Chereads / Saint Sparks Company / Chapter 2 - Another satisfied customer!

Chapter 2 - Another satisfied customer!

Ever since their shop opened, people had been skeptical about them. Many people still believe that fate should not be changed and one should not upset the balance in nature.

What if apocalypse arrive because balance was overthrown? Therefore, the company was vehemently castes in a bad light, at least in the beginning.

But now it had even gained the approval of the kingdom but because what the shop offers is too life-changing and too shocking (some of their customers still thought they were in blessed), the kingdom imposed an entrance and exit tax of 150 blue spirit stones each (which makes it an exorbitant amount of 150 blue spirit stones to enter the shop and another 150 blue spirit stones to exit!). That's enough to buy 10 high grade magic manual or 10 pairs of ruby shoes or a dinner for two at a Michelle Stars restaurant!

Actually, as the kingdom had just survived a war (which it did not took part in but was a casual but not so innocent victim, it had slummed into a state of poverty. Actually, the kingdom asked Mitch and his crusade what could be done, else the kingdom will forever be in debt to the nation up north, Chinchill. So in order to increase its national treasure, Mitch proposed to open up a shop and charge a hefty entrance fee to attract rich clients from around the world. The king and his council thought maybe that could change things up and hence agreed to lease a part of the land to the group for 999 years. It was a small fire nation after all, hence it could only lease its land instead. As the king and council was still skeptical although desperate, they did not think of making the land bigger. Afterall, what if tsunami happened! They would have incurred more debts to other countries and caused even more inconvenience.

Mitch and his crusades took that land and immediately developed into a land where people can shop for magical goods. Due to him and his friends abilities, they were able to develop the place into a high tech, high rise area that boast the best magical equipments in the whole universe.

Due to his relation with the God of the Universe, even aliens and sage of holy lineage from different planets arrive in their spaceships and visited the place as a stopover and trading hub even though the nation was small.

The King and his council was shocked and thought there was an alien invasion. The king of Songfire almost activated its army if not for the timely intervention of White Sky Lake Fairy Godmother (one of Mitch's team of crusade, she was also the one who conveniently renamed Mitch from Mict because she had no more teeth left and did not like to wear dentures. His mum also later confirmed that she named him Mitch but his dad kept mis-pronouncing it to tease her. That was why she banished him to another universe out of anger but because her magic was too unstable that she accidentally transported both her son and husband to the other world instead. So never offend a sorceress! Especially, one whose magical energy fluctuates crazily once a month).

Anyway, the kingdom managed to gain wealth and technology overnight due to them.

Today, a Saturday, in Saint Sparks. A silver hair tom boyish elf arrived at the counter. Mitch and his sister Lolipop just teleported to the counter in time. The elf was shocked but after seeing the various lifeforms shopping in the magical technology district she was not too surprised.

"Good morning! Welcome to Saint Sparks! What can we do for you?" Chirped Mitch and Lolipop in creepy unison. Seems like the creepiness dna 🧬 are strong in the family, it has some sort of charm but still it was like horror movie creepy. The sort that seemed to happen before any ghosts appear.

The elf thought they were really cute but in an "Adams family" (a series from the planet Earth) way.

"Erm.. ", she blushed although she is 160 years old but is still considered a teenager in the eyes of the elfs. She whispered, " I want to exchange my chest for a bigger one..🙈"

"Sure! Show me your chest!" Mitch said loudly, since he had lots of big treasure chest in his storage ring.

Lolipop slapped her brother before the elf even react.

Elf 🧝‍♀️ was "shooked" with wide eyes in disbelief. To think this daring teenager is interested in her chest! She was both dumbfounded and flattered but still upset.

"Miss, this way please. I get what you want, but I am afraid he misunderstood what you mean. He thought you mean treasure chest." Lolipop hurriedly explained.

The elf sighed. After all, most men like big chests, even guys train their chests to be big.. she stole a glance at Lolipop... Even an underage beastgirl is bigger than mine! 😭

No doubt, everyone in the shop would have mistaken this elf as a malnourished thin boy due to how flat chested she is. Even for the elf race, she was quite often mistaken as a pretty boy... or maybe it was largely the fault of her dress sense which is pretty tom boyish. But it is also not her fault because it was really hard to find a way to compliment her rare body type. If things still go on this way, she probably would end up single for a very long time and her pursers would mostly be disappointed gay guys.

"No! I must turn around my fate today!" The elf thought to herself.

Unknown to the patrons, Lolipop is a clairvoyant and could hear the elf's thoughts loud and clear. She was a little tired of hearing her and being a professional she could not turn it off. She will need to know what they really seek to help them. And also she is a very curious person by nature... we can safely assume she is a busy body.

"Okay, here we are." The room was white and plants and herbs were all around, an arm chair lies in the middle of the white room with a mirror in front of it. The beastgirl guide the elf to the chair and the elf lie down relaxed.

"Just a quick question, in order to increase your size we will need to prick you with the bossomming bees. After a single prick, your genetic make up will alter and your chest area will blossom. But before proceeding, we will need to extract your elf genes in exchange for payment. On top of that, you will need to choose a size. The bigger you want the more pricks and bees we have to use. Do note that all your female descendants will get around the same size after you alter your genetic make up."

"Yes! Yes! I want a D!" The elf was over-joyed. Her family was as flat-chested as her and all the guys in her family were really weird and super into flat chested women. Not to mention she could finally escape the curse of being an elf where they had all A size chest. She was really unfortunate to have one below A size 😭. Finally, she can turn her destiny around and make that cute boy look at her as a woman and to top it all off, her descendants will not suffer such a cruel fate. Light was finally near, she felt hope!

Lolipop thought to herself, ".... " totally speechless.

"Let's proceed!" She smiled as she took out two crystal cylinders. "Just put these two crystals in your mouth and let your saliva soak it so it could absorb your dna structure. Once it turns dark, the dna transfusion is done. Then we will proceed with 50 bee stings per side for your chest. Sorry, I mean 25 stings per side"

"50!" The elf gasped! "Is it painful?" She was definitely thinking of single digit stings... and she is scared of pain too... how..😭

"Don't worry, it will feel like a small pinch and you might feel good too. Most of our customers said it felt good when being stung." Lolipop wanted to add that the customers all had B size but upgrades to C with 10 bee stings but decided to withhold the information because she did not want to frighten the elf and she was really curious to see her reaction to 50 bee stings! After all, it is not everyday that someone is in such desperate need.

"Okay! I will do it!" The elf said and took the pink crystals and put it into her mouth with one end of the tip sticking out.

"It should take 10 minutes, i will go prepare the bees and the cage."

Lolipop went into the garden at the back of the store and entered the bossoming beehive. She requested for 50 bees using bee language and 25 arrived on her left and 25 on her right. She instructed the bees on what needed to be done and the bees dances in the air to say ok.

10 minutes later, the crystals turned dark red and the tip slowly dyed black. The procedure to extract her dna had completed. Lolipop levitated the two crystals out of the elf's mouth and put it in a container with black gooey liquid and sealed it up with ice frost talisman.

"Lie still and don't move!" Lolipop warned.

"Do i need to take off my shirt?" The elf asked.

"Are you wearing any clothes underneath the shirt?" Lolipop asked in concern.

"Nope, this is my thinnest shirt actually" the elf replied. She really wanted to show off her mount but there was no mount, after thinking she sighed. "Okay Bees, please be gentle." The elf closed her eyes tightly.

The bees lined up like old veterans, aiming right at the elf's left and right aerola that's only visible to their infra vision. It took only a second per sting.

The elf felt a stinging sensation for every stings but at the same time a high euphoric sensation washes over her with each sting feeling more sensitive than the other. Soon, she felt numbed by the pain and welcomed the high. It was almost addictive and also very embarrassing. Luckily no one other than Lolipop was there to witness it. The elf was sweating, and her body turned really hot. The chest grew a size bigger after every 10 stings.

Lolipop, wrote down her findings- subject became sensitive after every 5 stings per side, with her sensitivity raised after every sting. Body temperature raised after 15 stings per side. Sweating profusely after 20 stings per side. Became delirious and in a state of arousal after 25 stings per side.

"Eh? It is done?" The elf was disappointed that the whole event only lasted 5 seconds. It was the best 5 seconds of her 160 years. Her chest at this point felt really tight and her teeshirt was so tight that her belly button was exposed.

"Yeap, that's it. Here is an ice pack, you just have to cool yourself down for the next day and you are done." Lolipop chirped happily.

"Thank you so much! Here is a tip!" The elf was really happy and pulled out a hairpin made of amber. "If you melt this amber and drink it, it will increase your health points by 50 percent. It is a one time use and also a cure all for all general debuff and high level curses. I tried one but it turned out my family was not cursed and it was just how our genes are. I hope you can accept this for helping me."

Lolipop smiled, "Thank you! I will definitely treasure it! Please let me guide you to the exit. Bees stay here for a minute, the pollen is in the corner, do help yourself ."

The bees buzzed and flew to the corner of the white room where the sparkling yellow daffodils are. Lolipop returned within 10 minutes and guided the bees back to the hive.

"Another satisfied customer and another treasure to examine", she beamed happily to herself.