Chapter 93 - The Failed Talk

Faust recive the intel from Kilgo the hobbit, not long after he and his army arrived at Turov. He also recieved report about the broken down tank that manage to took out a company of enemy forces. For this Faust then began a city lockdown, where he surrounded the city leaving no chance of enemy escaping. He also began a meeting to discuss a plan of attack.

But there is a problem; the civilians. If they just attacking blindly, there is high probability of collateral damage. Of course Faust didn't stand idly, he already send in three dozens spy drones to search for where the civilians are being held captives. But even with that many drones, they still unable to find them. Because of this, one of Faust's men insist to just attack. He estimated that the civilians is probably no longer in the city, but Faust denied it. The reason being that the enemy has no motive to relocate the civilians. This basicly creates a deadlock.

Sun is at the highest and Faust have enough of waiting. He then order one of his men to get him a white flag. Faust and Gwen approach the city while waving the white flag and ask for a parley to the enemy.

"To the commander of Sistine army! I'm Commander Faust of Eldians first advance force! I wish to speak with you!"

With the help of simple magic, Faust's voice can be heard even from the center of the city. Herman who heard Faust simply order his men to accept the invitation. Then an hour later, Herman and four of his men ride on horse back toward Faust and Gwen. Seeing this, Faust then took out 2 chairs, one for himself while the other is for the enemy. Gwen then plant the white flag and leave.

When Herman arrived, he and his men then dismount. Herman take the seat Faust provide him, while his men is standing by behind him. Seeing Gwen leave, Herman couldn't help himself to ask Faust. "Why are you alone? Don't you fear that I will attack you?"

Hearing that question, Faust let out a sneer. "I could ask you this question then, is it a show of respect in your country to bring so many men with you just to meet with one person? Or are you a coward who doesn't feel safe without his soldiers protecting him?"

Herman got angry but also ashamed after hearing that question. He then pretend to clear his throat to forcefully change the subject. "'Cough' Anyway, let me introduce my self. I am Herman Cerr, you wish to see me, what is it that you want?"

"You can call me Faust, and what I want is the release of all people of this city. Those people have nothing to do with our war, especialy the elders and childrens. Then, your surrender, if you wish to. Don't be alarmed, we do not kill those who surrender, with the execption of the uruk-kais."

Herman then giggle sarcastically. "And why would I do that? If I release the people of these city, it is the same as throwing my shield away. Just as my king said, you Eldians are naive people. As long I keep them close to me, you, would not be able to attack me."

In respond, Faust giggle back. "Naive, huh? We might looked like that in the eyes of others. But, I guess I got an answer for my previous question."

Hearing this, Herman stand up in fury and try to pull his sword out, but stop midway. He than fix his posture then laugh at Faust. "Heh, this negotiation has broken. Go back to your line. Killing you here, a mere peasant give me no honor."

While Herman about to turn back, Faust let out his bloodlust. This made Herman and 4 of his guard froze in fear. Faust then began to speak slowly with a volume between a whisper and normal, while walking very slowly toward Herman. "Honor? What do you know about honor? You who never face true fear. Learn what honor is, before pretending you're a warrior. Know this, before you step onto that thin red path. When no mistep is allowed. Path that only ends, when your legs failed to support you. When your heart stop beating. A path where sadness goes along with pain. And where glory, is the color of blood. This narrow path goes only one way. A way covered with enemies and brothers in arms. And it will take you, without any shame. Onto the embrace of Kratos."

Herman and his men can only listen. Faust's dialogue were like the whisper of a grim reaper, giving them their last rite, before draging them all straight to hell. When Faust arrived in front of him, Helman saw Faust reaching his hand toward him. Herman close his eyes in fear. But it turns out, Faust only grab the chair that he provided for Herman and just walk back.

After they're about 50 meter apart, Herman and his men can finaly move and breathe normaly. While walking, Faust told them one more thing. "Keep that white flag! If you wish to surrender, throw your weapons down and wave that flag around!"

Herman got even more angry, he cast a fireball spell and burn the white flag. Hearing the burning flag, without turning back Faust then shout. "Fight to the death it is then!!!"

Herman and his men then got on to their horses and ride back, or more like running away. Faust on the other hand just walk slowly toward Eldia's line. When he arrive Faust then round up his men, to talk about what they will do next.

Herman on the other hand, return back to his private room and quickly shout at the maid to bring him wine. While waiting, he try to stop his shaking hand, but with no success. Herman's four guards also in a same situation. One of them take it even worse, his legs gave out when he get down from his horse, making him down on his all four.

The man that currently on his all four began to ask his peers. "What the hell is that man? That's bloodlust, right? That's no magic or anything like that right? Please answer me seniors!"

"Calm down boy!"

"How can I calm!? When I first see those mighty Uruk-kai thirst for blood, I feel nothing! That man there, make me like a new born hartest (*Cow like animal but larger) with one look!"

"Shut up!! 'slap' That man, is not like us! We! fear death. But that man.. that man embrace death, maybe even praise death. A man like that is a man that had seen or even done so many deed that will haunt you for the rest of your life."

The young soldier can only hung his head and ask, "What can we do then?"

"The only way we can do, we fight and we die. You hear him, 'fight to the death it is then'. All because that prick of a noble burn our only way to surrender. Also, it doesn't helped the fact that all of the people in this city has already turn into soup to feed those monsters."

"But it's not our fault! It was Baron Herman's order! It's not our fault. It's not..."

"What's the different! We didn't stop him! We only looked away, while hearing those people being brutally cooked! I say, it's our punishment. The 3 Gods send them to punish us."

"It's not, it's not.. ugh....."

Herman's 4 guard is probably the only one who know, that their doom is near. And unbeknownst of them, it turns out that one of the spy drone is currently streaming their conversation. Thanks to that, Faust finaly have green light for the attack.