call for me? This kid's going to work here from now on. Take care of her. Yes. What's your name? Chi... ah... It's Sen. [ILLUSION - MISSED LINE, timer: "Then Sen, come with me."] Haku... Don't say too much. Call me Haku-sama. Even if it's Yobaba's orders, We still [excuse] humans [ILLUSION] She has a contract. What? Thank you very much... Don't put her near us. We'll smell nasty, like a human. Her smell won't go away for 3 days. ILLUSION If she doesn't prove useful by then, burn her, boil her, do as you wish.] Go back to work! Where's Rin? What?! Are you going to put her with me? You wanted a servant, right? Go ahead, take her. Rin : Geez. Sen, go ahead... Yes sir. I can't stand this. I want a raise. Hurry up and go. Come on. You did quite well. Since you seem somewhat dumb, I was worried. Don't worry. If you need help, ask me, okay? Yes. What's wrong? My feet are tired. This is our room. Eat something, get some sleep, and you'll be okay. Here are some clothes. You have to wash them yourself. Since you're so small... These might be a little big. Ms. Rin, umm... What? Are there two Hakus here? Two? If there were two of him we'd be in trouble. He's Yobaba's servant, so be careful. Strange... I found it! What happened? Get a hold of yourself... Sounds like "Be quiet . What is it Rin? What happened, are you sick? Come with me. I'll let you see your mom and dad. My shoes are gone... Thank you. **Blue Board** Public Bath Come on. Dad! Mom! It's Sen! Mom! Dad! Are they hurt, or sick? No, they're probably just full and forgot that they were human. check bleed on line above. Dad, mom, I'll rescue you somehow. Don't eat too much, or you'll fatten up and get eaten! You should hide this. Oh, I thought it got thrown away. You'll need it when you go back. I got this when I left my friends... Chihiro? That's my name... Yobaba takes people's names and controls them. Call yourself Sen, but keep your real name. My real name was almost taken away... I would've been Sen... When she takes your name, you'll forget the way back... I can't remember mine, either. Your real name? But thats strange, I remembered you. Here, you haven't eaten yet, right? I don't want to eat. I made it, so don't worry. Here, eat. It must've been hard. Here, eat some more. You can go back now, right? Haku, thank you. I'll try to stay strong. Where did you go? I was worried! I'm sorry. Move out of the way. Sen, can't you put more strength into it!? Rin and Sen. From now on you have to clean the bath. Isn't that the frog's job? Orders are orders. Just follow directions. Umm, aren't you getting wet out there? Sen, hurry up! Yes ma'am! I'll leave this open for you. Rin, you have a new job? Leave me alone. Wow. This hasn't been washed in a while. We have to wash this mess. It seems like it's stuck and won't come off. Rin, Sen, our first customer will be coming soon. Yes, almost done! Damn, this won't come off. Sen, go get some tonic and some tools. Tonic and tools? missed line 1 missed line 2 missed line 3 What is that? Something's here... Something is hiding in the rain... Like we can afford to waste things like that. Good morning! Did you sleep well? For Catsura-sama... Okay... check above line. Just rinse it with your hands. Line check. Good morning! Use your hands... hands... But she said it had to be done with tonic. Seems like you don't even know for sure. guy : Have a nice day! check line. Yes? Speaking! Thank you very much! Hey... no... wait! What happened? Oh, nothing. Something is coming. A human? That's what you need to find out, since Haku's not here. Wow, he gave us a good one. This goes to Grandpa Kama. It's not crowded so people should be coming soon. Pull this and the hot water will come down. Try it. You're really clumsy. Wow, what a weird color. It contains dried worms. If it's something this strong, we won't have to rinse it. When it gets full, pull it again and the water will stop. You can let it go for now. I'll go get some food. Okay. Umm, the bath isn't ready yet. You're giving this to me? I don't need this much. No, it's okay... Oh my! M'lady! A monster? Yes, a really big one! Please go back. Please go back. Please go back. Hmm, this wasn't what I sensed but... Oh well, let him come. Everyone, please leave! Hurry! Hurry! Rin and Sen, Yobaba is calling for you. Yes sir. Do you get it? It's your first job, so help take care of this customer... Umm... Don't talk back! Goblin : It's here. Stop that! You're being rude to the customer! Welcome.... Hope you're having a nice day... Sen... Sen... hurry... Yes ma'am... What are you doing!? Hurry up and show him the way! Please come this way... Sen! Nasty! The food! Open the windows! All of them! Hold on a second... How nasty. This isn't something to laugh about. I wonder what that girl will do? Trying to get more water... Missed line. Goblin speaks. Did you give her more money? No way, what a waste. Wow, that's a lot. Sen! Where are you? Ms. Rin! Are you okay? I told Grandpa Kama to give you a lot of strong tonic for the bath! Thank you! Umm... There's a thorn or something stuck in here... Thorn? It's deep, and hard to get. Thorn? Thorn? Go get a bunch of people down there. Huh? Hurry up! Sen, Rin, thats not what you think it is! Tie this to the thorn! Yes ma'am! Hold on tight! Okay! Stop stumbling around! Hurry up and work together! It's tied on! Everyone work together! Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave! A bicycle? That's what I thought. Now heave! Heave! Sen! Are you okay? Much better. Be quiet! The customer is still resting! Sen, you're in the customer's way! Move! Make way, he's leaving! Sen, good job! We're going to make a lot of money! [I will add one for you Sen.] ILLUSION Want some? Thank you. Well, well... Haku wasn't here today... Again with Haku... Sometimes he just disappears. According to the rumors, Yobaba makes him do horrible things. I see. Rin, I'm going to turn it off. Go ahead. There's a town over there. It looks like it's under a river. Of course. When it rains, it creates a river. Someday I'll quit this job and go to that town. What's the matter? Gold! Uhh... Hey, who are you? You can't stay there if you're not a customer. Gold! Gold! You can make gold! Give me! Give me some! Anyone there? It's past closing time already. Hey you, I'm hungry. That voice, you're... Here's some money. Take it. I'm a customer. And I want to take a bath, too. Dad, Mom, I got this from the last customer. If you eat it, you can return to normal. Dad, Mom, where are you? Dad! What a bad dream... Rin? No one's here... Wow, it really turned into an ocean! I can see where my parents are from here. Grandpa Kama is making fire. Did I oversleep? Gather a lot of food! [Even old and waste] ILLUSION Bring a lot of food! Sen! Ms. Rin! I was just about to wake you up. Look at this gold I got! A really good customer came! I'm still hungry! Keep bringing food! What does the customer look like? Sen, you come too. Yobaba is still sleeping, so we have a chance. I have to go to Grandpa Kama. You shouldn't go there now. He's in a bad mood because he got woken up. Rin, lets go back. Okay. What if I can't recognize my parents? I hope dad isn't that fat... I've seen that before. It's coming this way! I wonder what it is? It's not a bird... Haku, get a hold of yourself! Haku? Haku! It's just paper. Haku, it's you right? Haku, are you hurt? The paper birds are gone... It's okay... He's going to Yobaba's place! What should I do? Haku's going to die! Come and beg and go along with this play... Welcome! Crowd yelling: Can I have some? Can I have some gold? missed line Hey, what are you doing? I need to go up! No, no. Eh? Blood! Move! Move! Customer coming through! Thank you for before... What are you doing? Hurry up and... I don't want it, it's okay. I'm busy, so excuse me... Hey, everyone! Calm down! Calm down! Stay back! Stay back! Sorry about that, she's just a new human girl... Hey you, why are you laughing? You just laughed! Yobaba! My gosh, look what happened. That must be No Face. How dare he mess this up? You guys, take care of Haku! Baby, You're not sleeping in the bed again? Oh, sorry! Sorry! You were being such a good baby, sleeping quietly. I have work to do. Be good and sleep. Ouch! Let go! Oh, thank you for saving me. I'm in a rush to go somewhere... Can you please let go? You came to spread bad germs. What? There are only bad germs outside. I'm a human. I know I might seem a little strange in this world. It's bad for you to go outside. Stay here and play with me. Are you sick? If I go outside, then I'll get sick. So I stay here. If you stay here then you will be sick. Ummm...My friend is really hurt so I have to leave pretty soon. Can you please let go? If you go I'll cry. If I cry Yobaba will come and kill you. This weak hand will break pretty easily. Ouch! Ouch! I'll come back and play with you... No! We play now! Blood! You see? Blood! Haku!! What are you guys doing? Shoo! Shoo! Haku, are you okay? Haku? Be quiet! Haku? Go away! Go away! No! I don't care about a little blood. If you don't play with me, I'll cry. Please wait, you're a good kid. If you don't play with me, I'll cry. Please wait. Please be quiet. Okay, you're a little dense. Can't tell the difference between me and your mom? Now, what should I do with you guys. Be quiet about this, kid. If you tell, something bad will happen. Who are you? Yobaba's twin sister. Thanks to you, I was able to explore this whole place. Now give me that dragon. What will you do with Haku? He's in a lot of pain. He's my sister's servant, a dragon thief. He stole from me. Haku couldn't do such a thing. He's a nice person! Dragons are all nice and wise. Take my sisters magic and become her servant. Now move out of the way. This dragon won't survive anyway. The stuff he stole from me had a curse on it that who ever took it would die. No, don't! What is up with these guys? Stop that and go back to your room. My guard was down... Haku! What's going on? Haku! Hold on! Haku! Does it hurt? This isn't good... Haku, hold on! What should we do? Haku will die! Something is eating him up from the inside. From inside? It's a strong magic. I won't be able to help... Haku, the River God gave me this. Eat it and it might help. Haku, open your mouth. Haku, please eat it. See? It's okay... Is that a dango? You're a good kid, now swallow it... It's okay... It came out! That's it! The stamp! It ran that way! That way! Make a circle! Make a circle! Cut it! Grandpa, this is Yobaba's sister's stamp. A witch's stuff? That's bad... I thought so! Grandpa, it's Haku! Haku! Haku! Haku! Grandpa, he's not breathing! Looks like the curse isn't completely gone. Hopefully this will settle him down a little. Haku came here suddenly from out of nowhere, just like you. He said he wanted to be a wizard. I disagreed, because being a witch's servant is no good. But since he had no way to go home, He became Yobaba's servant. Day by day he looks worse and worse... Grandpa Kama, I'll go return this to Yobaba's sister. I'll apologize and try to get her to forgive Haku. Please tell me where she lives. Zeniba's place? She's a scary witch. Please, Haku saved me. Now I want to save Haku. You might be able to go there but the way back... Hold on, I have it here somewhere... Everyone, please get my shoes. Sen! I've been looking all over for you! Ms. Rin! Isn't that Haku? Why is he here? Who are they? My new friends. Yobaba's mad, and she's looking for you. The "good customer" turned out to be a bad one. She says you brought him in. Maybe so... What?! Really?! I thought he was a customer. What are you going to do? It ate 3 people already... Here it is! Sen, I found it! Grandpa, we're a little busy right now... You can use this! Isn't that a ticket? Where did you manage to get this from? I had this ticket left over from 40 years ago. Okay Sen, the 6th station called "Swamp's Bottom." There? Yes. Anyways, the 6th station. 6th one. Okay. Don't miss it. There used to be a return train but nowadays, who knows. You still want to go? Yes, I'll follow the railroad on the way back. What about Yobaba? I'll get going now. Haku please wait until I come back. Don't die... What happened here? Don't you know? This is love... love... It's getting bigger and bigger! I don't want to be eaten... Here she comes... Sen! Good! Yobaba's getting too out of control for us to handle. Where is Sen? Where is Sen? There! Hurry, hurry... Mrs. Yobaba, here's Sen... Slowpoke!!! Here, sir, Sen is here. Hold on a moment... Took you long enough! Take a lot of gold from him? What's with that ugly rat? Don't you recognize him? Why should I? I'm going now. Take your time... Will Sen be alright in there by herself? You want to switch places with her? Want to eat this? It's good. Want me to bring out more gold? Come over here. What do you want? Name it. Where did you come from? I have to go to somewhere very soon. You should go back where you came from. You can't give me what I want. Where do you live? You have a mom and dad right? No... I don't. I'm lonely. I'm lonely. You don't know where you live? I want Sen! I want Sen! Take the gold. I don't want it. Take it. Hey! Before you eat me, eat this first. I wanted to give it to my parents, but here... Sen! What did you make me eat? Everyone move! Take this! I'm over here! Over here! I won't forgive her! Sen! Over here! Over here! Why are you calling it? That thing is causing problems in there. We need to get him out. And take him where? I don't know. What do you mean, you don't know? He's following us. Walk from here. You'll find the station if you keep going. Thank you. You better come back! Okay! Sen, I called you dumb, but I take it back!!! Hey, No Face! Do something to Sen and I won't forgive you! That's it! The train came! It's coming! Please take me to "Swamp Bottom." Do you want to ride too? Please take him too? Come here. Stay still. Grandpa... Oh, Haku, you're awake? Grandpa, where is Sen? What happened? Please tell me. You don't remember anything? I only remember a little. Darkness, Chihiro kept on calling my name. I followed the voice and woke up here. Chihiro? Her name is Chihiro? How great is the power of love... Gosh, stupid Sen! What does she have to say for all this... Because of Sen, we were all freed... It was her fault anyway! She took off and betrayed her mother! Maybe we should make her parents into ham, or bacon... --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Please wait. Master Haku! Well, well. You're still alive... You still don't see it. Something important has changed. Since when did you get smart enough to talk back to me? My boy!! Baby!! My boy!! Baby! Where are you? Come out!! Come out!! YOU!!!!! WHERE DID YOU PUT MY BABY!!!!!!! Zeniba's place. Zeniba? I see. The witch thinks she can beat me like that... And? What do you plan on doing about it? I'll get your baby back. In exchange, please return Sen and her parents to their world. And after that what will happen to you!? Do you care? This should be the right station. Let's go. You can go on my shoulder... Come in... Thank you very much. If you're going to come in, make it fast. Come on. You all came here from far away. Umm... I'll bring you some tea. Mrs. Zeniba, this is the stamp Haku stole. I came to return it. Do you know what this is? No, I don't, but it's really important to you, And I came to apologize for Haku. I'm sorry. You were holding this and nothing happened? The protector bug isn't on this... Sorry, I stepped on it and killed it. Stepped on it and killed it!!! That's the bug my sister put into the dragon to control it, And you stepped on it and killed it... Oh, you must be No Face. Sit down. Please turn these people back to themselves... You two? The magic wore off a long time ago. Turn back whenever you want. We're supposed to be twins, but our opinions on things just don't agree. What a bother. I want to help you too, but I can't since it's the law... About your parents and your boyfriend Haku... But, may I at least get a hint? Haku and I, it seems like we've met before... Then your story's simple. Once you meet people, it's hard to forget. You just can't remember. But it's late now, so go ahead and get some sleep. Would you two help me? Come on, keep trying. Yeah, yeah, that's it. You're great too. If I make it with magic it doesn't mean as much. Make a knot and continue like that. Grandma, I think I'm going to go. Because, while I stay here, Haku might be dying and my parents might get eaten. Just wait a little more. Here... use this for your hair. Wow, pretty! It's all our love put together. Thank you. Good timing. We have a guest. Please open the door. Ok. Haku! Haku! I wanted to see you, are you okay? I'm glad he's here. Grandma, Haku was alive! Haku, I'll forgive you, but take good care of Sen. Now you two, it's time for you to leave. Please come again. And you, stay here, and help me. Grandma, thank you for everything. My real name is Chihiro. Chihiro. That's a nice name. Take care. Thank you. Now, go on. Grandma, thank you! Goodbye! Haku, listen. I heard this from my mother but, when I was small I fell into the river. But that river was replaced with a mansion. That river's name was Kohaku River. Your real name is... Kohaku River. Chihiro, thank you. My real name is Nigihayami Kohakunus. Nigihayami? Nigihayami Kohakunus. What a great name! It sounds like a god. I just remembered. The time you fell into me, you almost drowned. Yeah! Kohaku, you saved me, and brought me to the shore. I'm so happy... They came back! You came back with my baby, right? Wha--? Baba! Are you okay? Are you hurt? You can stand on your own now? Mrs. Yobaba, it's a promise, please return Chihiro and her parents! It doesn't work like that. In life, there are laws! Shut up! Stingy Baba. Just stop. I had a lot of fun. But this is a law, the curse can't be broken. If you make Sen cry, I'll hate you. What? Grandma! Grandma? The curse CAN be broken. I heard about the law from Haku. Hope you're ready for it. Here's your contract. Come over here. Baby, it'll be over soon. It's okay. Find your parents in here. You have one chance. If you get it right on the first try, you guys are free. Grandma, my parents aren't here. They're not? Is that your answer? Yes. Good answer!!! Good job! Great! Everyone, thank you! Go on. You win. Hurry up and go! Thank you for taking care of me. Goodbye! Thank you! See you again! Haku! Let's go... Where are my mom and dad? They're up ahead... The water's gone... I can't go this way. Just go back through the way you came in but don't look back until you exit the tunnel. Haku, what about you, Haku? I'll have to talk to Yobaba, and quit working with her. I'll be okay, and I'll get my real name back. I'll be back in the other world. Will we meet again? Yes, hopefully. -- Hopefully? -- Hopefully... Now go on. Don't look back... Chihiro! What are you doing? Come on! What? Mom! Dad! Don't just go running off like that. Let's go. Mom? Is anything wrong? Huh? The moving van has already arrived. Chihiro, come on. Watch your step. Chihiro, don't cling to me like that. It's hard to walk. Here's the exit... Huh? What? Dang, the inside of the car is filled with dust. A prank? Maybe. Thats why I said not to go! Alright, alright, it's okay. Chihiro, we're going. Chihiro, hurry up! Itsumo Nando Demo [Always, Time after Time] Lyrics by Wakako KAKU Sung by Yumi KIMURA It's calling, somewhere deep in my heart. I want to have an exciting dream always. There are countless sorrows, But I will surely see you beyond them. Every time one makes a mistake, One just knows the blue of the blue sky. It looks that the path continues to no end, But these arms can hold the light. My silent heart in the time of farewell, The body that becomes zero listens carefully. The mystery of being alive, the mystery of going to die, It's the same with flowers, winds, and towns. It's calling, somewhere deep in my heart, Let's make a dream, always and time after time. Rather than count the number of sorrows, Let's sing softly with the same lips. In the closing memories, I always hear the whisper that I do not want to forget. Even on a shattered mirror, A new landscape can be reflected. The morning of the beginning, the quiet window. Fill up the body that becomes zero. I no longer look for it over the sea. The shining thing has been here always, I have found it in myself. THE END