Chereads / Welcome to Uminari Academy / Chapter 9 - Chapter 6: Normal Day???

Chapter 9 - Chapter 6: Normal Day???

"Okay! Everyone gather around. Before this mock battles start. I just want to inform you, that all of you are banned from using any lethal attacks. Be it coincidental or not and if you ever try. We are allowed to apprehend you in any way we can. I can promise you though that we are not kind to people who breaks these rules." A man with military looking attire explained as he eyed the bunch.

"You all know that this mock battles will be graded individually and by group, so I hope all of you know who you're friends and enemies are. Also a captain has been chosen to lead each group. I just hope your captains know what there doing because if they don't. Then you know what would happen." The man smirked maliciously said and audible gulps were heard.

"Oh one more thing. The captains have a special role in the group. If the captain remained 'alive' or 'free' by the end of the time limit then the group would be considered winner by default even if the other group members were captured or down. On the other side when the Captain is captured or down then the group is considered lost by default."

"Okay I guess that's all for the reminder. Enjoy. 30 minutes will be given for you to regroup and plan after that let the war begins."

The student scampered to find their respective captains and formulate their battle plan.

10 minutes later the groups were brought to different locations and given the same map and other necessary equipment, intelligent devices mostly. The map had the location of both friends and foes.

There were 4 groups in total. Each group contains 5 members, captain included.

Team M CPT. Marcus Serberus

Team G CPT. Griffin Wong

Team L CPT. Loren Gail

Team N CPT. Nanoha Takamachi

"Okay, guys our enemies are in every corner that means we either surprise them or they corner us. Since were cornered, our obvious plan is to search and attack. However I know that the other teams are now thinking just about the same thing as us. Before I state my plan does any of you have any plan to share?" Nanoha looked at her teammates.

They look back at Nanoha and shrug.

"You're the CAPTAIN. You think of something." A blonde haired boy blurted while the others nod in agreement.

Nanoha sigh. She expected as much.

"Okay then my plan is to wait..."

Before Nanoha could even finish the others had already started to gawked at her.

"We're doomed!"

"What the hell?"

"To wait?"


Nanoha had strangely enough had also expected that though not that soon.

"Yes, we have to wait. However that does not mean we have to remain idle either. As we wait I would need someone to start a wide area search. Then we need to pinpoint each captain. By then I think some of the other would have started to engage each other right about here." Nanoha pointed some places near the center on the map which was spread out on a wornout table.

"How can you be sure of that? Plus will it not be easier if we attack them head on ourselves? Will be sitting ducks if we just stay here." A blonde haired boy stated.

"No, because if you look at the map, you would see why my plan will succeed."

The other four look at the map. But all they saw was the battlefield and 4 colored sites on it pointing where each of the team's camp is.

"I don't really see much but stupid lines and colored spots on the corner...wait is that... ah I SEE NOW!" A red haired girl suddenly shouted.

She then looked at Nanoha while the other three looked on in confusion.

"You made that plan knowing that each team would only think of the most basic tactic with each camp's positions."

Nanoha nodded and smiled.

"I still don't get it." The blonde haired boy stated.

" Yeah! Me too." A blunette boy cut in.

The last boy just shrug.

"Stupid! Don't you see what our captain's planning to do?" The red haired shouted.

The other three shrug and scratch their head.

"No! Why don't you tell us?" The blunette asked.

"Okay, you see the dots on the map? There the team's camps right?"

The three nodded while Nanoha watch silently on the corner.

"And there place on each corner of the battlefield right? So just like Arthur-kun and Nanoha-san said the other teams would also think of attacking head on than be cornered and eliminated. Since our only option in this position is to attack or be cornered then no one would think of waiting in camp just to get cornered and eliminated."

The three though through what they heard. Once they had processed and digested the information, they ended up smiled.

"I think I get it now. So basically the others will end up moving off camp to attack the other teams and the others knowing that they might get cornered will be force to move out themselves. Eventually they would meet and they'd end up fighting each other. And since they'd be busy fighting each other, they won't have time to attack us." Arthur then looked at Nanoha who was still silently watching from the corner.

"I see. Your a genius. So what else are we supposed to do?"

The four looked at Nanoha expectantly. Nanoha smiled at them for a minute before she became serious again.

"Okay then, for the next step I need all of you to cooperate because if we do this as planned then I know that we'll win this war for sure."

The four nodded and they attentively listened to what Nanoha has planned. Then just a few second after Nanoha had stated her plan a loud buzzer was heard throughout the battlefield.

"Okay guys you know what to do." Nanoha stated in a commanding voice.

"YES!" The four simultaneously answered.

Arthur immediately work on a wide area search pinpointing everyone in the battlefield. Nanoha and the others were then planning on how they could better to achieve the goal Nanoha had stated.

And just like Nanoha stated not more than 10 minutes had passed and explosions could be heard from a far.

At the Command Center

Multiple transparent screen were broadcasting the action from the battlefield.

"Professor, you have one lively bunch of kids I see. But I don't think any of them are ready to fight a real war..." Then the commander's attention was caught by two transparent screen that was broadcasting two opposite sides in the battlefield.

"I'm sorry. It seems like I have spoken to soon. I see two group with great potential. This might actually be interesting."

"Well atleast now I see that some of my student's do pay attention in my class." The professor stated proudly.

Back at the battlefield

"Wide area search, completed." Stated a metallic female voice.

"Thanks Athena." Arthur then faced Nanoha.

"Here's the result of my wide area search spell, Captain." Arthur proudly stated.

"Thank you Arthur-kun. Then shall we proceed to step 2. Are you ready Serena-san, Vlad-san, Cloud-san?"

"Sure just tell us the coordinates of our target and let's win this." Cloud stated with a smirk.

"Okay but remember to keep in contact and be careful." Nanoha warned as she gave each of the three the specific coordinates of their targets.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Sure Captain."

"I will."

"I'll be with Arthur-san. Tell us if you need back up okay?"

"Okay, Captain." The three chimed.

"Then go!" Nanoha commanded while pointing at the door.

The three sprinted out and went to their designated places. They made sure that they followed the path Nanoha had told them to take. Not more than 10 minutes had passed and the two of them were halfway in position.

Vlad was having some minor difficulty because his target had put up a blockade around their perimeter shooting anything that moves.

Nanoha was eagerly awaiting the others report. Arthur watch her move back and fort across the room anxiously.

"Do you really think this is enough for us to win?"

Nanoha stopped on her track and face Arthur.

"Yes, but we shouldn't be relax. After all we don't know if some of our opponent prepared a precautionary move."

"You're really kind, you know. I mean I'm pretty sure you could think of a plan that could win this thing without giving thoughts towards our safety but instead you gave us the plan that would result in minimal to no casualty at all at are side. Plus I felt you cast some protective spell over the others just before they left."

Nanoha smiled at Arthur and for some strange reason Arthur blushed.

"Nyahaha I thought no one could feel that." Nanoha stated with a blush.

"It's just that hurting oneself or the other seems so meaningless. Specially if you knew of a way to prevent it. I feel that in this battle with good tactics and discipline. We would not need to hurt somebody just to win. Plus this is not a real war but people still got hurt when their shot and besides since the begining we were already given a choice don't you think so. If we capture the remaining Captains then we win. We don't really need to shoot everyone to win."

"I was right. You truly are kind,Nanoha-san."

Nanoha couldn't help but blush.

"Incoming Transmission."


"Captain, this is Cloud. I'm in position. Preparations have all been completed. Waiting for the go signal."

"Stand by Cloud-san, the other are not in position yet."

Another transparent screen popped up.

"Captain, this is Serena. I'm in position. Preparations all complete. Waiting for the go signal."

"Stand by, Vlad-san is not reporting back yet..."

Another transparent screen popped up.

"Captain, this is Vlad. I need more time. The target has set up a blockade."

"I see, I thought this might happen. Do you need back up? I'll send Arthur-sa..."

"No need but I need more time. I'll be able to sneak in but my spell need more time to be completed. I'll report back when I'm in."

"Okay, be careful and let us know if you do need back up."

"Okay bye for now Captain."

The transparent screen vanished.

Nanoha then look at the two other transparent screens.

"Vlad-san's having a bit of difficulty. He need more time. Stay in position but remain alert." Nanoha commanded.

"Okay!" The two answered in chorus and the screens vanished once more.

"Arthur-san, were moving out."

"What? but... Aren't we suppose to stay here and guard?"

"No we need to move cautiously so that we don't get detected. By now some of the other teams might have realise that were not showing and they'll end up sending scouts to check on us. It would be bad if we got cornered here. The others might try to seek out the other captain."

"Okay, I understand."

The two cautiously move out. They went towards another ruined building not real far from the team's camp.

"I think here is fine. Arthur-san please stand guard. I'll make some silhouettes to distract them while we make time for the others."

Arthur stand guard from a fallen wall remaining in the shadow to hide his presence while alertly watching what was happening around. Nanoha took a few more step inside the ruined building. Finding the space good enough. She then called out Raging Heart.

"Stand by, ready, set up." A metallic female voice answered.

A magic circle appeared under Nanoha's feet and she was engulf in a warm pink light.

While this was happening Arthur saw some of their classmates approach the camp, they left not to long ago.

Nanoha's Campsite.

"Their not here!" A black haired boy shouted.

"Damn why are we stack doing this? It's a complete waste of time. I should be shooting there butts off right about now instead of this." A bluish haired guy said.

"Hey, isn't that the brunette, the captain wants us to capture." The black haired guy said while tapping the shoulder of the other guy.

Then the two dashed to follow the brunette away.

Arthur just watch the scene in confusion. He turned around to tell Nanoha what he saw but he stop himself when he saw Nanoha in deep concentration.

Nanoha had a small magic circle on one hand while Raging Heart was firmly planted on the ground. Her eyes were close in deep concentration and she was a glow with a pinkish light.

Arthur decided not to distract her. He just opted to stand guard for any unexpected happenings.

A few minute pass by and a metallic female voice announce another transmission. Which Nanoha accepted.

"Captain, I'm in and I just finished the preparations. Good to go, just give the go signal and let's win this." Vlad proudly stated.

Nanoha opened her eyes and smiled. She then summoned two other transparent screens. Arthur stand guard though he'd take glances over his shoulder ever now and then.

"Serena-san, Cloud-san, Vlad-san has finish preparation. So at the count of three, bind and capture." Nanoha commanded.

The three on the screen nodded.

"3...2...1...Go!" Nanoha commanded.

From all around the battlefield binds suddenly erupted. One by one each of the other team's Captain were captured.

A loud buzzer was heard all over the battlefield signaling the end of the series of mock battles.

"Attention students. The mock battles are done. Please proceed to platform 2 for the briefing."

Everyone scampered to go to the aforementioned place. Some of them were helping those that were shot and the others were just cursing in frustration.

Nanoha's team meet just before they entered the platform and they have a victorious smile plastered on their faces. Well except for Nanoha who just smiled meekly.

When they finally entered the platform. They saw the other teams already lined up near the podium so they hurriedly formed there line, Nanoha at the front.

A few second later the same man who had instructed them at the beginning of the mock battle appeared besides him stood their Tactical Instructor.

"Okay, I see that most of you played fair and that no one broke the rules. However I also saw that most of you don't pay much attention in your tactics class. I'm very disappointed."

"Team G. You're blockade strategy was good but you were careless. Nether the less I commend you for your quick thinking. Griffin Wong you could have lead your team to victory if only you paid more heed of your surrounding and remained on alert."

"As for Teams M and Team L. You've done good but you could have done better. Next time try to think of what your opponent might try to do before acting. And also please don't just blindly attack anyone you saw. I saw two of your teammates shot each other. I think you know who you are already so next time don't do it. " The man gaze at the group and some of them sheepishly laughed.

"Anyway the winner of this mock battles is Team N lead by Captain Nanoha Takamachi. She had shown discipline and leadership with regards to the current situation. She had not only won this mock battle but she had also protected her teammates from getting badly hurt by employing the use of knowledge and tactics. I am also impressed at how they worked as a team. They truly deserve to win."

The man then congratulated the bunch for a job well done. He had also told them of how he could no longer wait for the next set of mock battles and how he would like to see the improvement of the bunch.

While the man was going on and on with his speech. Nanoha had found that time to mentally thank Zero for his constant nagging for her to learn tactics and for Raging Heart's combat simulated tactics practice. She could still remember when Zero first told her, that it was a necessity for her to learn it and how she disliked it. Thinking that she wouldn't need it with Zero staying constantly by her side. Now however she was glad she ended up liking it and she was really grateful to learn it. Nanoha then whispered a small thanks to Raging Heart which was answered by the Intelligent device with a 'No problem, My Master'. Her musing was stopped when their tactical instructor stood at the podium.

"Okay, I think Commander Armstrong had said most of the things you need to know so I just want to inform you that I would need a 100 page long report regarding what you had done and learned in this mock battles. As for Team N since they won, they will be exempted from submitting the said report.

The whole class erupted with groans of frustration and mumbled curses. Except for a certain group who were either cheering or doing arm pumps with a huge victorious grin on their faces.

"Okay enough. Bring the injured to the infirmary and go to your next classes. Dismissed."

The group broke up, some were openly cursing while the others mostly the hurt grunts and whine.

"Nanoha-san you were amazing." Serena praised while walking beside an embarrassed Nanoha.

"Umm...thank you but I could not have done it without you guys. I didn't do much anyway. It should be me thanking you for trusting me." Nanoha embarrassedly stated.

"Your so humble Nanoha-san." Vlad chimed in.

Some of the other student that had heard the conversation stopped to congratulate and praise Nanoha for her humbleness. Nanoha however just remained humble not owning the winning of their team just for herself. She had keep on insisting that it was through teamwork that they won.

As soon as they entered the Academy, Hayate greeted them with a wide grin.

"So how was the mock battles? Did you enjoy yourselves?"

Her questions were answered with grunts and curses.

"It's a no then too bad. Anyway your familiars are already waiting for you in either the infirmary or your next classroom."

Hayate then turned to go but stop. Looking over her shoulder, she grinned.

"I almost forgot. Good luck with your reports."

A culminated 'Don't remind us' followed Hayate as she continued on her way. She had a cheshire cat like grin on her face as she felt fully satisfied with her teasing. She had also sent her friend a telephathic congratulation and a job well done without further embarrassing her friend who was looking like a very ripe tomato ready to pop.

The group then once more separated as they each went their own ways.

Embarrassed at her classmate's praises, Nanoha failed to pay attention to where she was heading and she ended up colliding with a blonde haired boy carrying a bunch of hard binded books.