Chereads / Lord Of Lust / Chapter 53 - 53

Chapter 53 - 53

"hahaha!" Sam loved the reaction of the helper completely taken back by his order. so much so that he was laughing hours later as I crossed his mind. it kind of spooked his camping companion but they knew sam long enough to not ask questions, sam found humor in some dark and bloody things.

'My lord, I don't understand the use of a body for me?' were they so unusual to their lord.

'You're going to be my representative in this world. or to be more precise the lord lust representative' he then explained how hiding his presence as a cosmic lord would be though and frankly a hugs pain that could easily be avoided. 'you will inform the needed parts about my presence on this world, this will allow us to control how we are view.' the beast all showed he didn't care if the world knew and sam wasn't even going to give it a chance to turn earth against him it would be an incurable annoyance.

'understand my lord I will get to work crafting a body!" they knew their lord was leaving a heavy task to them partly because sam held a great dislike for politics and tedious bureaucracy.' do you have an opinion on the form of my body?'

'it's your body why are yous making we what it should look like, "never let anyone tell you what you should look like!" a rather lazy trans fox told me.' said fox like to die her fur different patterns every couple of months she pulled it off too. well, that's what people said anyway.

'of course my lord I will get right on designing it, do you require helping training your friends?'

'No, but I will take it. I haven't planed anything beyond the first two steps," gain power and experiment with it. if they came to him asking for help sam would probably tell them to pick an unwinnable fight or to go back to the basics.

'i will consult the numerous teachers throughout the universe' the helper suppressed a comment on his lord's random planning ability, they knew he would probably laugh and agree with them but it felt disrespectful.

"so in the next few days, you all will probably complete the first stage of training. in the same time period, my war league fight will happen. this is a problem!"

"your fight the days after tomorrow" daniel informed sam, who thanked him for the information.

"During that time you two-he pointed to daniel and Tyrone- will have to unleash your power. there are certain steps you need to take!"

"Are you gonna give us straight answers" Tyrone gave daniel a 'what do you think' look? with a bright smile, sam said hell no!

"you will need to make a star!" he pointed to Tyrone "and you will need to discard your flesh!"


"no that's it" sam then picked up an orange to eat. he plainly ignored how much daniel wanted to strangle him at that moment.

"I hope you lose that fight," Daniel told him knowing sam cared not for winning as long as he had fun, lightbulb! "I hope your fight is dull and boring, ah!" he threw the orange peel at him. then a bunch of pebbles that kinda hurt even as he defends with his arms, Tyrone was ignoring all this trying to think what he meant by leaving his flesh behind.

'the first question is what did sam mean by the flesh,' he tried to think about how one would define flesh and a memory rose. a few days before the puppets attacked.' flesh is a container' sam said this very off handly, well Tyrone thought he did. he already gave me the answer probably sam said a lot of things and Tyrone didn't always remember it all.' figure it out tomorrow sleep now'*yawn!* crawling to the spot he's been sleeping the past few days Tyrone closed his eyes.

"okay making a sun...what the fuck Samuel!" daniel was currently suspend above burning lava. it wasn't too dangerous cause the rope was actually enchanted with potion-making cool even in his heat, not that it kept him from sweating that he had to prevent by absorbing heat faster than he could be affected. it was a harsh training method but it worked he kept himself mostly cool most of the time but managing his temperature gave him a hell of a migraine if done too long so he took frequent breaks.

'do what you usually do with sam's double talk. take a step back and pick it apart,' sun was a ball of fire, so ball of heat. the heat had to become a ball, he was probably missing a few steps because by the love of the gods there was no way it was that easy.' okay try compressing the heat' that made him lose control of the skill so he stopped. 'better idea how does a sun work?' that was science class he couldn't remember he wasn't even sure ho long ago that class was. "thank god I got wifi here" making sure that his temperature would stay stable he pulled up a web search, looking up how the sun was made.

when space dust and a nebula collide from gravity pulling them together, 'so I have to make something like a nebula and space dust and have them collide.' a wordless scream left daniel's lips this was a crazy task sam had given him, on one hand, it said something that sam thought daniel could do this. but the teen wasn't thinking about that, he was screaming while trying to figure out how one would make a nebula.

"It's basically this ain't gas cloud! does that mean I have collect gasses." sighing he breathed a few puffs of smoke to distract himself he wasn't sure why he was trying to give them shape but it was fun trying. much calmer he was struck by inspiration, in the past, sam had needed a certain gasses and asked daniel's help getting it. they had found a certain company that made all kinds of gasses, he still didn't know what sam gave them that got the 50% off for their entire lives but daniel made sure to get that in writing.

"you seem to be thinking hard," Sam said as he rode in on shard of night's ghost form, this form was the hardest to describe and the closet was fog in the vague shape of a sword. his white hair fluttered in the updraft from the lava, "trying to figure out how to make a sun?" daniel could taste the smug from him.

"are you checking up or looking to offer some help?" it was probably the former.

"yes?" hey did it have to sound like a question, daniel thinks it meant he hadn't decided just yet.

"is it a literal sun or metaphorical speaking?" sam hummed in thought a bit before answering in a way that gave his friend a headache," that depends on what works for you doesn't make a difference as far as I know!" and with that sam rode out of the volcano laughing as daniel was just done with him. riding down the mountain sam looked to where Garry was training at the edge of the lake and he already checked on Tyrone and he didn't need to go looking for food,' i guess it's time for my own training!' on the mountain over sam stood in front of a good-sized boulder with many dents and cracks sam put there plus a bit of blood.

striking the boulder with a straight jab sam bit back a wince, but he hit it again and again working the damage. he stopped when he noticed new blood, taking a step back sam waited for his wounds to heal 'pathetic can't he split a boulder anymore can i. a weak norm-" *slap!* okay he probably hit himself too hard but it stopped that train of thought when was the last time he had such negative thoughts maybe two years ago, "yeah that sounds right" when he first notices that his power was going down a bit. "welp time to not think!" pushing all thoughts out of his head sam attacked the rock once more, this was probably far from healthy but he didn't no batter and it was probably time he did something.

'i can help if you wish my lord' sam paused at the helper's words,' one of the biggest ways the companion thought for me to help my lord was to make sure I could help with their mental state. whether it meant calming them from rage, talking them out of suicide or murder. I even know treatments for depression and PTSD the latter I believe you have!"

"one you sound incredibly excited and what PTSD?"

"post-traumatic stress disorder and I have a great chance to help you, my lord. I believe you have because from what I observed you show incredible aggression to alcohol and avoidance of any form of dancing. not to mention your nightmares and insomnia." sam was a bit taken back, he knew those weren't goods things but didn't think they were part of something bigger or something.

"you know what this is a bit much for me let pick this up tomorrow!" sam then unleash his emerging emotions, he felt confused and dread vulnerably seen through then he has in a long time. he needed to prepare himself prosses. the helper didn't push that could make his lord defensive and he may shut down on him, that was something else he should probably talk about with him.

the lord of lust kept attacking the boulder until the sun touched the horizon then after his wounds closed sam went about collecting his friends leading them all back to camp." we already know that way so why are you leading up?" Garry asked after they pulled daniel out of the volcano.

"look done there" sam pointed to the lava, and the other three look in time to see something poke its head out of the molten stone." there all kind of annoying animal living in the area they don't mess with you in fear of me but even that can fade!" it was at that moment daniel and Garry noticed the bloodlust leaking from sam, it wasn't the offensive kind they were used to with sam, it was more passive like the bright colors of a pointless frog.

[thank you!] sam blinked once before giving a warm welcome,' as usual sam is doing more than one thinks' Tyrone yawned as he followed after the raven downhill. he stopped when something accrued to him something that was probably a big problem,[what gonna happen when you get called for your flight tomorrow?] everyone stopped after Garry read the question out loud." what is gonna happen?" Garry asked turning to look at sam who was glaring at something flying high above them.

"training, combat training!"

"you gonna have us fight the things that wanna kill us aren't you"

"ill try and wrap up the league fight as fast as I can!" then he continued his way down the mountain. they reached camp with plenty of sunlight left and sam got started on their diner which was some kind of bird sam caught this morning when no one was looking along with eggs the size of an infant's head. "did you like, attack a nest?" daniel asked as sam stuffed the bird with some wild vegetables he found recently.

"yes, it fought well!" he ignored what daniel said next to busy making sure the bird was cooked right.

"it times like this I remember how strange sam can be!" this didn't stop him from eating the food or using the pillow sam made from the birds' feathers and leather from other animals." and time like this remind how handy he is, also how many feathers were on this bird!" the pillow was large enough for there of them to share if they cuddled and it was super fluffy too.

"it kept sporting feather until I killed it!"

"so you plucked it while it was still alive! isn't kind of torture!?" sam was busy bury the bones and storing the leftovers and di'-"don't ignore me you anomaly!" sam turned to him and asked "do you really think I'm the kind of person who creates unnecessary pain?" gave him a flat look then proceed to remind sam of the time he fought Garry with twig the entire time he only aimed for Garry rear end laughing like a horror movie slasher. "for the single purpose of causing pain, I mean! I didn't know the bird grew feathers that fast I just didn't want any blood on them."

"Fine I'll give you that, but why was it still alive when you were plucking it?"

"had to make sure it was fresh for dinner" with that said he crawled over to his patch of dirt and prepared to draw the sleep rune.

'my lord I recommend you stop using that rune to sleep, it contributes to your insomnia sam stop short of letting the dust drift onto his face.


'the rest you get from that rune confuses your body making it hard to sleep the next night." sam just blinked that was news to him, news that made a shit ton of sense looking back on his life. that left the question of what did he do now,' my lord I have drafted several options to help you sleep!' they were getting better at this helping thing, weren't they.

'all go through them all and we'll see what works' the helper agreed and started with a lullaby they devised, "wow that's a grea-ZZZZZ"

'i didn't think it would work so well!' the helper continued to sing as their lord started to wake. the lullaby only works when it was long if it stops there lord would start to wake, simple fix create a recording, and play on loop.' good time to get to work on my lord order, creating my own body.' contacting the mimic slimes the helper filled them in on their lord's orders.

"how many legs do you need?"

"how many eyes do you need?"

'our lord wishes for me to interact with the people of this planet so I must appear similar to one race of this planet' the slimes nodded in understanding before demonstrating the forms of the intelligent life they've analyzed the helper studying closely.