Chereads / (Hiatus) Plot Armor Obtain! / Chapter 10 - Super Duper Fucking Team or not

Chapter 10 - Super Duper Fucking Team or not

"I'm not too sure what's going on either. But we can be sure that this is just the beginning, my plot senses are tingling hehehe" Cristian shrugged, as he got a hateful glare from Izzy.

Izzy's roommates came out. Izzy had two roommates, Emily and Anna.

Emily was blonde like Izzy, but much shorter, nearly at Cristian's height. She had hazel brown eyes and a petite but athletic build and is quite a looker. Izzy had once told him that she competed in martial arts tournaments, training in like kung fu or something or was it taekwondo? I wasn't really paying attention at the time as I was sure that Izzy was just trying to intimidate me.

Anna has lovely brown hair and dark blue eyes with soft facial features. She looked to still only be in her teens but with a body that is plump in all the right places. In terms of appearance, she couldn't compare with the two previous beauties, but in terms of how delicate and perfect her complexion was, she is on par with them. Out of all the females Cristian had encountered, in terms of complexion no one can compare to her soft milky white bun..err skin. The only baby could stand shoulder to shoulder with her. It was as if the heavens favoured her, and gave her this fairy-like complexion before his eyes.

Both girls looked very unsettled, unsure about the current situation, and confused. Cristian did his best to calm them both down, annoyed at Luke who is currently in his lovers embrace. Cristian explained what he knew of the powers and the blue screen, and asked them if they had spun the lottery yet. They replied by shaking their heads.

"Well, what are you waiting for ladies? hurry and give it a spin" urges, Cristian

Heeding his advice the girls gave the lottery a try. After a moment sounds of excitement and joy filled the once desolated room.

With a downcasted look, Emily said, "I only got a pair of yoga pants and daggers" then flashing a bright sly smile, said smugly"Ufufu I also got an attack skill called 'black-leg style' a movement skill called 'Spectral mirage steps' and a cool set of roller blades. What'd you girls get?"

Anna stuck her cute tongue out at Emily while proudly saying ", I won myself a deck of cards, a hidden class called 'Card user', and two supports skills which are 'mana shield' and 'drain touch'. "

"Hmmm, Anna you only mention 4 items. Better come out and spill it, otherwise fufufu" asks Emily trying to pry out her secret.

Anna then goes red and glanced at Cristian "Erm... it's a skimpy mage outfit.." she whispers

"fufufu Annie why did you go red when you glance at Cristian just now?" teases Emily

"Em..dont bully" Anna replied meekly

"hehehe whats this? did lil Annie get charmed by my charming good looks?" Cristian teases her more.

But like a mother lioness protecting her young, Izzy slipped out of Lukes embrace and berated Cristian "Cristian! don't you dare bully my friend!"

"yea, yea, ok, ok I'm stopping. simmer down there girly" he replied giving luke a glance for help

Luke catching the hint, quickly distracts Izzy "Dearest, what you get from the lottery just now?"

Izzy hearing her beloved turned around, flashed a smiled and answered cutely "I got a wand, a hidden class called Twilight Ballerina. And, 2 skills which are 'Remote healing' and 'Purify'. Also, a nun outfit that you should have a closer look at later ehehehe. What about you darling?"

Hearing the question, Luke smugly replied "Hehehe your darling got a ninja blade, a pair of ninja gauntlets, a pair of silver pistols, a hidden class called 'Spatial Magus' and this pet puppy" A delighted look was present on his face as he summoned out a 5-tail dog.

"woof" "aww!" Squealed all the girls then started crowding around the pup, fighting over to pet it.

~Cristians' POV

I looked at them from a distance, a bit surprised at the powers they obtain. Arent those things like supposedly rare? I thought and started to wonder if their status screen was incorrect. Otherwise, aren't my friends and me very lucky. 'In fact too lucky' starting to suspect that it may have something to do with my luck stat, but yea let's just put that in my theory box for now. Ok, it's serious time.

"Alright, guys serious time. Luke and I were just about to go out to kill monsters and try to do level up and get stronger, you ladies free to join us if you wish." I interrupted whatever they were doing, and got their attention as I briefly told them about what Luke and I are planning on doing. With a little bit of persuading and telling them a bit about the dangers present if one is a pretty girl in a lawless world. The 3 girls were thoroughly convinced about getting stronger as they nodded their heads quickly. 'Hehe man I'm good' I though egotistically

"Its all settled then, I as the party leader, humbly invite you to 'super duper fucking team' " I passionately said as I sent all the girls an invite. But surprisingly it was immediately and utterly rejected as soon as it was presented.

Ohh hell naw! No way I'm joining a group name like that. Hey, I got an idea, why don't we all try to come up with a name and we'll all vote whichever one is the best" Cried Izzy, as she suggested such an unfair plan considering that Luke and I are outnumbered. Signalling Luke with a glance but it seems that he had already accepted his fate and turned away. 'Henpecked whipedass bich' I cursed him silently.

"Alright, I'll get us started, hmm how about 'Encompassing Tree' 'Growing till we reach the heavens, our encompassing leaves devours even the sky, providing shelter for those below us.' Izzy suggested with pride

"I feel like, 'Drifting Storms' 'Coming freely like the clouds, leaving devastation like the storm' has a nice ring to it don't you guys think?" Added Em

Meekly, Anna joined in a soft voice "I kinda like the sound of 'Emerging Sunrise ' 'The ray of light that brings forth a brighter tomorrow'.

"Are you guys like hippies or something? what's up with it being all about nature? BTW for your opinion ladies, you aren't the only ones that can make great slogans. Listen to this 'Super Duper Fucking Team' 'Super like...erm.. cuz were super good? Duper like...huh.. times it by two? Fucking.. cuz well I am were fucking amazing and team cuz we're like a team' " I said in a confident manner, well not really, as I'm starting to realize that I might be bad at poems.

"Yeah, that's not happening! no thanks, I don't like being laughed at. Erm, I don't like it, sorry." Unsurprisingly it was thoroughly rejected.

"What you think Luke?" I ask, trying to divert their attention away.

Luke replied "I really like the name drifting storms....but encompassing tree is better" he stampers "Ohh yeah my ideas are Akatsuki, Night raid, Team Rocket or-or"

"Woah, Woah hold up there otaku, we don't wanna breech any plagiarism felonies here. But I do like the idea of Team rocket tho, plus it comes with its own poem too. Fuck it, let's just let the readers decide our names."