Chereads / Him and Her - An Odd(?) Story / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7 - Monday Blues

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7 - Monday Blues


Tyson rolled out of his bed, his eyes still barely open. Looking sideways at the clock, he saw that it was half past 7, causing him to bolt onto his feet. Shit! I'm gonna be so late!!!

Racing like a rabbit from bathroom to kitchen and then to the bedroom, he showered, ate and dressed up in record time of 13 minutes and 14 seconds. Locking the doors, he immediately began running like mad toward the college campus. Because it was late spring, the morning weather was rather mild, and since he only decided to wear a T-shirt, it was a rather pleasant run.

Once he arrived at the floor of the classroom, he took a quick peak at the notice board standing at the center. It surprised him that there were only a few students around, but when he read notice, it clicked.

'Classes for English Morphosyntax have been rescheduled to Thursday, 16:00 PM.'

"… if I jump from the third floor, will it kill me?" Tyson mumbled begrudgingly.

"We can only hope." a familiar voice sent shivers through his spine. Looking sideways, Aya was standing casually next to him, wearing even more casual clothes, as if she was merely going out to buy bread.

"Why are you dressed like a hobo?" Tyson asked.

"Hm? It's my casual wear."

"You never show up dressed like that to classes, though."

"That's because I wasn't going to classes this morning."

"… you knew?"


"Since when?"

"Since Friday."

"… yep, it's jumping time!" Tyson said, pumping his fist into the air.

"Let's go grab some coffee. I still didn't have any." Aya said moving to the staircase.

"You came to grab coffee with me?" Tyson asked, joining her.

"Yeah, I knew you wouldn't have checked the website."


"Don't pout. It's good to get up early from time to time." Aya said.

"Ugh, shut up. I stayed up late last night."

"Watching porn?"

"… who the hell stays up late watching porn?! Where the hell did this myth originate from anyway?"

"I know, right? Late night outings are usually reserved for horror movies."

"… you innocence makes me want to puke rainbows."

"That would be quite a feat, now wouldn't it? Anyway, what did you do?" Aya asked.

"Playing a game." Tyson said, yawning.

"Oh? Which one?"

"Dragon's Dogma."


"What's with that stupefied expression?" Tyson asked, grunting.

"Nothing. Just didn't take you for an RPG fella."

"… if you were thinking 'oh I bet he plays those games', I'll throw you off the third floor."

"No, I was thinking 'oh I bet he never plays those games'." Hm? Shit! I just saw her bra strap! Calm down, calm down! Pink?! PINK?! ARE YOU-- "Cute, isn't it?"


"My bra, I mean."


"Ah, even during Monday mornings, you can blush as if it were weddingsday."

"… that was awful."

"Shut up. The campus is really empty, huh?" Aya said as the two left the building.

"Yeah." Tyson said. "From what I know, only we and three other groups have 8 o'clock classes."

"Eh? You bother with such trivia?" … aah, I need to become a politician and legislate punching people who say annoying things.

"You should take a page out of my book," Tyson said. "It's already 2nd semester of our 2nd year, and you still have no friends. Isn't that just depressing?"

"… do you really want to touch on the topic of depressing?"

"Oh my beloved angel, I misspoke! Please forgive me!"

"I was never that good at making friends," Aya said as the two left campus grounds. "People usually talk to me once and stop."

"… I can't see why, though." Tyson said honestly. "You're pretty fun."

"… aah, if only I had your talent in blushing."

"… you're making me cry over here!"

"We're here." the two slowly entered the coffee shop and sat in their usual spot. Waitress brought them two cups of coffee before they even had a chance to order.

"Right. You knew about Dragon's Dogma. Do you play games?" Tyson asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Dunno. You just don't strike me as a gamer."

"… when I was eight," Aya said, sugaring her coffee. Tyson only now noticed that she had tied her bangs backwards, revealing her face entirely. Damn, she's really cute… "My dad was diagnosed with cancer. Because my mom had to practically stay at the hospital 24/7, I was left alone for the most part. One day, though, she came home with a Gameboy and a few games, Pokemon amongst them. Suddenly, days that were so long it was painful became so short it was almost tragic. Ever since then, games became my little escapist paradise."

"… you just dropped something really heavy really casually." Tyson mumbled. "Your dad?"

"He's in the hospital." Aya said, her eyes somewhat watery. "Had a relapse a few days ago."

"…" Dammit, I wish I chose psychology.

"You don't have to think about what to say," Aya said instead, her lips barely curling up slightly. "I… I've been ready for a while now."

"… that's not something you should be ready for," Tyson said, sighing. "I can't do much, but I can at least be there if anything happens. Call me, okay?"

"Thanks." Aya said, nodding weakly. "What about you? When did you start playing games?"

"Ugh, my story isn't as bittersweet as yours," Tyson said, chuckling. "It feels like I've always played them. When I was a kid, my mom bought me some old Atari console, and I'd have my friends over nearly every day and play with them. Then, one of them bought the original Playstation, so we gathered at his place, and so on."

"… wow, you were right. That story sucks."

"Well, excuse me for not having the most thrilling childhood!"

"Must have been fun, playing with friends." Aya said.

"… oi, oi, don't do that! My heart is breaking over here!" Tyson said.

"Wanna play something together someday?" Aya asked.

"… that motherly feeling is back."

"Push it down."

"I can't. It's like a really bad case of diarrhea."

"…" She's pouting. Where did your deadpan act disappear off to, dammit! It was much easier back then!

"Sure, we'll play," Tyson said, smiling. "Our mid-terms have just ended, so it'll be easier to find free time."

"I bet you suck at it, though."

"That's it. You and I are never playing anything together!"


"Did you just click your tongue?!"

"No way. That's unbecoming of a lady."

"Heh, as if alien would ever become a lady. Stop daydreaming."

"Come on, finish coffee and let's take a walk. It's a pretty nice morning."

"…" She really does things at her own pace, huh?


Side by side, Aya and Tyson walked through a rather crowded street, even for the nighttime, yet alone early in the morning. Unable to hear one another, they quickly shifted away from the crowds and aimed for the nearby park. Much like the streets, even the park had its own visitors. Dozen or so children were playing around while their parents sat on the numerous benches and talked.

Aya and Tyson found an empty bench and sat down after buying a drink from a nearby vending machine.

"Where did you grow up?" Aya asked.

"Countryside, by the sea." Tyson said.

"Eh? Really?"

"What's so strange about that?"

"Don't know. You just seem like the… city type? I guess?"

"Heh, thanks. I tried really hard."

"… and the hick is out."


"Was it fun? Growing up, I mean?" she asked.

"Yeah, it was," Tyson chuckled, playing with the can in his hands. "It was a pretty small town, so everyone basically knew everyone. There was only one school, only one park, only one 'mall'… so you'd always ran into people you knew. I kind of miss it. City is… I don't know, always-fast? Everyone already has a destination, and they don't stop until they reach it. What about you?"

"City girl, bred and raised." Aya said.


"You can say I don't seem like it, you know?" Aya said, expressionless.

"It's not that. I just thought city doesn't suit you."

"It's not like I don't have any friends, asshole." Aya said in a somewhat angry tone.

"Ha ha, I never said that, though." Tyson said, laughing lightly.

"You're really easy to get along with." she said, looking up. "You just say whatever's on your mind. Throughout most of my high school, people were really reserved around me because they thought they would insult me somehow. Yet, there you are, calling me an alien the very first day we've met."

"I just called it as I saw it," Tyson said. … I can punch him, right? Nobody's watching, right? "But, I'm not as easy to get along with as you think. You… just don't seem hung up on the things I say. Usually, you know, people get angry! That's why I think you really are an alien."

"You have to rewrite my backstory, though. The last one sucked ass."

"I'm working on it. I plan on turning it into a Hollywood summer blockbuster one day."

"Aww. It's cute how you think I'm blockbuster worthy."

"Not you, but your origin! Where did this strange creature come from?! How can it act so human-like, yet also not at all, at the same time?! What's the secret---au, au, stop pinching me, I get it! Geez, I'll have you know I'm very sensitive to the pain!"

"Really? I thought you'd have gotten used to it by now."

"Emotional beating and actual beating are two very different things!"

"So it's okay if I beat you emotionally?"

"… don't you think I've suffered enough already? Why add salt to the barely healing wounds?"

"Hmm… because it would be fun?"

"Forget alien, you're definitely a sadist!"

"What, aliens can't be sadists as well?"

"That just blew my mind."

"Your mind is pretty small then."

"Are you picking a fight, huh? It's Monday morning! Where the hell are you getting your energy from?!"

"You're the one shouting, though."

"… aah, I'm so tired. I'm more tired than I was this morning. You really are amazing at draining energy from others."

"Why, thank you very much." Aya said casually.

"… heh, pink bra, though. What are you, ten?" He really is like a kid…

"What, you liked the view that much?"

"View of what? All I saw was an adult alien dressing like a pre-pubescent kid. It was quite hilarious, actually."

"Hmm… so you're black lace, front hook type of a guy?"

"… what the hell?! How'd you know that?!!"

"Wait, you really are? Eeeh…"

"Shut up. Men can dream."

"Then dream that you saw black one instead of pink one."

"… how'd I get stuck talking about a pink bra on the Monday morning? What the hell is wrong with my life?"


"… that third floor leap is becoming more and more appealing."

"I can give you a push if you want."

"Shouldn't it be a pull?! Shouldn't you try to save me?! Or at least pretend you want to?!"

"Eeeh… that's too tiresome."

"You're the tiresome thing here!"

"Shut up. Let's go eat something. I haven't had a breakfast."

"I did. Joke's on you! Ha ha ha!"

"You had, huh? Well, treat me then."

"Hell no."

"You even saw my underwear, and that's how you decide to treat me? Ouch. What is this hurtful feeling inside my heart? C-could this be… complete desire to call police on you?!!"

"… forget alien. You're a devil." Tyson said, throwing the can into the trashcan. "What do you want? Pick lightly, I didn't bring much."


"… does that even qualify as breakfast?!"

"Then… scone and… you…" Aya said as she winked, sticking her tongue out lightly.

"… I think I'll have a doughnut."

"… that was a pretty lame euphemism. I thought you could do better."

"Shut up. I didn't wake up properly yet."

"Let's go eat then."

"… ah, whatever, let's."