Chereads / Aka Manto / Chapter 10 - The Army of Angelic Forces

Chapter 10 - The Army of Angelic Forces

「 Hey, Death we strayed a bit off the path from your headquarters, how long will it take to get back there?

「 If we took the route back it would probably take another hour.

I footsteps behind me, they were light. I felt an arm touch my shoulder. I quickly turned and looked behind me.

「 Who are you?

「 Belphegor, who else?

「 Oh? That was convenient. Want to join our quest to kill God?

「 It sounds troublesome.

「 I'll give you free manga, anime, light novels and food if you join. Imagine, after this, you never have to work a day in your life again.

「 Hmm. Sounds like a good offer, I'm in.

「 Are you fine with walking an hour to Death's headquarters?

「 Hmmm...? Carry me!

「 Haha, I knew it! You really are the embodiment of sloth.

Satan came up to Belphegor and pet her head

「 She's so cute when she's like this haha

Beel'e looked up at me with puppy eyes.

「 Wh-What is it?

「 Will you get me free food too?

Her eyes were sparkling, these were not the eyes of a demon. These were the eyes of a puppy or kitten. HOW COULD I SAY NO!?

「 O-Of course! How much do you normally eat?

「 About 100 kilos per day.

「 H-How!?!? You also keep such a fit body, what is this logic!?

「 I use a void spell and apply it to my stomach.

「 Wait, so how do you get the money to pay for this?

「 I'm one of the seven princesses of hell. I have over 1,000,000,000,000,000 infinite pieces of gold. 100 kilos is only about 1 tin coin.

「 Holy crap! You guys are so rich... Nevermind! I ain't paying for anything after that statement!

Belphegor just "Tch!"-ed

「 Wait a go Beelzebub...

「 Haha sorry, my bad.

「 Why are you laughing?

「 It just seemed like the first demon like thing Lord Manto has done while his time in Hell.

「 I'm just doing what a kind human would do, maybe it was the way I was raised for 17 years. I didn't have any parents but, the friends I made were super kind... By friends I mean cats and dogs haha...ha..haha...

「You've always been like that though.

「 Hmm..? Then I don't know haha.

「 I'm just trying to say that it's okay to be a bit more selfish.

「 Fine, I'll be more selfish then.

I put Belphegor down

「 Princess Amon Hay Satan, Princess Lucifer, Princess Beelzebub and Princess Belphegor. Would you please come with me?

Then that random female who came with us said:

「 What are you going to do to them!? If you even TRY to touch one hair on their head I'll kill you!

「 If you don't shut the hell up, then I'll kill you first. Dang.

「 Ah-...O-Okay... Sorry for the statement I just made. Please, forgive me...

「 Good. Hey, Death you can go ahead without us. I promise that we'll catch up, and demons always keep their promises.

「 Hmm..? Okay, but don't take too long.

I quickly lead all the four girls to a dark alleyway where not many demons would go.

「 What is it, Lord Manto?

「 Manto? You're not going to r-rape us, are you?

「Ohh~ it seems I'm going to get something more to eat if you know what I mean hehe~

「Can I sleep here?

I don't know if I can say this to them. I mean I've always wanted this but, should I really ask them? I'm not sure whether I should or not.This meaningless selfishness can literally define whether I have even a 0.0001$ chance of killing God or not. Well, here goes nothing!

「H-Hey so uhm...

「What are you getting shy for? I don't find shy men very attractive Manto.

Oh crap! I can't get Lucifer's disapproval now!

「Lucifer! Satan! Beelzebub! Belphegor! Will you... BE PART OF MY HAREM!?

「Your ha-harem!?

「Will you give me free anime?

「Will you give me free food?

「Haha! That's my little Manto!

Wait...What is up with these questions? Is that all they care about? Free food and anime? I mean... I guess there's two in the bag for certain.

「Y-yeah you two can get free food and anime.

Belphegor and Beel'e then looked at each other

「Yaaayy!~ haha

「Free Manga!

「Free Food!

I then looked at Satan.

「Amon Hay Satan... What about you...?


「Wait... whattt!?!?!

「I'm just kidding haha

She wraps her arms around me and gives me a great big hug

「Of course I will. Now go get Lucy!

She then pushes me towards Lucifer

「U-Uhm Lucifer... Would you join as well? I know this is too much to ask of you but, I took Beelzebub's advice and became more selfish.

「Hmm? Well, you do look more manly like this. It suits your battle prowess. If you keep this up then I may just have to. only if I'm your number one course. I won't settle for anything less than number one.

「Of course, you will always be my number one.

I then pat her head gently with my hand.

「W-Where do you think you're touching without my permission!? I-Idiot!

「Haha, sorry. It's just that you're really cute when you act like that.


「Well, now I got that out the way, let's catch up with Grim, shall we?

Then they all came up and shouted in unison.

「Of course!

We then exited the alleyway and then decided and headed to Death's headquarters. We quickly caught up with Grim. He always was walking as if he had no energy inside of him which is probably true because he is Death there's no way he can have any... ' life' inside of him. Heyy, you see what I did there? No? Oh, o-okay... I thought it was pretty good to be made up on the spot like that you know... Oh well...

「Hey, Grim

「What's up?

「When we went to your Headquarters before, it looked pretty dull.

「What like my personality?

「N-No, it's just that-

「You hesitated...

「I'm sorry...

「It's fine. Have you ever heard the expression " Don't judge a book by it's cover"


「The same thing applies to this novel

「To what novel?

「I mean... At my headquarters...

「Hey, you seem rather knowledgeable, can you tell me the quote's history?

「That was random but I suppose so.

「Hey, at least it's something to talk about while we're on the way to Headquarters.

「You're right, the quote was original, " You can't judge a book by its bindings". This was a phrase in the 1944 edition of the African Journal American Speech. Then it was later changed to and became more popular as " You can never tell a book by its cover". This appeared in the 1946 murder mystery Murder in the Glass Room, which was a book created by Lester Fuller and Edwin Rolfe. Then it was later changed to a simpler and more catchy phrase to make sure it stays in people's minds which is the one we use today," Don't judge a book by its cover."

「Wow, you just managed to give a rather detailed explanation about that. Props to you haha. Hey, you're Death right. How did they die?

「Haha, I can't disclose that information, even for you dear Manto.

「Aww, well I guess that makes sense.

Belphegor tapped me on the shoulder. I was still carrying her.

「Do you think we'll see another angel when we get there?

「I hope not. Why do you ask.

「I thought it would be such a hassle to fight another one again.

「Yeah, I agree with you there. Especially when we haven't even notified the rest of Death's forces.

As soon I said that, as I somewhat expected. Michael came down with an army. How grand!

「You guys see that army of angels too right? I'm not just seeing things?

「I guess this will be our first battle haha

「I don't think we can beat them

「I don't want to fight them...

「That scum, walking on our territory and thinking that they can get away unscathed!

Grim then walked towards the group


Michael then confronted Grim

「We are here to wage war! God has given us permission!

「Sheesh, he probably meant hell, not the headquarters of Death!

「Whatever Grim, it's time for you to die



「I'll kill all of you if you try to kill me.

「But then your scale would shift to more evil.

「You stepped on my home and declared war on me. This is just me protecting the things I love.

「You buffoon! Everyone, charge!

The entire angelic army charged towards Death. However, they seem like very low ranking angels. Rather funny isn't it? It's somewhat like suicide. I guess it's time to take charge haha. I won't et Death take the spotlight!


This is a spell that will any lower-ranking angels on the battlefield, pretty useful skill if you want to kill small fry. Oh, I just noticed Death was smiling at me.

「That was pretty good Lord Manto. To think you have that much mana. It's pretty impressive. What do you think Michael, now it's a nine versus one: four demonic princesses of hell, one demonic Aka Manto, two shinigami, one weak demon and THE GRIM REAPER. The literal embodiment of DEATH!

「Fine, you win this time, but you won't win the war!

Michael then went back up to Heaven. Death then looks at me.

「Thank you, Lord Manto, you really saved the scale from shifting.

「It's fine, you are Death. If your scale were to change all of a sudden, it would cause everything in the universe to go to chaos, probably...

「No, you're absolutely right. If my scale were to change to demonic then everyone who would die would get a gruesome and horrifying death. Something has to cause that death, so people would do unforgivable things.

「What about if it reaches the angelic side?

「Then everyone would have a nice death.

「Then why don't you just go to the angelic side, like God wants?

「If I was to do that then humans would be unable to advance. A world without hardship. Humans need the hardship to advance. However, if we take that away from them they will get lazy, it would be very bad for not only God but also other demons, like Mammon, the embodiment of greed for example. Since humans are lazy, they don't want to work, then there won't be as much greed. The same thing applies to Beelzebub, they won't have enough money for food so they won't be as greedy. Though, since humans are lazier, they'll also be more lust because of that effect so Belphegor and Asmodeus would get a lot more followers. Though since Belphegor's powers only work in April, it's quite a waste.

「Hey! Don't be mean to my powers. It's not my fault I'm too lazy to use my powers the rest of the year. It became a habit... I'm sorry Lord Manto...

「It's fine honestly, you wouldn't be the embodiment of sloth if you didn't haha.

「I suppose, hehe.

Death then tapped me on the shoulder.

「You better prepare yourself against stronger angels. The next army might be one of the mid-ranking angels. I shall open the doors now.

Grim pushed the doors and a gush of wind came out. Along with the wind were lots of screeching. I looked inside but it was all black. Can anyone really work here? Even if they may be lower ranking reapers...