Saw the next stage of the badge, er, wow ten thousand words. For the badge! Go for it! Ah I want to put a picture here but sadly there's no option here.
But the way, I'm curious now why was Leil so mad last chapter. Hmm... [looking at back]
Er, H-hey still a-angry [shudder]. Now please forgive him.
Leil: [the room turning dark] No, not him.
Then who?
[two black hands shot out from her shadow, pinching my cheeks]
Leil: Who? Who?! [stretching both cheeks in opposite direction]
Ah! Ouch ouch [trying to remove the black hands]
Leil: These! [points on some scratch papers on the table] What are those reincarnation-whatever stuff, those different places that almost every single... need my rebirth and death! Sniff, there's not even having my break, a happy break!
Me: [shock]
Leil: You... [bursting into tears]
I... uh... its only... Hu~ well, all of them um kinda dark-something. 'Cause those were my-
?: Excuse me~ [pats the heads of Me and Leil] No fighting please or else our baby Kor will wake up, so shhh.... ['brightly' smile]
Hmm? Oh okay... Sorry
Leil: Sorry [the black hands vanished]
[both, heads down]
?: Ehem
Ah?! Oopss. By the way, the one who stopped us... This is Long Tail, Leil's little(?) brother.
Leil: He is also our babysitter for a moment to our cute~ baby Kor, hehe. [mumble] We A and me didn't know why he's still in a baby form after so-
Long Tail: Ehem
Leil: Oh, He's also "our" storyteller wanderer. As for why his name like that... Welp, maybe next time.
Long Tail: [remember something] Leil, Teon was looking for you since this morning. I think he needs your help about "that".
Leil: Ah, I forgot! Thanks for the reminder. Gonna go now.
(Before she go out of the room, the way she look at me was like "I not finish with you". Wow, I'm not safe for this day...)
Long Tail: So this will be the "plot" you made for us? [raising one eyebrow]
I... uh, not all of them, really! [sweating]
Long Tail: If you don't want others read these in the future, please clean your room. It looks like you're hoarding papers.
Ay, haha looks like it. [scratching the head, guilty]
Long Tail: Pfft~ [grinning] I'm leaving. I'll bring snacks later so make sure you clean thoroughly your room.
Yes! Wohoo, food food...
Long Tail: ... [watching as he close the door]
If I have a big brother like him maybe... Anyway, I'll explain later(?) why his name was Long Tail... Hmm...
see you(?) next chapter ;3 (thanks for reading/wasting a little time of your life lol joke)