Chereads / Born from a divine gamble / Chapter 163 - The duties of Calla

Chapter 163 - The duties of Calla

Calla had a really important decision to make or rather, she knew what she should do already but had a hard time convincing herself. After Aminui had left to go back to his knights, she had spoken with the other girls a lot more. The truth was, she didn't really speak and just let them all talk it out between each others instead but it helped her a lot clear everything out in her own head.

She also got the occasion to ask Kaisla why she was so happy when Aminui spoke about Graube wanting Emp's place. Her answer was pretty embarrassing. At first, she simply said that she was happy that Aminui fully supported Emp and said that his rightful place was at the head of the house and armies but the other girls believed there was more to it and pressured her into talking.

In the end, she had to admit in front of all the gathered ladies that Aminui had intended for her to marry the next great general and when Emp showed up, asked her to choose whom she liked best. Essentially, she was saying she wanted to give him her offering in a convoluted way.

Her declaration started an entirely different sort of talk and it was in the middle of that that Calla eclipsed herself to go see her parents. She was very interested to know about the feelings of everyone of course, she was always curious about this sort of thing, but she had more pressing matters to think about. Kaisla seemed worried about how she would react when she admitted to it but Calla wasn't really against it.

As long as they held true feelings for Emp and were good people she could get along with, she did not mind them joining. Kaisla could be a reliable sister and Emp said she was extremely strong with her blessing. Calla often thought about things from the perspective of what would be best for a family and according to that logic, having Kaisla to protect the children would be great.

Protecting the children of another wasn't the same as protecting their own, Calla understood that even if warriors didn't like to admit it, they'd protect their own family in priority. She'd rather have Kaisla the ferocious protector for the family than Kaisla the sadly rejected knight.

Even thought she insisted that she'd follow Emp over Graube being wife or not, Calla could sense her rapidly growing affection for him. She believed that a day would come sooner or later where she'd give her offering to Emp. She intended to support her with it, as long as Emp was willing of course.

For now however, she had to see her own mother and father.

She went straight to her parent's house and stepped right inside. It felt strange thinking of it as her parent's house rather than her own.

"Mom!" She called.

Her mother walked into the main room quickly and pulled Calla into a hug.

"Calla! I'm so happy to see you. Are you having a good day? Are you feeling lonely?" She said quickly.

Calla smiled at the warmth and told her mother what she came for. She didn't need her magic cuff for speaking to her mom.

"Mom, good afternoon. I need to speak with everyone about something important. Can you call dad and the others?"

"Something important? What is it?" Fiona asked while cocking her head. Then she gasped and moved to look at Calla in full. "Calla! Are you finally pregnant!"

Calla pouted in an attempt to mask her reddening cheeks.

"No mom, it's not that. It's about... Possibly leaving the village." Her voice faded off in a whisper as she said it and the joyful air on her mother's face crumbled into worry.

"Where would you be going?"

"Mom, can we get the others first? I want to know what you're all thinking."

Her mother looked a bit shaken by Calla's words but still went off to call everyone over. Even Zora and Fleur where out helping in the orchard today, they had grown up so much already. they'd always be her cute little sisters but Zora would be as grown as herself in just a few years. Calla felt that time just flew by.

It took some time for everyone to show up, the orchard was rather large and her elder sisters where in their husband's house instead.

As everyone came in, they welcomed her as warmly as usual and Fleur even jumped into her arms for a hug. All of them understood that she wouldn't have asked them to stop working if it wasn't for something important.

Jonquil and Iris were the last to arrive with their own kids. Calla made a point of kissing and hugging all the cute little Champom before she sat and told everyone about what was going on.

The air around the table was heavy, the atmosphere serious. Her brother Karp was the first to speak after she was done explaining.

"Well, it isn't as if we hadn't expected it after we learned who Emp really was."

"Yeah, it would have been more strange if Emp just stayed in Dark-glint forever." Iris nodded.

After that there was another silence. Calla didn't know what else to say, she just wanted to know what her parents thought. From the corner of her eyes, she could also tell that Azalea was burning to say something of her own but was holding it in for now.

Her sister had tried to get her parents to agree to let her go explore the city many many times in the past but they always refused. She must be feeling that Calla was living her dream. She was certain that Azalea either wanted to say it was unfair or that she wanted to tag along.

"But still, Highsteel is so far." Her mother said with a grimace.

"I don't like it." Her father said flatly.

As expected, they couldn't agree to her leaving. She understood perfectly because she didn't want to go either.

"I don't really want to go but..." Her voice trailed off.

"Calla's right, she's got some important things to do as the wife of a high noble. We can't keep her here just because we'll miss her." Freddy stated, getting a nod from every other sibling except Fleur who wanted to keep her big sister close.

"She won't be a prisoner either, she can come visit whenever she wants to, it's just going to be a long trip." Jonquil tried to appease her parents.

The talk progressed this way until the sun set, everyone was too absorbed in the subject and the prospect of Calla leaving to notice the time. In the end, the others agreed, reluctantly or not, that Calla should go along with Aminui to Highsteel.

They worried about her safety but Highsteel was the most defended place in the empire, she'd be more protected than the imperial princes and princesses. They worried about the travel time and how little they'd see her but also agreed that she couldn't live so far away from her husband all the time. Her mother wanted more grandchildren too much to let that happen even if it meant seeing Calla much more rarely.

"Well, in the end, as long as you're happy, your father and me won't make things too difficult for you." Her mom ended up saying.

Her father nodded with a grunt too. He liked to keep an eye on everyone because he was a big softy but if Calla wanted to leave he wouldn't stop her. Calla didn't want to part with them, she didn't feel like leaving and felt really sad about it. A part of her had wished that they'd vehemently oppose her leaving and that she would have had to stay.

Another part of her was glad that they agreed to it instead because this way, she'd leave with their encouragements instead of complaints.

"In that case, can I go with her?" Azalea asked hurriedly.

"No." Her father said right away.

Calla thought it was a great idea though, she'd feel way less lonely if one of her sisters tagged along. She would really love her to come.

"Uhhhhhh, Why!" Aza shouted right away.

"Calla is going there for serious noble business." Her mother said. "I don't want you to disturb her with your daydreaming."

"I'd like her to come though." Calla mustered her small voice to oppose her parents.

"Eh?" The others all looked baffled.

"Why?" Her mother asked, at a complete loss.

Calla looked down to escape the angry eyes of her father but still said it.

"I'll be lonely."

"Good grief." Her mom said while the rest laughed.

"See! Calla is fine with it! Thank you sis! Can I go pretty please?" Azalea quickly charged again, diving headfirst into the opening.

Fifteen more minutes of arguing later, they finally agreed to let her go as well.

"But only if the old lord will allow it and only because I trust the Muraciers to keep you safe." Her father grumbled, clearly frustrated about his two middle daughters running away from the village.

"Oh thank you dad! You'll see, I'll behave properly and stay safe."

"I won't see though, that's the whole problem." He complained while Calla's mom tried to sooth him by caressing his hair.

Azalea ran up to Calla and thanked her many times over, Calla was just as happy because she'd have a real sister to talk to while she was away from home. She just hoped that Aminui would agree to let her come too. Hopefully he wouldn't mind her not acting like a noble since he was so much like Emp and wouldn't be bothered even if she didn't know the endless rules of how to behave around nobles.

Thanks to Azalea being there, Calla would feel less alone but she would also have to worry about her sister putting herself in trouble. Whatever Calla did, she would probably be fine just because her husband was the heir great general and heir to the Muracier house but she wasn't certain that this protection extended to her blood sister.

She would have to remind her to be careful and if she made a big mistake, Calla would have to be the one to apologize in her stead. That was a mortifying thought but she trusted her sister more than she trusted anyone else. She believed that everything would be fine.

While she was thinking that, Fleur casually asked if she could come along as well to see the castle but she was told no by everyone around the table right away. She puffed her cheeks in protest but for her, no one would change their minds. Fleur was just a little girl while Azalea was even older than Calla herself, Fleur and Aza were seven years apart.

After that, her father said he'd accompany her back home because it was already dark outside. Calla was thankful for it, she was already shaking in fear from the darkness even with her father with her so going back alone would have been horrible.

On the way there, her father started speaking again. He had the serious face he only used when he wanted to say something important.

"Did I ever tell you about why I don't like cities? Why I really didn't want Azalea to go?"

Calla shook her head and listened to the story of her father. He told her something similar to what he had once told Emp. He spoke about the man named Swerven who took the heart of her mom and ran to Red-water with it then about how devastated she was.

"I really didn't want your mom to relive the same thing again. I didn't want to let Azalea leave for some city and then not come back. I'm not sure how your mom would react if it happened."

Calla nodded in understanding. She couldn't put herself in her mom's shoes because the only guy she ever loved was Emp and he returned it tenfold but, she could understand why her parents were so reluctant about the family leaving the village.

"I had your husband promise he wouldn't break your heart or abandon you before I accepted to look at his confirmation. He's away now but I won't hold it against him. I understand he has some duties as a noble and I'm convinced he didn't leave you behind, he left all those noble girls there to watch over you, brought your brother with him and his grandfather came in person to fetch you. I can tell he makes you happy so I trust him.

Azalea though...

I don't know what she'll do and that scares me. She hasn't approached any guys in the village and has been insisting on exploring away from here for years. I guess what I'm trying to say is, you're younger but you're the most responsible of the two. Keep an eye on her and make sure she comes back at the end of her trip."

Her father asked this of her on a pleading tone. He knew that Calla would always come back here because a big part of her heart was with them and this place but he worried about her sister. If she just wanted to see and then come back then all would be good but he didn't understand what it was she really wanted.

"Alright dad, I'll do my best for Aza too."

He puled on her shoulder and pressed her against him tenderly. She returned the hug with just as much love.

"That's all I can ask for. I'll pray to the ancestors for you to stay safe."

"Don't worry, we will. We'll send you plenty of letters too. Mom can read them for you so you won't be missing us too much."

Her dad chuckled a bit and rubbed her back.

"Thank you Calla. You're always so kind. I love you and I'll keep loving you wherever you go, that'll never change."

Calla could hear the sadness in his voice but also, she could tell he felt much better now that he said it out loud. He hadn't wanted to let her go before he said it even if her father wasn't all that emotional usually.

"I love you too dad." She answered happily before teasing him. "You're the second most loved man in my life."

"Only second?"

"Mh, you'll be third once I have a son." She said, breaking the hug to look up to him with a grin.

Ogden couldn't help but laugh, his voice spread into the darkness of the village and found its way into all the nearby houses she was sure. It took him a while to calm down and he had to clear his throat before he was able to speak again.

"Fair enough, that's the lot of every father I suppose."

He escorted her back home and she was surprised to find that the girls cooked something for her while she was away. Because she needed to talk to her family right away, she didn't have the time to do anything for supper but the girls took care of it for her and kept a portion out for her.

Calla was very appreciative and thanked them all with a small hug each. That was easier for her than getting the words out because she knew them well enough.

They knew she liked cooking but they also knew that by the time she came back, she wouldn't want to spend time in the dark to fill all their stomach. It would have been a chore and so they took it to themselves to help her.

The food wasn't anything complicated. They overcooked vegetables on the fire and served them with some meat that tasted awfully salty and it was a bit cold because they prepared it some time ago. They seemed to be pretty embarrassed to give her that to eat but Calla didn't mind. She was happier about them doing this for her than she was disappointed by the food. She'd just have to show them better and they'd improve over time.

All of that was just a small gesture but it showed her that they understood her well. Even though small, that attention appeased her a lot. She understood that she could rely on them and that they'd keep supporting her even if she felt overwhelmed later. That small meal wasn't extraordinary but its meaning was strong and that was why she was so happy about it.

The next day was started by Calla in the same way as usual. The only difference was that she needed to go see Marcy after breakfast to make sure she'd be fine. Kaisla wanted to come to help her but Calla felt it might be a bad idea so she asked her to stay home instead.

She wasn't used to say no to anyone but she managed to do it anyway with a bit of efforts... She made a pained face until Kaisla understood and gave up.

She stepped into Marcy's workshop alone and got her attention using her magic cuff.

"Girl, hi... Ya chose to leave haven't ya?"

Marcy guessed right away when she saw Calla. She was just too easy to read the other girls told her, it would be troublesome in front of other nobles.

She nodded to answer her question and came to sit beside her mother in law. She leaned on Marcy's shoulder and they remained there for a while, not saying anything.

"Why did ya choose to go in the end?" Marcy finally asked.

"I love Emp." Calla answered with a strong blush and an inversely weak voice.

"But ya know he'd be fine either way right?"

Calla nodded, she did know that. Even if she was the worse spouse, he'd be able to get on top in the end because he was just the best.

"Do ya really think ya can help him?"

Calla shrugged, that wasn't really it. She did not believe that she could make any impact at all and worse, feared that she might make some big mistake.

"Won't ya feel lonely?"

Calla brought up the cuff close to her mouth.

"Yes but no." She said.

"Ya know, It's really hard to hold a conversation with ya."

Calla gave her an embarrassed smile.

"What made ya decide in the end? I don't understand."

Calla didn't really know herself how to explain it properly. She just knew it was for the best. There were a few words that illustrated her thoughts in a better way than she ever could however. She ran her thumb on her magic cuff and raised it close to Marcy's face.

"May they hear my flower say." She read aloud.

That was the message Emp engraved into it for her. May luck be with you each day. May they hear my flower say.

Emp loved her and wanted everyone to hear her voice like he did. He felt it was important for her views to be communicated to everyone else. He wanted her to speak up and make herself heard, he wanted her to gain courage.

She wanted to make him proud, to impress him by at least trying. She wanted to be with him and help even if what she could do was dismally small.

"I think I get it..." Marcy said on an unsure tone.

Calla brought back the cuff to her own mouth and spoke again.

"You know it's the right thing too."

Even if she kept protesting and complaining, Calla knew that Marcy believed the right choice was to leave since the start. She didn't want Calla to leave, she didn't want Emp to leave either and made herself stubborn but deep down, she knew what should really be done.

"I'm scared and nervous but my heart knows." She told the smith.

"Fine, I get it."

Marcy sighed and rubbed Calla's arm vigorously, making her wobble over the seat from the push.

Then they just sat in silence for a while more. They both needed some time to fix their emotions. Marcy had a rough demeanor and exterior but she was pretty emotive on the inside. She was just too proud to look weak in front of other people.

After a time, Marcy spoke again.

"Ya know, this place was always like a magnet for Champoms. Back then, there was Karp who came all the time to see if June was hiding here, then there was Gilbert who came every day begging me to take him as apprentice and after Emp started living here, it was ya who came everyday to try and charm him."

Calla reddened a bit remembering how she kept bringing them food without ever being able to catch his attention. That was pretty embarrassing but maybe not as much as what Gilbert did.

"It might be lonely from now on with all of ya gone." She said a bit sadly.

Should she ask Zora or Fleur to come see the smith every day?

Maybe not, Marcy might go crazy with Fleur running around all the dangerous tools and equipment.

She opened her mouth to ask her if she would like to come too but Marcy answered before she could even ask.

"Don't bother saying it, I'm not moving from here. I don't want to see that place again. I keep remembering Chijou when I see it and It upsets me. I'd rather stay here where it's calm."

Calla nodded in understanding. Marcy was a surprisingly sensitive person and the wound in her heart never healed. She didn't want her to come if she was to be sad every day. She'd rather see Emp and Calla less often in order to not face the pain her lover left and that was her choice. Calla wouldn't speak against it.

"Alright then, but don't cry this time." Calla said instead.

"What do ya mean?" She scoffed, as if to say she never cried of her life.

"I know you were crying when Emp left last time." Calla said seriously. "Don't be sad anymore."

"I wasn't..."

"He loves his mother very much, he'll be back for sure even if I'm not here." Calla promised, braving Marcy's eyes to communicate the meaning of her words properly.

She really didn't want Marcy to think that if Calla was in Highsteel, Emp would have no reason to come back here. That wasn't true at all, he'd come back just for Marcy, she was too important in his heart for him to just ignore her. He'd have to come back here from time to time anyway to accompany her home to see the rest of the Champoms.

"Ya girl, I wasn't worried about that." She denied.

She definitely had been though, It was obvious for Calla.

She stayed with Marcy a bit longer to make her feel better about her near departure and then left towards the place where Aminui stayed. Bor had proposed to lend him his home because he simply couldn't ignore a man of Aminui's prestige but the old man declined. He wanted to stay with all his knights instead. He made his camp close to the gates like everyone else did while passing through the village.

She was thinking about how to ask Aminui to let her sister come too when she heard someone call her name.

Turning her head around, she saw that it was Eda. Because of the distraction, she tripped on the dirt road and Eda had to rush to catch her before she fell. It wasn't the first time Calla tripped on nothing and it would certainly not be the last. She was thankful that Eda was here this time or she'd have faced Aminui with a dress full of dirt.

"Calla, you have to be more careful. How can you still be that clumsy after all this time?"

She could only answer with a sheepish smile.

"Seriously, you always make everyone worry. With you being like that, I understand Emp felt the need to hire so many women to watch over you. It must have cost him an arm..."

Most of the village was wondering what was up with Emp. Some believed he was just very rich while others thought he was some sort of noble in exile or something. None of them had truly figured it out yet, they believed that he was named part of the army because of his talent in martial arts. They didn't know either that all the girls staying in her house were nobles.

Some were suspicious however. Eda clearly thought something was up and was always burning to ask but had refrained up to now. That time was coming to an end however.

"Your sister told me you were going away with that lord that came in yesterday and all his knights." She stated somberly.

"Mhn..." Calla didn't manage to answer anything more than that.

"What do the nobles have to do with you and Emp? Are you in trouble?"

Calla shook her head, she wasn't in trouble at all.

"Then what is it?"

"The lord you saw is Emp grandfather." Calla explained through her cuff.

"His grandfather? So Emp's a noble after all?"

Calla nodded.

"Where are you going then? What about Gilbert?" She asked worriedly.

"Highsteel." She answered simply, she didn't know what to tell Eda about Gilbert.

Her brother loved her and followed Emp with the army to impress her and get a good position for himself. She wanted to explain but it would take her a while.

"Gilbert will be back with Emp." She said instead.

"But they won't come back here anytime soon, right? They'll go to that Highsteel place first, that's why you're going there too. In that case, can I come with you?"

Calla was surprised by the sudden question. She didn't know what to tell Eda. Her friend just kept on talking, explaining her reasoning to Calla.

"I love Gilbert a lot but I can't trust him to just come back here right away. Knowing him, he'll get distracted on the way again and waste his time everywhere. If he stays with Emp like they both said he would, he'll go there with Emp to see you first. I'd like to be there too in that case.

I wanted him to be more responsible before I give him my offering but your brother went ahead and got swept up by the military instead. If I had known he'd just leave the village I'd have given it to him before he did. So please Calla, let me tag along. I won't do anything foolish and I won't embarrass you. I just want to catch your brother before it's too late. Please."

Eda asked with a pleading tone while holding Calla's hands strongly. She really wanted to come. Calla didn't mind saying yes of course but had Eda thought things trough properly? Calla couldn't help but ask herself a million questions just from thinking about bringing Eda with her. Would Aminui be willing to pay for her living expenses just like that or did Eda need to pay for herself and in that case, how would she earn the money? Eda was known for slacking off after all, she was very unreliable even though she was so responsible.

More questions and problems piled up in her head while she worked up the courage to answer something.

"I'll ask grandfather about it."

A large smile bloomed on Eda's face.

"Thank you Calla! You won't regret it, I'll make sure of it!"

Calla felt that it was too soon to thank her because she hadn't spoken with Aminui about it yet but she worried for nothing.

The old man accepted to bring both Azalea and Eda with them for free and said that she just had to describe Eda as one of her attendants. She would follow Calla around as part of her personal circle and no one would ask any questions.

With that being the case, only a few days of preparations later and everyone was ready to leave the village. All of Calla's and Emp things were packed into vehicles brought by Aminui along with Aza's, Eda's and all the noble ladies belongings. All combined, they took six carts just for their personal things and Calla took two more for foodstuff taken from her reserves. She gave everything that didn't fit to Marcy and her mom because she didn't want to waste anything.

Leaving her beloved house left her very saddened. She had to abandon her tiny garden and her wooden sanctuary for a place she had never seen, full of strangers and cold stone and steel. It was strange to see it almost as empty as when she first came in with Emp. Even the strange statue was picked up and dropped into a four wheels for Galana.

The knights had helped them move things because there were too many. They were particularly careful with the things left in Emp's storeroom. There were many of those magic things that exploded in there after all. Calla didn't want to get close to them because she was very afraid she might break one on accident.

As they left the village, Martin seemed rather upset to be paid to watch over the village and protect Calla if she wasn't there but was comforted in knowing that Marcy and the rest of the Champom were still under his watch. He wasn't completely useless and that was good enough for the mage who'd rather spend his time doing research.

The group waved goodbye to everyone as most of the village came to see them off at the gate. Calla saw many tears through a curtain of her own, she'd miss everyone a lot. She spent her whole life with them after all, even if she could hardly speak with them, she knew them well.

The village got smaller and smaller behind the large group until it disappeared behind the trees. Now, she could only look forward on the road.

She was sat in the middle of all the girls, the nobles ladies, Harriett and Galana, her sister and her childhood friend. They were in an open cart with no ceiling so they could take in the fresh air but Aminui assured them he'd do something about it if rain came to disturb them. The old man himself rode at the front of the procession while the girls were all in the middle.

"In the end," Eda asked. "Who's Emp exactly for so many knights to watch over his wife?"

That would be fun to explain. Calla thought while giving her friend a wry smile.