Chereads / Omnitech system / Chapter 2 - I Wake and Discover

Chapter 2 - I Wake and Discover

Sin woke after having rested and was disappointed having failed to experience the state of dreaming, he rose and continued the lab, he tried to run a scan of the area but was incapable due to him being in a human body.

Sin explored further and found a locked door, trying to use the pad by the door he was incapable of opening it resorting to using his Wrist com, he was mildly entertained by the encryption but it was ultimately not of the required intricate nature necessary to challenge him.

The door opened revealing sunlight, Sin stepped outside holding the pulse pistol. He looked around the area and learned it was what people would have called a desert, no sign of life could be seen. Sin did not leave, he would need rations and he was sure there was more to be discovered in this lab.

He shut off the previous sections he had already explored and lead to dead ends so he would make progress and not enter areas he had already explored, keeping the pulse pistol at his side Sin calmly walked through the corridors checking doors until he found what looked like a classroom.

This caught his interest and was now a secondary location for him, he required sustenance, he eventually found the place he was searching for in the form of guards quarters. He ate one of the ration pills, and felt his body become rejuvenated.

Searching deeper he found some programed Techron, memorizing the the specs of the weapons he proceeded to look at the protection used and found that it was a device known as Flectron.

Flectron was a armor that used electrons to stick to the users body suit at precise areas to deflect as much damage as permitted by the stats and specs of the armor. Sin found the protection of the armor to be disappointing but was unable to find a better one so took multiple Flectrons in the event one was destroyed until he could find a better programed one or program one of his own.

Having found what he needed he left the guards quarter and returned to the classroom, he searched through it finding old recording devices. He plugged them in and began listening or reading information, finding the info to be more in depth compared to the initial introduction.

He found means to created Techron and Flectrons, he decided it would be in his best interest to download these things to his Holo link. He spent the rest of the day making sure he didn't miss any of the information, he returned to the guards quarters and fell asleep a second time.

When Sin woke he found he was once again unable to dream, ignoring that insignificant desire he equipped the Flectron.

He left the lab on this day and would likely never return, to protect himself he used the Wrist com to overload the lab's generators barely giving enough time to escape but that was part of his initial analysis. The explosion would destroy evidence and would also draw people to investigate, if friendly he would request assistance, if hostile threats would be terminated.

Sin walked for a great distance before he was able to see a band of people heading to the scene of the explosion, Sin clutched his pulse pistol and walked forward without hesitation. He had confidence as a former world leading Military AI he would hold the advantage with superior tactics.

The band of people seemed to have noticed him and were making there way to his location, Sin continued walking calmly. The band stopped a dozen feet in front of Sin, he was ready should they choose the wrong decision.

"Are you coming from that explosion" asked the apparent leader wielding a sword Techron surprising Sin but calmed himself as it was most likely a trap to lower his guard.

"I have indeed come from that explosion" said Sin staring deeply at the man

"What happened out there" asked the sword user

"Someone made a mistake" said Sin staring forward

"I'd say, you need a lift" asked the sword user

"I would appreciate it but what is the cost" asked Sin, he knew from his previous life there not good samaritan's who did deeds for no reason

"Well you got Tech Tokens" asked the sword user

"A few" said Sin

"Then hop in we will take you to town" said the sword user

Sin said nothing else and hopped into the vehicle still holding his pulse pistol mechanically, this caused the group to look at the gun in awe.

"Say where did you get that pistol" asked the sword user staring at the gun

"I designed it" said Sin ready to terminate all threats at a moments notice

"Oh your one of those programmers, you willing to trade that pistol" asked the user

"I am not" said Sin

"How about programing a Techron for me" asked the sword user

"I can program but it will be a unfamiliar weapon to you I am sure" said Sin

Sin was getting tired of this person. He didn't like those who assumed their superiors to be pushovers.

"Awesome I have a blank on me now" said the sword user pulling a Techron but he was confused when Sin didn't take it. The others were also looking at Sin curiously

"Well are you going to program it or not" asked the sword user getting impatient

"No" said Sin simply

"Why not you said you would" said the sword user gripping his sword tightly

"Correction I said can not will, would, or any other turn of phrase that would otherwise infer I had intent to program for you" said Sin calmly

"Are you making fun of me" asked the sword user

"Are attempting to threaten me" asked Sin

"What if I am" asked the Sword user

"Then that would be a mistake" said Sin staring into the eyes of this person blankly

The others riding shivered remembering the cause of that explosion, according to this guy it was someone making a 'mistake'.

"Are you threatening me" asked the sword user stopping the vehicle

"You are odd, drawing meaning from words not said" said Sin casually

"That's it get out, you can walk the rest of the way or die out here" said the sword user before he found a hole shot through him shocking all present.

"Those of you present have two options, take me to civilization or die like your comrade" said Sin looking at the group

The group looked between each other, being a desert they were poor and not many could get fire arm type Techron. Coming to a decision they split the sword user's belongings among each other before driving to the nearest civilization.

"Tell me about this planet" ordered Sin taking the group by surprise

"Currently you are on Solidia" said the taller of the women in the group

"Continue" said Sin

"Solidia is a desert planet on the inner circle of this system, its current state is the result of years of being the battleground for various factions wars. As a result of this the main export on Solidia are minerals and crystals taken from the mines" explained the female

Sin had a good idea of the situation based on his previous knowledge war torn countries that relied on mining were usually not well off, noting that information mentally. He would need a map of some sort, making a list of essentials he would need.