The magic science district is hardly patronised by children and families. The sprawling high rise shops and high density of consumers makes the place an exceedingly troublesome place to bring kids. Not to mention the complicated and highly advance technologies which might be too dangerous for children to handle. However, the deterring factor was not the ominous presence of dangerous magical artefacts but the exorbitant price tags each product carries! If someone broke one of those stuffs, an average human adult will be in debt for three generations! If one is an American human earning a decent pay of USD2000, it will take him 7 million USD to pay off the average cost of a product which is 140 blue spirit stones.
The currency breakdown of songfire nation is as follows: 1 blue spirit stone = 500 sun stones, 1 sun stone = 10 moon stones, 1 moon stone = 10 star stones, 1 star stone = 10 sky stones, 1 sky stone = 10 cloud stones, 1 cloud stone = 10 rainbow stones.
Each stone currency carries a signature aura of the kingdom casted by the leaders of the 10 councils and the King. For example, the Demonica king's currency carries a black silvery aura, the Songfire king's currency had a golden dancing aura, the Beastland king's currency has a silvery white aura and feels furry to the touch, the HolyGlory king's curre cy has a white aura with an outer rim of rainbow glow, the Dragonpearl king's currency is red with sparkles of gold star dusts. The Daydream elf King's currency has an invisible aura, which, when authenticated through a prism glass, separated the aura into 7 distinct colours of the rainbow. The Nightdream elf king's currency carries a large crescent in its aura, visible from all angles. The angelic realm's currency has a halo aura on top of each stone. Whereas the underworld realm's aura is shaped into two red horns on top of each stone. There are a total of 165 realms, nations, and kingdoms of which 9 were mentioned. It is not possible to cast any magic on the currencies nor is it possible to counterfeit them. No one and no entity could do it except for Mitch and one other god (this was a secret pact between him and the other god).
Whenever war erupts, the aura of the stone will slowly diminished and another aura will fade in to replace it. However, if a country/ realm/ kingdom ceased to exist, the currency will lose its aura and lost its value. Such was the fate of Musasapientum nation. Even its name was long forgotten because it was too long to remember except by scholars due to its importance in history.
Many adventurers, had come across currencies of no aura, who in turn had to hand the treasure trove over to the adventure guild for verifications and for the respective leaders and councils to signify them. The administrative and processing fee cost a total of 1 cloud stone.
While the magic science district is a luxurious shopping area, the National Garden that begin as a trail from National Central Park stretches from northwest to northeast of the magic science district is a popular family spot for families to have picnic and animals to build their homes.
As Lolipop was feeling lousy after her call was being rejected (she just want to know if her brother wanted some food from their favorite sandwich shop), she decided to eat her sandwich under the 1000 year old cherry-plum tree. It was afterall the cherry-plum season and small pretty pink flowers will be sprawling across all cherry-plum treetops.
Unbeknownst to her, her pied piper ability was in full strength today. Her sandwich begin to slowly crumble a tiny bit at a time, about 10 meters away a white baby slime begin to consume the crumbs and slowing inching its way to the innocent beastgirl.
The thought of the cherry-plum tree in full blossom delighted Lolipop greatly. A smile spread across her face, and her tail danced, swaying left and right. The motion of her white shiny tail hypnotised a bunch of baby maneki-neko and one by one tailing her in a 1,2,3 traffic light and hide and seek fashion, doing their best to touch Lolipop's tail. At the entrance of the park, Lolipop sensed something was behind her, so she turned to check if anyone was behind her. The baby maneki-neko dashed to different hiding spaces and hence Lolipop was unable to see anything.
"That was weird, I thought I heard kittens meowing..."
The trouble with mind reading was that sometimes, reading someone's thoughts is more similar to hearing someone thoughts. While certain things we think do not translate to images, it sometimes translates to a string of speech instead. That was why, Lolipop thought she heard a bunch of kittens meowing although the maneki-nekos were trying to be as quiet as possible.
Before long, Lolipop reached the tree. The bunch of baby nekos climbed the trunk and tried to touch her furry ears which was also twitching in a rhythmic happy manner (twiching up-down and wiggling left, and twitching up down and wiggle right). The sight greatly throws the bunch of nekos into ecstasy and soon the ears of the nekos were dancing in the same fashion.
A nun holding a bible and a small basket looking deeply troubled passes by Lolipop who was now munching on her footlong jewel-lobster mayo sandwich. After a slight hesitation, she approached Lolipop. "Miss, can you help me look after the basket? I have a sunday class to attend, I will be back in an hour."
Being in a good mood and wanting to enjoy her lunch she had turned off her mind reading abilities, and so Lolipop happily agreed unaware of the impending doom.
The nun caught sight of the bunch of nekos climbing up the trees and retreated with a pale look on her face. Lolipop casted a perplexed look as the nun ran off. "Damn, I should have read her mind."
Right at this moment, a grey neko with attention deficit disorder caught sight of a nest full of baby Clearskies fledglings which was of high medicinal value and also able to ward off bad weather. As the birds were still young, the innate magical abilities of the birds only limited to 6 meters from the tree. The grey baby neko was mesmerised by the baby birds and tried to touch it with its paws. But was too far out of its reach.
Above the National garden, the flood dragons were awoke from their slumber in the clouds and were ready for work. They were assigned the task of watering the plants. An announcement alerted all the visitors of the park that rain will begin soon and to follow the trail to the shelter at the National Central Park to avoid the rain. Most of the visitors left except for families with children and visitors with puppies and baby pets on leash. As the crowds move towards the park, the small grey kitten knocked over the nest of Clearsky birds. The birds landed in between Lolipop's soft ears and thighs and the nest dropped into the basket. Lolipop was already 3 quarter way through her lunch, her mouth was quite small so it took her sometime to eat. Her mouth opened in surprised as the yellow baby fledglings blinked at her curiously. "So cute!"
Lolipop lifted her gaze as she saw a sudden influx of visitors.
"It sure is crowded today! Oh ya, today is a holiday! No wonder! So nice, families bringing their kids and those puppies are so cute! Never thought I would see a hamster, a piglet and a guinea pig on leash! Haha!"
The slime crawled into the basket and consumed the nest. In the nest, a bunch of shiny semi precious stones were used to build it, the branch of the cherry-plum tree happened to taste to chocolate. Loving chocolate the slime ate all the branches in the nest. After consuming, the stones dropped onto the egg. The slime full, climbed onto Lolipop's thigh and fell asleep. Lolipop felt a shiver down her spine as something cold touched her inner thigh..."Eeeek! A slime!"
Lolipop knocked over the basket in a panic, a huge egg the size of an ostrich rolled towards her with a thunder stone magnetised to it.
"Oh no!"
The stone reacted with the egg and the egg began to evolve, shinning really bright! All the baby nekos tried to cover their eyes with their paws and begin to drop on top of each other onto Lolipop and the birds shielding them from the bright light.
A crack was heard and rain begin to pour in National Central Park. Everywhere was raining and wet, except 6 meters from the tree. Everyone started to run towards the shelter but lightning happened to strike it down. Desperate to hide their kids and pets from the rain, everyone begin to run towards the dry and warm spot!
"Noooooo" Lolipop cried with an ironic smile pasted across her face.
"Mum, dad! It is not raining there!"
Another family yelled, "Faster Mum! I want to pet the cats!"
The baby flood dragon crawled out of its shell and looked at Lolipop.. "Mama?"
Lolipop ...ðŸ˜ðŸ˜‚ðŸ˜.
Under the heap of nekos, she no longer could move. The baby flood dragon climbed in between her shirt and settled comfortably in between her breasts. "Mama!" The dragon happily licked Lolipop's face from her bosom.
"Dad! Look! A baby dragon! So cool!" The kids started to swarm around her and the parents just let them toy with the baby animals and Lolipop.
The pets started swarming around Lolipop too.. actually the pets first started swarming around the quarter unfinished food in her hand, and slowly licked her clothes and face (she is a messy eater...). The owners initially tried to reeled their pets away but was distracted by the other pet owners who happened to be related to each other (either as friends, colleagues or relatives). The lunch in the park turned out to be quite an eventful networking event for everyone!
As for Lolipop, she gotten what she want but it was too much.
"Eh? Lolipop? Why are you here?" Her pregnant succubus friend asked.
Lolipop was at a loss for words... her friend looked around and started to put 1+1 together. Given Lolipop's affinity to babies and children, it was not hard for anyone around her to deduct what happened. Everyone knows the problem except Lolipop who refused to face the reality.
"You really should become a mother, once you are a mum I am sure you will be happy." Jade said with a smile.
"Wooooo...oo" Lolipop cried.
"Come, let me pull you out of there"
Lolipop held her hands out and pregnant Jade began to pull her out. As Lolipop's body was halfway out of the heap of cats, pets, children, and birds, the bunch of babies and children began to hang onto her!
The baby nekos dig their claws in refusing to let go! Lolipop experienced a sudden shockwave of skin deep painful scratches and squeezed Jade's hand. All of a sudden, Lolipop's affinity increased and Jade amnioyic sac burst and started to experienced contraptions!
Lolipop and Jade's face turned green with shock! The parents and onlookers were shock! Jade's face flushed red and Lolipop started panicking!
"Oh my god! Oh my freaking god!"
In a panic, Lolipop teleported the children, baby animals, Jade into the shop in front of Mitch who was having his lunch in the pantry.
Mitch was speechless...