Chereads / SImp / Chapter 38 - Lance - Only time

Chapter 38 - Lance - Only time

Serina and I had discussed how to handle this situation all night long. Now it was time to see if the girls would agree to our plans. Bit had coordinated everything for us. All we had to do was be ready when we picked all five girls up.

Just as we had planned, Bit had dropped down into the city park just after dusk and picked up the girls. As I had lost the coin toss, once all the hugging and catching up was finished, I announced, "Ladies, the entire eastern associated gang of Bikers want your heads. I mean they literally want just your heads. They put a bounty on you because of what Jane and I did to protect you."

"It turns out that not one of those Bikers was willing to talk about what really happened to them, so they have been making up stories about rival gangs. They are saying that all of you girls were just the bait. We 'encouraged' a group of the Biker gang bosses' spies to report back a false report. They did not want to say anything about bug-eyed monsters or superheroes either. And everyone laughed.

I then turned to Barb and Ashley, and asked, "Would you two tell the rest what happened yesterday morning?" And they both told a superhero story that had me blushing….

After the laughing at my blushing, and under the gaze of four admiring girls (Yes, Serina was gazing at me as if she had not done most of it), I continued to lay out our plans. I made sure that they understood that we would have drones overhead all the time. I kept getting questions about how a buzzing sound could protect them. We had a short time out to watch some drone videos as they had no idea what I was talking about at first. Now, mind you the drones we could deploy made no sounds, unlike the ancient first generation versions, but the name stuck.

Thanks to whoever it was that developed those keep awake shots in our medits we could keep going for seventy-two hours if we had too. Jane and I had been up all last night planning, and the girls wanted to chip in on each detail. It was a long night.

We dropped off the girls in the morning. It was starting to be a standard pattern. Hug and give Jane a peck on the cheek. Hug and kiss me. Only it seems that my blushing made them like to tightly hug me. The tighter and longer the hug, the more I blushed.

Now we settled into a waiting game. Each girl had received a keep awake shot to compensate for the night without sleep. Our drones were high enough that they could not be seen even if they did not have cloaking capability.

We anticipated a period of quiet while the girls went through their morning routines. So Jane and I slowly got into our armor, it took a lot longer than it should have, but wow! Anyway, we were alert and armored when the first action started.

Marjorie drew the short straw. Bit noticed through Marjorie's drone that some guys on Harley's were idling at the side of the roads surrounding the town library. Serina and I dropped from an altitude of thirty-thousand feet, just minutes afterward we were braking to hover a thousand feet or so in the air above the library. "Marjorie?" Serina queried over our com system.

"Yes?", she responded. "I'm on my way to work, is it important?"

"We just wanted to let you know that you have company but do not worry. We are hovering over the library right now." Marjorie looked wildly about her for a moment until she gathered up her courage remembering what we had talked about last night.

"Ok," Marjorie sighed. "I will play like a good little lamb being lead to the slaughterhouse."

I thought back to what we saw when Marjorie was being tossed from biker to biker while they tore her clothes off. Of the huddled bundle of misery that lay mostly naked and bleeding on the ground after we slammed the guys abusing Marjorie into even more sorry lumps of disgusting humanity littered all around her. When I thought of how strong my wife is both physically and emotionally; considering what I had put her through when I thought she was my enemy. Even Diana and how she had bounced back after being rejected at the church moments before we were to be married. Sugar and spice and everything nice? I don't know where they came up with that. The women I had found were more likely made of palladium micro-alloy glass, with skin of Dyneema, and hair of Darwin bark spiders' silk.

Again it all happened so fast that I am not sure that Marjorie even understood that an attack on her had been launched and then it was over. Serina and I had each tackled two bikers each. Like death's angels flaming down from the heavens, we slammed into the two attacking bikers. Their unconscious bodies were tossed carelessly over a shoulder, and their bikes launched into the air. We functioned as if we were one. Thunder pealed from the surrounding buildings and lightning flashed as our disruptors evaporated their bikes in mid-air. Running at a speed that made me feel like I was the Flash, and I probably looked like a blur to Marjorie, the bikers that had held back as observers were unconscious even as the first peel of thunder had died. A second flash and its accompanying peal of thunder marked the evaporation of the other two biker's Harleys. And Marjorie walked calmly into the library accompanied by the smell of ozone with a faint metallic sent and the tang of oil hovering in the air.

A body in free fall will take around one-hundred and fifty-seven seconds to reach sea level from thirty thousand feet up. A few of those seconds were eaten up while the biker I was in free fall with woke up from the injection I had given him. A few more seconds for him to realize where he was. Then I said, "I suggest you start telling me what I want to know before you go splat…" Apparently watching the ground rush up at just under two-hundred Kph works as an excellent lubricant of the mouth. The return trip back up to what he perceived as a flying saucer was almost equally effective. I left him with Serina to continue the interrogation while I substantially repeated this performance with the other three guys.

Once we felt that we had gathered as much information as they were capable of giving us, not much as they were mentally inferior to the average chimpanzee. I gave those four goons 'The Spiel.' I suspect that the fact that we had arrived in Arizona in substantially a half hour, having gone hypersonic, might also have had an effect on them. Even more telling, was that I threatened them with a return trip to thirty-thousand feet if they decided to do anything 'stupid.' However, this time I was not going along with them on their journey back down to the ground.

We had checked to make sure that we were not splitting up any families before we left New Jersey's shores. We took all but one grand from them and suggested that hard work and education would be a better career path before we let them off in Phoenix. Obviously, we felt that they had taken to heart our suggestion that talking about their little experience would get them that quick trip up to thirty thousand feet in a hurry before we let them go free.

Our theory that vanishing Bikes and Bikers would make an impression on the leadership of these biker gangs had started to be tested. Only time was going to prove our theory out.