Chereads / (Hiatus) Plot Armor Obtain! / Chapter 13 - A lovely trip to the shopping mall

Chapter 13 - A lovely trip to the shopping mall

~Izzy's POV

After us girls got changed in our disguise we headed out in the living room to meet with that idiot again. 'Truthfully I don't really hate him that much as he had been very good to my darling. It's just that we don't see eye to eye, and it always pisses me off whenever he tells those stupid jokes or eyeing up my friends disgustingly. And most importantly, my darling is completely in love with him!!....well it's in a brotherly way but it still means less love for me.'

Hearing the idiot talking, I completely ignore him as I reminisce again on how I met Luke while holding his arm as we teleported towards the mall.

~10 months ago

It was one of my friends birthday party, well not the current ones I have now but it's the so called "cool kids". Anyways as a member of the 'cool kids', we thought it was a fun idea have the party at a nightclub. It was all going good and we all had a lot of fun until we made it towards the middle of the night and we were getting a bit tipsy. Like how all cliches play out, we really did get a lot of douches flocking around us looking to get it lucky. I, myself wasn't excepted by their harassments, truthfully, it wasn't that bad at the start as it was a decent looking guy and he was whispering sweet things to me. But then he started feeling me up and kissing me all over, I tried to push him away and telling him, no, but he wouldn't listen. After a while, I just gave up struggling, as my body started getting hot all over. So I just tightly closed my eyes and tried to ignore what was happening to me, well as best as I could anyway. It was then that I felt another hand gripping my arm and pulling me towards him. Subconsciously, I let myself get pulled by this person and just followed the retreating figure. I couldn't really remember what happened the rest of the night but i woke up still full clothed and hugging the arm of a guy.

"Morning! must have had a good time last night huh? I tried to call you a cab but you wouldn't tell me where you live, so I just brought you to my place....huh dont worry I didnt try to take advantage off you...well maybe a little, but it was just the cheeks I promise, I just find them irresistibly cute. Sorry" he said quickly in a panic. Haha how unattractive, totally unlike the poem like compliments I received last night, but you know what? I kinda like it, it's cute. And now that I look closely his looks aren't all that bad huh, actually it's kinda handsome.

"Its ok I believe you ehehe hey can you tell me your name?"

"My names Luke Strathmore, age 23, single, I like animes and oh yea I'm an orphan, wait no, I wasn't supposed to tell you that, dumb brain...."

"Hahaha I only ask for your name silly I don't need your whole bibliography hahaha, although you just made me curious about you, can you tell me your story?"

"Yeah ok, well first my parents hated me...." and just like that we talked for the rest of the day, and continued all the way up to 10 months as we started seeing each other.

I didn't really know when I fell in love with him, I also, don't know how I fell for him. But what I do know, is that if I can just hold onto his arms forever then, I would always feel safe and secure every day, and would always wake up happy every morning.

~end of flash back

Ohh, darling, I've always loved our story. I can't wait to tell it to our kids someday.

Ariving at outside of the mall, the idiot started issuing commands.

"Alright, guys once we arrive make sure that you are always within 10 steps away from Luke. By the way, Luke what would happen if someone grabs a hold of you mid-leap? Would you end up bringing them with you?"

"Nope, my leap only brings those that I will. Being in contact with me doesn't affect the ability in any way. Otherwise wouldn't I be teleporting the ground or building I'm standing on each time? Hehe" darling replied with his signature grin. Ehehe how cute

"Nice fewer things to worry about. Alright, like we'll hit the baskets first so that we can gather more each time. Our main objectives in the most important order go like this:





Spice and condiments

Why do you ask? Well I'll tell you why, since you didnt, we're hitting the toiletries first as it would be one of the last things that people will think during this time, therefore less risk, so grab as many shampoos and soaps as you can, ladies you grab your necessities too. Then we'll go to the meat and veg section at those areas there should only be 2 types of people, idiots and those with the right skills, as the majority will be hitting the non-perishables and water. After that, we'll hit the seeds section as I have a used for them. Then finally the one that may have the biggest risk, the spice and condiments. Luke if there are a lot of people there then quickly teleport us back here. Lastly, guys" he looked at each one of us in the eyes seriously.

"Get ready to kill, as we might encounter monsters or even humans that may want to harm us. I'm not joking this is serious. I know that it will be hard on your first time but do what you can to kill those that will cause us harm, it could be clenching your teeth or it could even be thinking of them as nothing more than NPCs or monsters in a game. But you must pull that trigger, and hold the feeling of guilt inside you until tonight. Don't worry after this you will get my shoulders to comfort yourselves on. Except for you Izzy"

"I wouldn't even want it even if you offered!" 'That idiot is really annoying!.....But killing huh? Well if it comes down to it I will pull the trigger for those that will try to harm my darling and friends and even that idiot.' I thought to myself as I reaffirmed my intent to kill.

"Ohh yea one more thing, don't ever get close to anyone else as we don't know their goals. Remember even the smallest child to the oldest man might possess the power to eradicate the planet."

Hmm now I kinda know why darling really loves him, he is really dependable when you need him huh. But his still a stupid idiot for over worrying about everything, Haaah this will make Annie fall deeper in love for him huh? Ohh well he really isn't a bad catch, and with this new age they love now has a possibility. That bastard better thank me for giving my friend over to him, hehe I'm sure he wouldn't mind, exchanging this 'limited' wand holster for Annie hahaha.

"Alright let's go in get your weapons out and ready to fire. Remember no more than 10 paces away from Luke and call out your names when you touch him, we don't want anyone left behind." The idiot nagged again as his dark brown eyes suddenly change to an attractive red with a Sharingan patter...wait that is the Sharingan! What a lucky bastard.

Alright, Luke, we'll put all our trust in you. Let's GO! SUPER DUPER FUCKING TEAM! KAHAHAHA"