Chereads / Welcome to Uminari Academy / Chapter 5 - Chapter 3: Who are You??

Chapter 5 - Chapter 3: Who are You??




"Huh…Wha…What!?" Nanoha said as she stood up suddenly.

"Yes, Miss Takamachi is there something wrong? Would you care to tell the class what it is?" the teacher looked at her, annoyance visible in her beautiful face.

"No…No, Ma'am" Nanoha replied. Her face sporting a wonderful blush from embarrassment. Which she desperately tried to hide which however failed miserably.

The teacher then sternly looked at her for a second longer for not paying attention in her class.

"Is that so? Then please take your sit or would you rather stand outside?"

"I'm sorry, Fuji sensei."

After Nanoha bowed and took her sit. Her teacher continued on with the lesson.

Nanoha still embarrassed from her little outburst continued to blush while her classmates tried to suppress their giggling.

"Mou, Zero-kun what's that for? You almost scared the life out of me."

"Hehehe that was so funny. You should have seen your face. It was hilarious."

"Mou Zero- kun. So what do you want? You didn't just do that to make me a laughing stock now did you? Or did you? I hope it's important or you'll be punish for putting me in this situation." Nanoha wanted to pout at him so badly for what he did but knowing that, that would only make her classmates giggle some more. She decided to suppress it.

Zero knowing Nanoha well knew what the brunette was thinking. He couldn't help but smirk evilly at the thought of the girl wanting to pout.

"Mou, stop teasing me already." The brunette sighed "So what is it that you want to talk about Zero-kun."

"Oh, yeah it's just that you seem to be preoccupied with something. I was just wondering if it got something to do with what happened yesterday?" before his line end Nanoha did not miss the sudden change in Zero's tone. He seems to suddenly got serious. Which cause Nanoha to worry a little and she couldn't help remembering what happened.


"Who are you?"

Nanoha couldn't help herself from looking towards the place the voice came from. Ruby red met somber sapphire blue eyes both of them locked in an awkward staring contest. The girl seemingly to recover faster repeated her question once more as she tried to approach Nanoha.

Zero took the time the two were lock in a staring contest to cast a mid-range teleportation spell. Which he activated when he saw the other girl walk toward Nanoha. While they got engulf by the pinkish light Nanoha continued to look at the girls ruby red eyes and somehow she couldn't help feel nostalgic. It seems to her that somewhere in her past she had seen the same ruby red eyes but she couldn't remember well enough to know when or where. Then they vanish.

Flashback end

"No Zero-kun, I'm fine. I'm just a little bit tired."


"Yes, really and thank you for always protecting me even though sometimes I make unreasonable requests. Please keep on looking after me."

"You don't even need to ask. After all you'd be completely hopeless without me." With all seriousness but somehow she couldn't help think Zero-kun was teasing her again.

"Mou, Zero-kun..." this time Nanoha was not able to stop herself from pouting.

If some of her classmate saw her or not, they remained passive.

Inside the inner garden of Uminari Academy a certain girl lazed around. Her expression unreadable. Then suddenly the girl let out a sigh like she's exhausted though she hasn't move much from her place.

"What's wrong with you? You'd been sighing all morning. Is it about what happened yesterday about that mysterious violinist person? Or was it about what I did yesterday?"

The girl looked her way and the red orange wolf went to alert mode. But then the girl let out another sighed.

"Arf, its not you. It's just that when I saw her eyes it reminded me of someone I used to know." Once more the girl sighed.

"Her eyes remind me so much about 'her'. They both have beautiful sapphire blue eyes."

"I want to know who she is?" The girl whispered as she looked up.

"Fate?" Arf inquired. Seeing nostalgia on her master's face Arf remained silent by the girl's side. Then she thought of something.

"Hey Fate, if you really want to know that mysterious violinist then why don't you ask Hayate. I think she'd be able to find her easily with her connections, after all she's the student council president.

At the mention of the girl's name, Fate's face paled and she started to shiver.


"Please, please Arf don't suggest something like that unless my life depended on it okay. I'm still getting over the trauma of when I last ask her for help?" as if to reinforce this she started shivering again.

It was a memory that she'd been trying so desperately to forget. If it was up to her she'd delete the very memory of it all but alas it was engraved in her memories. It was her worst nightmare and she'd give anything for it not to happen again.

She decided that as horrifying as it sounds like she'd make it her last option if she couldn't find the girl herself.

The bell rang once more signaling the end of class. Nanoha was gathering her things when one of her classmate walked towards her and gave her a note. She ask to whom it come from but the girl just shrug and left.

There was no name on the note, only instructions. Zero warned her that it might be a trap but curiosity won over her and she decided to go.

"Nanoha, you do know this is a trap right?" Zero asked worriedly.

"If so, you should not have come." The both of them were startled by the sudden intrusion.

Before they could prepare themselves. They were already inside a barrier. Nanoha was caught in a bind while one of the girls shot Zero out of the barrier.

Snapping out from her shock. Nanoha started shouting Zero's name desperately trying to know if he's alright not even caring to worry for her own sake.

Zero who was shock by the sudden attack was not even able to erect a barrier receiving the shot head on. He lost consciousness for a few minute but was quickly awaken again by Nanoha's constant and desperate call for him.

Inside the Barrier

The group of girls started to appear one by one. Nanoha more worried about Zero's well-being failed to realize that her soon-to-be-attacker were increasing in number.

"Zero-kun!…Zero-kun!!…ZERO-KUN!!!… answer me please…Zero-kun!." Desperately she tried to call out to Zero.

Zero recovering from the sudden attack replied to her desperate calls even thought their telepathic link was slowly being muffled by the barrier.

Relief wash over her as she heard Zero replied but sooner than it come it disappeared as she finally realizes her situation more so when she was slap by one of the girls.

"Well…I guess that finally made you pay attention then." Sarcasm dripping from each words.

Nanoha was silent. Then she looked at the girl who slapped her.

"What did I do to you? Why are you doing this to me?" Nanoha asked nervously yet sternly but she couldn't help stutter at the end.

"Oh, you want to know. I thought you'd know already ever since the first time but I guess we never got to mention why then... too…" the girl answered smugly.

"Shoka onee-sama, you shouldn't waste your time talking to that bitch. Why don't we just teach her a lesson so that she'll understand her position."

Shoka faced the girl with a glare.

"You are quiet impatient Fina-chan. We are not barbarians. We should atleast give her our reasons as to what lead as to this situation don't you think?" Calmly yet one would not miss the edge in the girls tone.

The aforementioned girl could only nod as she send Nanoha a death glare.

"So where were we again?" Shoka questioned as she point her finger at her chin acting innocently.

"Oh! yes the reason. You see we really only have one reason and that's….. We hate you. I guess." Snickering after her little speech. She looked pointedly at Nanoha

"Well, I hope that answered your question Miss Ta-ka-ma-chi."

The other girls started giggling amongst themselves. Shoka faced the giggling girls. Her hands outstretched like she's about to give a hug.

"Well, then shall we begin the party?" she said giving the other girls another look before she turned once more to face Nanoha.

"I do hope, you enjoyed your short stay here. Because we'll surely enjoy what we'll do to you." She gave Nanoha an evil grin before she punched her in the guts.

One after the other they attacked her. Some physically while others use their magic on her. Nanoha couldn't resist the urge to scream as the attack went on uninterrupted.

Outside the Barrier

Zero has recovered enough to stand upright. He neared the barrier and tried to break in. He then heard Nanoha's scream making him angrier each time Nanoha screamed. He felt useless to protect Nanoha and that it tore his heart each time Nanoha screams. This made him decide to do the unthinkable.

"Nanoha, I'm gonna break the seal of the…" his proclamation was interrupted by Nanoha screaming "NO".

"Zero-kun!…You must not do that!…No you mustn't!…I won't allow it!." Nanoha screamed once more.

"I could endure this. You don't need to worry. I'll be fine." The strain in Nanoha's voice was carried through the telepathic link.

"But…But…I…Okay then fight. Protect yourself you could at least do that can't you." Desperation and worry lace his message until another ear piercing scream was heard muffled only by the barrier.

"It's okay, Zero-kun just let them be. They'll tire themselves soon enough." And another scream

Zero feeling Nanoha's pain couldn't stop himself from growling loudly that it echoed through the forest.

Hearing a loud growl, Fate suddenly went alert. Curious she tried to find were the sound was coming from. For a few minute she strolled around. Then she saw it. A small cat like being was growling loudly to a seemingly empty space.

It would seem odd for others but for mages like her it would only mean that a battle or something is happening and that the caster of the spell wouldn't let anyone escape or to hide the battle from normal bystanders.

It only made Fate more curious as to whom would be fighting in school ground. She decided that she wanted to see what was going on and to do so means to break the barrier.

She walked to toward the cat like being and then she reached out her hands. After a while she seems to feel the barrier. She then stood back a step and a small magic circle appeared. She then hold out her hand in a striking pose and hit where she felt the barrier from her inspection a while ago. From where her fist hit the barrier, small hair like lines appeared slowly, it spread out and soon the barrier was crumbling down.

Zero at first got alarmed as he senses someone approaching. When he saw the blonde girl walk towards him, he immediately positioned himself for an attack thinking that getting attack by surprise again wouldn't help with the situation. However the girl simply continued to near him with no actual threat of attacking. Instead the girl seems more curious as to what it is that he's been growling at. A few seconds later the girl destroyed the barrier making it easier for him to check as to what has happened to Nanoha.

What he saw however made his blood boil with unspeakable rage. Nanoha was in a bind. Her clothes torn on some places and he could see blood trickling her beautiful face. Not only that but it seems that Nanoha was barely able to remain conscious.

Boiling in rage, he was about to break the aforementioned seal when he realizes that Nanoha was looking at him. As he look at her in the eyes an understanding pass through both of them and he knew that she knew what his about to do.

Nanoha too weak and on the verge of unconsciousness saw the rage in Zero's eyes and she knew that soon he might try to break the seal but knowing that, that would cause more harm than good. She channeled the last remainder of her strength to cast a restriction spell on Zero.

Zero felt the restriction spell which cause him to lose some strength. He then felt the frustration and anger mixing within him cause once more he was rendered useless. He started to growl loudly for it seems like the only way to vent some of his frustration which causes the group of girls and the blonde beside him to be startled.

Fate was startled by the sudden loud growl by the white familiar. Recovering she looked at the congregation of girls in front of her. Then her eyes were caught by one of them who seemed ready to hit someone. She then looked toward the position the hit was supposed to go and froze.

The girl has long brunette hair tied on the side of her head. Her face showing fatigue and slightly bloody from her bruises yet still showed her beauty. However what really made her grasps for air was the glimpse of sapphire blue eyes before it shut and the girl seems to have lost consciousness.

Then she thought 'It's her'. It's the very girl she's been searching for. The girl who had been plaguing her mind both when she's asleep or awake. The girl who she wanted to meet. The violinist that had produced such heart wrenching melody. Suddenly she felt rage slowly growing from within her. To see the girl once more in such a stated is truly unacceptable.

"Let her go." she said looking at the throng of girls.

Shoka was shocked to see the blonde girl. She started to shiver just from the look the girl was giving them.

"Fate-hime..." Shoka stuttered.

Fate started to walk towards the group.

As the blonde girl approach, Shoka couldn't help shivering in fear. The others were also afraid and it clearly showed on their faces. If it weren't for the rage she felt, Fate could have laughed at them but she was truly angered and laughing has no place in it.

Shoka's group trembled as the blonde approach. Right in front of them stood the ever brilliant genius Fate Testarossa Harloawn. The first person to receive the highest rank and the nickname 'Hime' upon admittance in Uminari Academy. She was both feared in her magic and beauty.

And Shoka's group knows better to anger the said 'Hime' is like a first class ticket to hell. Not only from the girl but also from the many fans the girl has. Out of fear the girl sent a telepathic message to the others to go to plan B.

Fate was but a foot to the girls when she sensed a spell going off. Not worried she raised her hand and called out "Baldriche" a metallic male voice answered "Yes. Sir.".

Just then the spell that she sensed a while ago activated and simultaneously the group of girl's disappeared one after the other. At the same time the brunette's bind disappeared and the girl started falling.

"Sonic Move" intoned baldriche.

It happened almost at a blink of an eye.Midfall a blur of gold engulf the brunette and then the blonde girl was standing three meters from where she initially stood and the brunette was safely laying on her arms.

Zero was not able to follow the event that transpired in that span of a second. It all seems so surreal that he could only hang his furry jaws open in shock. His shock overrode his anger and soon shock was replaced by worry as he search for Nanoha. But it was also short lived for he saw Nanoha laying safely on the blondes arms.

The blonde then turned around and announced. "We're taking her to the hospital. She took a good beating and healing spell can only do so much to help her this time."

Zero agreed readily as he too scan Nanoha's injures. It really seems bad this time. Zero couldn't help feeling self-loathing for his lack of strength and anger at Nanoha's stubbornness. He could only hope that this will teach Nanoha to stop being stubborn next time and let him help her which was really his duty to do in the first place.

The girl then went to the infirmary to inform the school doctor of the situation. Soon enough sirens could be heard and the brunette was put on stretchers and she was brought to the nearest hospital which also happens to be affiliated with Uminari Academy.

The School doctor immediately processed the paper and soon enough the brunette was treated. She was then put to a private room to rest.

When Nanoha come through the first thing that greeted her was darkness and the scent of antiseptic. She knew that scent very well. It was the scent of the hospital and she hated that smell so much for it brought back memories of her visits to the hospital which was never a good memory for her.

She then tried to look around as her eyes got accustomed to the darkness of the room and the first thing that she saw was the windows. Outside the windows she saw the vast expanse of the sky sadly the moon was hidden behind the clouds and so does the stars.

She tried to sit up but she found out that the very notion of movement was a pain nether the less she still sat up and when she did she felt something move on the bed.

"Nanoha" a groggy yet worried voiced ask her in the darkness.

She was startled only for a sec as she saw the cat-like familiar move on the bed which she quickly recognizes as Zero.

"Zero-kun." she said almost apologetically for she knew she worried the little guy to exhaustion.

"Are you alright now?" Worry still evident on the familiar's voice.

"Yes, but my body still aches when I move." She said softly.

She then heard Zero-kun sighed.

"I'm sorry." she whispered.

Once more she heard Zero-kun sighed.

"Zero-Kun?" Nanoha implored softly.

"Why Nanoha? Why? You clearly have the power and the prowess to make anyone kneel to you. Yet you let them take advantage of you. You show them your fragileness never your strength. Why must you do these? You do not owe them any debt. They also do this just to torment you and you let them do what they want. Why? Is it guilt? Retribution for 'that' time? Or simply you just give up? Is this really how YOU the bearer of the Ryujitsushi Crest plan on completing the promise or likewise have you forgotten the promise you've made."

"No, Zero-kun it is neither guilt nor retribution. I simply don't acknowledge the use of power or strength at that matter when it is not truly needed. I will also never forget the promise I've made for it is not only in my name that I swore that promise. I swore that promise as a Takamachi and I will make that promise come through even if I give my life for it. It is also because of these that I gave you the spell of absolute restraint."

"But still is it necessary for you to endure such hardship. You could easily prove your strength and might. You don't need to keep on accepting such hardship. Why do you think I was left to be your guardian?"

"Yes, I know what you mean and the truth is your right but I still believe that understanding can come to anyone with power and that with strength it is best to keep till it is necessarily needed. Using power to make other kneel to you has never been our way. No the Takamachi way will always find a way to settle thing with minimum bloodshed. But if I brandish my power then won't it be more of a problem than an answer?"

"You have a point but still do you wish this to happen each time?"

"No, I don't but considering this kept on happening, I would need to chance tactics. I would still like to remain anonymous but I guess it won't ever happen so… I guess I'll start to act more myself then."

"Then does this mean you're not gonna let those weak and pathetic bullies hurt you anymore."


"Okay, then I trust that means that you won't need me to keep healing you with delicate healing magic huh!"

"I don't know 'bout that nyahahaha."

"Ok, fine but you need to rest some more now since you're probably still aching from the attack you got from those fools."


The two of them sleep but not after Zero made a promise to himself that he would punish the once that had brought this hardship on Nanoha. Not an hour later Zero awakened. He had recovered most of his powers so he once more started the healing magic that he's been using on Nanoha for her to quickly recover however it would drain him again no thanks to Nanoha's restraint spell. When he finished he drifted back to sleep almost immediately due to fatigue.

It was almost noon when Nanoha awoke the next day. Once more she looked around and seeing Zero sleep just beside her made her smile. The pain she felt last night was almost already gone and she knew very well whom to thank for that.

She reaches up to pet Zero gently enough not to wake him.

"Thank you, Zero-kun for always being by my side and I'm sorry for my selfishness that you had to endure such pain because of me."

Zero grumbled in his sleep making Nanoha chuckle softly. She then looked out the window. She then remembered all the times she'd stay in the hospital when she was younger. Only this time there were no parents waiting for her results nor were there sibling to give her encouragement and it pained her greatly that tears started to slowly fall from her eyes.

Suddenly the door slid open driving Nanoha back to reality while Zero bolted upright. A blonde girl stood in front of the door. Her arms crossed in front of her chest a scrawl on her face and her eyes were a blaze in anger. It made Nanoha go paler than she already is and she swallowed an invisible lump on her throat.


"Who the hell is that bitch that even Fate-Hime came to help?" Shoka said fumingly.

"Shoka-onee-sama maybe we should stop. I mean now that Fate-Hime is involved. It will be harder for as so touch that bitch."

"No way in hell! will I let that bitch act like she's some sort of Madonna." Shoka screamed at the top of her lungs.

"But Fate-hime is protecting that girl. I don't want to die yet." The girl shivered just thinking what might happen if they were once more caught by the said blonde.

Shoka bit her lower lip. She faced the room for a while thinking of her next move. From across the room, a figure entered. The group of girls caught in their own devious musing were startled when the figure made her presence known.

"Oh! so you're the group of delinquents whose been attacking poor Nanoha-chan eh."

"Wh..Wy..How.." Shoka stuttered as she looked on.

"That's not good. Students of Uminari Academy should not be bullying new transfer students. What would the school board do if they hear something like this I wonder?" the new comer said it in a sing song voice that seems like she's only playing a game.

"What are you accusing us of doing something barbaric like that?" Shoka said in mock anger while the rest of the group seems to hide behind her.

"We'll know surely when the investigation is over. We'll all know then won't we." This time the girl said it in all seriousness that for a second the girl looked like a military commander apprehending an escape convict emphases more with a dangerous glint in the girls blue eyes.

The group of girl could only cower under those dangerous blue eyes. Then the girl left.

"Shoka onee-sama.." stuttered one of the girls.

Shoka's reply was to bite down on her lips this time blood was drawn.



"Hayate, should you have done that. This does not seem like you." The girl with long pink hair inquired.

"It was only a warning Signum. For them to have done something like that to Nanoha-chan is Unforgivable." The girl was completely serious when she looked at the pinked haired girl.

"You've taken a liking to her that much hah. You never got this angry unless the person who was hurt was a close friend or family. I should meet this Nanoha soon."

"Yes, you must and like me, you'll surely take a liking at her too. She emits this strange aura around her that just make you want to protect her and yet be protected by her instead. She's really kind."

"Very well."

And the two continued to walk towards their destination.


New York City



"Nano-chan was sent to the hospital. But it's only been two days. I need to see her." The brunette with short hair blurted out upon getting the call from Uminari Central Hospital. She bolted upright planning to take her private plane to go straight to Uminari Academy.

"Raven, you're not thinking of what I think you're thinking RIGHT?" The girl with long flowing black hair ask as she grab hold of the brunette's shoulder.

"But Hime, Nano-chan is in the hospital. She could be badly hurt or something." Raven looked at Hime with genuine worry on her face.

"I know that you want to go there now but you need to finish these reports now. You can always go there when you're done." The hold on Raven's shoulder slackens "After all I'm also worried Nanoha-chan is like a younger niece to me too you know."


"No but's! You will finish those reports now so we can go to Nanoha-chan or I'll lock you here until you're done. Don't you force me to lock you down because you know how good my lock down spell works and don't tell me you're a Takamachi that won't work this time."

Raven lowered her head as if she was defeated in battle and she returned to her chair to continue her work. Hime went out to get some coffee just then she heard something break and she run towards the room again.

What greeted her was an empty room and a Broken Window then she spotted a note.

She read the note.

"I'm sorry. Nano-chan needs me. See you there :)"

Hime could only let out a sigh as she looked up toward the broken glass window.

"Takamachi's ha.." The girl sighed once more and a smile blossomed on her face.

"Will at least she took her work with her." and she looked back at the empty table once more.

"Guess I need to follow her then. That girl really is something. I guess that's what I fell for her for. But sometime she could sure be a block head."

She then pulled out her cellphone.

"Prepare my private jet immediately. I'm going back home."