Chapter 91 - The Lost Tank

"God dammit! How the hell can this happen!?" Klyn, the tank commander can't control his rage.

When the Aztec team is still heading toward the village, Faust order the ground team to mobilize with him acting as the main leader. The ground team were consist of The Tsujigiri tanks, 30 of the Stryker ICV, 10 Tardec and 50 trucks with no air unit beside air combat magician.

The Tsujigiri tank under Klyn's command has brokedown, causing him and 20 men onboard his tank got left behind by the tank column.

"The engine's fine sir, look it's still running and everything. I think it's one of the gear, but I need to check it first." Wright, the mechanic and a dwarf give his diagnose to Klyn.

"I can see that Wright! What I ask is how the hell that can happen!"

"Faulty gears, or maybe one of the engine belt. This kid just got serviced around 2 weeks ago, so I know that this is got to be a faulty parts. If you want to blame someone, blame the factory."

"Got dammit! 'BANG!'" Klyn got angry he began to punch the tank.

"I'm gonna call it in. Rama, give me that radio." Rama, the Gunner then give Klyn the microphone.

"This is Boateng-212 to Toul HQ. Toul HQ how copy?"

"Boateng-212 this is Toul HQ good copy over."

"Toul HQ, my tank has broke down and is currently unable to move. My mechanic is currently trying to fix it but we still have no ETA."

"Boateng-212, try to fix it ASAP and head toward Turov. We'll give the news to ground leader."

"Yes sir." Klyn then looked at the soldiers that hitching a ride on his tank. "You heard it ma'am, report to your commanding officer and decide to either leave us or stick with us."

Morgan a human female and second lieutenant that was hitching the ride then began to report her situation. After a brief call, she then told Klyn the news. "My Lt said it was up to me. I decided to stick with you. Besides, we have more than 1.500 men heading toward Turov, missing 20 men and a tank for a while wont hurt nobody."

Klyn then nod, agreeing to that statement. "Then, can I ask for you and your men to do a parameter clean?"

"Copy that. Lance corporal Jawid, you pick a man and stay here to guard the tank! Corporal Kuruk, you got fireteam 1. Grab 5 men and head a klik (km) to the north woods and provide a watch! Corporal Liseli, fireteam 2, south woods! Corporal Tsomah, you and me with the rest of the team will provide a watch on the road ahead! Move out!" The troop then began to move as ordered.

To ligthen up the mood Rama ask a song using his smartphone's AI. But the song that came out is Daniel Powter's 'Bad day'. Half the song in, Klyn throw his cap at Rama while shouting 'CHANGE!!'. Rama then told his smartphone AI to change the song.

An hour later, a radio call from Toul HQ can be heard. "Boateng-212 this is Toul HQ, sitrep please, how copy."

"Toul HQ good copy. Fix ETA still unknown. No other report."

"Roger. Be advise, we have no visual of you from the satelite nor the GPS."

"Please hold." Klyn then check the GPS from the tank and from his own phone, both of them have no reception. He then ask the others but it was the same. "Toul HQ this is Boateng-212, we have no GPS reception from all of our device, please advise."

"Boateng-212, is one of you have QCB (Quad Combat Drone) on hand?"

Klyn then ask Morgan if one of her man have it. But none of them have it. "Negative Toul HQ."

"How about a..'bzzzt' 'bzzzt'" Suddenly a static can be heard and the radio stop working.

"Toul HQ? Toul HQ come in, over?" Klyn then try to call the others. "Fireteam 3 come in..... Fireteam 1... Fireteam 2...." All he heard is static. He then looked at Rama. "Rama. The radio's down, go to Fireteam 3 and ask 2nd Lt Morgan is her radio also down like us."

"Roger that." Rama then grab his M4 and began to run at Morgan's direction.

But, not long after that, Rama can be seen running back toward the tank, with Morgan and her men in tow. Seeing this Klyn jump down from the tank and walk towards them. "What happen!?"

Rama then scream. "Hostiles!"

Hearing this, Klyn then run back toward the tank while scream. "Battle station!!" He also give order to the two guard. "You two! Split up and get the others that in the jungle to regroup back here!"

""Yes sir!""

"Wright how are we doing!?"

"We still can't move sir! But the turret have no problem turning!"

"Shit!" Klyn then looked at his loader. "Murerla, ready both the HEAT and HE round but don't load it yet. We'll see what kind of enemy will come first."

"Yes sir!" Murerla then grab 2 shell from the heavy type storage space. Being a half orc, Murerla can carry even 3 135mm shell if she wanted to.

Klyn looked at the night vision screen searcing for the enemy. Then, a large silhouette can be seen. "Two golems in sight! Load the HEAT!"

Murerla then load the HEAT shell while Klyn align the crosshairs with the Golem. "HEAT loaded!"

Hearing this, Klyn quickly fire the cannon. "ON WIDE!" 'BOOM' With that shot Klyn manage to destroy two golems. "Golem destroyed."

After that, Rama manage to enter the tank. "Nice shooting sir! You took out 2 golems in one shot!"

"Forget about that. Do you manage to get a look how many enemies are heading here?"

"No sir. I met 2nd Lt Morgan while her squad being chased by the golems."

Klyn then open the hatch and look for Morgan. "2nd Lt! Our radio is down how about yours!?"

"Same here staff sergeant! We were trying to contact you when we found at least 3 company sized hostile, numbered in at least 500 soldiers and 20 golems, not including the one you just destroy!"

"Shit! With that number we'll be overrunned without a cover." After quick thinking, Klyn finaly have an idea. "Do any of you an earth magician or can cast a simple earth magic!?"

5 of Morgan's men rise their hand. Seeing this, Klyn get out from the tank while carrying 2 escudo. "Great, that'l do the trick. Rama, Murerla grab your guns and keep a lookout. Now, when the enemy knew of our number they'll definitely try to encircle us, our only option is to build a circle of defense and this tank will be our alamo. All of you start with building a horseshoe shaped ditch at least knee deep around the tank, then we'll use these escudo as a hedgehog shield and shooting windows. If any of you have AT weapons, take them out in case a you need them. Alright, question?"

"What about my men in the forest?"

"I already send a runner to tell the rest of your men to retreat here. They should be back soon."

After Klyn said this, Murerla heard a sound coming near. She then ready her gun and point toward the sound while calling at it. "Green!?" Hearing this the rest also ready their gun and point the same direction as Murerla.

"Black! Black!"

This is a simple password that was trained to all of Eldians soldiers back at basic training. The question and answer is the color of their current uniform. Currently they were wearing a jungle camo uniform, so the question and answer should be either green, black, or brown. When asked one should answer twice and less than 5 second or they will be shot at.

"Round up here guys! Brown!?"

"Green! Green!"

"Alright, the gang is all here! Start digging! Those who can't use earth magic either grab a shovel and help out or go to that hill and provide overwatch!"

Morgan then point at three of her man. "You three with me! We'll go overwatch!"

"""Yes ma'am!"""

Klyn and the rest of Morgan's men began to dig. "Come on! Those fuckers can be here at any moment, keep digging or you'll be dead! Dig or die!"

""Terraform!"" The men use the earth magic Terraform to create the ditch quickly.

In less than 2 minutes the ditch is completed. Klyn then plant the 2 escudos in front of the ditch. "Rama activate the escudo!"

"Yes sir!" Rama then tinkering with the computer onboard the tank. When Rama hit the enter button the escudo then activated. Instantly, a slated 50 cm high wall came out. With countles spikes pointing outside and many shooting hole the wall is basicly a bunker.

'BANG!''BANG!' Suddenly multiple gunshot can be heard. Klyn look at the direction of the gunshot, where he find that Morgan and her men is currently shooting at something. Morgan and her men keeps on shooting while slowly retreat back toward the tank.

"Run, now! Move back to the tank!" Morgan scream at her men and began to run toward the tank.

Coming close behind her, dozens of uruk-kai can be seen is chasing after Morgan.

Klyn quickly aim at the uruk-kai and shoot his 40mm grenade launcher on his rifle. 'BOOM!'

"Smoke out!" After shouting this, Klyn quickly reload his grenade launcher with a smoke round and shoot it behind Morgan.

Morgan keeps on running until she and her men arrived at the tank.

"How is it?"

"They're coming."