10 minutes quickly flew by, I woke up and was immediately welcomed by blinding lights, it took me a couple seconds to adjust to it, I wasn't stupid, I had guessed that I had come out of the womb and been welcomed to this strange new world.
I heard a man whispering "Why isn't he crying? Aren't newborns supposed to cry?". I saw the man holding me say "Don't worry sir, there are some occasions where the newborn doesn't cry, in that case we give the baby a little physical stimulation and check for a response." I listened to that voice and guessed that the person who said that was the doctor responsible for delivery, I also guessed that I would soon have my butt slapped. Sure enough, I was right, the doctor promptly slapped my newborn little butt lightly and, even though it didn't hurt, I didn't want to seem like a freak just a few seconds after I was born, so i screamed as loud as I could, sounding as if I was dying of pain. Soon enough the doctor put me down into a beautiful ladies arms. The lady looked at me and said "Hey baby, don't cry, you're safe now, you'll always be safe with us."
I looked around the room and I saw a large man around 2.1 meters tall with a large muscular body, bright blue eyes, blonde hair and a handsome, slightly feminine face, something you'd expect from a boy band member, not someone with the body of a prison gang leader. The man wore a reds martial arts GI with a large symbol on the front of it. I also examined a girl who appeared to be 15 years old, 1 year younger than I was in my past life, though I had matured very quickly due to living on the streets as an orphan all my life. This girl was also very beautiful, seems like beauty was a common trait in this family, this girl had a feminine face, long blonde hair, she had a strangely curvy figure for her age, and wore a crop top with leggings.
Finally looking around the room I noticed 2 figures who emanated a very strong aura, they looked at me with warm eyes, once was a beautiful young man and the other was a beautiful young woman, they were both donned in long robes.
The young looking woman said "O' daughter of mine, what shall you name our beautiful baby boy?!" I immediately took notice of how the woman referred to my new mother as daughter, and talked in this very strangely old fashioned manner.
It seemed she was my grandmother, it's not strange how young she is, i guess... considering that this universe apparently has beings that would rival Gods on Earth.
My mother responded "I've decided to name him Simon. Simon Blackfire, I hope our ancestors bless Simon, my beautiful baby boy.
I heard the teenage girl shriek, unable to hold back her excitement "Simon Blackfire, a name fit for a celebrity. He's so cute too, after twelve years, I'm finally going to be a big sister!!
The man also smiled with both his mouth and somehow even his eyes and said "Kaitlyn, I know you're excited and all, but you must remember the responsibility of being 12 years his senior. While your mother and I will be training, you must take the responsibility of assisting in raising him. It's tradition in our family that the older sibling always looks after the younger one."
The quiet man in the back who i guessed was my new grandfather, said with a smile "Oh yes, my granddaughter, even I a century or so ago, was taken after by my older brother, it's unfortunate that he and his family have to live so far away. No matter however, for no distance will ever damage our bond."
Seemed this wasn't a bad bunch of people, I was still adjusting to this new environment, and had a lot of anxiety as a newborn in a room full of giants. I guess I'm going to spend the next few years just relaxing, like never before. With that, I closed my eyes for a well deserved nap once more.