The door had to be unlocked, however, in the midst of leaving Ben's place they completely over looked this. The windows were all boarded up, so there was only one way in.
Asrael gave a disgruntled sigh, although he didn't find kicking the door down too troublesome. Without any discussion or warning, Asrael lifted and brought his foot down on the door. It wasn't as rotted as the rest of the place, likely because Ben had replaced it for better security.
The hinges shook, but Asrael's foot went right through the door, and as a witness, Ben was startled. The dogs inside were also startled as it became quite for a moment before they once again began to whine. Asrael didn't stop as he continued to kick the remaining areas of the door until there was a hole wide enough for them to walk in.
Watching all of this, Ben somehow became even more timid.
Asrael walked in casually, and what he saw got his blood pumping. Cages lined the walls and were scattered around floor, making it hard to maneuver. It was disgusting.
Arius followed behind gingerly, he wasn't as uncomfortable as Asrael at the sight, yet that didn't make him despise Ben any less. He glanced back at the nervous wreck in disdain. In those cages, puppies and dogs were jammed together and some with duct tape wrapped around their muzzle.
Not all of them cowered in fear at the two, some actually began wagging their tails and leaning towards them. Such sweet animals had to go through too much cruelty. Asrael and Arius immediately got to work opened the cages, which resulted in a few dogs snarling and growling.
The dogs scattered upon being let out while some were slow and others had a limp. Arius went to block the door as the dogs tired to escape.
"There are still more rooms." Asrael stated the obvious.
"That's a lot of dogs. Should we call the shelter for this kind of thing? The case was only to figure out how to avoid paying compensation in a way."
"I'll call Lufti." Asrael took his phone out and contacted the gang. In less than twenty minutes there were 2 black vans parked outside.
Rana stepped down from the Vehicle and made her way towards Arius, who was in front of the broken door. Lufti stepped out of the other van, and on his way toward the shabby house he gave Ben a look of resentment.
In the Chrysathemum gang, it wasn't unheard of for them to do good deeds, so they had experience being gentle.
"I assume we'll just move them all to Chrysanthemums base of operations then?" Asrael turned to Arius when they showed up. Rana and Lufti witnessed this, and it somewhat threw them off that their almighty leader was seeking approval.
Arius nodded before rushing over to grab the pitiful man to the side. "Take Ben too!"
They didn't really think much into as they started grabbing the more passive canines first and loading them into the vans. Asrael caught the more aggressive ones and put them in, but not without obtaining a few insignificant bites when taking off the tape. After a while of searching the house, the only things leftover were dog corpses and cages.
In theory, perhaps taking them out of the cages was a bad idea before having brought them to a safer place. When Asrael and Arius had walked in, all they could really think about was getting them out of the cages.
Just as they were about to gather themselves and leave, Arius's phone rang. Everyone looked at him, as he looked at his phone screen, on it was the bright blinking name 'Pierre'. Naturally, he didn't even have to think about it before declining the call.
Silence didn't last long though, as before they could leave, his phone rang again. This time it was Janice! So of course he answered.
"I have bad news, don't hang up!" Oh, but it was Pierre on the other line!
"What?" Arius felt tricked.
"Don't go anywhere important! Someone hacked the server." Pierre sounded inexplicably worried, to the point that he didn't even complain about the unjust treatment Arius had shown him.
"Impossible! The fire wall is too strong, and I should know, I made it!" The doubtful Arius paused.