"How good are you with stealth?" Prim ask suddenly, bringing me out if my thoughts.
"I have a skill that somewhat help with that but I don't know if I can use it with my current body. For the art itself, no I am not adept in it but I know the basics of it." I told her truthfully, it was a passive but if the people back in the city could notice me even with it then I'm not sure if it still works with how I currently am.
"That's too bad then, this would be much easier if we can just waltz through the area. Let's take this route then." Sounding nor happy nor disappointed, Prim took a turn into an alley way.
We continue walking until we reach a cover less manhole in the alleyway. Prim gave me a glance, or I think she did, before jumping down into the open hole. I don't need instructions or invitation to follow her down the hole.
Once my feet hit the ground, I steady myself as I activate the scanner module getting the read of the 200 meters area around me. I found it funny how the live scan results are being shown as a 3D map in a small window by the corner of my view. Replacing where my old map should be if it's working as it should.
The scan results not only show my the sewage system I am in and Prim standing at the side, but also the filled ground and dirt behind the sewer walls and a few miscellaneous info like light density, O2 density, heat, humidity, and even radiation.
"You're not going to turn on your light module?" She asked, sounding somewhat amused.
"Aren't you?" with her question returned to her, she shrug before moving down the sewer.
The sewer looks like any typical sewage system from big cities but more unmaintained and already collapsed for some area, what made me wonder are the multiple tunnel way throughout the area we passed. They looked too smooth to be a natural occurrence.
"These tunnels are made by Fel worms, they are very sensitive to light and heat. Good call on not turning your lights on, although it's a shame I couldn't see how surprised you would be seeing them." She chuckled before crouching through a gap between broken pipes into one of the tunnel.
I raised a brow, if I have any, seeing her action but follow her through the gap between pipes and into the tunnel with ease due to my size.
The walk are quite uneventful, other than passing through some broken pipes or turning into a few other tunnels it was just all dirt and stones.
It took a while before one of the tunnel lead us somewhere else. From the looks of things, we walked right into an abandoned subway station if the railroad indicate anything.
"Come on, we're not far from the nearest charging port." she said without looking back. climbing up to the platform and we walk towards the nearest stairway.
I was confused at first but then a small window pops up, informing that I only have 50% energy left and it will last me about another 3 hours.
It both amaze me and made me suspicious of her with how she is able to keep track of how much energy I have, almost like this body is chosen by her. Question is, why?
"There is no need to be suspicious, I am planning on manipulating you or use you in some elaborate scheme but where we are currently headed is something I must show you, after that you are free to do whatever you decide." not once she looked back when she said that but somehow her voice sounded a bit cracked, almost as if she's hurt by the thought she would betray me.
Walking up in silence, I feel kinda awkward after what was said. I didn't felt guilty doubting her but it doesn't mean I enjoy hurting people who might be my friends.
Once we reach the streets, she crouch low before turning invisible. From my scan I can see her clearly slowly making her way across the street. Turning my own cloaking module, I followed her closely through the city.
While we move, I also noticed many life signatures in the scans. None of which are human and most of them are fighting one another be it up on the sky, inside buildings, down on the streets, or deep in the ground.
Some even moves like they know exactly the position of another living creature even if there are walls or earth around them.
If I have hair, it would have stood on end when my scanner pick up a rapidly moving object move pass by us from above and grab one the rhino like creature from it's herd a few building away from us.
A few times, Prim signal for us to stop and wait while some creatures would pass through our path before moving forward. It took up almost 2 hours to finally get to the charging port with all the detour and stops we make along the way.
The charging port look strangely almost like an obelisk from a dungeon but I didn't question it and just put my hand on it like Prim.
The moment I did, I felt a bit of static ran along my arm while my EN gauge fill up rapidly.
Just as it reach maximum capacity, a loud roar could be heard echoing through the air.
"Let's go, we need to move quickly!" without missing a beat, both of us start running towards one of the alley. Jumping up to the emergency stairway before climbing up to the rooftop.
Peeking down, I saw swarm of what look like velociraptors with something that look like sparkplugs stretching out of their backs.
One of the raptor saw them climbing and was about to tell out but before it could, the ground below them rip apart as what look like an armored worm big enough to rival battleship swallow them whole and dive back down. Leaving the rest of the swarm to scatter around in panic.
What shock me the most is that even with how high it got itself out just now, the end of its body is still no where to be seen.
Turning back up, I quicken my pace to catch up with Prim. This place is too damn dangerous and I need my guide!
Reaching the rooftop, I see Prim standing at the edge of the roof. She didn't say anything when I approach her, just raising a hand and pointing into the distant.
That's when I see it, a monster among monster, a true monster.
In the distant, something I would just describe as a mix between a dragon and a titan are fighting one another.
Each of their step create wide cracks on the earth, each of their hit send powerful gust of shredding winds, each breath they spew turn the earth into molten lava.
Even so, none of their attack seem to hurt the other, almost like they are immune to it.
"This is just part of what you need to see, the storm is too close to continue. We'll get to our next location tomorrow." Prim said, heading back to where the stairway is.
"Come on, I'll treat us to something good to celebrate your awakening." not waiting for a reply she jumped down the building, leaving me alone.
Shaking my head, I decided to follow her. 'I hope I'm making the right decision with this.'