The Darkness
Is all-consuming
Controlling my every
It covers my entire
Making me do
Things without thought
The Darkness
is terrifying
Soaking deep
inside my soul
seeping into
Every nook
Every cranny
Every ounce that's me
Seeking out
The light within
It snuffs out
The good in me
Leaving the base evil
That is inside everyone
Like Dr.Jekle
The dark slowly
Controls me
Turning me
Slowly into
Fighting as hard as I know how
Knowing theirs no escape
But figuring
It's worth a try
I slowly slip
under dark waves
drowning all alone
In the Darkness
I Cry
Someone save me from the dark
Someone shine
A light on me
Someone find me in the dark
Someone Save Me
From myself
Someone throw me
A lifeline
I'm drowning in the dark inside
Fighting off the emptiness
Hidden deep inside
My core
Deep down inside
Resides What's Left of Me
Little though it may be
Someone can still Rescue Me
Before Darkness
Completely surrounds
Pulling me
Dragging me
I need a raft
An anchor
Something to help me
Find myself
I need a shoulder to lean on
I can't do this by myself
Hold Me Now
While I'm here
But I'll probably be gone
Before your near
The Darkness
Is taking over
Emptying out
My soul
What's Left of Me
Will slowly fade
Unless you can find
The core of me
Throw me a line
I can hang on to
Before I'm completely
Forever Out Of Reach
Save me from
The monster I've become
Show me the way
That takes me home
Shine a light
Upon my path
So I don't get
Consumed again