A screen pop-up in front of me with a list of tabs to choose from, the list from top to bottom was Inventory (locked), Status, Skills, Party (locked), Quests, encyclopedia (locked).
"... There's not much option to choose, does it? Oh well, let's just check my status first." I thought as I look at the menu disappointedly.
Name: Vayne
Title: none
Race: Magical Puppet
Age: 6
Main Job: none
Sub jobs: none
Lv 1 exp: 0/100
Hp: 40/40 | Sta: 25/25 | Mp: 35/35
Str: 5 | Vit: 5 | Agi: 6 | Int: 7 | Res: 5 | Cha: 8
Rewrite point: 10
Condition: Good
Well not much of an improvement but still acceptable I guess, now on to the skills!
Special skill: Rewrite
Active skill: none
Passive skill: Observation
Spells: none
"System, what is this Rewrite skill about? Also, how did I managed to learn observation?"
[Ding! Rewrite is the system main feature and trademark, this skill can Rewrite, add or change abilities, status, or even host physical body and shape as long as there are sufficient Rewrite points available. As for the observation skill, why don't host think back at what host was doing.]
After what it told me, I thought back at that scene. Remembering that scene made me blush a bit but also the excitement of confirming the existence of other races, this world would be fun to explore I thought.
"System, the other three kids, are they in range?" I asked, not realizing a smile and the light of curiosity on my face.
[Ding! All three are in range, the two boys are two rooms away from the host while the female fox is directly above. Would host like to scan them?]
"Yes" as expected of a system, it reads my mind. But I only met one boy though?
Name: Lucas
Title: Trouble maker
Race: Human
Age: 8
Main job: Swordsman apprentice
Lv 3
Hp: 200/263 | Sta: 100/170 | Mp: 60/60
Str: 31 | Vit: 34 | Agi: 20 | Int: 12 | Res: 11 | Cha: 15
Condition: Good
Name: Elea
Title: Feminine looking boy
Race: Human
Age: 7
Main job: Scout's apprentice
Lv 3
Hp: 123/154 | Sta: 74/100 | Mp: 82/100
Str: 18 | Vit: 20 | Agi: 28 | Int: 20 | Res: 18 | Cha: 20
Condition: Good
Name: Luna
Title: Curious fox
Race: Nine tailed fox
Age: 5
Main job: Mage apprentice
Lv 2
Hp: 81/93 | Sta: 32/60 | Mp: 21/110
Str: 11 | Vit: 12 | Agi: 10 | Int: 21 | Res: 25 | Cha: 13
Condition: Good
Speechless wouldn't describe what I felt when I found out Elea was not a girl, he's so cute it's misleading. Other than that I also felt ashamed for being so weak that even a little girl is stronger than me but it's nothing I can't fix, with that in mind I drift to sleep.
The next morning in training hall 3 there are at least 49 other kids all gear up in the same training gear as me the only thing that varies from one another is their weapons. I then realized although that lady gave me the uniform she didn't give me any d*mn weapon!
"Hey new guy, over here!" Called out a familiar voice from among the crowd, as I scan through them I spotted Lucas waving at me while Elea tried to blend with the mob.
[Ding! Quest triggered!
1. First day of class
This is your first day yet you start out embarrassingly, it is a big guarantee that you'll be laughed at by many after this. Complete at least one of today assignment to prove you're not a complete loser!
Reward: special skill
2. Friends?
Not many would stick with you through hardship, surround yourself in the warmth of friendship and return the warmth to them a hundredfold.
Friends 2/3
Reward: unlocked party function
3. Look, barehanded!
You can embarrass yourself further by admitting you have no weapon but is that the truth? You already have the best weapon there is and that is your body, Defeat one monster with your bare hands!
Reward: Skill
I can understand the first one because that's how I feel but what the heck is with the other two?! First, that metaphor is flawed! And second, how the meep can I defeat a monster barehanded is it asking me to slap them until they die?!
I contemplated on it as I walked towards the shameless boy and decide to just accept the quests for the reward, how I'll do it I'll figure it out later.
I talked with the duo as well as told them the name I decided for a couple of minutes before miss Nadia came into the hall. She told us to form a group of 5 before we head out to gather medical herbs from the forest outside of the academy.
Either as a joke of fate or Lucas previous act, my group consisted of the outcast. Elea is cold to anyone who flirts or tease him, Lucas won't listen to anyone he doesn't like, Luna, who I thought would be popular, are ignored due to asking way too many questions, and a glasses girl that hasn't spoken a single word.
Boy ain't this be a ride I thought to myself as I sigh, while we were on our way out I keep thinking about how best should I do the quest with raising suspicion and I finally remembered what I am.