Chereads / Through Unknowns / Chapter 126 - Ruins through Dominance (9)

Chapter 126 - Ruins through Dominance (9)

Emersyn swung her sword with only her physical strength. The ones that were closer to her were incapacitated and those that almost entered her range took a deep wound.

Since she started contributing in this war, she hadn't used her energy at all and kept it suppressed. She knew that if the enemy took notice of her, the war would take longer than intended. She didn't want that. Her people were waiting for their good news. Even her group that joined this war didn't want to prolong the fight. They still had a lot to do in Locruna and Strevalia where they sell their creations and crops. Also, there were a lot of jobs she could delegate to her proxy. Though when Elodiaren knew of this from Emersyn, he felt betrayed since he could work for her world. Emersyn instantly refused since she had a gist that Elodiaren also had something important to do in his mother world.

"My Lord," Draven called from behind her as he took a breather when his Lord took down even those that were before him. "Please leave some for me."

"... I understand. If I ever saw you in trouble, I will immediately interfere," Emersyn said as she eyed the soldiers around them that didn't take a step forward. She taunted, "What? Are you all scared of a mere woman?"


"Charge! Kill her!"

Emersyn pointed her sword at them, then immediately brandished it at the men that entered her sword's range. Her attacks increased its speed as more and more enemies collapsed with fatal wounds that would steal their lives in a short time. She advanced towards their headquarters, jumped on the roof of a large tent then tore it off with a slash. She twisted on air then landed soundlessly inside the tent. She could finally see the men that she let escape from her grasps.

The two of them were the commanders of two of the empires that colluded for a massacre. Instead of killing, they were the ones that were being hunted down by one mere woman. Their plans went awry when the scouts that survived her onslaught reported an anomaly to them. It was only one woman, yet they kept on losing men against her. Where did this woman even come? The Empire of Stura, who housed the Gate to another world, reported nothing of her appearance. No one even appeared from the Gate when they started positioning men to stop the people who came from the other side into entering their haven. Then… Did she come from the far north where the mystery of this world was hidden? The woman before them now was--they had to admit--beautiful beyond average. There could be that possibility. But… now… they had to survive against this monster that was wearing the skin of a woman.

She--no, it charged at them at full speed that they failed to see its movements.

"Calamity!" One of them shouted and readied his mana. Suddenly, his head detached from his body and he even saw how his body collapsed on the blood soaked ground.

There was someone who she spared.

"I really have no time to waste to kill the likes of you," it said in a sultry voice. It was so melodic that it became scarier in the ears of that man. "Did you just call me a Calamity? Those weak monsters?"

Weak… did it just call the monsters that ruled at the very top of their food chain as weak? The man couldn't believe what he heard.

"I will let you go."

"... what?"

"Tell your story to your Emperor. I am protecting this land. Touch it, and you'll face my wrath," Emersyn said as she let out a little of her energy to suppress the mana of the man before her. However, with just a little force, the man wetted his pants and fainted. She scratched her chin then tore the tent into pieces. Now, there was only the fight against the weak soldiers.

She briefly checked the condition of Draven, and from what she saw, he was quite energetic in his butler suit. Wasn't that uncomfortable?

"Emersyn," someone appeared beside her. She didn't flinch or reacted violently and just glanced at the man, then turned to the battlefield. "Do you want refreshments?"

"I can buy some for myself later."

Elodiaren's shoulders sagged.

"..... I want chocolate fudge cookies and sweet iced tea."

"I'm on it!" Elodiaren exclaimed as he immediately took out a small table and chair, then prepared tea. After steeping the tea leaves for four minutes, he poured ice cubes, milk and a drizzle of honey. He took out a bowl of cookies and settled it on the small table that he cleared. He gently led Emersyn to the table and she sat down as he pushed the chair near the table. "Please tell me if you have any more additions."

"Thank you," Emersyn said as she smiled lightly then drank tea.

When a few imperial soldiers saw Emersyn relaxing in a battlefield, they fumed and rushed to attack her. Elodiaren clicked his tongue.

"These insects…."

"Aren, why don't you join me?"

Elodiaren smiled brightly then took out a chair and sat opposite of Emersyn. He settled his elbows on the table and rested his face on his hands.

"... why are you looking at me?"

"I just can't take my eyes off you. Even with your messed up state, it is beautiful, my lady."

While they conversed, sharp gusts of wind blew around them and incapacitated the men that dared approach.

"Stop that."

"Nope! My adoration for you is increasing each day, and sometimes, I just can't contain it."

".... you've been giving me experiences for the first time."

"I'm glad."

Emersyn sighed as she ate the whole cookie.

"So cute…."

"... excuse me, what?"

"Don't mind me…," Elodiaren smiled and dismissed her.

"How are Yao Chen and Jiang Hao in Lasirion?"

"They are doing fine. Our trade is doing great. Later, just as you planned, we will increase production of our common miscellaneous items and start working on our big projects. Seriously, Emersyn, why didn't you pick me as your assistant?"

"You have your own matters to attend to."

".... well, yes… I am an Emperor now, but that doesn't mean I will ignore you and work on my Empire. You're my very first priority, Emersyn."

"..." Emersyn turned her head and hid her face with her hand. Elodiaren saw how red her ears had become and it gave him unbearable happiness that he stood up and hugged Emersyn tight in his embrace.

"What are you doing?" Her voice was so calm that Elodiaren almost mistook it for displeasure. However, when he looked at Emersyn up close, her face was beet red and he could feel the irregular beats of her heart.

"Expressing my love."

"Let go…."

"I can't hear you."


After a few moments, Emersyn pushed him back and he just let the distance between them widen. Well, they might be far physically, but their hearts were getting closer, albeit slowly. Still, it made him feel loved even with her slightest act of coming closer to him. He would wait until Emersyn gave her whole heart to him.

"The battle is nearing its end," Emersyn said as she dismissed the wind around them.

"I will go back to the rest. Is that okay?" Elodiaren asked.

"Don't ask me and just go."


Emersyn sighed then sheathed her sword. She was about to loot these guys when she realized that she couldn't sell their armors anyway… they were all inferior to the armors they made in Locruna. Besides… this wasn't her war, so she wouldn't be able to loot five empires' treasures and money. Oh well.

Meanwhile, Draven was panting as he pushed his new attained limits. He felt that his body could now absorb mana like a sponge and it greatly enhanced his sword techniques. As he cut down the last enemy around him, he was confused. He still hadn't seen any wizards that would bombard flames and rocks on them. Just as he worried about it, there was a meteor that rained down. His eyes widened and immediately ran away. He tripped then rolled on the corpse filled ground. Suddenly, he saw a person running in the air. The meteor was coated with a thin barrier and that person easily kicked it back. It didn't break and just went back to where it came from. Yes, it was a spell that could decimate their numbers, and more was coming.

"My Lord!" Draven exclaimed when Emersyn landed before him.

"Hmm… let me see…," she mumbled as she closed her eyes and focused her attention on every meteors. Compacted black holes emerged around her as she calculated their trajectories. It went into the black holes perfectly, and she released the meteors stored in her subspace onto the place where hundreds of wizards congregated. Well… their numbers whittled down with the first meteorite clashing against them. A deep depression even appeared and a few hundreds of them survived because of their vast expanses of mana. Now, with these meteors raining down on them, they all recited an incantation and the meteors shattered into pieces when an area of effect spell went off. It released bright light that temporarily blinded the ones who weren't prepared to take in the spell.

At that moment, Emersyn ran into her shadows and traveled through to get to the wizards.

They were much more of a pain than expected.