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Spoiler Oresuki

I Refused To Be Reincarnated

"In order to survive the future great war, we must take drastic measures. We need to summon warriors and train them before time runs out." Thus, millions of earthlings were reincarnated in an alien, medieval world governed by swords and magic to save its prophesied doom. Among those individuals, one's situation inexplicably deviated from the others. Thrust into a rotting house in a ghostly body, Adam found himself bound to a wailing baby. With a heavily damaged soul and the snarky remarks of a system, he began his years-long quest to recover his body. Armed with his mind, he'll educate the baby and slowly watch him turn into a good youth. However, he would have to make a choice: suffer as a ghost until he finds an alternative that might not exist, or possess his body and reincarnate. He was far from imagining how dangerous this world full of possibilities could be, prompting him to question everything he knew... Including himself and this world's intentionally blurred history. ********************************************** Discord server: Note: The MC is not a supporting character or hidden master. It's his story, motivated by his choices and battles, not the baby's. Please don't fall for prejudices like 'I know where this is going,' because spoiler: you definitely don't. ********************************************** What you can expect: -A living world with its own lore. -Each character has their own motivations and desires. -Moral grey story. -An MC who grows and learns little by little. -A long but epic quest. -Badass female chars later in the story. -Cultivation and magic that makes sense.
Adamus_Auguste · 1.3M Views

Der schwächste Biestzähmer bekommt alle SSS-Drachen

"Drachen und ihre Nachkommen beherrschen die Lüfte, das Land und die Meere... die Menschheit überlebt in den Ritzen und träumt von einem Comeback." Macht kommt von dem Biest, das du zähmst. Wölfe, Falken, Schlangen, Spinnen, Chimären, je stärker deine Beschwörung, desto strahlender deine Zukunft. Pech für unseren Protagonisten. Als alle anderen Salamander, Adler, Trollhunde (nicht Doge) oder Tiger beschworen, bekam er... Nun, sagen wir einfach, das Einzige, was in der Nahrungskette noch niedriger steht, ist Dreck. Verlacht, schikaniert und als Zielscheibe jeden Witzes lebend, gewinnt er nicht gerade. Aber Aufgeben ist keine Option... Seine alternden Eltern verkauften alles für seine "gescheiterte" Chance, und er wird nicht zulassen, dass es umsonst war. Aber hey, dies ist seine Geschichte. Der schwächste Biestzähmer? Hier ist die Sache mit dem Dasein ganz unten: Es lehrt dich, wie man klettert. Und Drachen? Stellt sich heraus, sie fangen auch klein an. Während Königreiche unter Gier und äußeren Bedrohungen zerfallen, beginnt der schwächste Zähmer seinen Aufstieg. Folge seinem Weg, während er ein Potenzial freisetzt, das so selten, so erschreckend ist, dass es zu Drachen führt... Jede Evolutionslinie führt zu den stärksten 'SSS-Drachen'. Warnung: Enthält weltenzerstörende Drachen, von Spott angetriebene Außenseiter-Rache, drachenschuppigen Protagonisten, moralisch fragwürdige Adlige, wahnsinnige Kreaturenevolutionen und genug Wendungen, um dich fragen zu lassen, ob schwächste wirklich glücklichste bedeutet. Ein Hauptcharakter, der allen das Gegenteil beweisen will... auch wenn es ihn umbringt. Spoiler-Warnung: Das wird es nicht. Für alle, die jede Menge Spaß lieben, ist diese Geschichte genau das Richtige. Wenn du nach einer dunkleren Geschichte suchst, sieh dich woanders um. Hier geht es darum, Spaß zu haben und Erwartungen zu zähmen. Wenn du mehr über das Cover wissen möchtest: Ja, das ist Luna, die weibliche Hauptfigur... Ihre Haut und Kleidung verwandeln sich durch ihre Drachenkraft in schimmernde Schuppen. Erinnerst du dich an Sailor Moon? Magical Girls? Stell dir vor, das magische Outfit wäre kein niedliches Kleid, sondern ein echter Drache! Der Drache ist das Kleid... Es ist nicht nur Mode; es ist Fusion. Hochstufige Bestien hinterlassen ihre Spuren, und Luna trägt sie wie eine Chefin und zieht den ultimativen Power-Move durch. Alberne Tags, die für manche Leser sehr wichtig zu sein scheinen: Kein Yaoi, Kein Yuri, Möglicherweise Harem, Kein NTR.
Dagzo · 111.5K Views

Lust...Lost...Last Survivor.

[Warning: Mature content, R-18, Sexually explicit content. 100 Chapters done.] LISTEN UP, YOU THIRSTY DEGENERATES! YOU THINK YOU CAN HANDLE THIS SH*T? Forget all that watered-down, fairy-tale bullsht you’ve been spoon-fed. You still here? Well, guess what—you’re about to step into a world where the only rule is to fck sht up and survive. You got demons crawling out of hell and humans so degenerates, they’d trade their own mother for a shot at power. This ain’t no noble quest, it’s a f*cking bloodbath—and you better be ready to get drenched in it. Here’s what you’re about to dive into: • Demons so fine seductive they’ll make you forget what’s right or wrong—who cares when evil looks this damn sexy? • Humans? Hah! They’re more fcked up than the demons! You think they’re the good guys? Guess again, dipsh*t. They’re here to carve out their own slice of hell, and they don’t care whose throat they gotta slit to do it. • Battles so savage, you’ll be choking on blood—if you’re lucky. If you ain’t? You’ll be crawling through the mud, beggin’ for someone to finish you off. Spoiler: They won’t. • Lust? This ain’t romance, you dumb fck. This is raw, filthy, boner-breaking need. Warriors in the heat of battle, ready to fck or kill, sometimes both. And trust me, they don’t care if you watch. "Holy sh*t, I don’t know who’s worse—the demons or the humans!" — Some pervert who thought he was ready for this trash fire. THINK THAT’S IT? HELL NO, YOU DIRTY BASTARD! • Twists so fcking brutal they’ll rip your soul out and use it for target practice. • Choices so fcked up you’ll wish you never had to make ‘em—but guess what? Nobody cares what you wish for, bitch. • A world so black, so hopeless, even the demons are lookin’ for an exit—and there ain’t one, motherf*cker. FINAL WARNING: This ain’t a story for the weak, the clean, or the sane. We got gut-wrenching violence, straight-up vulgar dirty f*cking, and choices that’ll make you puke. If you ain’t down to get your soul violated, turn around and get the f*ck out. This is the point of no return. #DemonsWantBloodAndAss #WuxiaWithZeroF*cks #MoralityIsForTheDead #ThisIsYourNewHell Disclaimer: This story will ruin you. Side effects include sleepless nights, uncontrolled boners, and the overwhelming urge to f*ck, fight, and die all at once. Proceed if you got the balls for it—or not. Cover Art AI Generated.
WoodenPaw · 122.8K Views

Weakest Beast Tamer Gets All SSS Dragons

"Dragons and their spawn rule the skies, the land, and the seas... humanity survives in the cracks, dreaming of a comeback." _____ Power comes from the beast you tame. Wolves, hawks, snakes, spiders, chimeras, the stronger your summon, the brighter your future. Too bad for our protagonist. When everyone else summoned salamanders, eagles, troll dogs(not doge) or tigers, he got… Well, let’s just say the only thing lower on the food chain is dirt. Laughed at, bullied, and living as the butt of every joke, he’s not exactly winning. But giving up isn’t an option... His aging parents sold everything for his "failed" chance, and he won’t let it be for nothing. But hey, this is his story. The weakest beast tamer? Here’s the thing about being at the bottom: it teaches you how to climb. And dragons? Turns out they start small too. As kingdoms crumble under greed and external threats, the weakest tamer begins his rise. Follow his path as he unlocks a potential so rare, so terrifying, it leads to dragons… Every evolutionary line leads to the strongest ‘SSS Dragons’. _______ Warning: Contains world-ending dragons, ridicule-fueled underdog revenge, dragon-scaled protagonist, morally questionable nobles, insane creature evolutions and enough twists to make you wonder if weakest really means luckiest. A MC who’s out to prove everyone wrong… even if it kills him. Spoiler alert: It won’t. For those who love a whole lot of fun, this one’s for you. If you’re looking for a darker story, look somewhere else (Maybe Utopian System (;) This one’s about having fun and taming expectations. _______ If you want to know more about the cover: Yep, that's Luna, the FL... Her skin and clothes are morphing into shimmering scales from her dragon power. Remember Sailor Moon? Magical girls? Now imagine if the magical outfit wasn’t a cute dress, but an actual dragon! The dragon is the dress... It’s not just fashion; it’s fusion. High-level beasts tend to leave their mark, and Luna wears it like a boss, pulling off the ultimate power move. _______ We will use the same Discord from my first book, come join! _______ Silly tags that seem to matter a lot to some readers: No Yaoi, No Yuri, Possibly Harem (Vote! I can write either, and in any case, there will be multiple girls. The only difference is whether he chooses one in the end or goes the "liberal" route.... democracy is yours!), No NTR.
Dagzo · 1.7M Views

O Mais Fraco Domador de Bestas Consegue Todos os Dragões SSS

"Dragões e seus descendentes dominam os céus, a terra e os mares... a humanidade sobrevive nas brechas, sonhando com um retorno." O poder vem da besta que você doma. Lobos, falcões, serpentes, aranhas, quimeras, quanto mais forte sua invocação, mais brilhante seu futuro. Pena para o nosso protagonista. Quando todos os outros invocaram salamandras, águias, cães trolls (não doge) ou tigres, ele conseguiu... Bem, digamos que a única coisa mais baixa na cadeia alimentar é a terra. Zombado, intimidado e vivendo como o alvo de todas as piadas, ele não está exatamente ganhando. Mas desistir não é uma opção... Seus pais idosos venderam tudo para sua chance "fracassada", e ele não vai deixar que seja em vão. Mas bem, esta é a história dele. O domador de bestas mais fraco? Aqui está a coisa sobre estar no fundo: isso ensina você a escalar. E dragões? Acontece que eles também começam pequenos. À medida que reinos desmoronam sob a ganância e ameaças externas, o domador mais fraco começa sua ascensão. Siga seu caminho enquanto ele desbloqueia um potencial tão raro, tão aterrorizante, que leva a dragões... Cada linha evolutiva leva aos mais fortes 'Dragões SSS'. Aviso: Contém dragões que podem acabar com o mundo, vingança do azarão alimentada por ridículo, protagonista com escamas de dragão, nobres moralmente questionáveis, evoluções assustadoras de criaturas e tantas reviravoltas que você se perguntará se o mais fraco realmente significa o mais sortudo. Um protagonista que quer provar que todos estão errados... mesmo que isso o mate. Alerta de spoiler: Não vai. Para aqueles que adoram muita diversão, este é para você. Se você está procurando uma história mais sombria, procure em outro lugar (Talvez Sistema Utopiano (;) Este é sobre se divertir e domar expectativas. Se você quiser saber mais sobre a capa: Sim, essa é a Luna, a FL... A pele e as roupas dela estão se transformando em escamas cintilantes por causa de seu poder de dragão. Lembra da Sailor Moon? Garotas mágicas? Agora imagine se a roupa mágica não fosse um vestido fofo, mas um dragão de verdade! O dragão é o vestido... Não é apenas moda; é fusão. Bestas de alto nível tendem a deixar sua marca, e Luna usa isso como um chefe, realizando o movimento de poder supremo. Vamos usar o mesmo Discord do meu primeiro livro, venha se juntar! Etiquetas bobas que parecem importar muito para alguns leitores: Sem Yaoi, Sem Yuri, Possivelmente Harém (Vote! Posso escrever qualquer um, e em qualquer caso, haverá várias meninas. A única diferença é se ele escolhe uma no final ou segue a rota "liberal"... a democracia é sua!), Sem NTR.
Dagzo · 251.7K Views

Penjinak Binatang Terlemah Mendapatkan Semua Naga SSS

Naga dan keturunannya menguasai langit, daratan, dan lautan... kemanusiaan bertahan di celah-celah, bermimpi untuk bangkit kembali. _____ Kekuatan berasal dari binatang yang kau jinakkan. Serigala, elang, ular, laba-laba, chimera, semakin kuat makhluk panggilanmu, semakin cerah masa depanmu. Sayangnya bagi protagonis kita. Ketika orang lain memanggil salamander, elang, anjing troll (bukan doge) atau harimau, dia mendapatkan… Yah, bisa dibilang satu-satunya makhluk yang lebih rendah dalam rantai makanan adalah tanah. Ditertawakan, dibully, dan hidup menjadi bahan lelucon, dia tidak benar-benar menang. Tapi menyerah bukanlah pilihan... Orang tuanya yang menua menjual segalanya untuk kesempatan "gagal"-nya, dan dia tidak akan membiarkan itu sia-sia. Tapi hei, ini adalah ceritanya. Penjinak binatang terlemah? Inilah hal tentang berada di dasar: itu mengajarkanmu cara mendaki. Dan naga? Ternyata mereka juga memulai dari yang kecil. Saat kerajaan runtuh di bawah keserakahan dan ancaman luar, penjinak terlemah mulai bangkit. Ikuti jalannya saat dia membuka potensi yang sangat langka, begitu menakutkan, itu membawa ke naga… Setiap garis evolusi mengarah pada 'Naga SSS' terkuat. _______ Peringatan: Mengandung naga yang dapat mengakhiri dunia, balas dendam underdog yang didorong oleh ejekan, protagonis bersisik naga, bangsawan dengan moral dipertanyakan, evolusi makhluk gila dan cukup banyak kejutan untuk membuatmu bertanya-tanya apakah 'terlemah' sebenarnya berarti paling beruntung. MC yang berniat membuktikan bahwa semua orang salah… bahkan jika itu membunuhnya. Peringatan spoiler: Tidak akan. Untuk mereka yang menyukai banyak kesenangan, yang satu ini untukmu. Jika kau mencari cerita yang lebih gelap, cari di tempat lain (Mungkin Sistem Utopian (; ) Yang ini tentang bersenang-senang dan menjinakkan ekspektasi. _______ Jika Anda ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang sampulnya: Ya, itu Luna, si FL... Kulit dan pakaiannya berubah menjadi sisik berkilauan dari kekuatan naganya. Ingat Sailor Moon? Gadis ajaib? Sekarang bayangkan jika pakaian magis itu bukan gaun imut, tetapi naga sungguhan! Naga adalah pakaian itu... Ini bukan hanya fashion; ini adalah fusi. Binatang level tinggi cenderung meninggalkan jejak mereka, dan Luna memakainya seperti bos, melakukan gerakan kekuatan pamungkas. _______ Kami akan menggunakan Discord yang sama dari buku pertama saya, ayo bergabung! _______ Tag konyol yang tampaknya penting bagi beberapa pembaca: Tidak ada Yaoi, Tidak ada Yuri, Mungkin Harem (Voting! Saya bisa menulis salah satu, dan dalam hal apapun, akan ada beberapa gadis. Satu-satunya perbedaan adalah apakah dia memilih satu pada akhirnya atau pergi ke "jalur liberal".... demokrasinya milikmu!), Tidak ada NTR.
Dagzo · 42.6K Views


Hi, I’m Liam Remmick, and this is the story of how I killed my father, Steve Nazar—a total douche bag. If you’re gonna listen, I better start from the beginning. Don’t worry about spoilers; I don’t care if I ruin a thing or two. My mom, Shayla Remmick, left me at a young age, and I’ve been fending for myself ever since. She died when I was ten, so yeah, you can guess the rest. Unlike other kids with amazing dads, mine’s an absolute asshole. He fucked my mom, rejected her when she got pregnant, and then tried to eliminate us. Nice guy, right? Mom died protecting me from his assassins. Father of the year. After her death, I bounced between foster homes until they got tired of me. Now, I live in a cave with bats instead of cockroaches—it’s a win, right? I’ve learned to handle them. When I’m not eating bat meat, I hunt for mushrooms, snails, and wild boars—though I’ve only caught broken bones so far. Don’t judge me; I’m an eleven-year-old living alone. …………………………….. A blond-haired man in his fifties stands combat-ready, wielding a sword against a grey-haired man. The grey-haired man, Seth, has a one-bladed scythe floating beside him. “Each time we do this, you’re always the one on the ground. Don’t you think you should give up?” Seth asks, smirking. “This time will be different. I’ll wipe that smirk off your face, Seth,” Steve replies. Their blades clash, sparks flying as they exchange blows. “You’re still as reckless as ever, Steve,” Seth says, dodging a wild swing. “And you’re still as arrogant,” Steve retorts, landing a kick that Seth barely blocks. The two combatants dance across the battlefield, their movements lightning-fast. Seth summons a swirling vortex of shadows, attempting to ensnare Steve. But Steve counters with his “Ten Thousand Swords” technique, unleashing a barrage of sword strikes that shred the shadows. Seth leaps back, avoiding the attacks by mere inches. “You’ve improved.” Steve sneers. “Not enough to take you down?” Seth smiles grimly. “We’ll see.” With a swift gesture, Seth unleashes a wave of dark energy. Steve counters with his sword, channeling a burst of light energy. The two forces collide, unleashing a shockwave that shakes the ground. Their battle rages on, neither warrior yielding. …………………………….. Welcome back. This story isn’t about them; it’s about me. You’ll meet them soon enough. So, do I have your attention? Good! Isn’t this a story you want to see to the end? Let’s begin. Oh, and this story’s called Shadow.
Chime_Chinonso_ · 17K Views

Born in Blood

His mother died when she gave birth to him, his father a physically abusive alcoholic. Life is not kind to Darius King. Darius would have dreams of being in a world of magic, but alas, his dreams would always end. He hated life, and life hated him, so he ended both his and his father's. When reincarnating into a peasant-like lifestyle as Liam, in the town of Ucladd, Darius realizes he has entered the world of cultivation! With his ambitious, ruthless, and curious nature combining into one, he paves a bloody path to power. Shifting his gaze from the Earth towards the Sky, nothing will stop him on his path for strength. "I will touch the stars... or die trying." ==================== Note: NO R-18, R**e, Romance or pre-marital handholding. I take no pleasure in writing such things. There's a bunch of killing and gruesome descriptions though. The novel is a bit slow in the first chapters, but after that, it picks up and gets significantly better. Also, the power system is similar to BotDS, but I've asked the author for permission to use it. It's also heavily inspired my writing, but the beginning is where its most prevalent. Discord: due to spam bots joining, the server is invite only. My discord tag is: covidcandy I welcome criticism and feedback with open arms, as long as it's actual advice. Note, if your review has any spoilers without the spoiler tag, I will have to delete it. One last note, if you're going to, please don't buy privilege by the end of the month since it'll reset at the starting of every month. Art is not mine - source: no clue. Please comment if you want me to take it down.
CovidCandy · 2M Views

The Astral soul system

a calamity once shook the earth and made it seem like extinction of all was certain however amidst the ashes of destruction the earth sudden awakened a latent power which seeped out from its core, transforming the earth and it's inhabitants and granting humans miraculous powers called ABILITIES which were powered by the energy which humans had evolved to harness. plants and animals on the other hand continuously evolved into terrifying beasts with slight semblance to their weaker predecessors. Now, over 3000 years later a mysterious young boy surrounded by strange circumstances,a past shrouded in mystery , and an unusual aura surrounding him finds himself with a mysterious system and in the prestigious sentinel military academy now with a new unknown ally in the form of the system Zen is on a mission for so much more than he knows. will he succeed? especially with literal and figurative ghosts from his past coming back to haunt them and pieces of their mysterious past coming to haunt him? ( wait did i say "them" and "their"? oops spoilers!) [important message] okay so the novel starts out a bit slow with little to no action scenes and more about providing info on the world and the MC Also,truth is i was confused about what to put as a warning notice or whether to put one at all because although the novel might contain some salty language there's really nothing too extreme. also I'd like to guarantee that there are no smut scenes. there might be some times when it almost happens or it did and I might not just go into it in detail or skip it altogether. plus there might be some times with extreme gore and torture both physical and psychological (mostly psychological) especially considering I want who as far as you know is the MC and most characters surrounding him to be as heartless as possible , and I want it to be clear that the MC is by no means a good person and won't hesitate to do some morally questionable stuff to achieve his goals,although not without reason. one last thing is that at first it might seem like I'm trying to make him powerful from the start for no reason but it's mostly due to specific circumstances. okay bye!
DivinityZ · 136.1K Views

White lightning

The writing will get better, after the first volume it will end on 25 to 30 or even less, but after that, I promise you it will get better ——————————————————— At the prestigious Hunter Academy of Erevos, Eno Spencer stood on the cusp of his graduation, just weeks away from a pivotal event that would define his future. This event, seemingly the culmination of his training, would ignite a journey far more treacherous than he could ever anticipate. Beneath the surface, a shadowed force awaited—an insidious presence poised to unravel everything Eno held dear, threatening to consume his very essence and steer his fate into a darkness he couldn’t yet comprehend. ——————————————————— Authur notes sorry about the synopsis being too vague it’s because it’s my first novel and I don’t know how to do synopsis and I didn’t want to accidentally put a spoilers so I made it vague Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve officially released my original novel, White Lightning! To be honest, I’ve had a lot of anxiety about both my novel and my fanfiction. I kept wondering if they were good enough—if my novel sounded too much like a fanfiction, if I could properly stretch out the story and plotlines. It took me a while, but eventually, I realized that none of that really matters. I started writing because I enjoy it—not because I care about whether people think it’s good or not. If they like it, great. If not, that’s fine too. So I’ll say this now: my novel will have a fanfiction-like feel, and I won’t be dragging out the story just to reach thousands of chapters. As for my writing schedule, releases might be a bit random at times since I’ll still be working on my fanfictions. But don’t worry—I’m not abandoning them. My novel, my DC fanfiction, and my Marvel fanfiction will remain my main priorities. The Fairy Tail one, on the other hand, won’t get as much focus, though I’ll still release chapters for it occasionally. Regarding my DC fanfiction, I’ve reached the point where the story enters the comic book timeline. I won’t be releasing any new chapters for it until my Marvel fanfiction reaches that same stage. Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll get there as quickly as we did with the DC one, but we’ll see how things go. That’s all I wanted to say! Thanks for sticking with me, and I hope you enjoy what’s coming next. also the story will get much better after the first volume which should be around 30 chapters
7_night · 3.9K Views

Oshi no ko: Akari Hayaki (FanFiction)

Ai Hoshino, born as an intelligent idol... was murdered. I opened my eyes... "[What is this? W-wait don't tell me...]" Yes, I got reborn to a new life! My mom is just like me, she got pregnant at a young age and gave birth to me when she was 16. She is very cool, a great singer, but full of secrets too. Her name is Akari, which means light. And yes, this story isn't really all about me, but how my mom is able to live her life with her secret child. But though I am curious how my twins are living right now, I can't believe that me and my mom's life, would join into their life too. I just hope they don't caught on to me and my mom's secret! I am no longer Ai Hoshino, but now Ai Hayaki! And this is the life of me and my super duper awesome mom! This is a fanfiction of the anime Oshi no ko! Wednesday or Saturday! (There's a chance I will post 2 chapters a week, but if I don't post on Wednesday, it means ill post on Saturday!) Want to thank you in advance for those who will read! I recommend you guys watch Oshi no ko to understand, but if not, here is a short summary!(but its okay if not since ill add a bit of backstory of each that's connected to the original) Spoiler Alert! Ai Hoshino is an idol who gave birth to twins, Aqua and Ruby, but she needs to keep it a secret so that her fame won't drop and that she can continue being an idol. She loves her children so much but sadly got stabbed in front of her son aqua(Btw the twins were her fans in their past life but when they died, they reincarnated into her babies). So Ai then died, and aqua has a goal to find his father(which is the killer) by joining acting(Aqua is really good at acting), while Ruby is doing idol stuff to become like her mom, Ai. A lot of things happened and I do recommend to watch the anime or read the manga! But I decided to let my story take place during the time when Aqua is making the movie for revenge, but added a little storyline where he is trying to catch his father which I made it up hehe. (I will add that storyline somewhere in the future chapters hehe) Hope you enjoy my story, Peace. Edit: I just realized that I accidentally included this for the spirity awards HAHAHHAHA! That's why I couldn't find anime tags and it isn't part of the fanfic. Hope people find this novel and that this is a fanfic... :D (I might upload an original novel of my own for the awards, hope you guys will like it. Might post it next month tho :D) I made a Twitter account you can follow named- @abe_writes - you can follow if you want :D '_'
Abe_Writes · 76.2K Views

Villain : Conquest

Author: Lone Raut Synopsis (Narrated by Deadpool’s Chaotic Cousin Who Forgot to Take Their Meds): Alright, gather ‘round, folks! Let me spin you a tale so dark it’ll make your therapist retire. Picture this: Yours truly was just another fancy-pants “man of culture” on a serial killer’s hit list—because apparently, collecting rare books and quoting Nietzsche makes you a target. Who knew? (Spoiler alert: I died. Surprise!) But death? Nah, that’s just the opening act. Instead of sweet oblivion, I woke up knee-deep in Saint’s Odyssey—a fantasy novel I once tossed into my “dumpster fire of bad writing” pile. Think Game of Thrones meets Saw, but with more existential dread. And guess what? I’m not the dashing hero. Nope. I’m the guy the author conveniently labeled “Villain.” Cool, right? (Cue jazz hands.) But hold onto your chimichangas, because this “hero”? Oh, he’s a masterpiece of hypocrisy. Smiles like a Disney prince, stabs like a back-alley surgeon. His grand plan? Wipe out half the world because reasons. Classic hero logic! Meanwhile, the gods are upstairs chugging ambrosia and betting on our suffering. Adorable!!!. Well, newsflash, Olympus—I’m hijacking this plot. Reborn with a vendetta and a PhD in chaos, I’m not here to play nice. Rules? Burn ‘em. Heroes? Crush ‘em. World domination? Duh!. This ain’t a redemption arc; it’s a blood-soaked takeover tour. Think Machiavelli with a splash of Joker and a side of espresso. They call me ruthless? Damn right. I’ll out-scheme the schemers, out-betray the traitors, and maybe burn a kingdom or two for aesthetic. The hero thinks he’s pulling strings? Sweetheart, I’m the puppetmaster—and I just cut the threads. Every battle’s a chess move, every ally a pawn, and the board? Oh, it’s dripping in red. And hey, let’s laugh while we’re at it. Ever seen a “chosen one” trip over his own halo? Poetic. Ever roasted a god so hard they literally combust? (Working on it.) This world’s a joke, and I’m the punchline—delivered with a knife. So buckle up, buttercups. The script’s flipped, the crown’s mine, and if the heroes cry about “morals”? Tell ‘em to write a Yelp review. This villain’s rewriting destiny—one corpse at a time. TL;DR: Death was my warm-up. Now? I’m here to conquer, crack jokes, and maybe commit some light treason. World, meet your new overlord. Resistance is hilarious . Hahahahaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
Lone_Raut_ · 770.2K Views

I Didn't Even Want to Live, But God Forced Me to Reincarnate!

A duke’s daughter wanted nothing in her life but the sweet nothingness of death, as she felt like her life served no purpose. Her wish was granted when she was killed in an unfortunate accident, yet in a sudden turn of events, she was forced to reincarnate. As fate has it, she was reborn in her original world, but not directly after her death. As she is living her new life, she tries to forget the pain of her old life. But, what exactly is behind her reincarnation? Will she be able to live her new life to the fullest? This is a slow-paced life journey of a reincarnated girl who's trying to find the meaning behind her past life and reincarnation. -------------------------------------------- ***Note*** : - This story isn't a premium novel here, but if you'd like to support me even further (and gain advanced chapter access + help increasing the novel's update rate), here is my Patreon page: Or if you prefer ko-fi (one time donation), here you go: I'll be very thankful to you if you want to support this novel! ^^ - Chapter numbering or parting in Webnovel will be different than other platforms. - More info about what you can expect from this story (may give a vague spoiler) can be read in the review that I wrote. - If you're interested in joining my Discord server: Thanks for reading and for all who show your support (via comments, powerstones, etc)!
LynneSuzuran · 1.8M Views

The Rise of Quetzalcoatl

Check out my other novels - |Arpious of the Planes| |My Ares System| |Warlock of Wisdom: My Odin System| -- Same Universe - |Arpious of the Planes| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/21/25, in other words, it was March the 21st, 2025. Humanities technology advanced exponentially throughout the years. The only thing that they hadn't focused on for a while was space. The endless abyss that they call space was still unknown to them. Once they colonized their solar system, they thought it wasn't enough. They sent a search party out of their solar system but soon lost contact. Not long after, Earth lost contact with all of the other planets. Then a huge earthquake shook the earth itself and then portals opened up around the world. Soon monsters came out ravaging and flattening cities. Only a brave group of humans entered the portals which they then found multiple discoveries on the other side. They found stones that gave them different abilities and monsters a different world with a boss that lets them exit the portal, which was soon called dungeons. Those 6 friends were then later on called the 6 Primordial Braves. With the news of this, countries all over the world sent in people to retrieve stones, and then they would crush them, granting them abilities. They would then go back in to retrieve more and hand them out to the public. 500 years passed... This isn't the story of a hero. It's the story of a weak girl who was ridiculed and bullied every day because of her low status. And due to her cowardly nature, she was unable to fight back, making more people pick on her. While she was laying in an alleyway, with bruises and cuts all over her body, she saw a green, semi-see-through panel that appeared in front of her. It was like a notification you would see in the VR games from 400 years back. The green panel had a black text that said... [Would you like to become an Ancient Being?] ------------------------------------------------------------------- !Spoiler Below! . . . At the beginning of the novel, there will be a lot of going back and forth between the MC's personality. Plus, most of the problems, in the beginning, will be centered around herself. Also, at the beginning of the novel, there is an act of short and sweet revenge that lingers just a bit longer through the story, but this novel is not revenge-based. The Yuri aspect won't be as heavily used compared to my first novel. The girlfriend is mainly used to help the MC get through the mental box and distorted feelings that the MC has to suffer through at the beginning of the novel. You might dislike the characters that I made Lucy's friends, but I promise you'll change your mind later on. I think... Okay, that should be it! Phew... that was tiring. Time to drink my fourth cup of coffee today... ------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 Power Stones by the weekend = 1 extra chapter 750 Power Stones by the weekend = 2 extra chapters -- Twitter - @equuipwebnovel Discord - equuip#6686 -- Any money you send will help me hire people to create new covers for my novels. -- Cover is not mine. If the owner wants it removed, plz contact me through discord (Rarely check twitter). Source-
equuip · 2.2M Views
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