I'm not worth the air I breathe
I'm not worth the food I consume
I'm not worthy of the love I receive
I'm not worthy of the life I've lead
I'm not worthy of my awesome mom
I dont deserve to have lead such a life
No one deserves to have to put up with me
it's not fair for me to cause so much pain
it's not fair to everyone around me
I've hurt so many just by being alive
I know none of this is true but my mind says otherwise
I've caused a death today, no not a humans
somome close to my mom
I made one mistake
I stayed up to late
I slept in and when I woke thats when I found
We both cried but she blamed me
She said "if you could have just been awake
today this wouldent have happend"
she hates me, she resents me.
I feel like she no longer loves me.
I know this is not true, but what if
What would I do without my mothers love
She was the thing keeping me here
Without her I would be long gone
Being without her love is the same as if she
Were no longer here
I want to die
I know I shouldn't
I can't
Cause if I were to die to
What would happen to her
Who would comfort her
Who would tell her its alright
and not to worry about me
I can't leave her
I don't want to leave her
When she's gone I will have nothing left
if she dosent love me I will have nothing left
I could have saved him
It was all my fault
she says she dosent blame me
but deep down
I know she dose
my mother loved that animal
how could I have done that to her
He's gone now
there is nothing i can do
All these feelings
caused by one mistake