Chereads / Him and Her - An Odd(?) Story / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8 - Who's the Lonely One?

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8 - Who's the Lonely One?


Tyson rolled out of his bed, checking the clock which red 9:00 A.M. He felt his head split apart as he groaned, getting up and pouring some water for coffee. He opened the window and let the chilly air burst in, freshening him up. After picking up the phone and checking for messages, he saw that Aya sent him one: 'Won't come today. Don't be lonely'. As if!!

Grunting, he put the phone down and made a cup of coffee as he turned on the TV and watched some random cartoons absentmindedly. Thinking back to his past week, he realized that he didn't hang out with either Emma or Jared at all, and that most of his time outside classes was spent with Aya. … that's a new one…

After getting ready, he left for the class starting at 10:00, and, almost subconsciously, glanced over to where she usually sat, but, as the message said, she wasn't there. Quickly averting his gaze, he sat behind Emma and Jared who were already there.

"Oho, if it isn't a young man in love~~" Emma said in a giggly tone as Tyson sat down.

"Not yet. My head's killing me." Tyson said.

"Oh? Late night out?" Jared chimed in.

"No," Tyson shook his head. "Late night in."

"… could you try and be less depressing?" Emma asked, sighing.

"Managed to beat my previous speedrun record for DS3," Tyson said, smiling. "Well worth it."

"So? Where's the girlfriend today?" Emma asked.

"She's not my girlfriend, and I don't know."

"Eh? She's not? Aren't you guys always together lately?" Jared added.

"Eh, can't deny that. She's more of a friend, though." Tyson said.

"Nah, that's impossible. When have you ever been a friend with a girl?" Emma said.

"So, you stopped considering yourself a girl? Tough going Jared." Tyson smiled.

"No, no, I don't count," Emma said, smiling. "You've never seen me as a girl anyway." The hell I didn't!!

"So, what's she like?" Jared asked.

"… weird."

"I didn't know you liked them weird." he added. You like them weird!

"I don't. How many times do I have to tell you that it's not like that?" Tyson said in his unusual, calm and indifferent tone.

"What about her?" Emma asked.


"'s that so…"

"Turn around. Classes are starting."

"Tche. Saved by the bell."


Tyson paid little attention to the class, his mind drifting away. Recounting past week, he realized that he didn't mind it. For better or worse, Aya became a good outlet for his frustration. Someone he could be who he really is in front of. Eh, it's not too bad, I suppose…

For the rest of the day, Tyson followed the routine he established before Aya entered his life. Strangely, though, he felt somewhat empty after the classes ended. Going back home, he spent a few hours catching up on TV shows and playing some games before calling it quits and dropping into the bed.

Morning came quickly and he headed out toward the college campus. He felt somewhat anxious as he entered the classroom, his eyes immediately glancing sideways, to the distant corner where Aya sat. She's here, he though, quickly looking away. Dammit, I missed her!!


Aya sat in her usual spot, fidgeting, as he took occasional glances at the classroom's entrance. Even if her expression was deadpan, her eyes were somehow expectant as if she waited for someone. No, no, what's wrong with me? Focus, Aya. He's just a kid. Just a kid.

A few minutes later, she heard footsteps beckoning from behind and casually turned around, immediately spotting him. He wore loose, black sweater and jeans, backpack hung over one shoulder, his other hand in his pocket. Dammit, I missed him!!

The reason she didn't come yesterday was because the doctors finally allowed visitation, so she spent majority of her day in the hospital. Sighing inwardly, she focused back onto the front, feeling both anxious still and relieved at the same time.

Classes came and disappeared, and soon it was 3:00 A.M. As the professor called the end, she slowly began packing, but, instead of what she usually did, which is getting up and walking over to him, she hesitated, sitting still. Glancing from the corner of her eyes, she saw that he was the same. Emma and Jared bid him farewell, but he remained seated as others slowly left. Are you a kid?! Why are you waiting for me?!

Just as the last few students were about to leave, Tyson got up and, with somewhat hesitant steps, walked over to her.

"Yo." he said casually. "You free?"

"So, you did miss me."

"Alright, see you tomor—ugh, just come with me." Tyson grunted, turning around and walking toward the exit, with Aya quickly catching up to him. "Where were you yesterday anyway?" he asked.

"Visiting dad." Aya said honestly.

"Oh. He better?"

"Yeah, kind of."


"Are you really that awkward with heavy topics?" she asked.

"Of course I am! What the hell am I supposed to say here?!" Tyson cried out. "There, there, all's gonna be great! Fantastic! Just dandy!"

"… aah, you really suck."

"I know! I suck big time! Sorry for sucking!"

"How did the day go for you?" Aya asked. I bet he was finally glad to spend some time with Emma, bastard. "You must have been elated, seeing as you were finally free of me."

"Y-yeah," Tyson said, smiling as he scratched his head. "I was just reminded how beautiful freedom tasted." Knew it!

"Oh, is that so?"

"What? You disappointed? He he, how cute."

"A little bit," If I recall that guide, it's something like this… "I thought I meant more to you." Tyson suddenly froze as his steps halted. Unable to hold it back, Aya suddenly burst into laughter as Tyson's cheeks flushed red. "Oh my god, that was adorable. Ha ha ha."

"S-shut up! That's unfair!" Tyson mumbled as he began walking again. "You're not allowed to complain with that cute of an expression! You're an alien! An alien!"

"Oh, speaking of aliens," Aya said. "I read there's a symposium on extraterrestrial life happening in the nearby institute this Saturday. Wanna go?"

"Oh? Is the deadpan Aya asking me out on the date?" Tyson said, smirking.

"What's with the emphasis on dead? And yeah, why not. It's not like girls are lining up to take you out on a date anyway."


"It hurt that much?"

"Ah, how could you possibly understand blues of lonesome man? We suffer! Suffer, I tell you!"

"Aah, I can see why you went for literature instead of acting out literature. Good call."

"I'll have you know that I was the lead actor for the Drama Club back in high school for all four years!"

"Wow, must have been one terrible Drama Club then."

"… yeah, pretty much. People attended our plays just to laugh at our screw ups. I don't think that we've ever actually had a play without any mistakes." Tyson said, somewhat dejected.

"Did you have fun at least?" Aya asked.

"Yeah, it was pretty fun," he chuckled, scratching his nose. "There was this senior of mine, Ren, who always fought with me for leading roles. One time it got so bad that both of us played the lead role, at the same time. The crowd had a blast, because both of us kept forgetting lines, sometimes at the same time."

"Forgetting things does suit you."

"Shut up, 3rd ranked failure." Tyson smirked.

"Ugh, don't bring up the greatest shame of my life."

"Your fashion style should be your greatest shame," Tyson grunted. "What's with that casual get-up? Where's the effort?!"

"Eeh? Were you looking forward to seeing me in cute clothes?"

"Of course not. I know you don't own anything that can be qualified as 'cute'. I was just hoping for 'acceptable'."

"Eh, look into the mirror first," Aya said, pouting slightly. "What's with that textbook 'be cool' clothes? Everything is loose. Like the screws in your brain. Were you trying to match inside with the outside?"

"Aah, you're really a spiteful woman, aren't you? Can't a day pass by without insulting me?"

"Of course not. Once I discovered how fun it is to watch your reactions, I made a vow to make fun of you as much as possible."

"Wow, that's terrible." Tyson said. "Truly, trust an alien to fail at humaning."

"… please don't go making up stupid words. You're insulting our beautiful language."

"What's that, weddingsday?"


"Heh, that felt good." This is… fun… Aya thought, smiling sneakily.

"Aah, will you ever take me to someplace nice?" Aya said as the two sat down in their usual spots in their usual coffee shop. "You always bring me here."

"Isn't it the other way around? You always bring me here."

"Nonsense," Aya said. "If I ever wanted to bring you anywhere, it'd probably be ocean."

"Eh? Why? You want to see me half-naked that badly?" Tyson smirked.

"One with sharks, preferably." Aya added.

"I forgot to tell you, but I'm a certified shark-rider, thank you."

"Is it fun to lie through your teeth?"

"… can't you play along?! Please just play along for once!!" Tyson cried out, taking a sip of the coffee. "Oh right, I read some manga last night." Tyson added. "It made absolutely no sense! It's almost as if everything is written in reverse!"

"It is…" Aya sighed.


"You read manga from right to left."

"… that's dumb."

"Apologize to Japan's culture right now, maggot!"

"Oi, oi, that hurts! Stop hitting me! Sorry, sorry!" Tyson cried out. "Sheesh, I didn't take you for violent sort."

"Why'd you read it anyway? Do you really want to feel that closer to me? Heh, that's cute." Aya suddenly smirked, her usual, deadpan expression disappearing. Eh? What's with the blushing?! Ai ai, his cheeks are completely red!

"S-shut up! Of course not! I just wanted to see what weird people read, that's all," Tyson mumbled, lowering his head. "Drawings were good though."

"What did you read anyway?" Aya asked.

"Something called Berserk," Tyson said. "I didn't expect it to get so weird, though. What's with that random 'having sex with the girl who suddenly turns into a giant monster' shit?! I think I'll have a lasting trauma from it!"

"Eh? You got queasy from something so basic?" Aya said in a mocking tone. "Then I suggest you stop reading Berserk, and go read something cute, like Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou."

"… yeah, like I'll remember that name, totally." Tyson grunted.

"But seriously, Berserk gets pretty gritty," Aya said, tilting her head lightly. "If you can't handle heartbreak, you should probably quit while you're ahead."

"Heartbreak? Humph, I'm king of that shit--" Shot himself again.

"It's okay, there, there." Aya patted him gently.

"… why do I keep doing this to myself?! Ugh…"

"That's 'cause you're dumb."

"… yeah, I think that's it."

"… wow, I didn't expect you to accept it that quickly."

"That's why I like hanging around with you," Tyson said, smiling as he took Aya's hand. "You remind me that there's always dumb and dumber." Why do I feel so happy and angry at the same time?!

"… just how dated are your references? Can't you at least try?"

"Eh? I thought it was pretty good one, though." It was… no way I can say that, though…

"Will you let go of my hand already?" Aya said. "Or are you that happy to be holding it?"

"Shit, sorry," Tyson said, letting go as he scratched his head nervously, looking away. "I forgot that you have zero experience in boy-and-girl matters. I should treat you accordingly."

"… you can't try and take the higher ground while blushing like a little girl after holding my hand. It just doesn't come off as convincing."

"… let me have it… for once… please…"


"…" Crap, this isn't good, Aya said, lowering her head slightly, stealing glances at the flustered Tyson. That froze my heart for a moment… not good… not good…