Chereads / SimbiyoZ-The Tale of Immortality / Chapter 5 - Run Fella Run -2-

Chapter 5 - Run Fella Run -2-

Eren watched his mama(maybe stepmother?) straighten and shaping his hair in the morning. He tried to rest assuredly but it was painful.

His grandfather, sitting next to Yuzu, was deep in thought. With a sly smile, he forget to help the little boy.

The old man who appeared in the late '50s and early' 60s, looked at his grandson, stared with amusement and smiled. Deeply he hoped that his grandson would have a good totem, openly praying to all the gods and even started praying a second time.

Actually he prayed a lot to Arya, the goddess of war, and Oz, the god of fortune, for whom he had trusted most.

As a child in his past, he prayed to his own blessing for this specific event, but did not get a good result. But he was hopeful to help his grandson and make amends for god's past mistakes.

At the end of Eren's final image, Yuzu decided to take a sigh of relief. When two adult father girls were very excited, Eren knew something was going on, but he didn't know the exact details.

"They're taking me to a wedding for sure. I didn't like the weddings in Earth and now I'm back to this dumb chaotic event again.

The stakes that this life put in my ass, just dont end!!. "

While Eren was passing through these thoughts, he touched his head and hair which Yuzu woven carefully from behind. Eren had as much hair as the even winds could no longer blow.

In the small mesh formed behind him, black hair with white tufts was seen.


Eren was 2 years old this year.

In the past year, his hair had grown so fast that even the ones who saw him very often were astonished.

In addition, his height and body was normal for a two-year-old, but his balance and excellence when using his body were as good as those of adults.

Eren was always "Weird" for those in Sisna Village and In the last year, this truth hasn't changed.


Eren walked to the center of the village, tugged at his mother's hand and opened his arms. Clearly, he meant "take me in the lap" without embarrassment.

Quickly slid into Yuzu's perfect lap and feel nice wrapped betweent white and sexy arms, Eren slowly looked down into where they went.

At the end of the village, a lot of people were walking to the forest.

A few minutes later he had left the village with her mother and grandfather. This trip was the first time Eren left the boundry of Sisna Village in this life. It meant a lot, also it meant not even a shit to him. I t was a anormal paradox for a new born modern person like Eren.

Slowly they crossed the bridge and walked into the forest.

Everyone was silently going up the road by the forest. Approximately they get in 500 meters into a thin and freakish path.

It was a long and narrow clearance between the wooden trees and the corridor. The hallway of who knows where path- didn't go on too much and it turned right.

From a few steps to this time again, there was a turning point on the inside of the forest, and this path continued a while.

They were constantly walked in zigzags. At some point while walking up and down, right and left ; finally they saw a certain gate in the trees.

"Holy Shit!"

Eren almost cursed before forcely closing his mouth!!

After not doing that zigzags, they walked for the last time and enter in this huge gap.

This place was closed like a house or cocoon. It was a perfectly rounded place with no other entrances except for the point they entered.

There were walls between thick and long trees that a person couldn't fit even literary. The trees were perfectly lined up and formed this round area.

Eren was very curious to see which crazy bastard planted these trees to create this unneccessery perfect round. It was cool but really a dumb way to kill your time.

And the oddities didn't end with the trees or rounded place.

The roof on the hill was in the form of a dome covered by the leaves of the trees. The leaves and branches didn't even come down from one place, only the vines seemed to be hanging down 5-10 inches down from the roof. But thats it.

At some point, even Eren started to believe maybe..just maybe this place may be not been created by a crazy lunatic.

The sunlight was very bright from the back of the dome and was covered with a dim, but illuminating the place perfectly. This place was too perfect to be formed by the human hand. A strange aura was spreading to the room from the light. It was like this even this light was enought to awaken and relax your soul.


Eren saw the people scattered all over the place except the middle of the area. Many Grandi People from the village sat down on the ground.

There were only two other children from the village. Both of them had very beautiful blond hair that was shining and they were seated near a small rock in the middle of the circle.

Eren let Yuzu walk into the center of the circle and release him from her lap. Her mother like Yuzu, leaned over Eren's ear with a small smile.

"Wait here, Khan, and do what other children do when it's your turn."

Eren wanted to say that he wanted to use "Eren" as his name when more time passed. But he didn't object for her mother's name choice for now.


The name of the person he used to be would definitely object this cool name. Being yourself is an important thing for a loser. Eren even think that if he accept the new name, he would start to chance in this dumb planet.

But he still decided to endure for Yuzu. He was tied up to this hot mama even as much as he expect.

Yuzu went to his father's side trying to conceal the worry with a smile. She was brought here when she was a kid, and she attended a similar blessing years ago.

"Blessing" was something every child, who could speak, was able to enter at least once.

It was kind of like finding out what could be hidden in the children. But the children should have started talking and should usually be at least 3-4 years old.

Yuzu brought Eren, who was two years old, to join the blessing even though he was small. But there was now a little bit hesitation in her after seeing other big boy now.

The other child was a girl who at least four. Even the smaller boy was 3.5 years old.

They both knew things were happening. Not only was there noticeable excitement in the girl, but she was not scared at all.

Yuzu, seeing that the children were waiting without any trouble as they knew what would happen, began to regret and hesitate.

In general, families want children to come to this special place knowing what this blessing is. Every child should have a memory that they will never forget. Therefore, children are not brought in at very young ages. Otherwise, children can blame their families and get angry. After all, "blessing" is an important moment for everyone on this planet.

Although everyone saw Eren as a little baby, there was something in his eyes and his gaze that an unconscious child should not have. Eren was not ashamed. On the contrary, he kept looking around as if he were understanding everything.

Yes he was only two years old, but the other two children next to him were only the body. Eren's gaze was full of intelligence. Apparently he immediately understood the event and was waiting with patient eyes.

Eren thought to himself;

"This place looks like a magical world. It's obvious that the peasants, including my mother, have long ears. They remind me of the Elves.

The religious place between these trees confirms my prediction.

What do they mean by "blessings" or "things that can be within us"? I wonder if I don't want to look ignorant. I wonder why my mother didn't explain it to me. "

Eren looked at Yuzu and made strange eyebrow eyebrows. He meant "Wtf?"with his eyes but Yuzu did not answer him, even closed his eyes excitedly began to pray.

He liked science fiction from books he'd read in his old life.

"Am I going to see some magical things later?" Eren wanted to see the event with the fantasy-science fiction ideas. He even thought about big chief J. R. R. Tolkien.

But the Show didn't start. Obviously everyone in the rounded place would wait others to come.

About ten to fifteen minutes later, everyone in the village came. Adults circled and surrounded the children. Looks like everybody was so excited. Eren was thoroughly curious about what would have happened.

Munmer, the manager of the village, appeared from a location close to the entrance and walked towards the children.

People split into two sides to make Munmer pass and the circle was closed again. Executive Munmer slowly stepped to the children and waited as if preparing himself for a few seconds.

He began to speak in a loud voice trying to increase his voice as much as he could.

"The reason we are here today is to pay our respects to the ancient gods who sacrificed themselves for us, and those of us who now protect us from dangers."

Everyone in the crowd whistled once. At first, Eren whispered slowly but did not curse! Realizing that the people did it to show respect and approval.

Maybe it was strange, but their respects could be seen from their faces.

The manager continued immediately,

"One of the oldest gods, the Sky-God Atlas, saw that the human in the world were very weak against creatures, demons, and even neutral angels.

He created these altars to protect ourselves and to understand the power in the world we live in!

Just like our ancestors before us, we tested our potential at this altar and tested whether we had power. "

Immediately after this statement, the manager turned his eyes to the children and pointed at them with his right hand.

"Now we have to wait for a new generation to be tested and believe that the gods are thinking the best for us.

We are their generation and they will always help us to live good lives!"

Eren didn't understand the word "we're their generation." But when he thought a bit, he knew the gods were meant.

He also suspected whether the entire conversation was written by Munmer. Because if what he said was real, he could have prepared a speech that was more cool and impressive.

But with a strong voice, he admitted that Munmer had a nice talk. Maybe he had a talent for this kind of speeches.

After a few seconds, everyone whistled again. Eren's ears were disturbed, but disturbing events had just begun.

A strange thing was brought by a woman who came to the manager. There was a big knife inside and it didn't look so sweet. If the point is mentioned again ... a huge knife!

Maybe because Eren was sitting on the ground with his teeny body and was still a baby, he saw a normal sized knife in large dimensions. But Eren was convinced that religious events and knives wouldn't be too cool.

"Fuck the fantasy…screw you guys, I am going home!"

At least he wanted to say this. But..

Eren came up with a lot of unnecessary blooded details from the Earth. The zombies awaken from the graves and the human blood swallowed slowly for sacrifices to monsters. He remembered the 3d movies which has ridiculous ceremonies for demons.

While Eren was in a daze..

The woman handed the knife to Munmer and folded the gland and went back to where it came from.

Now everyone was focused on children and Munmer. The manager, Munmer, focused on the girl who was the oldest child in the place, and called out.

"Wyen, come here.

Eren just startled lightly. If he was given an opportunity, he would turn away and run away from this fantastic shit. He was confident that, he would break the running time record of Usain Bolt, as he was running!!!

"I shouldn't be a baby! AAAAAHHHHHH .... Oh I'm just a fuc…. baby. These maniacs gather elf children and shoot +18 documentaries for the sky-gods with their bloody knives !!

How did I get here? How!!!

I hate fantasy. I seriously hate these motherf...…%+&/(*!^'....."

But these words were in vain…