Chereads / Omnitech system / Chapter 5 - I Kill and Evolve pt 2

Chapter 5 - I Kill and Evolve pt 2

Sin switched from his pulse pistol to a Semi Automatic Taze Rifle, another of his earlier models but it would do for his current task. The main function of the Taze Rifle was silent take downs, using a high powered magnet to propel its projectile at high speeds where upon contact with the target it would initiate a shock strong enough to stop the heart.

Sin checked everything on his weapon before heading out of the room and clearing the other rooms in the corridor where he successfully silenced the guards in the barracks. He had cleaned out many of the rooms but he had yet to come across any of the so called programmers that were supposed to have been residing in the building. Looking closer at what he had found in the facility so far he was starting to form an entirely different view of what this place was.

Outside the two girls that had brought Sin here started smiling after not seeing him for a while.

"Sister do you think he can get out of there alive" asked the younger girl with a smile

"Get out of the Military Research and development, Ari don't be silly. Lets take our leave before we get caught by a patrol" laughed the older woman returning back to her settlement.

Back in the facility Sin shook his head.

'It seems I have been had, I will correct this in the future' thought Sin as he pushed through the double door readily.

The first group of guards were caught unaware when the felt something get past their Flectrons before they saw nothing. Sin strode past their bodies and stepped into the room they had been patrolling only to find it was more like an underground cavern, he was unable to understand how the building had changed so suddenly.

Looking back towards the door he saw a clear film subtly shifting around, he noted he would have to learn more about this when the opportunity presented itself.

Sin turned his back towards the doorway and proceeded forward silently, the magnet propulsion function of his Taze Rifle showing its true capability in the hands of it's creator. As guards began falling Sin had realized that he had gained a couple of extra EP, he felt that this was reasonable as he had killed many guards.

As Sin had finally taken what he had believed to be the last guard he heard an alarm go off.

"Attention Researchers and remaining soldiers, an intruder has infiltrated the building he is assumed to be armed and extremely dangerous. Proceeding to call back all patrols, initiating protocols" announced an automated voice over the intercoms.

Sin sighed and decided to he would just find out everything a different way, crouching behind a rock formation in the corner of this cavern facility he waited until he heard the sounds of footsteps before raising his Taze rifle and opening fire dropping a number of the group that had just came in.

Sin felt he had the upper hand as they were yelling in confusion, they had heard nothing and there were no bullet wounds to signify a direction of the shooter.

Peeking over again he managed to finish them off while they would forever be confused about how they died, Sin wasted no time though and quickly exchanged his apparel for that of the soldiers and noticed something interesting.

'His Wrist com is much sleeker in design but he lacks a Sub Dimension Wrist Link' thought Sin as he analyzed the obviously more advanced version of the Wrist com.

He didn't hesitate to take it as well quickly programming it to his Holo link, it was at this point he realized why the soldier had lacked a Sub Dimension Wrist link.

'Sub Dimension Wrist Com, a unified advancement of the old Wrist com and Sub Dimension accessories. Allows for a simpler use and new features in the form of universal encryption translation, Holo link hacking and allows the user to set a firewall for their device according to their level of encryption. Note other features from the past models of the Sub Dimension Wrist com have been included as a standard for Premium members'

Sin finished reading and quickly transferred his data into the Wrist Com before moving forward, he had many questions forming in his mind as far as the facility he woke up in and how long the facility had been there undiscovered.

'It seems there is more to this body's creation than I first thought' noted Sin mentally

Sin also realized he had to move faster due to the announcements message, patrols were returning leaving him with an unknown amount of time to gain the tools he required.

Sin proceeded through the facility by taking a passageway branching from the cavern and spared no living organism along his path.

'Another terminal is required to navigate this part of the facility' noted Sin setting a temporary goal in mind.

Checking the different rooms he came across many other Techron and proceeded to store them so as not to waste time nor an opportunity until he came across a room that was similar to his former life's system Archives. He assumed that these would perhaps hold the same purpose and proceeded to connect his new Wrist com, the encryption for these were much more difficult but still far from the level of his expertise.

Crashing through the firewall Sin wasted no time trying to read through the information merely downloading the collective of information and waiting for it to complete which brought him to a dangerous juncture.

'Time remaining for download 45 minutes'

Sin was short for time as he had already wasted nearly an hour searching through the facility manually, if he had to wait for almost an additional hour he would no doubt be putting his body in harms way but he was left with little choice. Who knew how much time he would waste if he to continue checking each room independently.

Sin sat in the room watching as the progress bar slowly filled and the minutes tick by, Sin at this moment realized the sensation he was feeling is similar to what would be described as frustration and nervous.

Sin calmed himself as he watched the time remaining for the completion of the download was five minutes away from completion, unfortunately it was at this time that soldiers footsteps could be heard marching through the hallways.

Sin could only lay in wait for it's completion and hope for the usual incompetence that he knew was a generic trait of living organisms to show itself while these soldiers searched for him.

Luck was on his side as the download had finished without any snags and it initialized rather quickly showing him the location of a few key areas that sparked his interest.

'It seems I am fated to risk my new life if I wish to succeed in understanding this universe and it's technology' thought Sin as he stood and a cold look entered his eyes.

He stepped into the hallways and began walking dangerously wielding his pulse pistols in both hands, he would leave no one alive.

He had one additional goal in mind when he had made his decision to eliminate all threats.

'Kill and Evolve'