Chereads / Born from a divine gamble / Chapter 162 - Disturbed meal

Chapter 162 - Disturbed meal

Calla had successfully made it so that Aminui didn't dislike her but now she needed to make sure that he wouldn't change his mind again.

She brought her grandfather-in-law back to the house but her plans to put him on her side with a sumptuous meal were stopped right away.

"Does mistress really plan on cooking dressed like that? May I suggest otherwise?" Harriett asked in worry.

She had welcomed them back with a deep bow and was now standing by the kitchen's workplace along with Calla. This dress was extremely expensive by the standards of most and damaging it with grease or anything else was ill advised. The other noble girls all told her to not cook wearing those.

However, she had just put them on! It would be a pain to work her way out of them right away. If only she had known earlier.

She pinched her lip in thought while the rest looked at her indecision with amusement, worry and discouragement to various degree. Aside from Kaisla who was very happy to be reunited with her beloved grandfather after all this time spent away with Calla, the others felt rather intimidated and no one dared to speak. They could only watch Calla with pleading eyes, hoping she would take what they each thought would be the best decision.

After some thinking, Calla decided that cooking something good for the old man was more important. She reworked her hair, tying them more tightly so that they wouldn't get in the way, removed all the jewelry she wore and handed them to Harriett who released a short knowing sigh. Then, to the disapproval of many of the ladies, she removed her shoes and tied up her apron over the rest of her clothes.

It was all very unladylike but Calla didn't really care, she felt much better now. Harriett picked up the shoes as well and hurried off to store everything back safely in their rightful place.

Contrary to the ladies, the old man seemed to approve of her actions, he didn't say anything and his face barely moved but the more she focused on his eyes, the more she could point out the similarities with Emp. He had the same sort of way to him that made it gradually easier for her to read him like she did with her husband.

Emp was rarely angry for example and it mostly didn't show on his face at all but she could tell right away when something displeased him, the old man had the same habits. He truly was the grandfather of her beloved man, no matter how different the atmosphere around them felt at first.

With the stories Kaisla told them about him and what she knew from Emp himself, she believed herself able to understand his way of thinking. If he wasn't the sort of man to bother with flowery words and protocols, he wouldn't mind her walking barefoot and tying an apron over the expensive dress. It wasn't because he had no sense of elegance but because he was like his grandson and liked when efficient decisions were made for each problems.

He made no comment about it and instead spoke of the house.

"So this is where Emp lived this whole time. It's quite vast for something built in a village. I was expecting less."

Calla herself wouldn't have answered that comment because she had nothing to say about it but by the mischievous smile Kaisla shot her, her friend wouldn't be so quiet.

"I heard that Emp asked to make it that big to have plenty of rooms because his wife wanted a lot of kids."

Calla turned red right away and hurriedly looked the other way to hide her embarrassment.

Don't say it aloud! She wanted to complain. She didn't have the composure for it however and just quickly fled to the cellar with a brisk walk.

She took a few breaths to calm her heart and looked around the place for what she'd need for her new grandfather's meal.

Bear, bear, bear, where are you...

She wondered while scanning rows of stored meat. There was a lot of wolf here, it had been here for a long time too, it might have turned bad.

Usually, she was very careful to keep track of everything so that there would be no waste but she couldn't bring herself to cook the wolf meat while Bailey lived with them. She loved her own pet wolves so much it would be cruel to serve her some meat from their brethren. She didn't want to see Bailey cry over a meal. Calla believed that Bailey didn't even know some of the meat here was wolf meat, she wasn't able to tell which piece came from where.

Calla could tell with just a glance what each piece of meat was, boar, dear, wolf, various monsters aaaand there, bear. She couldn't stand the blood and almost fainted at the sight of others dismantling and butchering prey but once it was meat stored like that, it was just food and she didn't mind it anymore. She was always good with food.

Bear meat had a very pronounced taste and didn't go well with many things. When cooked right however, it would quickly become the favorite of many men she knew of. Something like bear meat could have small worms living in it because of its own nasty eating habits so it had to be thoroughly cooked to be safe. Calla had the habit of cooking that sort of meat twice before serving it to anyone.

She would always cut it in long slices and cook it over a heavy fire first before preparing it for storage. Most people liked the appeal of a single big piece of meat but she reserved that treatment to safer meat like that of a deer or a wild bird.

Because she cooked it twice and cut it in long stripes, the risk of overcooking it were higher but she had many tricks to go around this.

She picked up a basket and put some of the bear meat inside before turning over and looking at the herbs and vegetables she had. Feeling inspired, she picked up many of them and brought everything back to the kitchen.

Outside the food storage room, the others all looked her way a bit awkwardly. It must be because the topic of children came around. Everyone knew she wanted many and obviously, her stomach didn't swell. It annoyed her and the rest knew about it. They might even have told the Muracier lord about it if he asked why there wasn't any babies yet.

What they didn't know was that she had guessed the reason why she couldn't make any despite the best efforts of her husband. Even Emp didn't know the true reason even though he had been indirectly told. Sometimes, he didn't catch things when they weren't told explicitly, that was why she usually told him everything in details. Even then, it was him that unknowingly gave her the answer this time around.

He had a habit of speaking about everything that happened to him because she set the example. There were no secrets between them. Because of that, she knew that Love couldn't have children and that was the reason she went with this convoluted way to make Emp. Then, she told Emp that he inherited her disability and that he needed Life to fix it. What sort of disability could a goddess possibly have? The answer was just obvious, Emp could not sire any children.

Calla had felt heartbroken when she understood but quickly came back around. She had no doubt that Emp would meet up with Life soon and then she would be able to bear all the little Champom and Muracier she wanted. That was the main reason why she had been almost eager to see him leave for his mission in Greenpeaks.

He had told her that Life's trial chambers were somewhere there and that he'd try to find her while he was in that kingdom. Like that, he'd be able to fix both Celtine's wings and his... other problem.

She already couldn't wait for him to be back.

With that said, even if there had been no solution to their problem, she would have remained with Emp. She liked him too much and needed him to feel at ease, plus, she wouldn't pretend that she didn't enjoy the time spent in bed with him...

Just the thought turned her deep red again and she rushed to her cooking area under the amused eyes of the others. They couldn't possibly know what she just thought about could they?

She shook her feelings away and placed the basket on the counter, throwing a sign at Maria to ask her to help. It was her turn today after all. She gave her a quick series of instructions and had her light up the fireplace.

She worked with a hum while Kaisla spoke with the old man. She had a lot to say to him, she hadn't seen him in a long time. Calla was happy to just listen to their conversation while she prepared the food. Aminui also had a lot to say it seemed and wasn't in any hurry to speak with her.

She knew that he would want to speak with her properly later on because she had become the wife of his only grandson but he was the sort of man who would bend the schedule to his will and whim rather than follow a rigid path. Speaking to her right now or in a few hours made no difference to him.

Calla tasted the different pieces of the meal as she progressed to make sure everything was going well and eventually managed to hand a finished plate to Harriett. The trusted servant brought the overfilled plate to the old man who looked at the contents with interest.

It took him only a single bite before he nodded in satisfaction.

"The rumor doesn't do this justice." He took another large bite and ate it slowly before he spoke again. "You're not just a pretty lass, you're very talented. Thank you for the food and the efforts you put in it."

His compliment pleased her greatly and she sat at the table with the rest sporting a big smile. Things were going well up until now. She could sense his affection for her growing steadily. In no time at all, he'd approve of her being Emp's wife.

Emp said that he liked headstrong women better but it didn't mean he couldn't accept someone like her, it just meant that it might be hard. Things were seemingly much easier than she believed they would be however. She had made a giant leap at the gate somehow and now things were going smoothly.

"Do you worry about Emp?" The old man asked her out of the blue.

She didn't know where the question came from but it was easy to answer. She shook her head with a smile and used to cuff to add a few words.

"Emp's the best, nothing can happen to him."

Her answer had his mouth twitch upwards, he was clearly satisfied with it. He was about to say something else after another bite of his meal when the entrance door to the house was suddenly slammed open! The food on Aminui's fork fell back onto his plate because of the shock.

Calla almost fell off her seat in surprise and Lea shrieked in fright.

Marcy stormed inside the room and pointed an angry finger at Aminui without removing her boots. She was clearly upset but Calla had no idea why. Why did she have to be so violent with her door and what did she want with the Muracier Elder? Lastly, who would clean up the mud afterwards? It wasn't like she could force Marcy to do it.

"Ya slag of an old man! I know what ya're planning and it's not happening! The girl isn't moving from here!"

Calla didn't get what she meant right away but was frightened by the angry face the old man showed and made herself as small as possible. Most of the other ladies moved backwards as well. At least she wasn't the only one to think that this looked scary.

"Don't ya try playing that trick on me, I'm the angry one here not ya!"

The face of the old man lost all its intimidating factor and turned into a pout.

"I should have known it wouldn't work on you, it never did before. So, what is it that you're angry for, daughter?"

Calla could sense affection but not other emotions, she would never have guessed that Aminui wasn't angry at all without Marcy's intervention. She didn't relax at all however because she didn't know what would happen next.

Meanwhile, Marcy let out a sarcastic laughter as she walked closer to the old man.

"Don't call me that."

"Then what am I to call you? The fiance of my dead son who also named herself the mother of my grandson? That seems a bit long for essentially saying the same thing." Aminui scoffed while stabbing a new piece of meat with his fork.

The smith puffed in anger but could hardly deny the logic of his argument. She was his daughter in law in everything but name.

She glared and changed the subject instead of arguing on this further.

"I'm not letting ya take her to Highsteel."

Taking her to Highsteel? Calla felt cold sweat form on her back, were they talking about her?

She had not realized that this is what was happening. Leaving the village for such a faraway place seemed dreadful. She could think of a million reasons for her not to go in just a single moment.

Just visiting Bêtéclair with Emp had been exhausting so going so much further just sounded impossible for her to achieve. Plus, she'd be way too far from her family. She couldn't picture herself so removed from her parents and siblings. Her father would be particularly upset because of how much he disliked big cities. Highsteel wasn't really a city but it was just the same.

Meanwhile, the two of them ignored her panic and kept arguing.

"Why must you always make things more difficult than they already are? I haven't even brushed the subject yet, I was just enjoying this delicious cooking peacefully. I've never tasted anything quite like it before." He said, scooping some more of the food.

"There's nothing difficult about this, she's staying here. That's all." Marcy said decisively.

Calla cheered on Marcy in her head.

The old man snorted and looked up at the angry woman staring down at him.

"Would you at least sit down? If you intend to argue with me for hours it'd be less uncomfortable this way."

Calla hadn't said anything yet and really didn't intend to either but she had to agree with her grandfather on this point. She didn't want to leave but speaking this way wasn't good for the neck of those sitting down and it was a bit strange. Maybe not as strange as being the center piece of a conversation happening right in front of her without being directly included in it but still strange.

Marcy hesitated a second but then moved her feet to the other side of the table. The girls moved to give her enough space and Marcy straddled her seat before slamming her elbows on the table, crossing her arms over it.

Those weren't good table manners but Calla would let it slide because Marcy wasn't eating and was on the side of not letting her leave the village. The old man wasn't of the same mind.

"You're too old to be throwing tantrums around. Why are you even angry at me? I've done nothing wrong here."

"I'm not here to debate on this with ya again old man. I'm just here to protect Cala from ya."

Calla understood what she meant but that was a bit exaggerated. Even if she guessed right and this was about bringing her to Highsteel, Aminui wasn't attacking her. She didn't really need to be protected from her own husband's grandfather. The man said just as much.

"I don't think she needs your protection. Besides, she already has ten ladies here with her plus the one upstairs that's pretending to not be listening."

That was a habit of Galana, she would often listen in from upstairs just so she didn't miss anything important even when she didn't have a place at the table like now.

"As if I'd leave this in their hands! They are usually lively and all talking at once but they won't dare say anything to contradict ya. I bet they haven't even said a thing since ya came in. That one even idolizes ya, how can I expect them to defend Calla?"

The other girls all made apologetic faces in front of Marcy's accusations but they couldn't really be blamed. Aminui was at the pinnacle of the empire, they couldn't possibly risk displeasing him. Plus, according to what they tried to teach Calla, when in front of a noble with a higher status than themselves, the rules of etiquette stated that they should remain silent until acknowledged.

Her new grandfather didn't care about etiquette however and didn't go out of his way to free them of their silence. It might just mean that he didn't care and that they could just act as normal but for them, it could also mean that he didn't want to hear them and they weren't willing to risk talking to find out. Only Calla could free them but she'd have to speak up for that and without a good reason, it was difficult for her to find the strength to do so.

If she needed their advice, she wouldn't hesitate to ask for it however.

"Fair enough." Conceded Aminui with a hand raised in defeat. "Still, I'm as far from a threat to her as one can be."

He turned his head towards her and she froze in place.

"I'd have liked to say that less abruptly but I'm inviting you to Highsteel where your true home is. That's what I came for, aside from meeting you that is." He told her.

So she had guessed right. She wanted to refuse right away because the thought alone was scary but she was too nervous to speak and Marcy was doing a good job on her own already.

"Calla is not fit for Highsteel, as I said, she's staying here. Her true home is Dark-glint, not that dreary place."

"Dreary? What are you saying? Our place is majestic! It's filled with people from all over the empire too, there's a stream of them coming in and out all the time. You'd know this if you gave it a chance and came back as you should as well."

So he wanted Marcy to come as well? Emp and Kaisla both said that family was really important to him, maybe he just wanted to see her more often. He made it a point to insist she was family to him after all. He just wanted everyone to be close like how Calla wanted to remain close to the other Champoms.

Marcy didn't see it the same way however.

"No, I'm not following ya there old slag."

Aminui just shook his head in disappointment while he munched on some vegetables. She had cooked the slices of meat after wrapping them around the vegetables so they all shared their flavor.

"Daughter," he said after swallowing. "her name is Muracier, as should be yours too. Everybody in the empire knows that if your name is Muracier, your home is in Highsteel. The place of you both is in our fortress."

That was true as well. Emp living in this village was a bit like an imperial prince living in a roadside inn. Being is wife, anyone would automatically believe she was living in Highsteel.

"She would be out of place there. She's neither a warrior nor a noble. She'll be lonely, bored and scared there. What are ya even trying to accomplish with this old man?"

Calla agreed that this was definitely how she pictured her life would be in a giant fortress. The place would be filled with menacing stone structures and crawling with scarily muscled men. She'd end up hiding in a tiny room all day long without Emp to watch over her, too afraid to move from it like Lea usually did. She'd dearly miss her family as well.

"I'm not trying to accomplish anything. It's just that as you're so readily pointing it out, I'm an old man, I've seen more than eighty summers. I won't live long still and Emp is the only grandson I have, the only one that can keep our house going after I'm gone. I just want to make everything in my power to keep my family safe while I still can."

Calla felt sad for him. He was just an old man worrying about the people he'd leave behind after all. He wasn't trying to upset anyone, he just wanted to consolidate his house while he still had the strength to defend his position. He was a bit like her own mother, she just wanted to see more of her grandchildren soon and make sure all her sons and daughters grew up fine and happy. Aminui was just doing the same with a generation further down. She could understand his motivations.

"She'll be perfectly fine here thank ya." Marcy denied simply.

With the ladies Emp invited, Marcy herself and Martin the mage, Calla felt pretty safe, that was true.

Again however, the two of them disagreed.

"You've always been so stubborn, just listen to me. Do you really think it's fine to leave a girl who will soon outrank royals to her own devices in this tiny village?"

Wasn't that fine? Why would anyone be bothered by where she wanted to live? She looked towards her attendants but most of them shook their heads to tell her it wasn't fine. She'd have to ask them later why that was so.

"For her own safety and her reputation, she should come back with me." He insisted.

"She'll be no safer there with Graube lurking." Marcy objected.

Emp hadn't met his uncle Graube so he didn't have much to say about him. All that she knew was that he wanted to be the next great general and Emp didn't want that to happen. It made them rivals and so it made him fall into the list of people she really didn't want to come across, ever.

"Now that's just ridiculous, you'll scare her for nothing. Yes, Graube wants Emp's rightful place but he's family too."

Calla caught the eyes of Kaisla shining when he said that it was Emp's rightful place but she didn't know why just yet. She'd have to ask about it later as well.

"He might cause trouble for Emp and her but not right in front of me and certainly never try to physically harm them. Highsteel is the safest place in the empire, no amount of nonsense Graube can bring will undo that."

Marcy let out an exasperated sigh in answer.

"I don't think ya realize how fragile Calla is. She can't speak to her neighbors properly even though she's known them all her life and ya think she'll manage that place?"

Calla wasn't upset to be called fragile at all, that was the absolute truth and she had lived her whole life knowing this. She was weak, nervous, scared all the time and clumsy on top. Picturing herself doing anything remotely important was just impossible.

"Well, she will have to eventually. Even if Emp wed a few more women, she'll have to deal with other people from our house or vassals at some point."

"But that point doesn't have to be now."

"Now would be the best time get her used to it though, to let her familiarize herself with Highsteel and our people before Emp gets to shoulder everything. I want her to meet Korine too, she'd be able to provide her with plenty of advice as the old lady Muracier, plus, you know she can't move from the fortress because of her injury."

"Old lady Korine is great but she already has people here to teach her."

"Those girls here had a few years already to teach her, what would be the point if she never moves from here? With me and Korine to watch over the girl and guide her, she'd still make a lot of progress I'm sure and those girls would all come too. There will never be a better time than now and I can escort her all the way myself. She'd have the safest trip she could possibly have on her way there.

Plus, think about it. Emp won't lead the Muracier house and the armies of the empire from a small village like this. I don't want her to stay here alone and away from her husband all the time, that would be pitiful."

Calla knew that Emp wouldn't be able to stay in the village because of who he was but she had simply put the notion away from her mind. She had deluded herself thinking that she'd somehow be able to stand aside from it all and never be dragged into it.

Obviously, this was impossible. Aminui was right, if she didn't follow Emp, she'd barely have any time with him. He would have to go here and there on top of spending most of his time in his seat of power, she wouldn't really be able to remain here if she wanted to spend time with him.

That was a bothersome reality to face and she would have wanted it to be different but it couldn't be any other way. If he managed to become the emperor like he told her he wanted to do, it would end up even worse for them. He's get even less time and she would have to face a whole lot more nobles.

She wanted Mable to hurry and join her as a sister so that she could be the one dealing with nobles instead of her but it wouldn't let her dodge everything completely. She really did understand that she couldn't stay hidden all the time, people would try and meet her because they just had to know the wives of someone as important as Emp, even if she was just raised in an orchard.

If she absolutely had to, she wanted to delay her encounters with the nobles for as long as possible, she needed Emp to shield her from them. The old man had a point however, while Emp was still just heir, things would be easier for her to get accustomed to.

She'd be less swarmed by others and wouldn't have any actual duties yet. There would also be many who sided with Graube and wouldn't pay much attention to her thinking she'd remain unimportant. This was truly a perfect occasion, if she could get over her own fears.

Marcy too understood that clearly even though her heart and mouth kept saying no.

"Calla can't leave the rest of her family here. Ya'll worry her and split her heart in half with yar stories." She scolded the old man.

"You know I'm not trying to leave her torn between this and that, I'm just exposing facts here. This is all going to happen either I bring her home now or not. All I'm saying is that its in our best interest to come now. I need her to strengthen Emp's position too."

Calla didn't understand what that meant but thankfully, neither did Marcy.

"What do ya mean strengthen his position?"

"Graube had years to slowly pull everyone behind him. I already declared Emp the heir great general but just saying it doesn't make it true in the hearts of everyone. I'll have to work hard to convince everyone that I'm making the best decision or he'll keep getting opposed even after the title is fully transferred to him. It would be easier if the rest knew him but I can't have him gain experience and waste his time socializing at once.

While he's away, I need the girl to be his face. You know how this work, as long as they like her, they'll like Emp too and this makes us all winners. For both of their goods, she needs to show her face and steal their heart from Graube before I pass or the Emperor transfers his crown. If not, Emp will keep struggling with his own troops from thereon."

Marcy showed a frustrated face but didn't argue back. This meant she understood what he was trying to say and reluctantly agreed. This also meant that she was in trouble. What should she do?

She turned her head to the other girls, prompting them with a gaze to quit being silent and offer her their advice. Emp usually did that when he was unsure about something and it was a great example to follow. Those girls knew better than her after all.

"I think lord Muracier has some strong points, I agree with him." Maria said simply.

"It would be easier to practice what you learned if there were some people to practice with, I also think you should go." Lusine declared.

"Lady Korine has a lot of experience as lady Muracier, it would be foolish to not take advantage of it." Sarissa pointed out.

"Torn between the two pieces of her heart, the lady/ouch!" Lanavera elbowed Victory to stop her drama. "I think you'll wither like a flower if you go." She simply said instead while rubbing her sides.

"I also think that, you need at least part of your family close to recharge your energy." Destiny added.

"If we went, my dogs would have more space and freedom to play and I'm sure we could really do great work to help our lord. I know you can do it. However, I also miss my own family a lot, I'd understand if you wanted to stay and wouldn't object your decision. I'll follow you whatever you decide." Bailey explained, surprisingly more sensible than usual.

"I...let's stay home where it's peaceful." Lea said meekly.

"I agree with Bailey, I'll be happy with whatever, I promised our lord I'd keep you safe and that's what I intend to do. Going there would raise your fame but I understand it's not really a good thing in your mind. I'll just stand behind what you judge to be best." Lanavera ended the counselings.

Calla didn't need to ask Kaisla her opinion, she'd side with her grandfather, that was obvious. She turned her eyes upstairs instead. She wanted to know what Galana thought as one of the trusted friends of Emp.

"Galana." She called, loudly for her usual voice.

The head of the girl came into view over the railing and she voiced her own opinion quickly.

"If you want to know what I'm thinking then I'll say that a place just filled with nobles sounds horrible. However, I'd be willing to brave the place if it was to help Emp. I owe him a lot."

She owed him a lot but also held feelings for him, Calla suspected that both were equal motivators for her.

Now that she had heard the thoughts of mostly everyone, it was time to think for herself. She didn't ask Harriett either because she knew that she would just say that she'd do what her mistress said which wasn't helpful to her.

"Thank you mother Marcy for helping me and thank you grandfather for telling us this." She whispered into her magic cuff. "Could I get some time to think? I want to speak with my parents too."

"Of course! I'm in no hurry. I'll wait for you to decide. Just ask me if you need anything or if you have any questions. See daughter? I can be civilized too. Just come back home already, Korine has missed you a lot."

"Don't try to make me feel guilty with Korine! Ya slag would do anything to have me move over there. Can't ya just give up."

While Aminui finished his meal in that lively argument. Calla kept thinking about it all. What should she do? What would Emp say?