Chereads / SimbiyoZ-The Tale of Immortality / Chapter 4 - Run Fella Run

Chapter 4 - Run Fella Run

The warmest time of the village was over. Weather was slowly getting cold. Winter was beginning.

While the winter showed its first traces, the houses in the village were not affected by the cold yet. In fact, compared to previous years, a warmer winter is expected this year . At least the majority of the people in the village thought so.

Died in his own world and born on a new planet, little Eren never cared about these things. It's been three months since he first made his speech. Even if he was trapped in his body which is now eleven months old.

After his first success, Eren tried to make clearer words and started to use some short sentences. Now he has learned to speak more easily so he had a new goal like "to stand up and take a few steps."

But just saying was easy. After months of trying, even Eren accepted that a babies' life was not easy as imagined. His new and sexy mother was mostly working in the fields of little farmland outside of village during the days. So Eren spent almost his entire days with his grandfather, hoping to improve his speech a bit.

Life was very boring for Eren.


Eren felt a nuisance on the morning of that ridiculous day. The Grandis were all gathered at the center of the village. Even those, working in the fields took a break from their work.

"Sisna Village", for a long time didn't see a hard winter. Also everyone was relying on woods which had been cut in small amounts from the forest.

But that day, the village overseer said the weather would get worsen. This winter, unlike the previous ones, it wouldn't pass with just an average cold. When they heard it, all the villagers panicked.

The need for emergency wood was born when all predictions were wrong. Even in the winter, people would die from freezing. So the Grandes decided to start working immediately. Against freezing or other extreme things, working a bit more would be okay for these pure Grandies.

Eren couldn't tell why the peasants, who had rejoiced that this year would be warmer a few days ago, had panic as if they had meteorological science. He didn't care about it, though.

He wouldn't care if the village was on fire!


That day's plan for the little baby was staying at home with his grandfather as usual.

Yuzu went to work in the field of the village. But when the village went into an alarm-state and send people to forest for cutting more wood, his grandfather picked him up and go to the center of the village.

About a hundred yellow-haired people were at the center. Eren noticed that his grandfather, whom Eren barely accepted as family, seemed different from everyone else in the village.

On average, Eren was still not used to the fact that these peasants were simpler and more pure than the most ignorant people in the city where he lived. It was nice to live calmly without their bad intentions. But none of them thought about anything other than their day-to-day work , without doing any kind of fun or thinking with curiosity.

Even now, the only reason of their panic was the village didn't store enough and should prepare winter wood, before able to say "this is enough to this year."

As someone who thinks that people should always have backup plans, Eren knew that a big mistake was made .

On that day, most of the men and women went to the river just next to the village. Grandies believe the equality on genders. Anyway, that is not the important thing. They cut so much wood out of the forest which next to the river that, even the cheerful faces they had a few days ago, were replaced by weariness and fatigue.

Eren understood that these people needed a leader who made proper plans. He though some simple innovations which could be useful for the village.

But he wasn't serious. After a couple hours, he fully forgot these possible plans.

Fuck ta all of the Sci-fi, Fantasy based things, he thought.



----After a Month----



Winter finally came at the end. The expected hardcore-cold weather rattled the village like a bulldozer.

While all the Grandi people were fighting the cold, Eren was quite happy. He could talk a lot more easily, and that was enough to make himself happy.

On account of locals who looking strange into his movements and talking, he decided to speak only with his mother and grandfather.

For the most part, in ta small one-room house, he was lying on a soft couch and chatting with his grandfather and mother.

Eren was almost one year old.

He always woke up early in the mornings. He was upset by the sleep he couldn't get because of dreams and was making up for it by eating breakfast with his mother.

Every morning around 5:00 he was waking up early. Yuzu wasn't worried about this habit because it was normal for babies to wake up early. At least Eren tried not to show the troubles to this young mother.

But the reason for Eren to get up early was his worries and the nightmares he had seen.

He was thinking about his old house, his other mother whom he had left on Earth.

While he was thinking about "what she thinks, what she does and how she lives now?" his worries have turned into nightmares. Almost every single day, he wondered how he could go back, or travel to the his old mother in Earth.

The language he learned at the moment was not a language he had heard before, on Earth.

It had soft tones that resembled a little bit English, a musical structure from the eastern languages, and simplicity like his original language from Earth. Surprisingly Eren had no difficulties while learning this language. But if he was a linguist or something, he would understand where he was living right now.

Actually, learning many things and uncover some deep stuff would be easy with language science of Earth. (Linguistics)

He had no idea if this was Earth or some other planet.

"Do I live in the same world, or is this a different place? I might even be inside an undiscovered tribe in Africa. Or in a secret place in Russia would be ok ha. These people are all blonde so maybe..."

"God, this is Earth right? You didn't send me to a fu*ing new world, right? ANSWER ME!"

Sometimes he even thought he was crazy because of such thoughts. But where he lived, his hands, his new body, and briefly everything was very real. He had to believe the reality that appeared in this village life! This place was too perfect to be a tv show or trick.

"I've died and I'm reborn. Even if it's painful, with ninety percent likely, this is a brand new world-oh I mean planet!"


While Eren was thinking about those stuff, his grandfather went to the door that was being knocked and stepped in front of the door. Eren continued to sit alone on the couch. According to the sounds from the outside, his grandfather was talking to someone.

He couldn't understand who the foreign voice belonged to, but he was defeated by his curiosity and listened them like a tiny rabbit.

"People in Roarn City said that the goods coming from the suppliers this year were very bad. Big cities and two towns are in trouble. They did not get enough of their own fields.

They all hope to get help from us. But this year we couldn't get enough products to feed the whole city, two towns and our own village.

Even if we take our share, it's not enough. We have to do something. This month, especially for the -Red Tarsus- need a few more harvest. This winter Grandies will have to work in the field more than ever..... "

Eren knew that the village they were in, was dealing with agriculture and selling everything they produced. But he had never heard what they were producing. What was it and how it could grow in the winter? All he could think of was that this thing was red in color.

"Red Tarsus."

He wondered once again what kind of place the village he is living and how this new planet looks like.

"I wonder if I have a chance to go back?" He was still thinking about his old life, and asked if he could go back for his mom. But he also thought that this new life could be a second chance given to him with his new body.

No matter how fantastic and absurd it is, those topics have a very heavy contradiction.

Eren stopped thinking and moved over and started to crawl. Came out from the open door and crawled to the side of his grandfather through the wall and called out.


A soft and sweet sound was heard. Two tall men looked at the ground and smiled. While his grandfather took Eren in his arms, "Ah I know this dude!" Eren knew who the other man was. He was the head of the village. What was his name?

He decided to ask. "What is yo-ur name?"

After the sound was heard, the man had a sudden shock on his face. It was very strange for the old man when a one-year-old baby asks him his name.

But a moment later, he was so excited about the sweetness of the little baby. Then he answered with a pleased and warm smile. "I am Munmer."

The man appeared at the end of his 60s. But Eren still didn't know about lifetime of Grandies. This was the first person that Eren saw as being older than his own grandfather in the village.

Even without his age(as the oldest of the village), it was clear why he was the ruler. His eyes looked like eyes of young poisonous snakes. He didn't look like a normal Grandi. Obviously Eren was astonished when he saw blonde hair on his head, most of whom were gone with time.

He thought all Gwandis were stupid.

But when he saw the very intelligent eyes of this man, he realized that it wasn't accurate to generalize some things.

Eren looked at his grandfather, and shook himself down after moving a little.

-Slowly walking the room, heading the couch, climbing up with extra care and finally lay down- Eren was exhausted.

He got tired even this much. His body wasn't strong enough for the things he wanted to do. He wondered how other kids on Earth was so energetic. Maybe because of their stupid nature or worryless states made them energetic. Eren didn't know but felt worn.

More than ten minutes, he thought about many things as usual. He worried or questioned some. But after thinking about his shitty life in Earth.. he changed his plans.

Especially this time, in this new planet, Eren wanted to chase after his wishes without waiting for them. He didn't want to wait for opportunities! Even doing something bad would be better that doing nothing right?!

He said, "I must grow up."

In seconds, Eren closed his eyes and fell asleep with tons of new nightmares...