"Mom will you get me my diamond necklace, its in my closet drawer." I lied.
Andrew's mom gave me all the accessories, perfumes, dresses and what not.
I hate her already. I hate him too.
"Okay." she wouldn't listen otherwise. She glued outside of the room to check on me.
How well she knows me.
I heard her footsteps slightly fading. I wiped all of my makeup and took off my wedding dress, underneath I already have my jeans and crop top. I took my stacked bag and peeked slightly out of the door to see no one is on my way. I opened the door ajar and tip toeing I went to Marcus's room. He has the biggest window from which I can escape easily.
I pulled out the rope and tied it to bed. Using the rope I landed on the backyard garden.
I took my bag over my shoulders and bolted off to save my life.