"So then those things are coming huh?" (Klyn)
"I'm afraid so. I saw the video of those uruk-kai are capable of. We'll be dead if they manage to get close." (Morgan)
"It doesn't matter. All we need is stick to the king's 11 rule." (Klyn)
Alphonse 11 IRON rule. It is 11 important rule of combat that Al learn from a man called Damien Knox. Those rules are as follow.
1. Do not get shot! Stay out of the open and use cover at all times.
2. Short Controlled Bursts! Shooting automatically at ranges is generally a bad idea because you will be inaccurate and will not hit your target. Shoot semi-automatic at longer ranges, but bursts or full automatic in low ranges.
3. Be proud you are a soldier!
4. Watch Your Bullet Drop! At longer ranges, your bullet will not go in a straight line. At some ranges, gravity will make the bullet drop.
5. Patch Your Wounds! When you take a hit, you will bleed out. If posible, take time to heal yourself. Heal yourself even more to heal body. Also, be sure to heal your team members, too.
6. Keep a Full Mag! After a firefight, reload so you won't run out of ammo quickly in other firefight.
7. If in Doubt, FALL BACK! There is NO shame in running. If you cannot move towards the enemy, pop smoke (if available) and fall back to the nearest safe zone and rethink your strategy of advancement.
8. Keep the Enemy Suppressed! Suppressive Fire is key when moving against the enemy. The enemy is going to stay in the same place and be an easy target.
9. Beware of Confined spaces! In that case, use CQB weapons only.
10. Follow Orders! Unless you want the superiors to keep ranting at you.
11. There is no such thing as a fair fight! Kill them in anyway possible.
While remembering this 11 rule, Klyn then reload his grenade launcher with the explosive kind. "I'll leave this place to you 2nd Lt. I'll be at the top of my tank." (Klyn)
"Roger that." Morgan then change her magazine with a fresh one. She also order her men to do the same and place their magazines in an easy to grab places.
Not long, a single man can be seen. He stood at the top of the hill while smirking at the tank. Tomag Baran, the leader of the 3 legion big army, is now looking at the small numbered enemy in front of him.
"Heh, just as god Atomos said, there is an obstacle in my way. But for it to be this small is laughable. With they currently unable to call for help, it will be an easy fight. You lot, don't destroy that box of steel. If we can, we'll use it for ourself."
Being one of many close confidant of king Sola, Tomag is also the worshiper of Atomos. Few hours ago, he recieved a divine message. Atomos order him to bring as many soldier as he can get and march toward Lervi. Atomos also give him a blessing and a warning. The blessing is that he will get very lucky that his army's movement will not be detected by the Eldians and if he were to be found, the one that spot him is 'for some reason wont be able to make long distance comunication'. The warning is that any obstacle should be treated with utmost caution.
"Well, let's just get this over with." Tomag unsheathe his sword and then point it at the Eldians. "All of you! CHARGE!! KILL THEM ALL!!!"
With no ounce of fear in their face, all uruk-kai and golems run at full sprint toward the tank.
While looking at the enemy using the camera, Rama is waiting for Klyn's permission to shoot. His palms is sweaty, knees week arms are heavy, he's nervous. But on the surface, he looks calm and ready to shoot shell.
"Rama, shoot at that man, the one on top of the hill. Murerla, load HE, blow on impact." At Klyn's order, Rama and Murerla quickly do as they told.
"Round loaded!"
"Ready to fire sir!"
"Fire!" 'BOOM'
Tomag Baran didn't know what hit him. The last thing he saw is an object that's traveling directly to his face before everything turned into bright light.
"I'll use the GAU-19 on top! Wright, keep shooting that M2! Rama Fire at your discretion! Murerla, keep loading the shells!"
"""Yes sir!"""
Klyn use the joystic that control the GAU-19 to sweep the battlefield. He only aim at the enemy line and began to shoot from left to right and back.
Outside, Morgan and her men is defending the line as hard as they can. "MG don't stop shooting! Use your 40 mike-mike if you have them! Don't save your ammo! Let them have it!"
The machine gunner did not let go of the trigger and with a special defensive purpose 2.000 round ammo belt they can shoot non stop for 2 minutes. And thanks to the mithril barrel, they don't have to be afraid of overheathing. The one that have grenade launcher attachment on their gun shot the 40 mm grenade in quick succession.
"Shit! Reloading!" Not long, the machine gunner on the left side spend his bullet and need to reload.
"Rifleman, focus at 9!" Hearing the machine gunner, Morgan then order the non machine gunner to focus on the left side, so the enemy can't break through from the currently weakened side.
"Gun ready!" The machine gunner manage to reload his weapon and began the barage once more.
"Back to position!" Morgan then order her men to return to their respective position.
The barage did not stop and the Tsujigiri also keep shooting the high explosive shell. And in just total of 5 minutes none of the enemy can be seen moving. Seeing this, Klyn then began to open the hatch of his tank and came out. He looked at Morgan and ask for casualties. Morgan answer is none. All her men is alive and well physically, but Mentally, none of them is alright. That is with the exception of Klyn.
Klyn then use his binocular to search for potential survivors. "Looks like we are in the clear! If only we didn't stuck here, we can use the tank to run them over just to be sure."
Hearing Klyn's murmur about running over the enemy, Rama couldn't helped to ask Klyn. "Sir, are you serious about running them over? Why don't we just shot few rounds of HE or white phosphorus?"
Klyn goes inside the tank and then looked at Rama. "Don't underestimate a will to survive kid. These uruk-kai maybe a man-made beings, but still a living being nonetheless. I'm sure they will do anything to survive, just like us." Klyn then point at Rama's monitor. "Look at 11 o'clock direction. As you can see, there's an unusually large piles of body. I can bet you my live that there's probably a single if not multiple surviving uruk-kai at the bottom. They're waiting for 2nd Lt Morgan's men to get close and then ambush them. With that many body, neither the HE nor the Willie Pete will enough to be sure. There's two option, we burn them with flame thrower or run over them using this tank. But unfortunately, both option is unavailable. We can't use flame thrower in the middle of a forest in fear of forest fire and we can't run them over because this tank is still busted." Klyn bang the tank using his fist so Rama looked at him again. "So now, all we can do is stand by while one of 2nd Lt Morgan's men goes back to Toul HQ to request a backup. Anymore question kid?"
Rama hung his head down. "None sir..."
"All right then."
But then, before Klyn can ask Morgan to do just that, a voice can be heard through the radio. "come..'bzzzt' n. Boateng-2'bzzzt'2 this is Toul HQ come in."
Klyn quickly grab the radio. "This is Boateng-212 loud and clear Toul HQ! Loud and clear!"
"Boateng-212 we lost you for almost an hour there. What happen? Sitrep."
"Roger that Toul HQ. Althought we still have no idea why the comunication suddenly cut off, we just been attacked by 500 plus hostile forces. We manage to stop the enemy with no casualties. Now we are requesting back up for clean up operation and engineers to help us fix the tank. How copy?"
"Good copy Boateng-212. We'll send you few choppers. ETA 15 minutes."
"Roger that." Klyn then told Morgan the good news but still remind her to remain vigilance. Their fight is over, but another fight is just about to start.