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Iris Murdoch

Su Esposa Genio es una Superestrella

``` Una hacker mundialmente famosa e hija de la familia criminal más poderosa, que gobernó el inframundo internacional durante muchas generaciones, es asesinada cuando su organización es aniquilada en una sola noche. Renace en el cuerpo de Iris Long, una adolescente cantante de pop, niña fiestera y consentida. Para la antigua princesa del inframundo que vivió una vida sobreprotegida y encadenada, esta nueva vida es una oportunidad para finalmente vivir la vida de libertad e independencia que siempre quiso. Jin Liwei es el hombre más poderoso del mundo empresarial del país. Frío y despiadado, es alguien a quien muy pocos se atreven a ofender. Cuando la infame Iris Long, que solía perseguir a su hermano menor, despierta de un coma de un año, su corazón insensible se conmueve por primera vez y cae perdidamente por esta inesperada chica genial. Ella quiere volar libremente y elevarse alto más allá del cielo. Él quiere todo de ella, atarla a él y nunca dejarla ir. Este es su viaje hacia la superestrellato. Este es su viaje acompañándola. Juntos, sacudirán al mundo mientras enfrentan muchos desafíos. Pero, ¿qué pasará cuando descubra que nunca podrá escapar de las sombras de su vida anterior? ¿Podrá seguir viviendo su soñada vida de libertad e independencia? ¿Podrá él protegerla de los peligros? [Advertencia: Contenido para adultos. Se aconseja discreción al lector.] Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Servidor de Discord: ```
ArriaCross · 304.4K Views

Seluruh Desa Makmur Setelah Mengadopsi Seorang Gadis Keberuntungan

Peluncuran buku baru! "Harta Karun Kecil Beruntung dari Keluarga Petani: Melampaui Batas". Semua investor diundang! Deskripsi Singkat: (Kelahiran Kembali+ Bertani+Gua Ajaib+Menghina Orang Menjijikkan+Menjadi Kaya) Jiang Sanlang menemukan bayi perempuan di bukit, dan membesarkannya sebagai putri kandungnya. Tak lama setelah itu, istrinya yang mandul hamil anak kembar. Kemudian, keluarga Jiang dibanjiri keberuntungan, bertahap memulai jalan menuju kekayaan dari keadaan tanpa uang sepeser pun. Semua warga desa iri dengan keberuntungan keluarga Jiang dan ingin mendapatkan bagian dari keberuntungan si Anak Peri kecil. Yingbao melambaikan tangannya yang mungil: Ayo semua, mari kita tanam emas dan Xue'er. Saya jamin kalian akan memiliki cukup makanan untuk satu tahun, menjadi kaya dalam dua tahun, dan mencapai puncak hidup dalam tiga tahun. Pada akhirnya, semua warga desa memang menjadi kaya, sangat membuat iri desa-desa lainnya. Lalu suatu hari, keluarga yang meninggalkan bayi perempuan itu datang ke keluarga Jiang untuk menuntut anak mereka kembali. Seluruh desa marah, tinju siap di depan pintu: Bah! Orang-orang tak tahu malu berani mencuri anak, seharusnya mereka mencicipi pukulan dulu. Yingbao meninggal, lalu bereinkarnasi. Dia tak pernah membayangkan bahwa dia sebenarnya adalah 'karakter buangan' dari sebuah cerita, dan semua pengalamannya dikondisikan untuk mendorong alur cerita. Dalam kehidupan ini, Yingbao bertekad untuk menjauhi tokoh utama wanita dan karakter pendukung, menghindari semua drama alur cerita. Dia bercita-cita membawa orang tua angkatnya dan saudara-saudaranya ke kehidupan yang baik, membangun rumah yang makmur.
For a long time · 82.3K Views

Tunangan Setan

Cinta yang sejak awal sudah ditakdirkan untuk hancur, usaha yang sia-sia, pertarungan yang tak bisa dimenangkan—dan namun, tidak satu pun hati yang mau melepaskan hingga akhir yang sebenarnya. ----- Arlan Cromwell, puncak dari Pangeran Mahkota yang sempurna. Yang dia inginkan hanyalah menjalani kehidupan normal sebagai manusia tetapi kehidupan seorang naga jauh dari kata normal. Dia hanya memiliki satu tujuan—menemukan tunangannya yang kabur dan memenggal kepalanya. Bagaimana jika dia menemukan bahwa wanita yang telah mencuri hatinya adalah orang yang telah dia berniat untuk membunuh? Oriana, Penyihir Hitam, menyamar sebagai laki-laki, telah menghabiskan seluruh hidupnya dalam pelarian tanpa mengetahui apa yang dia lari dari. Ketika misteri masa lalunya perlahan mengejar dia, dia tidak memiliki siapa-siapa untuk meminta bantuan... kecuali Arlan. Tetapi ketika dia mengetahui bahwa pria yang telah diberikan hatinya adalah orang yang sama yang ingin membunuhnya, bagaimana dia bisa menerima nasib kejam yang telah diberikan kepadanya oleh kehidupan? Dua orang dengan rahasia untuk dijaga, identitas untuk disembunyikan, dan jawaban untuk ditemukan. Ketika kegelapan yang pasti mengancam untuk membawa Oriana pergi, apakah Naga akan bisa melindungi pasangannya? ----- Petikan- “Kalau saya tahu kamu adalah tunangan saya, saya akan membunuhmu pada saat pertama kita bertemu.” Tatapan Arlan menjadi gelap penuh kebencian. “Kalau saya tahu saya bertunangan dengan Anda, saya akan membunuh diri sendiri sebelum Anda membunuh saya!” Oriana mencerminkan emosi yang sama dengannya. Dia mengeluarkan sebuah pisau dan menawarkannya kepadanya. “Belum terlambat. Cukup iris tenggorokan Anda dengan ini dan Anda akan berdarah tanpa rasa sakit.” Dia menerima pisau tersebut, jari-jarinya mencengkeram gagangnya dengan kencang. Saat berikutnya, dia telah menekan Arlan ke dinding dan pisau itu berada di sisi kanan lehernya. “Bagaimana jika saya mencobanya pada Anda terlebih dahulu, tunangan saya?” “Silakan coba. Tapi ketika Anda gagal, pisau ini akan pertama kali merasakan darah kakek Anda, kemudian darah Anda.” Kemarahan muncul di matanya, dan saat berikutnya, darah mengalir di sisi kanan lehernya. Dia memotong cukup dalam untuk memutuskan pembuluh darah penting. “Anda seharusnya tidak menantang saya,” dia menyeringai dan mundur, menunggu dia roboh. Dia hanya tersenyum sinis dan mengusap jari di sepanjang luka dalam di lehernya. “Sepertinya Anda gagal.” Dia menyaksikan luka di lehernya sembuh dengan sendirinya dan merasa terkejut hingga ke tulang-tulangnya. “Anda.. Anda ini apa?” “Tebak?” ----- Instagram- mynovel.20 Facebook- Author mynoveltwenty
Mynovel20 · 12K Views

Alfa: Merenggut Putri Musuhnya

``` “Kenapa kamu punya bekas luka?” Tiba-tiba, Iris mengubah topik, saat ia menatap mata Cane. Ia masih mencengkeram lengan bajunya. “Ayahmu yang memberi,” jawab Cane. Ia berpikir, Iris tidak akan mengingat percakapan ini ketika dia terbangun. “Itu pasti sangat menyakitkan.” “Iya.” “Apakah bekas lukanya bisa sembuh?” “Kurasa tidak.” Memang malam bisa membuatmu rentan dan membiarkanmu mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak akan pernah kamu akui saat terang. Kegelapan melunakkan hatimu. “Sayang sekali. Kamu memiliki jiwa yang hangat.” Iris mengerutkan keningnya sedikit. “Aku tidak lagi memiliki jiwa.” Ia telah menjual jiwanya demi kebebasan orang-orangnya. Kini tidak ada yang tersisa darinya. “Ada, kamu punya, tetapi kamu sedang menderita.” Iris berkedip. “Binatang buasmu sedang menderita. Kamu memiliki begitu banyak bekas luka.” “Bekas luka yang aku punya hanya di wajah.” Iris menggelengkan kepalanya dengan lemah. “Aku tidak berbicara tentang wajahmu. Aku berbicara tentang jiwamu. Sayang sekali, kamu sangat menderita… apa yang ayah dan saudaraku lakukan padamu pasti menyakitkan...” Dan setelah itu, Iris menutup matanya dan tertidur. ====================== Dia adalah anak perempuan dari seorang alfa yang telah membunuh keluarganya, membakar kawanan dan juga menjadikan orang-orangnya sebagai budak. Kini, setelah sepuluh tahun diperlakukan sebagai budak, ia berhasil membalas dendam dan menjalani kehidupan yang tak pernah dibayangkan siapapun. Kehidupan mirip neraka. Dan sepuluh tahun kemudian, Alpha Cane berhasil mengambil alih dan membunuh alfa yang telah membuat kehidupan orang-orangnya lebih buruk dari kematian. Saatnya bagi dia untuk membuat anak-anak alfa tersebut membayar untuk apa yang telah ayah mereka perbuat. Hanya saja… Iris adalah anak yang lemah dan dia sangat berbeda dari ayahnya. ```
i_want_to_sleep · 18.3K Views

O Alfa: Conquistando a Filha do Inimigo

## CONTEÚDO MADURO! ## “Por que você tem cicatrizes?” De repente, Iris mudou de assunto, enquanto olhava nos olhos de Cane. Ela ainda estava agarrada às mangas dele. “Seu pai me deu”, respondeu Cane. Ele pensou que Iris não se lembraria dessa conversa quando acordasse. “Deve ser tão doloroso.” “São.” “As cicatrizes vão sarar?” “Não acredito que sim.” A noite realmente te tornava vulnerável e te fazia dizer coisas que nunca admitiria quando estava claro. A obscuridade amolecia seu coração. “Que pena. Você tem uma alma quente.” Iris franziu a testa levemente. “Eu não tenho mais uma alma.” Ele vendeu sua alma pela liberdade de seu povo. Agora, não restava nada dele. “Sim, você tem, mas está com tanta dor.” Iris piscou. “Sua fera está em dor. Você tem tantas cicatrizes.” “As únicas cicatrizes que tenho estão no meu rosto.” Iris balançou a cabeça fracamente. “Não estou falando do seu rosto. Estou falando da sua alma. Que pena, você está com tanta dor... o que meu pai e irmão fizeram com você deve ser doloroso...” E depois disso, Iris fechou os olhos e adormeceu. ====================== Ela é filha de um alfa que matou sua família, dizimou sua alcateia e também fez de seu povo escravos. Agora, ele alcançou a vingança depois de dez anos sendo tratado como escravo e estava vivendo uma vida que ninguém poderia imaginar. Vida semelhante ao inferno. E dez anos depois, Alfa Cane consegue derrubar e matar o alfa que tornou a vida de seu povo pior do que a morte. Era hora dele fazer os filhos do alfa pagarem pelo que o pai deles havia feito. Apenas... Iris era uma rejeitada e era muito diferente de seu pai.
i_want_to_sleep · 2.1M Views

Death's incarnate

A lot seemed off about him, his hair color had changed from the usual dark brown to white. It was really confusing, early at school his hair was dark brown, so what happened between the few minutes they were apart. "Dean",Audrey hurried towards him but he raised his left hand up to stop her in her tracks. "Don't come any closer", he whispered underneath his breath, with all that his gaze was on the ground "But-", Audrey tried stepping forward. "Don't", he said raising his head to look at her directly,she could see his face clearly now. At school his iris held a little bit of color but right now,it had non. His eyes were so clear he looked blind. "Dean what's happening to you",Audrey cried in panic. She didn't know what was going on with Dean, what hurt her the most was he didn't want her next to him. How can she help him if she can't get close, but even with that she was still stubborn. Dean was at the far end of his room, bit by bit Audrey covered the gap."It's Time",Dean said trying to play down his emotion, but it could'nt be hidden. "What is Time?", Audrey asked confused walking to him slowly. "Dean you're scaring me". As she tried walking towards him, she felt as tho she was being pushed back, the closer the distance between them,the harder it was for her to come close. "Time for me to go-ah",Dean groan holding his side. “Dean!”, Audrey exclaimed, she increased her pace but the force was strong and the injury she had under her feet didn't make it any better. "He has come", he said letting out a dry cough. "Who has come?",Audrey asked. What is time?who has come?, she asked herself. "Mortem", Dean said with short of breath. . Life has never been good to Audrey, after loosing her parents at a tender age. she works extra and hard to make ends meet, she made a friend. Not long after he to was taken. luck hasn't always been on her side, will she pick herself up and keep pushing, or will she succumb to the bad luck holding her down. note: The cover isn't mine,it was gotten from Pinterest. so I give credit to the artist. Disclaimer: everything written here is based on pure imagination The schools, characters and places are not real
young_daily · 62K Views

The Villain's Road To Goodness

Waking up in a forest laying on dirt and grass was something Victor Gray didn't expect after dying. Or at least this isn't how he pictures the afterlife will be, but here he was alive. Naked and afraid. If his memory serves him right, he was brutally stabbed to death in an alleyway. Then the next thing, he woke up surrounded by trees, dirt, and grass as far as he could see. The sight and scent of nature struck his being as a foreign concept to a city guy himself. Was this heaven? He could have honestly believed this so just for his lack of clothing, but there's another bizarre thing. He wasn't in his body, and to add, he was a twenty-six years old man. Not someone who looks barely out of fifteen. His nails can protrude outward like claws that of a cat. And apparently, he has horns sticking out of his head and a tail that has a mind of its own sometimes. His hair was a silky raven black contradicting the previous brown he had before. His dark, sleep-deprived eyes and pale complexion from his countless overtime from an underpaying Job at a firm were replaced with golden iris eyes with healthy tanned skin. He couldn't help but ask, What in the world did he turn into? And what is up with this fancy-looking box thingy flashing in front of his face? ******************************************** [Notice!!] [Villain Summoning Complete!] [Establishing link....] [Notice!!] [Link Established!] [Constructing Mission log....] [Notice!!] [Mission Log Created!] [Main Scenario] [THE RISE OF THE DEMON MONARCH OF DARKNESS] [Become the Demon Monarch: 0/1] [Defeat the Seven heroes of E'lireo: 0/7] [Conquer the Realm of the Goddess Etheria: 0/1] [????] [Do you accept? Y/N] *********************************************************** Btw, this Author is a Master rank Procastinator, so the updates are slow asf, however I do my best in each chapters. So read at your own behest. I like putting some references in my stories, so you should watch out for them.
Tarn1shed_Reborn · 4.6K Views

Room 208

The air hung heavy with unspoken anxieties as Iris walked the sterile hospital corridors. A year. It had been a year since she’d received the devastating news: Iñigo, her beloved boyfriend, was dead. The pain still felt raw, a constant ache in her chest. She'd mourned him fiercely, the void his absence left echoing in her heart. Little did she know, the truth was far more complicated, twisted by a mother's disapproval and a desperate attempt to keep them apart. Iñigo’s mother, a woman whose disapproval Iris had always felt like a cold wind, had whisked him away to the States, a calculated move to sever their connection. She’d believed that distance, the vast expanse of the ocean, would be enough to erase Iris from Iñigo's life. But fate, it seemed, had other plans. Dr. Millie’s voice, crisp and professional, broke through Iris’s somber thoughts. "Iris, you're assigned to assist the patient in Room 208. He was recently transferred from the U.S.A." The doctor handed her the file. Iris took it mechanically, her mind already racing. The familiar chill that always accompanied thoughts of Iñigo's mother settled over her. This was no coincidence. A strange premonition tightened its grip on her, a knot of dread forming in her stomach. She felt a cold dread creeping up her spine. As she approached Room 208, a wave of nausea washed over her. She hesitated, her hand trembling as she reached for the door handle. A deep breath, a silent prayer, and then—she opened the door. The sight that greeted her stole the breath from her lungs. There he was, pale but undeniably Iñigo, lying in the hospital bed. Time seemed to stop. The world dissolved into a dizzying blur of disbelief and overwhelming emotion. A strangled gasp escaped her lips. He was alive. The carefully constructed wall of grief she’d built around her heart crumbled. A torrent of emotions – shock, relief, disbelief, and a bitter taste of betrayal – flooded her. All the pain, the tears, the emptiness… all for nothing? The file slipped from her numb fingers, landing silently on the floor. He was alive, and his mother had lied.
Yxenni · 2.4K Views


Sebuah retakan misterius muncul dan mengubah seluruh sistem tatanan dunia. Para peneliti mencoba memastikan tentang sesuatu yang mereka sebut retakan dimensi. sebab retakan misterius yang disebut retakan dimensi mengeluarkan energi aneh. Sebuah energi yang tidak diketahui oleh para peneliti manusia di bumi karena baru pertama kali melihatnya. "Monster Dimensi" Itulah teriakan yang sering terdengar ketika manusia melihat monster keluar dari retakan dimensi. Fenomena kemunculan monster dimensi masih menjadi perdebatan para peneliti. Namun fenomena itu tidak hanya membuat kekacauan, tapi juga memakan banyak korban. Sampai akhirnya sosok manusia yang disebut etranger muncul dan membunuh monster dimensi. "Etranger yang bisa mengalahkan monster dimensi adalah kunci utama untuk keselamatan umat manusia." Begitulah argumen Presiden Amerika ketika melakukan pertemuan darurat tentang kemunculan monster dimensi. Dunia telah menganggap keberadaan etranger merupakan kondisi istimewa yang menguntungkan manusia. Namun tidak semua kekuatan mendatangkan kebaikan, sebab tidak semua orang bisa menjadi etranger. "Kami kaum elit yang telah berkuasa jauh lebih pantas mendapatkan kekuatan itu dari pada rakyat jelata...!" Rasa iri terus menghiasi orang-orang yang tidak mendapat kekuatan untuk menjadi seorang etranger. Tingkat kejahatan di sebuah negara yang tidak bisa mengatur etranger pun meningkat dengan pesat. Indonesia juga termasuk negara yang pernah mengalami krisis akibat ulah para etranger. Pembunuhan, pemerkosaan, pencurian, dan banyak kejahatan lainnya yang melibatkan para etranger. Rigma Sanja Dawala, anak dari seorang peneliti dan Jenderal Besar Militer Indonesia yang tidak menyukai etranger. Di tengah kekacauan dunia, rigma lebih memilih menjadi seorang peneliti. Rigma mencoba mencari pengetahuan tentang sumber kekuatan etranger. Segala macam jenis pengetahuan tentang etranger terus dipelajari olehnya. Semua itu dilakukan karena sosok terpenting baginya terkena penyakit kontaminasi jiwa akibat serangan monster dimensi. Sampai akhirnya muncul kondisi dimana rigma hampir mati karena serangan monster dimensi peringkat SS+. Di saat kritis rigma masih memikirkan keselamatan temannya, hingga sebuah suara terdengar. "Terimalah kontrak ini untuk membuat kami bertiga menjadi milikmu." Tiga jiwa pengelana menawarkan kontrak saat rigma hampir mati untuk membuatnya menjadi etranger. Rigma pun terpaksa menjadi etranger untuk menolong teman sekelasnya di universitas. "Kami, sosok yang sering disebut Raja terkuat akan membantumu menemukan jawabannya."
KannaSayu · 272.1K Views

Vengeance After High School

In the prestigious Institute of All Stars Universal, nestled in the glittering heart of Australia, power isn't just taught—it's inherited, fought for, and sometimes stolen. Behind its imposing gates, a story of love, betrayal, vengeance, and earth-shattering secrets is about to unfold. Iris Smith appears to be just another privileged 18-year-old heiress—the beloved daughter of Australia's financial titans, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. But beneath her sweet demeanor and shy smiles lies an extraordinary truth: since age 14, she's been secretly outmaneuvering even her parents in the business world, wielding powers that would make their empire look like a mere stepping stone. It's a talent she's kept hidden from everyone, including those closest to her heart. When betrayal strikes from the two people she trusted most—her boyfriend Brenton and best friend Naima—Iris's world shatters. The devastating blow transforms her from a quiet powerhouse into someone even she doesn't recognize. Just as she builds her walls higher, fate throws her into the orbit of Aiden Mayers—the notorious campus playboy, son of a prominent politician, and the face of Agatha Modelling Institute. He's everything she's trying to avoid: charming, dangerous, and impossible to ignore. Within the Institute's divided departments, where alliances shift like sand and power plays unfold daily, Iris faces a choice that could reshape not just her future, but the entire hierarchy of their world. Will she risk opening her wounded heart to the one person who could either heal or destroy it completely? Or will she channel her pain into becoming the kind of ruler that makes even kings tremble? As love and rivalry collide, one question remains: In a game where talents can topple empires and secrets can kill, who will Iris choose to be—the princess everyone underestimated, or the queen no one saw coming? Prepare to be drawn into a world where power wears a designer label, love comes with a price tag, and revenge is served at a temperature that burns everything in its path. Welcome to the Institute of All Stars Universal, where nothing is quite what it seems, and everyone has something to hide.
Sisey_TB · 2.4K Views

Gears of Eternity: The Anvil of Souls

Gears of Eternity: The Anvil of Souls A Steam-Punk Odyssey Where Broken Gears Birth New Gods IN THE YEAR OF COGWORK 237, When the Eternal Forge explodes, unleashing ERROR#47 corruption chains across three realms, blacksmith Aiden Anvil discovers his split iris holds more than 24 personalities—it's a cosmic forge where each fractured soul can reshape reality. THE CLOCKWORK APOCALYPSE BEGINS WHEN: Steam City's Blueflame Court orders mass memory purges through dwarf-crafted "Soul Crystals" The Dwarven Kingdom's star-map traps reveal mathematical plagues devouring constellations God's Klein Bottle Defense starts birthing stillborn galaxies in Vivian's stardust-woven womb TO SURVIVE THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL APOCALYPSE, AIDEN MUST: Master weapons that bleed memories: Spring's Sakura Bow (each petal steals a lover's whisper) Winter's Ice Caliper (measures time in dying star tremors) Navigate warped battlefields where: Every gear turn in Steam Court overwrites someone's identity Memory Mines convert thoughts into combustible currency Celestial Forges demand sacrificial equations written in bone Choose between: Purifying Vivian's cosmic pregnancy (triggering Geneva Convention's Anti-Messiah Clause) Letting his 13th personality forge the "Perfect Machine Heart" (erasing human flaws... and humanity) WITNESS THE GRAND MECHANISM CRUMBLE WHEN: Ash Elin's ERROR#47 chains rewrite reality's source code (Ch.35 Airship Inferno) Rusty Maggie auctions the last antidote for mathematical plagues (Ch.180 Black Market Requiem) The final showdown at Corrupted Zodiac Forge demands payment in paradoxes (Ch.200 Eternity's Blueprint) THIS IS NOT A STEAM-AGE REBELLION. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN GOD'S TOOLBOX FALLS INTO BROKEN HANDS. "A masterwork where Blake's 7th forge meets Gibson's neural lace." — SteamPunk Quarterly
Emilia_fisher · 5.8K Views

His Genius Wife is a Superstar

A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal family who ruled the international underworld for many generations is killed when their organization is annihilated in a single night. She is reborn into the body of Iris Long, a teenage pop singer, wild party girl, and spoiled brat. For the former princess of the underworld who lived an overprotected and shackled life, this new life is a chance to finally live the life of freedom and independence that she always wanted. Jin Liwei is the most powerful man in the country's business world. Cold and ruthless, he is someone only a few dare offend. When the infamous Iris Long, who used to chase his younger brother, wakes up from a year-long coma, his unfeeling heart moves for the first time and he falls hard for this unexpected genius girl. She wants to fly freely and soar high beyond the sky. He wants her everything, to tie her to himself and to never let her go. This is her journey to super stardom. This is his journey in accompanying her. Together, they will rock the world while facing many challenges. But what will happen when she discovers that she can never escape from the shadows of her previous life? Will she still be able to live her dream life of freedom and independence? Will he be able to protect her from the dangers? [Warning: Mature Content. Reader discretion is advised.] ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Discord Server:
ArriaCross · 43.4M Views
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