Chereads / The Only Delicacy / Chapter 55 - First Day of School

Chapter 55 - First Day of School

Chapter 55

During the first day of classes, Sir Charles immediately proceeded to his next responsibility for the afternoon, which was particularly teaching at the classroom where his target resided.

As soon as the door opened, the entire rowdy and excited class quieted down as they curiously looked to the new person coming inside.

"So? What do you think of pairing up those two? Aren't they just perfect?!" Nene excitedly whispered to Jojo.

When she had said that out of boredom, Nene never knew that this was the start of their new story, as leaders of their idols fan base.

"Hm? Hey, Jojo! You're not listening again!" Seeing that her best friend was not paying her any attention like always, Nene yelled out in frustration.

However, right after she had yelled that, Nene finally realized that the classroom became silent. In fact, it was so silent to the point that her yell echoed throughout the room!

'Oh no! Was I too loud again?!' Nene's entire face blushed out of embarrassment.

Her eyes instinctively looked all around the room as she hoped she was not the center of attention or the reason the class became silent. But as she unconsciously landed her gaze to where her best friend was looking at, she became stunned into place like the rest of them.

Right then, as if lightning had jolted the life out of them, all of the students widened their eyes and parted their mouths, inviting all of the flies to come in or inviting everyone to smell their good or bad breaths. Of course, this excluded Scarlet and Kyle.

Needless to say, they were mesmerized to the extent that they had become stunned.

They could not believe it. Being a student in this spectacular academy was more than enough of a huge blessing for them, but adding a teacher who was this good-looking?

Had they actually hit the jackpot?

Had they hit a land mine?

The girls loudly squealed out in glee as their souls drifted off to dreamland; the boys' faces sunk as their souls drifted off to the harsh reality land.

The bright future of having girl friends, which was openly laid out onto their hands at first, was gradually flying away!

Despite that, all hope was not gone! They still had one blessing left that they would absolutely not let go of, and that would be the number one beauty, who they had seen during enrollment period, being their classmate!

All of the boys glared at each other, indirectly competing as to who could chase away their rivals and get her heart first.

Meanwhile, all of the girls blushed and looked expectantly at their teacher walking to the platform. They were way too excited that they became oblivious to the men's proxy war.

Before the girl's could ask any questions and before the boys could poke a hole through someone because of their fierce glares, Sir Charles elegantly stood in the platform, placed the huge bundles of papers down and silently stared at them.

Even though his movements were so silent that it could barely be heard, that piercing gaze all brought back their attention as they felt a frosty chill running down their spines.

"Welcome to Grandure Sinclair Academy. This is your first day of school, so as the future of the next generation, I expect all of you to do your part and achieve excellence. Behavior is inseparable to achievement." Sir Charles let out a motivational speech and his composed manner of speaking brightened up and calmed down these past frightened students into a clear state of mind.

Since they passed that difficult entrance exam, of course they would do their part even without him saying that!

They held their heads high as they burst out with strong will and determination to achieve their desired future.

However, his next words were like the raging seas testing and drowning their strongholds.

"Do not be a disgrace to the academy. If you do, the door is freely open to anyone at any given time." His piercing gaze paired with his nonchalant expression swept all across the room as it made all the students drench their backs and foreheads with sweat, excluding Scarlet and Kyle who watched the whole process as if they had already expected it.

How could these poor students not drench in sweat?

Through his gaze and words alone, he was basically telling them that they could be transferred or expelled at any time of the day!

Moreover, his unfeeling poker-face was like a knife that had cruelly stabbed through their hearts, which made them tremble and drench with even more sweat.

Of course, no matter how much they wanted to escape, their feet would not listen to them because their distant futures were more important than their tempting near futures.

Seeing that none of them gave up, Sir Charles became slightly pleased, especially from the nonchalant looks displayed from both Kyle and Scarlet.

'It seemed like this section was filled with determined students, unlike the other classes of this morning.' Sir Charles thought in approval although he displayed not an ounce of satisfaction.

As a matter of fact, he could not help his high disappointment because of how each of the past classes had several students walking out in defeat due to his measly glare and slightly harsh words.

At least one class lived up to his expectation.

But, would they really live up to his expectation in the end?

From that question, Sir Charles let go of all expectations.

Despite feeling pleased, Sir Charles nonchalantly continued, "There will be a test in order to assess how much you have learned. Through this one test, I will know which lessons to focus on and disregard."

These frightened students widened their eyes again and parted their mouths with the desire to complain or say something.

However, nothing came out no matter how many times they opened or closed their mouths.

They burst out with cold sweat as they thought repetitively, 'Please let this not be graded! Please let this not be graded! Let this not be graded! Lord, please!!...'

"This will be graded." As he placed a bundle of papers in the desks of students seating on the front row, Sir Charles mercilessly uprooted the last seeds of hope sprouting within their hearts without one bit of care.

Right then and there, the classroom was filled with gloom and despair as they passed on the papers to the back. Their nightmare had really become a reality.

If they knew this was happening, they would have studied in advance.

No! Whether they knew it or not, it was a given to study despite it being the first day of school! It was only expected since they already knew that this academy was unlike any other!

They lamented over those thoughts and own their stupidity.

Unfortunately, it was already too late to do anything.

This time, all of the girls, who were once stunned by Sir Charles' good looks, had now forgotten their ulterior motives or agenda. Rather than forgetting, they had fully given up on it for it was impossible!

Even those boys, who had once looked down on him out of envy, had completely cast away that thought.

In their minds, they vowed to never mess with this person again! They must also never judge a book by its cover again!

As they answered their test papers with great concentration, they could not help but to sadly anticipate that this was only the start of a hellish future.

Meanwhile, as he efficiently and perfectly arranged the left over test papers for the next batch of unlucky students, Sir Charles never batted an eye on this class' misfortune and gazed at his target from one corner of his eye.

All this while, his target had never once strayed away from her look of nonchalance, even as she answered the test. Unlike the constant looks of hatred, envy and fear he kept on receiving, she only gazed at him out of respect and adoration this whole time.

Though it was only slightly visible, it did not change the fact that it was still there.

As he arranged the papers, Sir Charles never knew that his piercing gaze had greatly softened and that his attention was all captured by her.

However, Sir Charles finally felt and realized the rapid beating of his heart which made him feel slightly complicated.

After arranging the papers, his softened gaze hardened in less than a fraction of a second before going back to his usual expressionless state.

As they answered the test, Sir Charles noticed how fast Kyle took to answer, then followed by Scarlet. Without showing it, he felt pleased when they had passed the papers and disregarded the remaining students' look of envy or amazement directed at them. He never bothered to remind them to review, for that was already something preschools had learned.

However, his pleasure was only short-lived once he had noticed that brat staring at his target for the whole period, strong enough as if he was trying to jab a hole through her.

All this time, Sir Charles never noticed the slight anger plainly written in his blank facade, which chilled the whole classroom and even scared the baby cupid, except for the two students who were in their own state of oblivion.